Rethorical Analysis 2

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Clara Arguelles
Professor Judidth


University of Texas El Paso

Child abuse Prevention/Consequences

Child abuse has been around since forever. Most people don’t understand what child

abuse is and even can say they don’t know what it looks like. Mostly parents need to know how

their children should be treated. The awareness should be spread by having a program for

teachers, parents and counselors to be taught to help any person who may use or require

information about how kids suffer in many ways child abuse the fact is that people are not totally

sure what is wrong and is consider child abuse. Video by Joan Sanders (2018) proving and

talking about the early detection of child abuse clearly states that it happened all around the

world the three basic child abuse is physical, emotional and sexual. Article by (Encyclopedia of

Health ) saying how children suffer and get traumatized after passing by child abuse and types of

abuse that people don’t understand is also abuse.

Genre 1

The audience for this article is directed to parents or guardians with children at their care.

Parents who don’t clearly know what child abuse is or what it can cause if happened to their

child. According to the 2017 Child Maltreatment report there were approximately 674,000

victims of child abuse or neglect in the United States in 2017. This just points out how no one is

doing anything to prevent it or there is insufficient social workers to take care of this big

problem which is not really important to a lot of people or is it parents just don’t know how to

be parents or people just don’t understand what child abuse is. Child abuse is molesting kids in a

physical sexual or emotional way. Harming children is hurting in any way a child affecting the
way a child feels and thinks. Making a child feel frustrated can cause them to have a big impact

in their lives as they grow older such as drugs, suicide, alcohol abuse. Logos has a lot to do with

how people know what is wrong and write what can affect a child by their reaction to anything

done by a person can be by a friend or parent or teacher you see a reaction and should know

that’s not right. For example, if you hit a kid and it cries what does that sign give you? Adults

must treat children with love and be their example.

Children face consequences because of neglection by parents making them feel

abandoned or unloved. Parents will treat their kids as how they were treated if their own parents

were hit by their parents then they will hit their kids. According to the article bulling and abuse is

sometimes not given by the caregiver or parent its given at school by other children who are

mistreated at home and they learn to mistreat others. Another consequence can he wight gain and

weight loss when children start to grow the feel a tendency to hurt themselves or try to make

themselves feel better or either by eating or not. Children can become antisocial because a hard

memory to socialize and hurt. Social Workers should be more aware if any family has any small

problem that can become a big one. In the article it says how a little girl was killed because of

her parents that tied her up and hit her, the social worker already new that something like that

happened that the dad hit her once and she came in to school with her face all bruised and the

social worker just took her back to her house and nothing happened. Social workers need more

training to respond to any situation that seems little but later becomes a problem so who’s fault is

it going to be if the little girl dies? Not the parents because they weren’t told something was

wrong but the Social Worker who didn’t think it could be a deadly problem.

Audience is focus to social workers who are in charge on checking how families are doing if

there can be any sing of child neglection or abuse. According to Sanders (2018) abuse and

neglection is all around you. When we talk about abuse its harmful and maybe you feel you are

ok nut then you start having problems such as with your peer’s parents’ friends. Social workers

and counselors are sometimes closer to children than their same parents so training to know if a

child is going through something is needed. Able to feel what they feel and make a connection

and make them feel comfortable talking about any problem. Sanders says that to we need to stop

it since the beginning so it doesn’t become like in the other article it says the same thing.

Child abuse. By: Primavera, Judith, Jackson, Shelley A., Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health,


Cook Children's Health Care System. (2018). Early detection of child abuse and neglect training.

Retrieved from

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