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Analysis of Tension Members

Moayyad Al Nasra, Ph.D, PE

(c) Al Nasra
Analysis of Tension Members

Moayyad Al Nasra, Ph.D, PE

(c) Al Nasra 2
Analysis of Tension Members

• Types of tension members:

– L- section,
– round bars,
– flat bars,
– double-angle,
– T-section,
– I-section,
– built-up

(c) Al Nasra 3
Strength of tension members
AISC 14th edition page 16.1-26

a.) Gross-section

Pn= Fy.Ag AISC D2-1



b.) Net-section

Pn=Fu.Ae AISC D2-2



(c) Al Nasra 4
The design strength of a tension member

Φt.Pn, is to be the smaller of the above equations


Pn = nominal tensile force

Pu = ultimate tensile strength

Fy = yield stress

Fu = ultimate stress

Ae = effective area

Ag = gross area

(c) Al Nasra 5
Net Area

(c) Al Nasra 6
• Net area = gross area – areas of holes
• Holes are usually punched 1/16 inch larger
than the diameter of the bolt. Also the
punching of the hole is assumed to damage or
even destroy 1/16 inch more of the
surrounding metal. Therefore the area of the
hole is 1/8 inch in diameter larger than the bolt
• Example 2-1:
– Net Area=An=(3/8)(6)-2[3/4+1/8](3/8)=1.59 in2

(c) Al Nasra 7
Effective area

• To account for the non-uniform distribution of

stresses at the connection sections, a
reduction factor will be introduced. The
further the section from the connection the
more uniform the stress becomes

(c) Al Nasra 8
• (concentration of stresses around the holes).
Therefore AISC introduced a reduction

• factor, U, so that
– Ae=AnU AISC D3-1 (AISC 14th pp. 16.1-27)

• Where U = shear lag factor determined from

table D3.1 AISC 14th pp.16.1-28
– U=1-x/L for tension members see case 2 table D3.1

(c) Al Nasra 9
• (table D3.1 AISC 14th edition steel design
manual shows that for W, M, S section use
U=0.9 for bf≥2/3 d, and use U=0.85 for bf<2/3
• Where:
– L= length of a connection
– X= distance measured from the plane of the
connection to the centroid of the area of the whole
section. Can be obtained from the AISC manual.

(c) Al Nasra 10
• Example: Determine the LRFD tensile
strength of a W10X45 with two lines of ¾
inch bolts in each flange using A572 grade 50
steel, with Fy=50 ksi, and Fu = 65 ksi, and the
AISC specification. There are assumed to be at
least three bolts in each line 4 inches on center,
and the bolts are not staggered with respect to
each other.

(c) Al Nasra 11
(c) Al Nasra 12
• From AISC manual W10x45 (Ag=13.3 in2,
d=10.10 in., bf=8.02 in., tf=0.620 in.), Also
• WT5x22.5, x=0.907 in. ( half of W10x45)
• Pu= Φt. Fy.Ag=(0.90)(50)(13.3)=598.5 k
• An= 13.3-4(3/4+1/8)(0.620)=11.13 in2
– But, bf=8.02”>(2/3)d=(2/3)10.1=6.73, from case 7
AISC 14th manual table 3.1, U=0.9 pp. 16.1-28
• Use U=0.9
• Ae=U.An=((0.90)(11.13)=10.02 in2
• Pu=Φt.Fu.Ae=(0.75)(65)(10.02)=488.5 K
• Therefore the LRFD tensile strength of the section
is 488.5 K

(c) Al Nasra 13
Bolted splice plates
• For bolted splice plates
• Ae=An≤0.85 Ag

• Example 2-2
• Same as example 2-1
• Ag=(3/8)(6)=2.25 in2
• 0.85Ag=0.85(2.25)=1.91 in2
• Ae=An=1.59 in2 < 0.85Ag=1.91 in2

(c) Al Nasra 14
Effect of Staggered Holes

(c) Al Nasra 15
• The joint will fail at the weakest section
• To compute the net width of a tension member
along a zig-zag section:
– Net width=gross width-diameter of holes along the
zig-zag section + S2/(4g)

• Example Determine the critical net area of ¼ “
thick plate. The holes are punched for ¾” bolts

(c) Al Nasra 16
(c) Al Nasra 17
• Solution: Possible sections are abc, and abde.
• Hole diameters to be subtracted =3/4+1/8=7/8
• Net width:
– Abc: 7-7/8 = 6.125 in.
– Abde: 7-2(7/8)+42/(4x3)=6.58 in.
• Therefore the section abc controls, net
• Net area=An=6.125(1/4)=1.53 in2
(c) Al Nasra 18
• Example: Design bolts configuration by
optimizing the failure mechanism, using the
previous example.
• Change the value of, S, to make the net width
of abc, the same as the net width of abde.
• 6.125=7-2(7/8)+S2/(4x3) then solve for
S=3.24 inch

(c) Al Nasra 19
Net Area
• In General
– bn=b – Σ dh + Σ (s2/4g)


(c) Al Nasra 20
Net Area
• Where
– bn = net width
– b = gross width
– dh = width of hole ( diameter)
– s= pitch spacing
– g = gage spacing
For members of uniform thickness, t, then
 An = bn.t

(c) Al Nasra 21
Net Area
• For members of non-uniform thickness, the net
area can be calculated as follows:

• An= Ag – Σ dh.t + [Σ (s2/4g)] . t

• The critical net area is the net area having the

least value. It is obtained by checking all
possible failure paths

(c) Al Nasra 22
Net Area, Example
• Compute the net area of the 7/8 X 12 plate
shown. The holes are for 3/4 –in bolts
¾ - in. bolts 7/8 X 12 –in plate

3 in
3 in

3 in

3 in


(c) Al Nasra 23
Net Area, solution

3 in
B 3 in
3 in
3 in

1.5-in =s

(c) Al Nasra 24
Net Area, Solution
• Net width
– ABCD = 12 – (2)(3/4+1/8)=10.25 in.
– ABECD = 12 – (3)(3/4+1/8) + (2)[1.52/(4x3)]=9.75
– The 9.75 is the lowest and it governs

Net area = (9.75)(0.875)= 8.53 in2

(c) Al Nasra 25
Effective Net Areas
• When a member other than a flat plate or bar is
loaded in axial tension until failure occurs across
its net section, its actual tensile failure stress
will be probably be less than the coupon tensile
strength of the steel, unless all of the various
elements which make up the section are
counted so that stress is transferred uniformly
across the section

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• In the transition region the stress in the
connected part of the member may very well
exceed Fy, and go into the strain – hardening
range. Unless the load is reduced, the member
may fracture prematurely. The farther we move
from the connection, the more uniform the
stress becomes. In the transition region, the
shear transfer has “lagged” and the
phenomenon is referred to as “shear lag”

(c) Al Nasra
• In such a situation, the flow of tensile stress
between the full member cross section and the
smaller connected cross section is not 100
percent effective. As a result, the AISC
Specification (D3) states that the effective net
area, Ae, of such a member is to be determined
by multiplying as area, A, ( which is the net or
gross area or directly connected area) by a
reduction factor U. The use of a factor such as U
accounts for the non-uniform stress distribution,
in a simple manner.

(c) Al Nasra
• Ae= An( U )
• The value of the reduction coefficient, U, is
affected by the cross section of the member and
by the length of its connection.

(c) Al Nasra
The area effective in resisting tension can be appreciably increased by shortening the width of
the unconnected leg and lengthening the width of the connected leg, as shown

(c) Al Nasra
• One measure of the effectiveness of a member
such as an angle connected by one leg is the
distance, X, measured from the plane of the
connection to the centroid of the area of the
whole section. The smaller the value of X, the
larger is the effective area of the member, and
thus the larger is the member’s design strength.

(c) Al Nasra
Bolted Members
• Should a tension load be transmitted by bolts, A
equals the net area An of the member and U is
computed as follows:
• Ae= An( U )
• Table D3.1 of the AISC 14th ed. Specification
provides a detailed list of shear lag factors U for
different situations pp. 16.1.28.

(c) Al Nasra
• Determine the LRFD tensile strength and the
ASD allowable tensile design strength for a
W12X30 with two lines of ¾ -in diameter bolts
in each flange using A572 Grade 50 steel, with Fy
= 50 Ksi, and Fu= 65 ksi, and the AISC
Specification. There are assumed to be at least
three bolts in each line 4 in. on center, and the
bolts are not staggered with respect to each
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution
• Using W12x30 (Ag= 8.79 in2, d= 12.3 in, bf= 6.52,
tf= 0.440 in)
• Nominal or available tensile strength= Pn= FyAg =
(50 ksi)(8.79 in2)=439.5 k
• A.) Gross section yielding
• LRFD with φt=0.9, φt Pn=0.9(439.5)=395.55 k
• ASD: Ωt= 1.67, Pn/ Ωt=438.5/1.67=263.2 k

(c) Al Nasra
• B.)Tensile rupture strength
• An = 8.79- (4)(3/4+1/8)(0.44)=7.25 in2
• Referring to tables in Manual for one half of
W12X30 (WT6X15)m we find
• bf=6.52 < (2/3) d= (2/3)(12.3)=8.2 in
• U from Table D3.1 case 7 is 0.85

(c) Al Nasra
• Ae= UAn =0.85(7.25)=6.16 in2
• Pn= FuAe=(65)(6.16)=400.56 k

• LRFD: φt=0.75, φt Pn=0.75(400.56)=300.4 k

• ASD: Ωt= 2.00, Pn/ Ωt=400.56/2=200.3 k

(c) Al Nasra
• Determine the LRFD design strength and the
ASD allowable strength for an A36 (Fy=36 ksi,
Fu= 58 ksi) L6X6X3/8 in that is connected at its
ends with one line of four 7/8 in diameter bolts
in standard holes 3 in on center in one leg of the

(c) Al Nasra
• Solution:
• Using an L6x6X3/8 (Ag=4.38 in2, y=x=1.62 in)
nominal or available strength of L
• Pn= FyAg= (36 ksi)(4.38 in2)= 157.7 k
• A.) Gross section yielding
• LRFD: with φt=0.9, φt Pn=0.9(157.7 k) =141.9k
• ASD: Ωt= 1.67, Pn/ Ωt=157.7/1.67=94.4 k

(c) Al Nasra
• B.) Tensile rupture strength
• An = 4.38 in2-(1)(7/8+1/8)(3/8)=4.00 in2
• Length of connection = L= 3(3 in) = 9 in.
• U=1-x/L=1-1.62/9=0.82
• From case 8 AISC 14th manual table D3.1 for 4 or
more fasteners in the direction of loading, U=
0.80. Use calculated U=0.82 (if U is calculated
per case 2 Table D3.1, the larger value is
permitted to be used)

(c) Al Nasra
• Ae= AnU=(4.00 in2)(0.82)=3.28 in2
• Pn=FuAe=(58 ksi)(3.28 in2)= 190.2 k
• LRFD: φt=0.75, φt Pn=0.75(190.2)=142.6 k
• ASD: : Ωt= 2.00, Pn/ Ωt=190.2 / 2 =95.1 k

(c) Al Nasra
Welded Members
• When tension loads are transferred by welds, the rules
from AISC Table D3.1, that are to be determine values for
A and U ( Ae as for bolted connections = AU) are follows:
• 1.) Should the load be transmitted only by longitudinal
welds to other a plate member, or by longitudinal welds
in combination with transverse welds, A is to equal the
gross area of the member Ag.
• 2.) Should a tension load be transmitted only by
transverse welds, A is to equal the area of the directly
connected elements and U is equal 1.0, and An = area of
the directly connected element ( Case 3 in Table D3.1)

(c) Al Nasra
• 3.) Tests have shown that when flat plates or
bars connected by longitudinal fillet welds are
used as tension members, they may fail
prematurely by shear lag at the corners if the
welds are too far apart. Therefore, the AISC
Specification states that when such situation are
encountered, the length of the welds may not
be less than the width of the plates or bars. The
letter A represents the area of the plate, and UA
is the effective net area. For such situation the
values of U to be used ( AISC 14th ed. Pp.16.1.28
Specification Table D3.1, Case 4) are as follows

(c) Al Nasra

L ≥ 2 W use U= 1.0
2W > L ≥ 1.5 W use U= 0.87
1.5W > L ≥ W use U= 0.75

(c) Al Nasra
• The 1x8 in plate shown in connected to 1x12 in plate with
longitudinal filler welds to transfer a tensile load. Determine the
LRFD tensile design strength and the ASD allowable tensile
strength of the member if Fy=50 ksi and Fu = 65 ksi

PL 1x12

W=8 in

fillet welds L=10 in
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution : Considering the nominal or available
tensile strength of the smaller PL 1x8
• Pn= FyAg= (50 ksi)(1x8) = 400 k
• A.) Gross section yielding
• LRFD: with φt=0.9, φt Pn=0.9(400 k)= 360 k
• ASD: : Ωt= 1.67, Pn/ Ωt=400/1.67 = 239.5 k

(c) Al Nasra
• B.) Tensile rupture strength
• 1.5 W = 1.5 (8) 12 in > L = 10 > w = 8 in
• U= 0.75 from Table D3.1 Case 4
• Ae= AU= (8 in2)(0.75)=6 in2
• Pn= Fu Ae= (65 ksi)(6 in2)= 390 k
• LRFD: φt=0.75, φt Pn=0.75(390)=292.5 k
• ASD: Ωt= 2.00, Pn/ Ωt=390/2.00=195 k

(c) Al Nasra
• Compute the LRFD design strength and ASD allowable strength
of the angle shown. It is welded on the ends and sides of the 8-
in leg only. Fy = 50 ksi and Fu = 70 ksi

X=1.56 in, A=9.9 in2

8 in

6 in
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution: Nominal or available tensile strength
of L = Pn= FyAg= (50Ksi)(9.94 in2)= 497 k
• A.) Gross section yielding
• LRFD: with φt=0.9, φt Pn=0.9(497)=447.3 k
• ASD: : Ωt= 1.67, Pn/ Ωt=497/1.67= 297.6

(c) Al Nasra
• B.) Tensile rupture strength ( As only one leg of L
is connected, a reduced effective area needs to
be computed)
• U=1-x/L=1-1.56/6= 0.74
• Ae= AgU=(9.94)(0.74)= 7.36 in2
• Pn= FuAe= (70)(7.36)=515.2 k
• LRFD: φt=0.75, φt Pn=0.75(515.2)=386.4 k
• ASD: Ωt= 2.00, Pn/ Ωt=515.2/2.0=257.6 k

(c) Al Nasra
Slenderness Ratio
• The AISC steel design manual specification D1
lists a preferred (but not required) maximum
slenderness ration (SR) of 300. Rods and wires
are excluded from this recommendation,
• SR=l/r
• l= un-braced length
• r= radius of gyration = sqrt(I/A)
• I= moment of inertia
• A= cross-sectional area
(c) Al Nasra
Block Shear
• The formulae used by LRFD (Φt.Pn) and ASD
(Pn/Ωt) to calculate the allowable strengths of
tension members are not always the controlling
criteria. The allowable strength in tension may
be controlled by block shear strength, where
the failure may occur along a path involving
tension in one plane and shear on a
perpendicular plane. So it is possible for a
block of steel to tear out.
(c) Al Nasra 52
Block Shear
The cross-hatched parts may tear out

Bolted angle

Shear plane Tension plane

Bolted W

(c) Al Nasra 53
Block Shear
• The AISC specifications (J4.3) states that the
block shear design strength of a particular
member is to be determined by
– Computing the tensile fracture strength on the net
section in one direction and adding to that value
the shear yield strength on the gross area on the
perpendicular segment
– Computing the shear fracture strength on the gross
area subject to tension and adding it to the tensile
yield strength on the net area subject to shear on
the perpendicular segment. The expression to
apply is the one with the larger rupture term

(c) Al Nasra 54
Block Shear
• The AISC specification (J4.3) states that the
available strength, Rn, for the block shear
rupture design strength is as follows:
• Rn=0.6FuAnv+UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.6FyAgv+UbsFuAnt
(AISC 14th ed. Eq. J4-5,pp. 16.1-129 )
• Φ =0.75 (LRFD), Ω = 2.00 (ASD)
• In which
– Anv =net area subjected to shear, in2 (mm2)
– Ant = net area subjected to tension, in2 (mm2)
– Agv = gross area subjected to shear, in2 (mm2)

(c) Al Nasra 55
Shear Block
• To account for the fact that stress distribution may
not be uniform on the tensile plane for some
connections, AISC introduced a reduction factor,
Ubs. Should the tensile stress distribution be
uniform, Ubs. = 1.0 according to AISC
specification (J4.3) (i.e. gusset plates, single-row
beam connection,…). For non-uniform stress
tensile stresses, Ubs. =0.5 (i.e. multiple-row beam
end connection,…)
• Should the block shear strength of a connection
be insufficient, it may be increased by increasing
the edge distance and/or the bolt spacing.

(c) Al Nasra 56
Block shear, Example
Determine the block shearing strength
(LRFD, ASD), W12X45 (A242 Grade
50 steel and 7/8-in bolts
2-in 3-in 3-in


(c) Al Nasra 57
Block shear, Solution
Using a W12X45 (tf=0.575-in, bf=8.05-in)
Agv=(4)(8)(0.575)=18.4 in2 (2 each flange)
Anv=(4)[8-2.5(7/8+1/8)](0.575)=12.65 in2 (2.5 bolts each of the 4
Ant=(4)[1.275-(.5)(7/8+1/8)](0.575)=1.78 in2 (1/2 bolt in tension)





(c) Al Nasra 58
• Ubs = 1.0 uniforn tensile stress
• Rn=0.6FuAnv+UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.6FyAgv+UbsFuAnt
• Rn= 0.6(70)(12.65)+1.0(70)(1.78) = 655.9 k
• <0.6(50)(18.4)+1.0(70)(1.78)=676.6 k
• Therefore Rn =655.9 k
– Φ. Rn = (0.75)(655.9)=491.9k

(c) Al Nasra 59
Design of Tension Members

Moayyad Al Nasra, Ph.D, PE

(c) Al Nasra
Analysis of Tension Member
Summary- Suggested Procedure
• Step 1: Find the relevant parameters regarding
the tension member, including, length, cross-
sectional area, yield stress, ultimate stress,
radius of gyration,…
• Step 2: Check the slenderness ratio
– l/r ≤ 300 (preferred )
• Step 3: Find Φt.Pn based on the gross area
– Φt.Pn =0.90(Fy.Ag)

(c) Al Nasra 62
• Step 4: Determine the shear lag factor U, using
AISC Specifications Table D3., pp. 16.1-28
• Step 5: Determine the net area
– An= Ag – Σ dh.t + [Σ (s2/4g)] . t
• Step 6: Find Φt.Pn based on fracture effective
net section
– Ae=U.An
– Φt.Pn = 0.75Fu.Ae

(c) Al Nasra 63
• Step 7: Find Φ.Rn based on block shear
– Rn=0.6FuAnv+UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.6FyAgv+UbsFuAnt
(AISC Eq. J4-5)
• Step 8: Find the lowest value calculated from
steps 3, 6 and 7. The lowest value controls.

(c) Al Nasra 64
Exercise- Analysis of Tension Member
Shea plane Tension plane

3.5-in L6X4X1/2


2 4 4-in 20-ft tension member


The A572 Grade 50 (Fu=65) tension member shown is connected

with three 3/4 –in bolts. Calculate the design tensile strength,
LRFD, and the allowable tensile strength, ASD, of the member

(c) Al Nasra 65
Exercise- Analysis of Tension Member- solution
• Step 1: L6X4X1/2 form the steel design manual, Ag=4.75
in2, rx=1.91-in, ry=1.14-in, x=0.981-in, …
• Step 2:Check the slenderness ratio, rmin=ry l/r =
20(12)/1.14=210.5 < 300
• Step 3:Find Φt.Pn based on the gross area
– Φt.Pn =0.90(Fy.Ag)=0.9(50)(4.75)=231.75 k
• Pn=Fy.Ag = 50(4.75)=237.5 k
• Pn/(Ω=1.67)=237.5/1.67=142.2 k

• Step 4: Determine the shear lag factor U

– U=1-x/L=1-0.981/(2x4)=0.88
– Or U=0.60 form Table D3.1 Case 8 AISC 14th ed. Pp.16.1.228
– Use the larger U, U= 0.88

(c) Al Nasra 66
Exercise- Analysis of Tension Member- solution-cont’d

• Step 5:Determine the net area

– An= Ag – Σ dh.t + [Σ (s2/4g)] . t
– An=4.75-(3/4+1/8)(1/2)=4.31 in2
• Step 6: Find Φt.Pn based on fracture effective
net section
– Ae=U.An = 0.88(4.31)=3.79 in2
– Φt.Pn = 0.75Fu.Ae = 0.75(65)(3.79)= 184.9 k
• Pn =Fu.Ae = 65(3.79) =246.4 k
• Pn/Ω =246.4/2.00=132.2 k

(c) Al Nasra 67
Exercise- Analysis of Tension Member- solution-cont’d

• Step 7:Find Φ.Rn based on block shear strength

– Rn=0.6FuAnv+UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.6FyAgv+UbsFuAnt
– Agv =(10)(1/2)=5.0 in2
– Anv =[10-(2.5)(3/4+1/8)](1/2)=3.91 in2
– Ant = [2.5-(1/2)(3/4+1/8)](1/2)= 1.03 in2
– Rn=(0.6)(65)(3.91)+(1.0)(65)(1.03) =219.44k
– Rn =(0.6)(50)(5.0)+(1.0)(65)(1.03)=216.95 k
– Therefore Rn=216.95 k
– Φ. Rn= (0.75)(216.95)= 162.7 k (LRFD)
– ASD, Rn/Ω =216.95/2.00=108.5 k

(c) Al Nasra 68
Exercise- Analysis of Tension Member- solution-cont’d

• Step 8: The lowest Value

• LRFD = lowest of (231.75, 184.9,162.7)
• LRFD= 162.7 k

• ASD Lowest of (142.2, 132.2, 108.5)

• ASD =108.5 k

(c) Al Nasra 69
Factors affecting the design decision

• Safety
• Economy
• Compactness
• Relative dimension
• Joint condition
• Technical consideration

(c) Al Nasra
Slenderness Ratio (l/r)
• Applies basically for members under compression
(providing sufficient stiffness to prevent lateral deflection,
• Slenderness ratio for members subjected to tension is
limited by AISC steel manual to a max of 300 (in case that
member is subjected to reversed loading, loading during
installation and transportation,…)
• l=un-braced length laterally
• r=radius of gyration=

(c) Al Nasra
Tension Members Design Formulae
• Max l/r= 300, min r = l/300………….(1)

• Pu=Φt.Fy.Ag
• Min Ag= Pu /(Φt.Fy )……….……..(2)

• Pu=Φt.Fu.Ae

• Min. Ae= Pu/(Φt.Fu)………………..(3)

(c) Al Nasra
Tension Members Design Formulae
• Since Ae=U.An

• Min. An=Ae/U=Pu/(Φt.Fu.U)………(4)

• Also

• Min. Ag= Pu/(Φt.Fu.U) + estimated hole areas


(c) Al Nasra
• Example
– Select W10 section of 25 ft length subjected to
tensile dead load 90 k, and live load of 80 k. The
member has two lines of bolts in each flange for
¾-in bolts. (use A572 grade 50 steel)
– Use LRFD method

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution
• Calculate the ultimate, factored load, Pu
– Pu= 1.4 PD= 1.4(90)= 126 k
– Pu= 1.2 PD+1.6PL= 1.2(90)+1.6(80)=236 k ……
– Use Pu=236 k
• Compute the minimum Ag required
– Min Ag= Pu/(ΦtFy)= 236/(0.90x50)= 5.24 in2

(c) Al Nasra
• Or
• Min Ag=Pu/(Φt.Fu.U) + Estimated hole areas
• Assume that U = 0.90 from case 7 AISC
manual, and assume that flange thickness to
the average of W10s sections ( or pick a flange
thickness of W10 section of area 5.24 in2 or
slightly larger) tf=0.395 in
• Min Ag= 236/(0.75x65x0.9) +
4(6/8+1/8)(0.395) =6.76 in2 CONTROLS

(c) Al Nasra
• Slenderness ratio criteria l/r = 300
• Min r = l/300 = 25x12/300 = 1.0
• Select a section of area > 6.76 and r > 1.0
• Try W10x26 ( area = 7.61, min r = 1.36, d=
10.33, bf= 5.77 in., tf= 0.44”)
• Check the section
– Pu = ΦtFy.Ag=(0.90)(50)(7.61) = 342.45 k > 236 k
….. OK

(c) Al Nasra
• From Table D3.1 PP.16.1.28 AISC steel design manual
14th edition, U= 0.85 since bf= 5.77 <
2/3(d)=2/3(10.33) = 6.89”
– Use U=0.85 the larger
• An= 7.61-4(6/8+1/8)(0.44) =6.07 in2
• Ae= (U.An) = 0.85(6.07)= 5.16 in2
• Pu= ΦtFu.Ae=0.75(65)(5.16) = 251.5 k > 236 k ….
• Check L/r criteria
– L/r= 25x12/1.36 = 220 < 300 OK
• Check block shear

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• Rn=0.6FuAnv+UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.6FyAgv+UbsFuAnt
• Agv=4(8)(.44)=14.08 in2
• Anv=4(8-2.5(3/4+1/8))(0.44)=10.23 in2
• Ant=4(1.2-(0.5)(3/4+1/8))(0.44)=1.34 in2
• Rn=0.6(65)(10.23) +(1.0)(65)(1.34)=486.07 k
• Rn=0.6(50)(14.08)+(1.0)(65)(1.34)=509.5 k
• Therefore use Rn=486.07 k
• ΦRn=(0.75)486.07 =364.6> 236 k O.K
• Use W10X26
(c) Al Nasra
Design of Tension Members-Suggested Procedure
• Step 1: Calculate the ultimate, factored load,
• Step 2: Compute the minimum Ag required
based on gross area
– Min Ag= Pu/(ΦtFy)
• Step 3: Assume an appropriate value for U
• Step 4:Compute the minimum Ag based on
effective area
– Min Ag=Pu/(Φt.Fu.U) + Estimated hole areas
– The larger of Ag from step 2 or step 4 will control

(c) Al Nasra
Design of Tension Members-Suggested Procedure, cont’d

• Step 5: Use the Slenderness ratio criteria l/r

≤ 300
– Min r = l/300
• Step 6: Select a section of area > the
controlling area in step 4 and r > r-value in
step 5
• Step 7: Check the section
– Pu = ΦtFy.Ag > the required Pu otherwise select
larger section
– Pu= ΦtFu.Ae (After determining U) > Required Pu
in step 1 otherwise select larger section
(c) Al Nasra
Design of Tension Members-Suggested Procedure, cont’d

• Step 8 : Check l/r criteria ≤ 300 otherwise

select larger section
• Step 9: Check block shear
– Rn=0.6FuAnv+UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.6FyAgv+UbsFuAnt
– Φ.Rn ≥ required Pu calculated in step 1, otherwise
adjust connection and/or select larger section

(c) Al Nasra
Design of Rods and Bars

• The required area

• AD= Pu/(Φ(0.75).Fu), Φ= 0.75
• Example
• A572 Grade 50 steel rod subjected to tensile dead load
of 12 k and tensile live load of 25 k. Find the diameter
of the rod.
• Solution
• Pu= 1.2 (12)+1.6(25)= 54.4 K
• AD= 54.4 / (0.75x0.75x65)= 1.49 n2 = πd2/4  d=
1.38 in
• Use 1 ½ in diameter rod of AD= 1.77 in2

(c) Al Nasra
• Exercise : Select the lightest W14 section
available to support working tensile loads of
PD= 200 k and PL= 300 k. The member is to be
30 ft long and is assumed to have two lines of
holes for 1-inch bolts in each flange. There
will be at least three holes in each line 4 in. on
center. (Use steel A572 Grade 50). Use LRFD
method (optional block shear criteria
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution
• Pu= 1.2(200)+1.6(300) = 720 k
• Min Ag= Pu/ΦtFy=720/(0.9x50)= 16 in2
• Assume U=0.90 from AISC Table D3.1 Case 7 and Assume
tf= 0.720 in from AISC tables.
• Min Ag= Pu/(Φt..Fu.U) + estimated areas of holes =
720/(0.75x65x0.90) + 4(1+1/8)(0.720) = 19.65 in2
• Min r = l/300 = 12x30/300 = 1.20 in.
• Try W14X68 ( A=20.0 in2, d=14.0 in., bf= 10.0 in., tf= 0.720
in., ry= 2.46 in.)
• Check Pu= Φt.Fy.Ag= 0.90(50)(20.0)= 900 k > 720 k OK

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• Exercise: Select a standard threaded rod to
resist service loads PD= 15 k and Pl= 18 k,
using A36 steel.

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution:
• Pu= 1.2x15+1.6x18=46.8 k
• AD= Pu/(Φx0.75xFu) =
46.8/(0.75x0.75x58)=1.434 in2
• Use 1 3/8 in. diameter rod with 6 threads per
inch (AISC Table 7-17, 14th ed. Pp.7-81)

(c) Al Nasra
Built-up Tension Member
• Section D4 and J3.5 (AISC 14th ed. Pp. 16.1-122) of the AISC
Specification provides a set of definite rules describing how the
different parts of built-up tension members are connected together.
• 1.) When a tension member is built up from element in continuous
contact with each other, such as plate and a shape, or two plates,
the longitudinal spacing of connectors between those elements
must not exceed 24 times the thickness of the thinner plate or 12 in
if the member is to be painted, or if it is not to be painted and not
to be subjected to corrosive conditions.
• 2.) Should the member consist of unpainted weathering steel
elements in continuous contact and be subject to atmospheric
corrosion, the maximum permissible connectors spacings are 14
times the thickness of the thinner plate, or 7 in.

(c) Al Nasra
• 3.) Should a tension member be built up from two or more
shapes separated by intermitted fillers, the shapes
preferably should be connected to each other at intervals
such that the slenderness ratio of the individual shapes
between the fasteners does not exceed 300.
• 4.) The distance from the center of any bolts to the nearest
edge of the connected part under consideration may not be
larger than 12 times the thickness of the connected part, or
6 in.
• 5.) For elements in continuous contact with each other, the
spacing of connectors are given in Sections J3.3 through
J3.5 of the AISC Specification

(c) Al Nasra
• The two C12X30s shown in the figure below
have been selected to support a dead tensile
working load of 120 k and a 240 k live working
load. The member is 30 ft long, consisting of
A36 steel, and has one line of three 7/8 bolt in
each channel flange 3 in. on center. Using the
AISC Specification, determine whether the
member is satisfactory and design the
necessary tie plate. Assume centers of holes
are 1.75 in from the backs of the channels.
(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution: Using C12X30s ( Ag = 8.81 in2 each,
tf = 0.501 in, Ix = 162 in4 each, Iy = 5.12 in4
each, y-axis 0.0674 from back of C, ry= 0.762
• Loads to be resisted:
– LRFD: Pn = 1.2(120)+(1.6)(240) = 528 k
– ASD: Pn= 120+240 = 360 k

(c) Al Nasra
• A.) Gross section yielding
• Pn = FyAg=(36)(2x8.81)=634.2 k
– LRFD: with φt=0.9, φt Pn=0.9(634.2)=570.9 k
– > 528 k OK
– ASD: Ωt= 1.67, Pn/ Ωt=634.2/1.67= 379.8 k
– >360 k OK

(c) Al Nasra
• B.) Tensile rupture strength
• An= 2(8.81-(2)(7/8+1/8)(0.501))=15.62 in2
• U=1-x/L=1-0.674/(2x3)=0.89
• Pn=FuUAn=(58)(15.62)(0.89)=806.3 k
– LRFD: φt=0.75, φt Pn=0.75(806.3)=604.7 k
– >528 k OK
– ASD: Ωt= 2.00, Pn/ Ωt=806.3/2=403.1 k
– > 360 k OK

(c) Al Nasra
• Slenderness ratio
• Ix= 2(162)=324 in4
• Iy= 2(5.12)+2(8.81)(5.326)^2=510 in4
• Rx=sqrt(324/17.62)=4.29 in
<ry=sqrt(510/17.62)=5.38 in
• Lx/rx=(12x30)/4.29= 83.9 < 300 OK

(c) Al Nasra
• Design of tie plates (AISC Specification D4)
• Distance between lines of bolts = 12.00 – 2(1 ¾) = 8.50 in
• Minimum length of tie plates = (2/3)8.5)= 5.67 in (say 6 in)
• Minimum thickness of tie plate = ( 1/50 ) (8.50) = 0.17 in (
say 3/16)
• Minimum width of tie plates = 8.5+2(1 ½)= 11.5 in (say 12
• Maximum preferable spacing of tie plates
• Least r one C = 0.762 in
• Maximum preferable L/r = 300= 12L/0.762
• L=19.05 ft
• Use 3/16x6x1 ft 0 in tie plate 15 ft 0 in on center

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• A tension member is to consist of four equal leg angles, arranged as
shown in the accompanying illustration to support the service loads, PD =
180 k and PL = 320 k. The member is assumes to be 24 ft long and is to
have one line of three ¾ in bolts in each leg. Design the member with 50
ksi steel, Fu = 65 ksi, and including the necessary tie plate. Neglect block

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
Compression Members

Moayyad Al Nasra, Ph.D, PE

(c) Al Nasra
Failure Mechanism

• Flexural bucking, large L/r

• Local buckling, non-compact
• Torsional bucking, non-uniform
• Yielding, very short column

(c) Al Nasra
Bucking depends on

• l/r
• Connection
• Eccentricity
• Material imperfection
• Initial crookedness
• Residual Stresses

(c) Al Nasra
Residual Stresses

(c) Al Nasra
Euler Formula

(c) Al Nasra
• PCr=π2E.I/L2
• I=Ar2 ………………..……………………(2)
• P/A=Fe= π2E/(L/r)2 ......................................(3)
• Where
• Fe= Critical stress = Critical force/area
• l/r = Slenderness ratio < 200 for columns
• r= radius of gyration =

(c) Al Nasra
• Example : Find the bucking load of W10X30
steel column if
– L= 18 ft
– L= 9 ft
– L= 4.5 ft

(c) Al Nasra
• W10X30 (A=8.84 in2, rx= 4.38 in., ry= 1.37 in.)
• Min r=ry=1.37 in.

• L/r=(18x12)/1.37= 157.7
• Fe= π2(29,000 ksi)/(157.7)2 = 11.5 ksi,
• Pcr= 11.5(8.84) = 101.8 k

• L/r= (9x12)/1.37=78.8
• Fe= π2(29,000 ksi)/(78.8)2= 46.1 ksi
• Pcr=46.1(8.84) = 407.1 k

• L/r= 4.5x12/1.37=39.4
• Fe= π2(29,000 ksi)/(39.4)2= 184.2 ksi
• Pcr=184.2(8.84)=1628.6 k

(c) Al Nasra
Effective Length

(c) Al Nasra
• The effective length is the length between the
two inflection points ( points of zero moments)
• K= effective length factor, depends on the joint
condition. (See AISC steel design manual 14th
edition pp. 16.1.511, Table C-A-7.1)
• In practice there is no perfect hinge nor perfect
fixed joint, AISC introduced design values of

(c) Al Nasra
LRFD Column Formulas
Compressive Strength for Flexural Buckling of members without Slender Elements

(c) Al Nasra
• Pn=Fcr.Ag (AISC 14th ed., E3-1, pp. 16.1-33)
• Pu=ΦPn=ΦcFcrAg,
• Φc =0.90
• The flexural bucking stress, Fcr, is determined as follows:
– When Kl/r≤ 4.71 .(sqrt(E/Fy)), (or Fy/Fe≥2.25)
– Fcr=[0.658(Fy/Fe)]Fy …………….AISC E3-2 PP.16.1.33)
– When Kl/r >4.71 .(sqrt(E/Fy)), (or Fy/Fe<2.25)
– Fcr=0.877 Fe …………………….AISC E3-3, PP.16.1.33

• Fe= π2E/(Kl/r)2
• Pn= nominal axial load
• Pu= Design factored load
• ΦcFcr=design stress for axial member (Table 4.22, pp.4.322,
AISC 14th edition)

(c) Al Nasra
• Example: Find the design strength of 12 –ft hinged W10x30 column. Use
Fy=50 ksi
• Solution
• W10x30 ( A=8.84 in2, rx= 4.38 in., ry= 1.37 in.)
• K=1.0 for hinged columns
• Min r = ry=1.37
• Kl/r=1(12x12)/1.37=105.1
• Kl/r=105.1 < 4.71 (sqrt(29,000/50)) =113
• Fcr=[0.658(Fy/Fe)]Fy

• Fe= π2E/(Kl/r)2= π2(29,000 ksi)/(105.1)2= 25.91 ksi
• Fy/Fe=50/25.91= 1.93
• Fcr= [0.6581.93](50)=22.29 ksi
• Pu=0.9(8.84)(22.29)=177.38 K

• OR
• From the design Tables , AISC 14th edition, PP. 4.324 and for Kl/r =105.1
• ΦcFcr=20.1 ksi
• Pu= ΦcFcrA=20.1 (8.84)=177.68

(c) Al Nasra
From the design Tables , AISC 14th edition, PP. 4.324 and for Kl/r =105.1
ΦcFcr=20.1 ksi
Pu= ΦcFcrA=20.1 (8.84)=177.68

Available Critical Stress for Compression Members,

AISC Table 4-22, Fy=50 ksi, pp.4-324

Kl/r ASD, ksi LRFD, ksi

Fcr/Ωc ΦcFcr
104 13.6 20.4
105 13.4 20.1
106 13.2 19.8

(c) Al Nasra 119

• Exercise
• Determine the LRFD design strength for the
15 –ft hinged W10X45 column. Use LRFD
specifications and a steel with Fy=50 ksi.

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution
• W10x45 (A=13.3, rx=4.32, ry=2.01)
• Kl/r= (1.0)(15x12)/2.01=89.55
• From Table 4.22 – pp.4.318
• ΦcFcr=25.05 ksi
• Pu= ΦcFcrA=25.05(13.3)=333.2k

(c) Al Nasra

(c) Al Nasra

(c) Al Nasra
• C15x50 ( A=14.7 in2, Ix=404 in4, Iy=11.0 in4
• A=(3/4)(18)+(2)(14.7)=13.5+29.4=42.9 in2
• Y=[(13.5)(0.375)+(2)(14.7)(8.25)]/42.9=5.77 in
• Ix=(2)(404)+2(14.7)(2.48)2+(13.5)(5/393)2+(1/1
2)(18)(3/4)3=1382 in4
• Iy=(1/12)(3/4)(18)3+2[11.0+(14.7)(4.799)2]=10
63.6 in4
• ry=sqrt(1063.6/42.9)=4.98 in

(c) Al Nasra
• KL/r=(12)(20)/4.98 = 48.19
• Referring to AISC Table 4-22
– LRFD : φcFcr=37.94 ksi,
– ASD: Fcr/Ωc =25.26 ksi, Pn/Ωc
=(25.26)(42.9)=1084 k

(c) Al Nasra
• Exercise
• Determine the LRFD design strength for the 15
–ft hinged W10X45 column. Use LRFD
specifications and a steel with Fy=50 ksi.

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• Solution
• W10x45 (A=13.3, rx=4.32, ry=2.01)
• Kl/r= (1.0)(15x12)/2.01=89.55
• From Table 4.22 – pp.4.318
• ΦcFcr=25.05 ksi
• Pu= ΦcFcrA=25.05(13.3)=333.2k

(c) Al Nasra
Design of Columns, LRFD – Axially

Moayyad Al Nasra, PhD, PE

(c) Al Nasra 131

Trial and Error Procedure:

• Calculate the factored axial load, Pu,

– Pu= 1.4 PD
– Pu= 1.2 PD + 1.6 PL
– ….
• Assume (KL/r) ( ~ 50 for common columns)
• Find ΦcFcr , form Table 4.22 corresponding to the assumed KL/r
• Calculate required area Arequired=Pu/ ΦcFcr
• Select a member and calculate the larger of (KL/r)x, or (KL/r)y
• Find, ΦcFcr, from table 4.22 (AISC 14th edition), corresponding to the
calculated (KL/r) in step 5
• Calculate ΦcPn=Pu= ΦcFcrA and compare with the required Pu
– If Pu calculated is slightly larger than Pu required The section is satisfactory
– If Pu calculated is less than the Pu required  select larger section and go to
step 5.

(c) Al Nasra 132

• Example : Select the lightest available W14 section to support the axial
compression loads PD =150 k and PL 200 k if KL 14 ft and A572 steel grade
50 is used.

• Solution :
• Pu= 1.2(150)+1.6(200) = 500 k
• Assume KL/r = 50
• ΦcFcr from AISC Table 4.22 = 37.5
• Arequired= Pu/( ΦcFcr) =500/37.5 =13.33 in2
• Try W14 X 48 ( A=14.1 in2, rx=5.85 in., ry = 1.91 in.)
• (KL/r)y= 12(14)/1.91=87.96
• ΦcFcr= 25.52 ksi from AISC Table 4.22, pp. 4-324
• ΦcPn= 25.52(14.1)= 359.8 k <500 k ………………..N.G.
• Try W14X61 (A=17.9 in2, ry= 2.45 in.)
• (KL/r)y= 12x14/2.45 = 68.57
• ΦcFcr= 31.93 ksi
• ΦcPn= 31.93(17.9)= 571.5 k > 500 k …………………………… O.K.
• Subsequent check of W14x53 shows it will not do
• Use W14X61

(c) Al Nasra 133

Available Critical Stress for Compression
Members, AISC 14th Ed. Table 4-22, Fy=50 ksi
Kl/r ASD, ksi LRFD, ksi
Fcr/Ωc ΦcFcr
65 22.0 33.0
70 20.9 31.4
75 19.8 29.8
80 18.8 28.2
85 17.7 26.5
90 16.6 24.9

(c) Al Nasra 134

LRFD Design Tables

• Procedure
– Calculate Pu, required
– Calculate KL , for the weak axis
– Select a section with Pu calculated > Pu required

(c) Al Nasra 135

• Example same as the previous one
– Pu= 500 k
– KL = 14 ft
– Select W14x61 ( AISC 14th ed. page 4-16)
Available Strength in Axial Compression, Kips, W- shapes,
AISC 14th ed. Table 4-1, Fy=50 ksi, PP. 4-16

Shape W14x
Wt/ft 74 68 61 53
Design, LRFD ΦcPn ΦcPn ΦcPn ΦcPn
KL, ft 13 735 671 599 433
14 701 640 571 401
15 667 608 543 369

(c) Al Nasra 136

• Select the lightest available W12 section, using
both the LRFD and ASD methods for the
following conditions: Fy=50 ksi, PD=250 k ,
PL=400 k, KxLx=26 ft and KyLy = 13 ft
– By Trial and error
– By Using AISC tables

(c) Al Nasra
• Solution: Using trial and error to select a section, using
the LRFT expressions, and then checking the section
with both the LRFD, and ASD methods.
– Pn= (1.2)(250)+(1.6)(400)=940 k
– Assume KL/r= 50
– φcFcr==37.5 ksi (AISC Table 4-22, pp 4-323)
– A, required = 900/37.5 24 in2
– Try W12X87 (A=25 in2, rx=5.38 in, ry=3.07 in)
– (kl/r)x=(12)(26)/5.38=57.99 Governs
– (KL/r)y=(12)(13)/3.07=50.81
– φcFcr= 35.2 ksi (Table 4-22)
– φcPn=(35.2)*25.6)=901 K<940 k N.G
– Try W12x96, φcPn=994 k> 940 OK

(c) Al Nasra
– P=250+400 650 k
– Assume KL/r= 50
– Fcr/Ωc=24.9 ksi (AISC Table 4-22, pp 4-323)
– A, required= 650/24.9 = 26.10 in2
– Try W12x87 (A= 25.6 in2, rx=5.38 in, ry=3.07 in)
– (KL/r)x=(12)(26)/5.38=57.99 Governs
– (KL/r)y=(12)(13)/3.07=50.81
– Fcr/Ωc=23.4 ksi (Table 4-22)
– Pn/Ωc=(23.4)(25.6)=599 k< 650 k N.G.
– Try W12x96, Pn/Ωc=662 k >650 k O.K.

(c) Al Nasra
Axially Loaded Compression Members
Sidesway inhibited: there is something present other than just
columns and girders to prevent sidesway.

(c) Al Nasra
• Sideway Uninhibited: Resistance to horizontal
translation is supplied only by the bending
strength and stiffness of the girders and beams of
the frame in question.
• Rotational Stiffness = ratio of the sum of the
column stiffness to the girder stiffness
– G=Σ(column stiffness)/ Σ(Girder stiffness) =
– For pinned column G=infinite. It is recommended that
G be made equal to 10 where such non-rigid supports
are used.
– For rigid connection, G=0, but from a practical
standpoint use G=1.0

(c) Al Nasra
K Factor
• To determine K value,( AISC 14th ed. pp 16.1-
512, and pp 16.1.-513)
– Select the appropriate alignment chart (sidesway
inhibited, or sidesway uninhibited)
– Compute G at each end of the column and label the
values GA and GB as desired.
– Draw a straight line on the chart between the GA
and GB values, and read K where the line hits the
center K scale.

(c) Al Nasra
Alignment Charts – Sidesway Inhibited

50 1.0

0.5 0.7 0.5

0.0 0.5 0.0

(c) Al Nasra 143

Alignment Charts – Sidesway Uninhibited


100 20.0

4.0 2.0 4.0

0.0 0.5 0.0

(c) Al Nasra 144

Stiffness Reduction Factor
• The Alignment Charts were prepared with the
assumption of elastic failure. The chart K values
are too conservative and should be corrected by
introducing a reduction factor- Stiffness
Reduction Factor, SRF,
τa=Fcr,inelastic/Fcr,elastic≈(Pu/A)/Fcr,elastic and ≈
(Pa/A)/Fcr,elastic (Table 4.21 AISC 14th Manual, pp

(c) Al Nasra
Inelastic Buckling
• A direct design method for considering inelastic buckling is
presented in the manual. It involves the following steps:
– Calculate Pu or Pa and select a trail size
– Calculate Pu/Ag or Pa/Ag and pick the SRF τa from Table 4.21 AISC
Manual, pp 4-321. If the Pu/A, or Pa/A is less than the values given
in the table, the column is in the elastic range and no reduction
needs to be made.
– The value of G, elastic is computed and multiplied by the SRF and K
is picked from the chart
– The effective slenderness ratio KL/r is computed and φcFcr or Fcr/Ω
is obtained from the manual and multiplied by the column area to
obtain Pu or Pa. If this value is appreciably different from the value
computed in step 1, another trial column size is attempted and the
four steps are repeated.

(c) Al Nasra
• Determine the effective length factors for columns EF, FG and KL of the
frame shown, assuming that the frame is subject to sidesway and that all
of the assumption on which the alignment charts were developed are

(c) Al Nasra
(c) Al Nasra
• K Factors

Column GA GB K

EF 10.00 (2)(69.42)/183.33= 1.84


FG (2)(69.42)/183.33= (69.42+49.75)/183.3= 1.26

0.76 0.65

KL (61.67+39.58)/83.3 39.58/27.33=1.45 1.44


(c) Al Nasra
• Select a W14 section for column AB in the frame
shown if PD= 250 K, PL = 500 k, and Fy= 50 ksi,
and only in-plane behavior is considered.
Furthermore, assume that the column
immediately above and below AB are
approximately the same size as AB, and also
that all the other assumption on which the
alignment charts were developed are met. What
if inelastic behavior is considered.
(c) Al Nasra
• AB
• W21x68 W21x68 14 ft

• W21x68 W21x68 14 ft

• 28 ft 28 ft 28 ft 14 ft

(c) Al Nasra
• LRFD, Pu=(1.2)(250)+(1.6)(500)=1100 k
• ASD, Pa =250+500 = 750 k
• A.) Elastic Design
– Beams are W21X68 ( Ix=1480 in4)
– Assume KL= 14 ft for columns
– Try W14x99 ( A= 29.1 in2, Ix= 110 in4, rx/ry= 1.66)
– GA=GB= (2)(110/14)/[(2)(1480/28)]=1.50
– K= 1.48 from sidesway uninhibited charts
– Equivalent KyLy=(KxLx)/(rx/ry)=1.48x14/1.66=12.48 ft
– LRFD: use W14x99, φcPn=1160 k >1100 k OK (note that 1160 is
an interpolation from Table 4-1, AISC 14th ed. pp. 4-15, 1150
and 1170)
– ASD: Use W14x99, Pn/Ωc = 774 k > 750 k OK (774k is an
interpolation from Table 4-1 pp 4-15, 767 and 781)

(c) Al Nasra
• B.) Inelastic Design
– Try W14x90 (A=26.5 in2, Ix= 999 in4, rx/ry=1.66)
– LRFD: Pu/A= 1100/26.5=41.51 ksi
– SRF from AISC 14th ed. Table 4-21, pp 4-321 = 0.564
(interpolated between 0.538 and 0.590)
– GA=GB=[(2)(999/14)]/[(2)(1480/28)](0.564)=0.761
– K= from sideway uninhibited charts = 1.42
– KxLx=(1.42)(14)=20
– Equivalent KyLy=KxLx/(rx/ry)=20/1.66=12 ft
– Use W14x99 (1170>1100)

(c) Al Nasra
• ASD:
– Pa/A=750/26.5=28.30 ksi
– SRF from AISC Table 4-21, pp 4-317=0.302
– GA=GB=[(2)(999/14)]/[(2)(1480/28](0.302) =0.408
– K from Sidesway uninhibited charts = 1.24
– KxLx=(1.24)(14)=KxLx/(rx/ry)=20/1.66=12 ft
– Use 14x99 (780 > 750, AISC 14th ed page 4-15)

– Note Stiffness reduction factor, changed from the

previous edition of AISC, that made ASD and LRFD
results converge
(c) Al Nasra
Design of Base Plates, Concentrically
Loaded Columns

(c) Al Nasra 155

• A1=BN = area of the base plate
• Pp=P/A1= Pressure on the concrete foundation
• Usually the area of the concrete foundation
“A2” is larger than the area of the base plate
• LRFD allows reduction in the design value of
A1 if A2>A1 by a factor
– Sqrt(A2/A1)≤2 for less than full area of concrete

(c) Al Nasra 156

Base Plate Design
• Nominal bearing strength Pp is determined as
– Pp= (0.85 fc’A1) for full area of concrete support
– Pu= ΦcPp=Φc(0.85 fc’A1)
– LRFD equation J8-1, AISC 14th ed. Pp 16.1-132
– Φc=0.65 for bearing on concrete (LRFD)
– Ωc=2.31 (ASD)

(c) Al Nasra 157

Base Plate Design
• Nominal bearing strength Pp is determined as
– Pp= (0.85 fc’A1) sqrt(A2/A1) )≤1.7 fc’A1
– for less than full area of concrete support
– Sqrt(A2/A1)≤2
– Pu= ΦcPp
– LRFD equation J8-2, AISC 14th ed. Pp 16.1-132
– Φc=0.65 for bearing on concrete (LRFD)
– Ωc=2.31 (ASD)

(c) Al Nasra 158

Base Plate Design
• A1= Pu/ (ΦcPp )
• Where
• A1 should not be less than the dimensions of
the column
• A1≥ bfd

(c) Al Nasra 159

Base Plate Design

• For efficient dimensions, N and B can be

selected such that
• N=√A1+0.5(0.95 d -0.80bf)
• And B=A1/N

(c) Al Nasra 160

Base Plate Thickness

• Plate thickness, t
• tmin=(l)(sqrt(2Pu/(0.9FyBN)) LRFD
• tmin=(l)(sqrt(3.33Pu/(FyBN)) ASD
– AISC 14th ed, eqns 14-7a, and 14-7b, pp. 14-6
• Where,
– l=max(m,n,λn’)
• m=(N-0.95d)/2
• n= (B-0.8bf)/2
• n’ = sqrt(dbf)/4

(c) Al Nasra 161

Base Plate Thickness
𝟐 𝐗
𝛌= ≤𝟏
𝟏+ 𝟏−𝐗
AISC 14th edition, 14-5, pp. 14-5
X can be obtain from for following (AISC 14th ed. 14-6a
and 14-6b pp. 14-5)
𝟒𝐝𝐛𝐟 𝐏𝐮
(𝐝 + 𝐛𝐟 )𝟐 ∅𝐜 𝐏𝐩

And for ASD

𝟒𝐝𝐛𝐟 𝛀𝐜 𝐏𝐮
(𝐝 + 𝐛𝐟 )𝟐 𝐏𝐩

(c) Al Nasra 162

• Example
• Design a base plate with A36 steel for
W12x106 column with a dead working load of
100 k and a working live load of 420 k. The
concrete 28-day strength is 4 ksi. Footing size
is 12 ft by 12 ft

• Solution
• Using W12x106 ( d= 12.9 in., bf= 12.2 in.)
• Pu= 1.2(100)+1.6(420)=792 k
• A2=12x12(12x12)=20,736 in2

(c) Al Nasra 163

Example (cont’d)
• Note that A2 is many times larger than hat will be
the base plate area, less than full concrete area
will provide support, and sqrt (A2/A1) can be
taken as 2 ( max is 2).
• Pp= (0.85 fc’A1) sqrt(A2/A1) )≤1.7 fc’A1
• Pu= ΦcPp=(0.65)(0.85(4)(2) )A1=792
• Solve for A1, A1=179.2 in2
• Base plate must be larger than the column
dimensions=12.9(12.2)= 157.38 in2 OK
• N=sqrt(179.2)+0.5(0.95(12.9)-0.8(12.2))=14.6 in
• Use N=15 in

(c) Al Nasra 164

• B=A1/N=179.2/15=11.9 in use 13 in
• Use 15x13 plate

(c) Al Nasra 165

Checking the bearing strength of the concrete

• ΦcPp=Φc(0.85)fcA1(sqrt(A2/A1))
• =(0.65)(0.85)(4.0)(13x15)(2)=862 k
• >792 O.K.
• Pp=862/0.65=1326 k

(c) Al Nasra 166

Thickness Design
• Computing m,n,n’
• m= (N-0.95d)/2=(15-0.95(12.9))/2=1.37 in
• n= (B-0.8bf)/2=(13-0.8(12.2))/2=1.62 in
• n’ = sqrt(dbf)4= sqrt(12.9x12.2)/4 = 3.14 in
• X=((4x12.9x12.2)/(12.9+12.2)2[792/(0.65x1326)]
• X=0.92
• l= max [1.37,1.12,(0.92x3.14=2.88)]=2.88
• tmin=(l)(sqrt(2Pu/(0.9FyBN)) LRFD
(c) Al Nasra 167
Thickness Design, cont’d
• t = 2.88 (sqrt(2x792/(0.9x50x15x13))=1.22 in
• Use 1.25 inch

• Use plate of 13”x15”x1.25” as minimum


(c) Al Nasra 168

Introduction to Beam Design

Moayyad Al Nasra, PhD,PE

(c) Al Nasra
• Beams are usually said to be members that
support transverse loads.
• Types of beams
– Joists
– Rafters
– Lintels
– Spandrel
– Stringers
– Floor beams
– Girders

(c) Al Nasra
Bending Stresses
• The flexural formula maw be written as follows:

• fb= MC/I=M/S

(c) Al Nasra
• fb Fy Fy Fy
• Variation in bending stresses due to increasing moment about x -axis

(c) Al Nasra
Elastic Design
• C
• 2/3 d
• T=(1/2)FY(d/2)b=Fybd/4=C
• Fy
• The elastic design theory can be summarized as
follows; the maximum load that a structure could
support was assumed to equal the load that the
first caused a stress somewhere in the structure
to equal to the yield stress of the material

(c) Al Nasra
Elastic Section Modulus
• The resisting moment equals T or C times the
lever arm between them, as follows:
• My=(Fybd/4)(2/3)d=Fybd2/6
• The elastic section modulus can again be seen
to equal to S=bd2/6

(c) Al Nasra
Plastic Design

• d C
• T=Fy(d/2)b=C
• b
• Mp=Mn=T(d/2)=C(d/2)=Fy(bd/2)(d/2)=
• The plastic section modulus = Z=(bd2/4)
• Mp/My=Z/S=1.5

(c) Al Nasra

• Find the values of S and Z, and the shape factor about the horizontal x axis. The
thickness is 1 in, total depth = 18 in, the flange width = 12 in

(c) Al Nasra
• Elastic calculations
– A=(2)(12)(1)+(16)(1)=40 in2
– I=(1/12)(12)(18)3-(1/12)(11)(16)3=2077.3 in4
– S=2077.8/9.00=230.8 in3
– My=FyS=(50)(230.8)/12=962 ft-k

(c) Al Nasra
• Plastic calculations
– Z=(2)(12)(1)(8.5)+(2)(1)(8)(4)=268 in3 (area by dist.
between local centroid and global centoid)
– Mn=FyZ=(50)(268)/12=117 ft-k
– Shape factor
• S.F.=268/230.8=1.16

(c) Al Nasra
Theory of Plastic Analysis
• Those part of the structure that have been
stressed to the yield stress cannot resist
additional stresses, but instead, will yield the
amount required to permit the extra load or
stresses to be transferred to other parts of the
structure where the stresses are below the yield
stress, and thus in the elastic range and able to
resist increased stress.

(c) Al Nasra
Virtual Work Method
• wn k/ft W16x77

• 30 ft
• a aL/2 a
• 2a
• L/2

(c) Al Nasra
• For W16x77, Zx=150 in3
• The external = internal work
• External work= WnL times the average
deflection. The average deflection = ½ the
deflection at the center plastic hinge= (1/2 x a X
• The external work= work absorbed by the
hinges or the sum of Mn at each plastic hinge
times the angle through which it works.

(c) Al Nasra
• Mn(a+2a+a)=WnL(1/2 X a X L/2)
• Mn=wnL2/16
• Wn=16Mn/L2
• Mn = FyZ=(50)(150)/12=625 ft k
• Wn= (16)(625)/302=11.11 k/ft

(c) Al Nasra
Location of Plastic Hinge
• wn k/ft
• L

• a 0.586aL 1.414a
• 2.414 a
• 0.586 L

(c) Al Nasra
Continuous Beam - Example
• Wn k.ft W27x178 (Zx=570 in3)

• 20 ‘ 30 ‘ 20’

• 1.4 a a a a a 1.4 a
• Mn1 Mn2 Mn3

(c) Al Nasra
• Mn,1 (3.414 a)=(1/2)(wn)(20)(11.72a)
• Mn,1= 34.33 wn, wn= Mn1/34.33
• Mn,2=(4a)= 30wn(1/2)(15 a)
• Mn,2= 56.25 wn, wn= Mn,2 /56.25
• Mn,3= 3.414 a= (1/2 wn) (20) (11.72 a)
• Mn,3 = 34.33 wn, wn = Mn,3 /34.33
• Using W27x178, the max is in the 2nd span
• Mn = FyZ=(50)(570)/12= 2375 ft k
• Wn= Mn/56.25= 2375/56.25= 42.22 k ft

(c) Al Nasra
Design of Beams for Moment

Moayyad Al Nasra, PhD, PE

(c) Al Nasra 188

Design of Beams for Moment
Full-Lateral Support of the Top Flange
• Procedure
• Calculate the max. Factored moment, Mu
• Calculate the required plastic modulus, “Z”
• Zrequired= Mu/ΦbFy, Φb=0.90
• Select the lightest section from AISC tables
• Check Compactness

(c) Al Nasra 189

(c) Al Nasra 190
• A compact section is a section that is capable
of developing a fully plastic stress distribution
before buckling
• A non-compact section is a section in which
the yield stress can be reached in some, but
not all, of its compression elements before
buckling occurs.

(c) Al Nasra 191

• Example
• Select the lightest W beam to support the
following loads
• 4 in. concrete slab
• 20 psf dead load
• 40 psf live load
• Fy= 50 ksi

(c) Al Nasra 192

(c) Al Nasra 193
• Solution
• Dead load = 20psf(10-ft)+(4/12 ft)(150 pcf)(10-ft) = 700
• Assume beam self weight = 50 lb/ft
• Total dead load =750 lb/ft
• Live load = 40 (10) = 400 lb/ft
• Wu= 1.2(750)+1.6(400) =1540 lb/ft
• Mu= wul2/8 = (1540 lb/ft)(20ft)2/8 = 77000 lb.ft =77 k.ft
• Zx,required= Mu/ΦbFy = (77 k.ft)(12 in./ft)/(0.90(50)) = 20.53 in3
• Select a section using AISC steel design manual, 14th
edition, LRFD, PP. 1-27 , pick a section with Zx= 21.67 > Zx,
required= 20.53 in , select W10X19
• PP. 3-77, under beam for 20-ft length Pick W10x19, Load =
32.4k > 1.54 k/ft(20-ft)=30.8 k
• PP. 3-132 under beam , locate Mu = 77 k.ft, and unbraced
length lb=0, read up and to the right, read W10x19.
(c) Al Nasra 194
PP. 1-24 , pick a section with Zx= 21.67 > Zx, required= 20.53 in3,
select W10X19

W shapes, Dimensions, Table 1-1, AISC, 14th edition, PP. 1-27

Shape Axis X-X

I, in4 S, in3 r, in. Z, in3
W10x26 144 27.9 4.35 31.3
W10x22 118 23.2 4.27 26.0
W10x19 96.3 18.8 4.14 21.6
W10x17 81.9 16.2 4.05 18.7

(c) Al Nasra 195

under beam for 20-ft length Pick W10x19, Load = 32.4
> 1.54(20)=30.8 k

Maximum Total Uniform Loads, Kips, W shapes, Table

3-6, AISC 14 ed., pp. 3-77, Fy=50 ksi,

Shape W10x
22 19 17
Span, ft 19 27.3 41.1 22.7 34.1 19.6 29.5
20 25.9 39.0 21.6 32.4 18.7 28.1
21 24.7 37.1 20.5 30.9 17.8 26.7

(c) Al Nasra 196

PP. 3-132 AISC 14th ed. under beam , locate Mu = 77 k.ft, and unbraced length lb=0,
read up and to the right, read W10x19.

Available Moment vs. Unbraced length, W shaped, Table 3-10, AISC, Fy=50 ksi, Cb=1,
PP. 3-132




2 4 6 8

Un-braced length, ft

(c) Al Nasra 197

• Exercise
• Select the most economical section, with Fy =
50 ksi, assuming full lateral support for the
compression flange. D=1.2 k/ft, L=3.0 k/ft,
beam total length = 36 ft.

(c) Al Nasra 198

(c) Al Nasra 199
• Solution
• Assume the beam self weight = 90 lb/ft
• Wu=1.2(1.29)+1.6(3.0)=6.348 k/ft
• Mu=(6.348)(36)2/8= 1028.4 ft.k
• From AISC Table 3-6, pp. 3-46, for load of
6.348(36)=228.5 pick W30x90 of 236>228.5k
• Or from design charts, AISC pp.3-113
Mu=1028 K.ft, lb=0 Use W30x90
(c) Al Nasra 200
Beam – Column Design

Moayyad Al Nasra, PhD, PE

(c) Al Nasra
Bending and Axial Force
• Examples
– Eccentrically loaded columns
– Crooked columns
– Columns subjected to wind and other lateral
– Columns in rigid frames are subjected moments
– Centrifugal effect of traffic on curved bridges
– Many others

(c) Al Nasra
Members Subjected to Bending and
axial Tension

• For Pr/Pc ≥ 0.2

• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy) ≤ 1.0
• AISC 14th ed. eqn H1-1a, pp. 16.1-73
• And For Pr/Pc < 0.2
• Pr/2Pc + [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy) ≤ 1.0
• AISC 14th ed. eqn H1-1b, pp. 16.1-733
(c) Al Nasra
• In which
• Pr= Required tensile strength
• Pc = Design tensile strength (φc Pn) or allowable
tensile strength (Pn/Ωc)
• Mr= required flexural strength
• Mc= design flexural strength (φb Mn) or
allowable flexural strength (Mn/φb)

(c) Al Nasra
• A W14 X 30 tension member with no holes,
consisting of 50 ksi steel, is subjected to the
service loads PD = 80 k, and PL = 100 k, and to
the service moments MD= 10 k-ft and ML= 12 k-
ft. Is the member satisfactory if Lb = 4.0 ft and if
Cb = 1.0 ?

(c) Al Nasra
– Lb= laterally un-braced length
– Cb= lateral-torsional buckling modification factor
for non-uniform moment diagram
– Cb=12.5Mmax/(2.5Mmax+3MA+4MB+3MC)
• AISC 14th ed. Eqn. F1-1, pp. 16.1-46
– Mmax=absolute max moment, MA, MB, and MC=
moment at quarter point, centerline and three-
quarter point of the un-braced segment,

(c) Al Nasra 207

Note cont’d
• Cb=1.0 for cantilever or overhangs where the
free end is un-braced
• For doubly symmetric members with no
transverse loading between brace points
– Cb=1.0, for the case of equal end moments of
opposite sign (uniform moment)
– Cb=2.27, for the case of equal end moments of the
same sign (reverse curvature bending)
– Cb=1.67, when one end moment equal zero.

(c) Al Nasra 208

Solution - LRFD
• Using W 14x30 ( Ag=8.85 in2,)
• Lp=limiting lateral un-braced length =
1.76rysqrt(E/Fy)=5.26 ft > 4 ft, AISC F2-5, pp. 16.1-48
• Pr=Pu=(1.2)(80)+(1.6)(100)= 256 k
• Mrx=Mux= (1.2)(10)+(1.6)(12)=31.2 ft-k
• Pc=φtFyAg=(0.9)(50)(8.85)=398.2 k
• Mcx=φbMpx=177 ft k from AISC 14th ed. Table 3-2, pp 3-26
• Pr/Pc=256/398.2= 0.643 > 0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1-1a
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)
=0.643+(8/9)(31.2/177)=0.800 < 1.00 OK
(c) Al Nasra
Solution - ASD
• Pa=80+100= 180 k = Pr
• Mrx= Max= 10+12= 22 ft-k
• Pc=Pn/Ωc= FyAg/Ωt=(50)(8.85)/1.67=265 k
• Mcx= Max/Ωb=118 ft k form AISC Table 3-2
• Pr/Pc= 180/265 =0.679 > 0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1-1a
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)=
0.679+(8/9)(22/48)=0.845 <1.00 OK
(c) Al Nasra
• Repeat the previous problem if the member is
also subjected to the service moments MDY= 10
ft-k and MLY= 5 ft-k

• Using a W14x30 ( A= 8.85 in2, φbMpx=177 ft-k,

Mpx/Ωb =118 ft-k, AISC Table 3-2, Lp= 5.26 ft)

(c) Al Nasra
Solution - LRFD
• Pr=Pu=(1.2)(80)+(1.6)(100)= 256 k
• Mrx=Mux= (1.2)(10)+(1.6)(12)=31.2 ft-k
• Mry= Muy=(1.2)(10)+(1.6)(5)=20 ft-k
• Pc=φtFyAg=(0.9)(50)(8.85)=398.2 k
• Mcx=φbMpx=177 ft k from AISC Table 3-2
• Mcy= φbMpy=33.7 k-ft
• Pr/Pc=256/398.2= 0.643 > 0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1-1a
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)=
• 256/398.2+(8/9)(31.2/172+20/33.7)=1.332 >1.00
(c) Al Nasra
Solution - ASD
• Pa=80+100= 180 k = Pr
• Mrx= Max= 10+12= 22 ft-k
• Mry==May=10+5=15 ft=k
• Pc=Pm/Ωc= FyAg/Ωt=(50)(8.85)/1.67=265 k
• Mcx= Max/Ωb=118 ft k form AISC Table 3-2
• Mcy=May/ Ωb=22.4 ft-k
• Pr/Pc= 180/265 =0.679 > 0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1-1a
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)=
• 180/256+(8/9)(22/118+15/22.4)= 1.44 >1.00 NG
(c) Al Nasra
First and Second Order Analysis
• Pnt
• Pnt = axial compression force -1st order
• δ
• Mnt is the first order moment
• Mr=Mnt+Pntδ
• B1= magnification factor to account for the
P-δ effect

(c) Al Nasra
Magnification Factors
• B1= Cm/[1-α(Pr/Pe1)] ≥ 1.0
• α= 1.00 for LRFD and 1.60 for ASD
• Cm= 0.60 -0.4(M1/M2) Modification factor,
single curvature
• M1/M2= ratio of the smaller moment to the
larger moment at the end of the un-braced
length in the plane of bending under
• Pe1 = member’s Euler buckling strength
• Pe1= (π2EI)/(KL)2
(c) Al Nasra
• Pnt
• Δ
• B2= a magnification factor to account
– for P-Δ effect
– Mr=Mlt+PntΔ
– Mlt=secondary moment due to sidesway
– Mr=B1Mnt+B2Mlt = final moment in a particular
– Pr=Pnt+B2Plt = Final axial strength
– Pnt = axial compression – 1st order

(c) Al Nasra
• B2=1/[1-((αΣPnt)/(ΣPe2))]
• ΣPe2=Σ[(π2EI)/(K2L)2] , All column on that level
• K2L= effective length in the plane of bending,
based on a sidesway buckling analysis

(c) Al Nasra
Moment Capacities
– φbMn=Cb[φbMpx-BF(Lb-Lp)]≤φbMpx

Mn/Ωb=Cb[Mpx/Ωb-BF(Lb-Lp)] ≤Mpx/Ωb
BFs= bending factors from AISC Manual
Cb= (12.5 Mmax/[12.5Mmax+3MA+4MB+3Mc]) Rm ≤3.0
Mmax = largest moment in an unbraced segment of the beam,
while MA, MB, and MC are, respectively, the moments at the ¼
point, ½ point, and ¾ in the segment
Rm= cross section mono-symmetry parameter =0.5 +2(Iyc/Iy)2
Rm=1 for doubly symmetric members
Iyc = moment of inertia about y-axis referred to the compression
flange if single curvature bending is present

(c) Al Nasra
• A W10x54 pin-connected beam=column that is not
subjected to sidesway is 15 ft long. The load Pa=
180 k or PU= 300 K is applied to the column at its
upper end, with an eccentricity of 2 in. so as to
cause bending about the major axis of the section.
Check the adequacy of the member if it consists of
50 ksi steel and is used in a braced frame so that
Mltx=Mlty=0 . Ky=1.0 while Kx =1.0. Assume Cb=1.0
and Cmx=Cmy=0.85
• Using a W10x54 ( A=15.8 in2, Ix=303 in4, φbMpx=250
ft-k, Mpx/Ωb= 166 ft-k, Lp=9.04 ft, Lr=33.7 ft for
LRFD BF= 3.74, for ASD BF =2.49)
(c) Al Nasra
LRFD Solution
• Pr=Pu=300 k
• Mr=Mu=300(2/12)=50 ft=k
• KxLx=KyLy=(1.0)(15)=15 ft
• Pc=φcPn=496 k
• Pr/Pc=300/496=0.605 >0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1-1a
• Cm=0.6-0.4M1/M2=0.6-0.4(-50/50)=1.0
• Pe1= (π2EIx)/(KxLx)2 = (π2(29000)(303)/(12x15)2=2667 k
• B1= Cm/[1-α(Pr/Pe1)] =1.0/[1-((1.0)(300)/2667)]=1.13
• Mrx= B1Mr=(1.13)(50)=56.5 ft k
• Since Lb=15 >Lp< Lr
• Mcx= φbMnx=1.0[250-3.74(15-9.04)]=227.7 ft k
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)= 300/496+(8/9)(56.5/227.7)= 0.826
• The section is satisfactory
(c) Al Nasra
ASD Solution
• Pr=Pa=180 k
• Mr=Ma=(180)(2/12)=30 ft k
• KxLx=KyLy=1.0(15)=15 ft
• Pc= Pn/Ωc=330 k
• Pr/Pc= 180/330 =0.545 >0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1 1a
• Cm=0.6-0.4M1/M2=0.6-0.4(-30/30)=1.0
• Pe1= (π2EIx)/(KxLx)2 =2667 k
• B1= Cm/[1-α(Pr/Pe1)] =1.0[1.0-((1.6)(180)/2667)]=1.12
• Mrx= 1.12(30)=33.6 ft k
• Since Lb>Lp<Lr
• Mcx= φbMnx=1.0[166-2.49(15-9.04)]=151.2 ft k
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)=
• The section is satisfactory
(c) Al Nasra
• A pin-connected W10x49 consisting of 50 ksi
steel is used as a beam-column. If sidesway is
prevented and a load Pa= 200 k or Pu= 300 k is
applied 2.0 in off center at both ends so to
cause a single curvature bending about x axis, is
the member satisfactory? Length =12 ft , Kx=1.4,
Ky= 1.0
• Using a W10x49( A=14.1 in2, Ix=272 in4,
φbMpx=227ft-k, Mpx/Ωb= 151 ft-k, Lp=8.97 ft,
Lr=31.6 ft for LRFD BF= 3.67, for ASD BF =2.44)
(c) Al Nasra
LRFD - Solution
• Pr=Pu= 300 k
• Mrx=Mux =(2/12)(300)=50 ft k
• KyLy=(1)(12)=12 ft Governs
• KxLx=1.4(12)=16.8
• Pc=φcPn=513 k (AISC Table 4-1)
• Pr/Pc=300/513=0.585>0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1-1a
• Cm=0.6-0.4M1/M2=0.6-0.4(-50/50)=1.0
• Pe1= (π2EIx)/(KxLx)2 = (π2(29000)(272)/(12x12)2=5606k
• B1= Cm/[1-α(Pr/Pe1)] =1.0/[1-((1.0)(300)/5606]=1.06
• Mrx= B1Mr=(1.06)(50)=53ft k
• Since Lb=12>Lp< Lr
• Mcx= φbMnx=1.0[227-3.67(12-8.97)]=215.9ft k
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)= 300/513+(8/9)((53/215.9)+0)= 0.803<1.0
• The section is satisfactory

(c) Al Nasra
ASD Solution
• Pr=Pa=200 k
• Mrx=Max=(200)(2/12)=33.3 ft k
• KxLx=KyLy=1.4(12)=16.8 ft
• KyLy=(1)(12)= 12 , KxLx/(rx/ry)=16.8/1.71=9.82
• Pc= Pn/Ωc=341k (AISC Table 4-1)
• Pr/Pc= 200/341=0.58>0.2
• Must use AISC Eqn H1 1a
• Cm=0.6-0.4M1/M2=0.6-0.4(-33.3/33.3)=1.0
• Pe1= (π2EIx)/(KxLx)2 =5606k
• B1= Cm/[1-α(Pr/Pe1)] =1.0[1.0-((1.6)(200)/5606)]=1.06
• Mrx= 1.06(33.3)=35.3 ft k
• Since Lb=12>Lp=8,97<Lr=31.1
• Mcx= φbMnx=1.0[151-2.44(12-8.97)]=143.6ft k
• Pr/Pc+(8/9) [(Mrx/Mcx)+(Mry/Mcy)= 200/341+(8/9)((35.3/143.6)+0)=0.805<1.0
• The section is satisfactory

(c) Al Nasra
Bolted Connection

Moayyad AL Nasra, PhD, PE

(c) Al Nasra
Types of Bolts
• Unfinished bolts, ordinary or common bolts.
Classified by ASTM as A307 bolts
• High-strength bolts. Made from medium carbon
heat – treated steel and from alloy steel and
have tensile strength two or more times those
of ordinary bolts. Commonly available as A325,
and A490.

(c) Al Nasra
Advantages of High-Strength Bolts
• Smaller screws
• Fewer bolts needed
• Less training and experience
• Relatively less noisy
• Less cost
• Less hazards
• Better fatigue resistance
• Can be removed easily
(c) Al Nasra
Methods for Fully Pre-tensioning High-
Strength Bolts
• Turn-of-the-Nut: Bolts are brought to a snug-tight
condition, then are given one-third to one full turn.
• Calibrated Wrench : Bolts are tightened with an impact
wrench to the required torque putting the necessary
tension in the bolts
• Direct Tension Indicator: Consists of a hardened washer
that has protrusions on one face in the form of small
arches. The arches will be flattened as a bolt is tightened.
The amount of gap at any one time is a measure of the
bolt tension
• Alternative Design Fasteners: Bolts with splined ends that
extend beyond the threaded portion of the bolts, called
twist-off bolts.
(c) Al Nasra
Bearing-Type Connections – Loads Passing
Through Center of Gravity of Connections
• Shear Strength: The shear strength of bolts are
given in AISC Manual Table J3.2 PP16.1-120, 14th
edition 2011.
• Bearing Strength: Based upon the strength of
the parts being connected and the
arrangements of the bolts. Expressions for the
nominal bearing strength (Rn values) at bolts are
provided in section J3.10 of the AISC,
(c) Al Nasra
• A.) if deformation around bolts holes is a design
consideration ( if we want deformation to be ≤
0.25 in) then
• Rn= 1.2LctFu≤2.4dtFu (AISC 14th ed. Eqn J3-6a,
pp. 16.1-127)
• If deformation around the bolt is not a design
consideration ( deformation > 0.25 in)
• Rn= 1.5 LctFu ≤ 3.0 dtFu (AISC 14th ed.Eqn J3-6b)

(c) Al Nasra
• B. For bolts used in connections with long-slotted
holes, the slots being perpendicular to the forces
• Rn= 1.0 LctFu ≤ 2.0 dtFu (AISC 14th Eqn J3-6c)
• d= bolt diameter
• t= thickness of members bearing against the bolt
• Lc= clear distance between the edge of holes and
the edge of the adjacent holes or edges of the
material in the direction of the force
• Fu= minimum tensile strength of the connected

(c) Al Nasra


2 3 3 2
PL 1X 16

PL 1 X 16

(c) Al Nasra
• Determine the LRFD design tensile strength and
the ASD allowable strength for the member
shown, assuming bearing-type connection. Use
A325 ¾ inch bolts, threads excluded from shear
plane. Use AISC Specifications, standard size
holes, members have clean mill-scale surfaces
(Class A), Fy= 36 ksi and Fu= 58 ksi, deformation
at service loads is a design consideration, and
ignore block shear

(c) Al Nasra
LRFD Solution
• A.) Gross section Yielding of plates
• Pn= FyAg= 36(1x16)=576 k, φt= 0.90
• φtPn=(0.90)(576) = 518.4 k
• B.) Tensile Rupture Strength of Plates
• An=16-3(3/4 +1/8)(1.0) =13.3 in2
• U=1.0 as all parts connected
• Pn= FuAe=(58)(13.375)(1.)=775.75 k
• Also φtPn=(0.75)(775.75)=581.8 k , φt= 0.75
• C.) Bearing Strength of Bolts
• Lc= lesser of 2-(1/2)(3/4+1/8) or 3-(3/4+1/8)
=1.5625 in
(c) Al Nasra
• Rn=1.2LctFu(no. of bolts)≤2.4dtFu (No. of bolts)
• Rn= (1.2)(1.5625)(1.0)(58)(9)=978.8 k >
2.4(3/4)(1)(58)(9)=939.6 k
• φPn=(0.75)(939.6)=704.7 k, , φ= 0.75
• D.) Shearing Strength of bolts
• Area of the bolt = 0.44 in2
• Fn = 68 ksi nominal shear stress, AISC Table J3.2, PP.
16.1-120 AISC 14th edition
• Number of bolts used in the connection = 9
• Rn=FnAb=68(0.44)(9)=269.3 k
• φRn= (0.75)(269.3)=202 k, φ= 0.75
• The strength is 202 k
(c) Al Nasra
ASD Solution
• A.) Gross section Yielding of plates
• Pn= FyAg= 36(1x16)=576 k, Ωt= 1.67
• Pn/ Ωt=(576) / 1.67 = 344.9 k
• B.) Tensile Rupture Strength of Plates
• An=16-3(3/4 +1/8)(1.0) =13.3 in2
• U=1.0 as all parts connected
• Pn= FuAe=(58)(13.375)(1.)=775.75 k
• Also Pn/ Ωt=(775.75)/2.0=387.9k , Ωt= 2.0
• C.) Bearing Strength of Bolts
• Lc= lesser of 2-(1/2)(3/4+1/8) or 3-(3/4+1/8)
=1.5625 in
(c) Al Nasra
• Rn=1.2LctFu(no. of bolts)≤2.4dtFu (No. of bolts)
• Rn= (1.2)(1.5625)(1.0)(58)(9)=978.8 k >
2.4(3/4)(1)(58)(9)=939.6 k
• Pn/ Ω=(939.6)/2.00=469.8k, Ω= 2.0
• D.) Shearing Strength of bolts
• Area of the bolt = 0.44 in2
• Fn = 68 ksi nominal shear stress, AISC Table J3.2, PP.
16.1-120 AISC 14th edition
• Number of bolts used in the connection = 9
• Rn=FnAb=68(0.44)(9)=269.3 k
• Rn/Ω= (269.3)/2.00=134.6 k, Ω= 2.0
• The strength is 134.6 k
(c) Al Nasra

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