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Can Boil-Off Gas Meet Engine Requirements for LNG

In 2017, approximately 31% of all the gas consumed worldwide was transported internationally. About 65%
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of this gas was transported via pipeline (21% of the total) and approximately 35% was transported as
liquified natural gas (LNG) (10% of the total) [1].
Most of the gas transported internationally by pipeline was from Russia and Norway to Western Europe and Search
from Canada to the US. The largest LNG importing region was in the Pacific Basin, mainly Japan and South
Korea. Most of this LNG was supplied from the Middle East, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia. English TOTM Home
As shown in Figure 1, LNG is often the first choice for large volumes of natural gas transportation when the Spanish TOTM Home
distances are large and when the supplier and buyer are separated by an ocean.


May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
Figure 1. Natural gas transportation options November 2018
October 2018
Figure 2 shows the overall transportation efficiency for natural gas [2]. Notice, LNG efficiency is roughly 90%. This is
September 2018
related to about 10 % fuel consumption for liquefaction and transportation. Notice the steep curve of the pipeline systems August 2018
going from 100% efficiency at 0 distances to roughly 65% efficiency at 8000 km (4971 mile). This is essentially the fuel
gas requirements for the compression along the length of the pipeline. July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
Figure 2. Nominal natural gas transportation efficiency [2]
December 2016
The LNG is typically stored in insulated tanks to keep it in a liquid state for longer periods. As a result of heat transfer from
surroundings to the storage tank, aWe tested
portion this
of the LNGpage
may and blocked
evaporate whichcontent that
is known as comes
boil-off from potentially
gas (BOG). In addition to
November 2016
the heat transfer, reference [3]dangerous or suspicious
discusses other sites. Allow
sources or mechanisms thislike:
of BOG content only if you're sure it comes View all blocked2016
October content
from safe sites.
►The sloshing of cargo: Liquid Motion September 2016
►The cooling of tanks August 2016
►LNG loading and unloading conditions July 2016
►Cargo tanks pressure decrease June 2016
If the BOG is not removed from the storage tank, the tank pressure increases. The tank is designed, however, to withstand
May 2016
higher pressure; typical design pressure is 29 kPag (4.2 psig) and design temperature of -170 °C (-274 °F). reference [4] April 2016
purposes the following alternatives for handling offshore pressure build up in the LNG tanks:
March 2016
►Adequate tank design pressure
February 2016
January 2016
►Thermal oxidation i.e. combustion of the BOG gas via a burner system
December 2015
November 2015
►Fuel sharing i.e. diesel + BOG combusted in a dual-fuel burner system October 2015
The descriptions of the above alternatives are presented in reference [4]. As an example, the description of fuel sharing is September 2015
extracted and presented here.
August 2015
“In order to match BOG generation with engine consumption for a desired load, fuel sharing can be utilized. Dual-fuel
engines are capable of running on both diesel and gas, which can be used to even-out variations in gas supply or quality. July 2015
With normal gas operation, around 1—5% of the pilot fuel is needed to ignite the gas. With fuel sharing, the amount of gas June 2015
can be varied between around 15% and 85%, with the rest being diesel [4].”
May 2015
As shown in Figure 3, reference [4] also presents a simplified system layout for BOG handling, when using two-stroke
main engines and four-stroke auxiliary engines. The ideal consumption should match boil off rate (BOR), resulting in a April 2015
BOG balance of zero. This is similar to a vapor recovery unit (VRU) used for hydrocarbon condensate and crude oil
storage tanks. March 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
Figure 3. Block diagram for BOG handling on an LNG carrier ship [4]
March 2014
February 2014
In continuing the August and October 2019 tips-of-the-month (TOTMs) [5, 6], this study was undertaken to investigate
the composition and Wobbe Index (WI) of the BOG in an LNG carrier ship. The BOG composition and its WI are useful for
January 2014
fuel sharing. A daily BOR of 0.15 % of total LNG storage volume for an example lean/light LNG mixture containing December 2013
nitrogen (1%), methane (96%), ethane (2%), and propane (1%), on the mole basis was considered. The compositions of
each component in the LNG and the BOG were determined by performing two series of bubblepoint calculations: one at a November 2013
specified pressure of 108 kPa (15.7 psia), another at the specified temperature of -162 °C (-259.6 °F) and the resulting
BOG and LNG composition in the storage tank. The calculations involved the vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) and the October 2013
component material balances. The UniSim Design program [7] and its Peng-Robinson equation of state option for the September 2013
thermodynamic package were used to perform the bubblepoint calculations.
August 2013
July 2013
Method 1: BOG at Constant Pressure 108 kPa (15.7 psia)
June 2013
Based on the following specified data and assumptions, a detailed step-by-step VLE and material balance calculations
were performed over a 10-day period.
May 2013
• Step-time, one day
April 2013
March 2013
• LNG storage capacity, 170,000 m3 (6,004,372 ft3)
February 2013
• Insulated LNG storage tank
January 2013
• BOR, 0.15 vol % per day based on the total initial LNG volume
December 2012
• LNG density during a step-time is constant November 2012
• BOG composition during a step-time is constant October 2012
• Initial LNG composition, mole %: N2=1; C1 =96; C2 =2; C3 =1 September 2012
The mole fractions of each component in the BOG and remaining in the storage LNG tank, bubblepoint temperature, and August 2012
the BOG WI were calculated and are presented graphically in the following sections.
July 2012
Figures 4 and 5 present the mole fractions of CH4 and N2 in the BOG and in the remaining LNG as a function of the June 2012
voyage days. Notice the N2 mole fraction in BOG varies from about 0.22 to 0.167 and is considerable; typically, the upper
limit is 0.20. May 2012
April 2012
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February 2012
from safe sites.
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
Figure 4. Variation of CH4 mole fraction in the LNG and BOG with the voyage days January 2011
December 2010
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
January 2010
December 2009
November 2009
October 2009
Figure 5. Variation of N2 mole fraction in the LNG and BOG with the voyage days September 2009
August 2009
July 2009
Figure 6 presents the WI of the BOG as a function of the voyage days. The WI typical values are 45 to 52 MJ/std m3 (1200
to 1400 Btu/scf). Therefore, this BOG may be blended with a higher energy content fuel to meet the required WI June 2009
specifications. More detail can be found in reference [4].
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009
January 2009
December 2008
November 2008
October 2008
September 2008
August 2008
July 2008
June 2008
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
Figure 6. Variation of the WI of BOG with the voyage days
December 2007
November 2007
October 2007
The variation of bubblepoint temperature of the storage tank LNG at a constant pressure of 108 kPa (15.7 psia) as a
function of the voyage days is shown in Figure 7. Notice the bubblepoint temperature increases by about 0.8 °C (1.5 °F). September 2007
Bubblepoint temperature is influenced by the light component concentration. As BOG production continues the mole
fraction of N2 in the LNG decreases from 0.01 to 0.007 which makes the bubblepoint temperature increase slightly.
August 2007
Figure 8 also presents the mole fractions of N2 and CH4 in the storage LNG and the BOG.
We tested this page and blocked content that comes from potentially July 2007
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from safe sites. May 2007
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
Figure 7. Variation of the storage tank temperature with the voyage days
January 2006
December 2005
November 2005
October 2005
September 2005
August 2005
July 2005
June 2005

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Figure 8. Variation of N2 and CH4 mole fractions in the LNG and BOG with the voyage days Supply Chain
Method 2: BOG at Constant Temperature -162 °C (-259.6 °F)
Water and Corrosion
Based on the specified data and assumptions similar to the method 1, the VLE and material balance calculations were
performed for the first 10-days of ship voyage. The simulation results include: the mole fractions and the amounts of each
component in the BOG and in the remaining LNG, bubblepoint pressure, and the BOG WI. The results are presented Meta
graphically in Figures A1 through A5 of Appendix A.

Figure A4 in Appendix A indicates that at constant temperature, after 10 days of voyage the bubblepoint pressure reduces Register
slightly by about 7 kPa, from 118.5 to 111.6 kPa (1 psia, from 17.2 to 16.2 psia). Over the full 10 days, the mole fraction of
N2 in the LNG decreases from 0.01 to 0.007 which makes the bubblepoint pressure decrease slightly. Log in
Figure 9 shows N2 mole % variation in the LNG and BOG when studied using the constant pressure and the constant
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temperature methods. The difference between the LNG N2 mole % using either method is small and the maximum Comments RSS
difference between BOG N2 mole % is about 1 mole %.
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Figure 9. Variation of N2 mole % in the LNG and BOG; constant pressure BOG vs constant temperature BOG

Method 3: BOG at Constant Temperature -162 °C (-259.6 °F) for 1-Day Voyage (Validation)

To check the validity and accuracy of the step-time of one day, the step-time was reduced to 2.4 hours and calculations
were completed for one day (10 step-time) of voyage. Based on the specified data and the other assumptions similar to
the Case 2, the VLE and material balance calculations were performed for the 1-day of ship voyage. The simulation
results including the mole fractions of each component in the BOG and in the remaining LNG, bubblepoint pressure and
the BOG WI and are presented graphically in Figures B1 through B5 of Appendix B. Good agreements were obtained
between the first day of 10-day voyage and step-time one day with the results of 1-day voyage and step-time of 2.4 hours.
This confirms that the step-time of one day for these types of calculations is adequate and acceptable.


The BOG on an LNG carrier ship can be used to run the ship’s engines, auxiliary engines or to generate steam. However,
a good estimate of composition and the WI are needed for fuel sharing and to provide suitable engine fuel. Based on the
work done in this TOTM, the following can be concluded:

1. Depending on the N2 content in the LNG the WI of BOG-alone may not meet the requirements for the ship engines or
the auxiliary engines. For the ten days voyage, WI varied from about 36.5 to 39.8 MJ/std m3 (979 to 1069 Btu/scf), see
Figures 6 and B3. BOG may be blended with a higher energy content fuel to meet the required WI specifications.

2. Under the ideal conditions of the two BOG methods at constant pressure or constant temperature,

►the variation of cargo bubblepoint temperature/pressure was about 0.8 °C (1.5 °F) or about 7 kPa (1 psi), (Figures 7, B4
and C4).

►the difference between the LNG N2 mole % in both methods is small and the maximum difference between BOG
N2 mole % in the two methods is about 1 mole % (Figure 9).

►BOG properties varied linearly as a function of the voyage days.

►the step-time of one day is adequate for performing VLE and material balances.

Modern membrane LNG carriers such as Q-flex (210,000 m3 LNG) and Q-max (266,000 m3 LNG) are designed for BOG
recovery systems, using Hammworthy nitrogen-cycle re-liquefaction process. These modern carriers use MAN B&W 7S70
ME-C two-stroke low-speed diesel burning heavy fuel oil that is electronically controlled. This configuration avoids BOG
losses in these modern carriers.

To learn more about similar cases and how to minimize operational problems, we suggest attending our G4 (Gas
Conditioning and Processing), G5 (Practical Computer Simulation Applications in Gas Processing), G29 LNG
(Short Course : Technology and the LNG Chain) and G4 LNG (Gas Conditioning and Processing-LNG
Emphasis) courses.

By: Mahmood Moshfeghian, Ph.D.

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1. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018

2. AA Amos, Special Report International Gas Trade: Drive to Lower Transportation Costs.” Oil and Gas Journal Volume
98, Issue 20, Pages 62-67, 15 May 2000

3. GTT (Gas Transportation Technigaz), Boil-off Clarifications,

clarifications, Jun 2019

4. B. Nygard, “Boil-Off Gas handling onboard LNG fueled ships,”

off-gas-handling-onboard-lng-fuelled-ships, June 2019

5. KS McGregor and FE Ashford, “

lng#.XWSVruNKjcc,” PetroSkills tip of the month, Aug 2019

6. KS McGregor and FE Ashford, “

conversions#.XacteJJKjcc /,” PetroSkills tip of the month, Oct 2019

7. UniSim Design R443, Build 19153, Honeywell International Inc., 2017

Appendix A

Method 2: BOG at Constant Temperature -162 °C (-259.6 °F)

• Step-time, one day

• LNG storage capacity, 170,000 m3 (6,004,372 ft3)

• Insulated LNG storage tank

• BOR, 0.15 Vol % per day based on the total initial LNG volume

• LNG density during a step-time is constant

• BOG composition during a step-time is constant

• Initial LNG composition, mole %: N2=1; C1 =96; C2 =2; C3 =1

Figure A1. Variation of CH4 mole fraction in the LNG and BOG with the voyage days
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Figure A2. Variation of N2 mole fraction in the LNG and BOG with the voyage days

Figure A3. Variation of WI of BOG with the voyage days

Figure A4. Variation of the storage tank pressure with the voyage days
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Figure A5. Variation of N2 and CH4 mole fractions in the LNG and BOG with the voyage days

Appendix B

Method 2: BOG at Constant Temperature -162 °C (-259.6 °F)

• Step-time, 2.4 hour

• LNG storage capacity, 170,000 m3 (6,004,372 ft3)

• Insulated LNG storage tank

• BOR, 0.15 Vol % per day based on the total initial LNG volume

• LNG density during a step-time is constant

• BOG composition during a step-time is constant

• Initial LNG composition, mole %: N2=1; C1 =96; C2 =2; C3 =1

Figure B1. Variation of CH4 mole fractions in the LNG and BOG with the voyage hr; step-time of 24 hr vs step-time of 2.4
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Figure B2. Variation of N2 mole fractions in the LNG and BOG with the voyage hr; step-time of 24 hr vs step-time of 2.4 hr

Figure B3. Variation of WI of BOG with the voyage hr; step-time of 24 hr vs step-time of 2.4 hr
Figure B4. Variation of the storage tank pressure with the voyage hr; step-time of 24 hr vs step-time of 2.4 hr
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Figure B5. Variation of N2 and CH4 mole fractions in the LNG and BOG with the voyage hr; step-time of 24 hr vs step-
time of 2.4 hr

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Posted on November 1, 2019 at 9:09 am

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