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English II

Title of the paper

Evaluative Workshop

Author’s name (with ID)

Andrea Liliana Ortega Roso ID 600589

Teacher’s name
Liliana Lombana

Colombia, Guadalajara de Buga September, 12, 2019

Before starting to develop these activities, please answer the following question:

Do you agree about considering this evaluative workshop as part of first test with a
percentage of 50%? (the forums, quizzes and assignments will be the other 50%)

Yes x Not

This workshop has 4 parts (grammar, Reading, writing and share your opinion). You must read carefully each
statement and give your answer.

Choose the best answer

1. My family and I visited a museum 9. We moved to this city three years
… weekend. ….
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday
2. We ate some rice and vegetables 10. Where did you and your family go
for lunch ... afternoon. on holiday … year?
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday
3. I went to bed at ten o’clock … 11. Frodo decided to visit his uncle …
night. November.
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday
4. Sam travelled to Australia a few 12. Mary and her sister were at the
months …. library two days ….
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday
5. (A) Where’s Jenny? 13. What time did you arrive at the
(B) I saw her just a minute … shopping mall …?
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday
6. My brother and I saw a great movie 14. How many years … did you change
… evening. your job?
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday
7. Did you pass the grammar test … 15. I saw a doctor … week because I
Monday? was sick.
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday
8. I was late for work … morning. My 16. (A) When did the class start?
boss was furious! (B) It started an hour ….
a) ago a) ago
b) last b) last
c) yesterday c) yesterday

17. The auxiliary of past simple

Select one:
a. will
b. does
c. do
d. did

18. You only add ed to irregular verbs.

Select one:

19.which sentence is wrong X ?

a.She didn´t speak English

b.She didn´t spoke English

20.Which of the following are past expressions(you can select more than one option)?
select one or more:
a. right now
b. today
c. last night
d. yesterday

21We use in past simple the auxiliary ‘have’ to form questions and negatives.
Select one:
31.Search on internet, a book or an
article about an author who have spoken
about the career you are
studying.Taking into account the
arguments or postures of that autor build
and write a short paragraph where you
speak in past simple about your career.

Write here:
One of the authors who are recurring in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration career are
those belonging to the OSALAN group. They are a group from Spain, who conduct research, advise and
control part of this market. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has long been carried
out as part of a program that controls and prevents illnesses and accidents at work.

32. write about : how was your childhood? (your memories and remarkable events) include a
My childhood was fun, I lived from the age of 5 with my cousins and an aunt in a town in Valle del
Cauca, there I learned to ride a bicycle, to paint, to read in quantity and to draw. At 8 years old I came to
live with my mother again and it was also very good. With her I learned to be independent and to perform
my school duties in a correct and fulfilled way. I didn't have many friends, I've always been lonely. In the
high school stage I found friends with whom I am still dating.

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