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1: The Sound of Music

2: I - 2 years before the movie, Julie Andrews spoofed the musical in the 1962 tv special Julie

and Carol at Carnegie Hall.

II - Julie Andrews almost wasn't casted as Maria.

III - Christopher Plummer, who played Captain von Trapp, hated the film so much he

nicknamed it the “the sound of mucus”

IV - Mia Farrow auditioned for the part of Liesl.

V - Overall the movie is historically inaccurate.

3: The Sound of Music was the first musical that I ever saw, and it brings back good memories

from my childhood with my family. It also influenced my interest in history, specifically World

War II

4: In my opinion it is more entertainment. The storyline is pretty linear and based on historical



This review is mostly positive about the musical. For example in the second paragraph of the

review it states, “Don't deprive yourself of the pleasure a moment longer than necessary. Run, do

not walk, to the nearest box office.” The story is more or less true, which I think adds to its

timeless quality.

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