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(DE) at
What is it and why is it
Blair Nelson
Research Questions & Targets
01 02 03
What does How do students How familiar are
implementation utilize dual students with DE?
of our DE enrollment
program look opportunities?

Increased Increased DE
knowledge info and
and interest outreach
in DE (students &

01 02 03 04
What is Dual What does it look What do students Data-Based Future
Enrollment? (DE) like at CMHS? think about it? Implications
Opportunities Recruitment Perception What can we do
Benefits Enrollment Barriers moving forward?
What is Dual Enrollment?

Why would our students be

Dual Enrollment is an opportunity for HS students to take college level
01. What is Dual Enrollment? courses and receive early credit. They are exposed to topics not offered at
a traditional high school!

Opportunities at CMHS

1. On Campus classes with Coastline College

a. Students take classes after school (2x/week for 3 hours at a
b. Class is taught by a Coastline professor
2. Independent classes at any neighboring community college (must fill
out a special admit form and take eligible class)

1. Students receive early college credit, transferable to UC/CSU as
elective credit
2. Cost is minimal ($23 for on campus class)
3. Chance to learn about something new/different
4. Contributes to College & Career Readiness (CCI Indicator)
What does it look like at
Classroom Visits: 15 English
Spring Class
(SY 2019-2020) Periods

Number of Mass Emails sent via

Schoolloop(Nov-Feb): 5
*not including f/up w/students

Average % of students
reading emails: 30.2%

Other advertisement:
Final Number of Students in Flyers (C&CC, Front Bulletin,
Who recruits and registers? Class: 16 English classes, Counseling
One counselor/counseling Hall)
Dual Enrollment (DE) Graphic Reconstruction
Problems Actions Targets

Distribution of a DE survey Share barriers w/CCs to help

Low DE enrollment
that is informative and brainstorm/collaborate on
enrollment numbers
information gathering further action items .
(9th-12th) Communicate to families.
Increased college matriculation rates
from CMHS (CC and 4 Year)
Understanding barriers Higher DE enrollment numbers
Low percentage of
DE knowledge
Increased college matriculation rates
Advertisement through different mediums (social from CMHS
media, flyers, classroom posts, etc. )

Students from CMHS are college

and/or career ready
Few opportunities to learn Embedded information in grade level
about DE (students & classroom presentations and registration
families) (9-12)
Students & families understand the
benefits of DE

Embedded information in parent nights/

presentations (ie. Spring Spotlight & Incoming Parent
Classes offered within NMUSD

History of Rock and Career & Introduction to History &

Roll Life-Planning* Business Appreciation of

*Offered within last

4 years at CMHS
Child Growth &* Developmental Introduction to
Development Psychology Sociology *
Through the
DE History

Spring Spring
2017 2018
Intro to Intro to
Sociology Philosophy

Fall 2016 Enrollment: 21

Fall 2017 Enrollment: 23

Strategies for Strategies for

College Success College Success

Enrollment: 26 Enrollment: 35
students Students
DE History

Fall 2018 Spring

Child Growth & 2020
Enrollment: 15
(Didn’t run)
Spring Enrollment: 16
2019 (4 last minute
Intro to

Enrollment: 13
(Didn’t run)
What do students think
about it?
Survey Respondents: 14 Students
● 9th Grade: 7
● 10th Grade: 5
● 11th Grade: 2
78.6% of the
respondents know what
DE is!

78.6% of the
respondents are unsure
or do not know who to
talk to about Dual
1. After school

2. No idea
what it was
Top Barriers

3. Busy with AP

4. Don’t
the benefit

5. Too busy *Responses from students who did not know what
with regular DE was, or who knew and did not take a class (n=13)
81.8 % of the
respondents who did
not know what DE was
learned something new
from the survey!

The one student who took the class did so because……

“I received early college credit
I got to take a class that interested me
I thought it was a better opportunity to get college credit than AP classes
I want to be able to use them for my future college applications
It looks good on my resume”
Future Implications
Amount of respondents who want to learn
more about DE and the steps to sign up!
1. Schoolloop*

2. A classroom
presentation by the

3. A one-on-one
meeting with my

*Reminder: Only 30.2% look

at schoolloop
School-wide emphasis/importance of Schoolloop
Future Action communication and other modes of communication
● Have students follow counseling IG in classroom

Dedicate more time to explain DE in counseling

lessons/parent nights/individual student meetings
● Identify who students need to talk to (counselor)
● Where to pick up form/register online
● Benefits and clear deadlines
● Eligibility

Clear collaboration with Coastline liaison/communication of

● Coastline rep can help recruit and visit classrooms
● Coastline rep can register all students online on campus
once paper forms are returned
● Work to offer the classes our students want
Future Action
Record-keeping of DE Interest & Enrollment
● Keep running spreadsheets of students interested from
● Document past rosters for targeted future recruitment

Include paper DE form in course registration

● Having it completed early will help DE registration be
less tedious
● Students will only have to fill out online portion when the
time comes
Hunt, E., & Carroll, C. E. (2006). Florida’s dual enrollment initiative: How state policy influences
community colleges’ service to underrepresented youth. New Directions for Community
References Colleges, 2006(135), 39–47.

Mechur Karp, M. (2012). “I don’t know, I’ve never been to college!” Dual enrollment as a college
readiness strategy. New Directions for Higher Education, 2012(158), 21–28.

Pretlow, J., & Patteson, J. (2015). Operating Dual Enrollment in Different Policy Environments: An
Examination of Two States. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2015(169), 21–29.
Our students are interested! They just
don’t understand the benefits, if they
are eligible, who to talk to, and how to
sign up!

Blair Nelson
CREDITS: This presentation template was
created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon,
and infographics & images by Freepik.

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