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Journal Entry

Day and Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Hours Spent Shadowing: 1

Details: I met Mr. Capasso at Mercantile and Mash to discuss technologies that his
company uses for financial planning. He gave me their top 5 softwares: Orion, Advyzon,
MoneyGuidePro, Tolerisk, Sharefile, and RightSignature. He explained that each of
these has made business much more efficient, and made it easier on both himself and
his clients. He then provided me with 3 strong websites to continue my research on, one
being extremely beneficial, which is XY Planning Network. Then I had him take a look at
my thesis statement because I felt it was weak. He gave me a different view of it from his
real world experience, as mine was more of an educated guess. He told me that
technologies have helped financial planning become more efficient, meaning that he has
been able to cut down time at work, while also being able to service more people. He
also said that technology has lowered the margin of error, and has created opportunities
for the coming generations. He also mentioned that I should potentially focus a
paragraph on behavioral finance.

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