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Digital Marketing

Module Search Engine Optimization

Session No. II

Version 1.0
Digital Marketing

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DM/M2SII/v1.0/010819 Search Engine Optimization | Session No.: II

Digital Marketing

Table of Contents
1. Elaboration of Different Concepts ......................................................................... 6

1.1. Keyword Research ............................................................................................. 6

1.2. Workings of Google............................................................................................ 7

1.3. Factors determining SEO Ranking ..................................................................... 8

2. Website Audit ........................................................................................................ 11

2.1. Understanding of Website Audit ....................................................................... 11

2.2. Different types of Website Audit ....................................................................... 11

2.2.1. Audit for the Health of the Website.......................................................................11

2.2.2. Audit for Website’s Security .................................................................................11

2.2.3. Audit for the Social Media presence of the website ..............................................11

2.2.4. Audit for Conversion Rate Optimization ...............................................................12

2.2.5. Audit for Negative SEO Practices ........................................................................12

2.2.6. Audit of Competitors’ Websites ............................................................................12

2.2.7. Auditing regarding Penalty and Recovery ............................................................12

2.2.8. Audit for Existence of Duplicate Contents ............................................................13

2.3. Significance of carrying out Website Audit ....................................................... 13

2.4. Mode of carrying out Website Audit ................................................................. 13

2.4.1. Steps for undertaking Technical Audit ..................................................................13

2.4.2. Steps for undertaking On-Page SEO Audit ..........................................................14

2.4.3. Steps for undertaking Off-Page SEO Audit ..........................................................14

2.4.4. Steps for undertaking User Experience based Audit ............................................15

2.4.5. Steps for Carrying out a Content Audit .................................................................15

3. Case Studies on Website Audit ........................................................................... 16

3.1. Case Study on SEOptimer ............................................................................... 16

3.1.1. An Overview of SEOptimer ..................................................................................16

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Digital Marketing

3.1.2. Significance of SEOptimer ...................................................................................16

3.1.3. Website Audit Results ..........................................................................................17

3.2. Case Study on SEO Site Check-up.................................................................. 18

3.2.1. An Overview of SEO Site Check-up .....................................................................18

3.2.2. Significance of using SEO Site Check-up ............................................................19

3.2.3. Audit Results........................................................................................................19

3.3. Case Study on Seomator ................................................................................. 20

3.3.1. Overview and Seomator ......................................................................................20

3.3.2. Audit Results........................................................................................................22

3.4. Case Study on Majestic ................................................................................... 23

3.4.1. Overview of Majestic ............................................................................................23

3.4.2. Significance of Majestic .......................................................................................24

3.4.3. Audit Results........................................................................................................25

3.5. Case Study on Neil Patel SEO Analyser .......................................................... 28

3.5.1. Overview of SEO Analyser...................................................................................28

3.5.2. Significance of SEO Analyser ..............................................................................28

3.5.3. Audit Results........................................................................................................29

3.6. Case Study on Zadroweb ................................................................................. 32

3.6.1. Overview of Zadroweb .........................................................................................32

3.6.2. Significance of SEO Auditor of Zadroweb ............................................................33

3.6.3. Audit Results........................................................................................................33

References ................................................................................................................... 43

Tables & Figures

Figure 1.1: Keyword Research ................................................................................................... 6
Figure 1.2: Ranking of SEO Articles ..........................................................................................10
Figure 3.1: Audit Results of SEOptimer .....................................................................................17

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Digital Marketing

Figure 3.2: Audit Results of SEOptimer .....................................................................................18

Figure 3.3: SEO Site Check-Up Audit .......................................................................................19
Figure 3.4: SEO Site Check-Up Audit .......................................................................................20
Figure 3.5: Seomator Metrics ....................................................................................................20
Figure 3.6: Audit Results of Seomator .......................................................................................22
Figure 3.7: Audit Results of Seomator .......................................................................................23
Figure 3.8: URL Info of ........................................................................................25
Figure 3.9: Trust Flow of ......................................................................................25
Figure 3.10: Citation Flow of ................................................................................25
Figure 3.11: External Backlinks of .......................................................................26
Figure 3.12: Referring Domains of .......................................................................26
Figure 3.13: Referring IPs of
Figure 3.14: Referring IPs of Majestic .......................................................................................27
Figure 3.15: Breakdown of Backlinks for
Figure 3.16: Page Level SEO Score for ............................................29
Figure 3.17: Page Level Speed Score for .........................................30
Figure 3.18: Content Analysis for ......................................................30
Figure 3.19: Back Links Counter for ..................................................31
Figure 3.20: Indexed Pages for .........................................................31
Figure 3.21: Web Performance for ....................................................32
Figure 3.22: Audit Results for Zadroweb ...................................................................................33
Figure 3.23: Google Page Speed for Zadroweb ........................................................................35
Figure 3.24: Organic Traffic for Zadroweb .................................................................................35
Figure 3.25: SEO Stats for Zadroweb .......................................................................................36
Figure 3.26: SEO Stats for Zadroweb .......................................................................................36
Figure 3.27: Heading Tags for Zadroweb ..................................................................................37
Figure 3.28: Audit Results of Images for Zadroweb ...................................................................38
Figure 3.29: Audit Results of Robots and Sitemap for Zadroweb ..............................................39
Figure 3.30: Audit Results of Source Code for Zadroweb ..........................................................40
Figure 3.31: Audit Results of Social Tags for Zadroweb ............................................................41
Figure 3.32: Audit Results of Social Links for Zadroweb ...........................................................42
Figure 3.33: Audit Results of URL Stats for Zadroweb ..............................................................42

DM/M2SII/v1.0/010819 Search Engine Optimization | Session No.: II

Digital Marketing

1. Elaboration of Different Concepts

1.1. Keyword Research

Keyword Research is identified as the practice of identifying the phrases that are mostly used by
individuals for meeting their information needs based on posting of queries on the search
engines. It encompasses the findings associated to the search volume and also the
competitiveness of the different terms. Keyword Research is identified as a critical component
associated to SEO in that the correct usage of the same ideally contributes in generating a
roadmap for both designing and also in executing the building up of websites and also in
developing of needed content. The keywords are essentially broken down and thereby grouped
in terms of the number of words that are engaged for generation of queries. It is observed that
the greater the involvement of the words in defining different query phrases the easier it
becomes to rank the same for the different terms that are searched by the users. The same
thereby helps in reducing the level of relative competition associated with the same.

Figure 1.1: Keyword Research

(Leist, 2019)

The value of a keyword is determined based on two different parameters like the level of search
volume compared to the competition level and secondly the rate of conversion generated by it

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Digital Marketing

which in turn contributes in enhancing the level of revenue generation potential for the firm
(Leist, 2019).
Researching keywords for conducting a SEO Strategy is essentially carried out based on a
series of steps that are underlined as follows:
 The first essential step is to identify the diverse topics for which the searching of
information needs to be carried out. Herein, research needs to be conducted based on
the significance of the topics wherein greater the number of searches carried out against
a particular topic, greater is the degree of its significance in regard to attracting the mind-
set of the target audience.
 Large numbers of keywords are required to be filled for carrying out further searches
associated to the different types of topics identified in the previous case. The selection of
different types of keywords contributes in generation of a keyword bucket that helps in
carrying out relevant searches for different types of terms.
 Search engines like enable in gaining access to greater number of
keywords that are relevant to a specific term for which the query was carried out. The
additional or suggested queries appearing at the bottom of the search list ideally help in
enhancing the level of keywords.
 An admixture of both the head terms and keywords developed based on shorter phrases
and generally of generic category and long-tail keywords that are developed based on
the incorporation of three or more keywords are needed to be carried out for enhancing
the research activity associated with keywords.
 Finally, it is also required of the digital marketers to understand and evaluate the manner
in which the competitors would tend to rank the different keywords that had been
selected to constitute the keyword basket. The understanding and the evaluation of the
manner in which the competitors rank the different keywords that tend to match the
selected ideally help in understanding the significance of the chosen keywords (Kumar,
1.2. Workings of Google
Google acts as a leading search engine that ideally helps in narrowing down the searches
conducted on it. Keywords are identified for carrying out searches along diverse categories
associated to images, maps, commercial offerings like products and services rendered by firms,
scholarly papers and peer reviewed journals, contents associated to books and videos and
likewise. Google as a search engine operates based on a set of different algorithms for helping
in the carrying out and also in helping in the determination of effective search results. Like other

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Digital Marketing

search engines different set of programs like web spiders and also web crawlers that act as
automated tools for carrying out relevant searches are used by Google for generation of large
sets of search results associated to the different queries (Schmidt & Rosenberg, 2014).
Further, Google also serves in ranking the different searches generated on its result page that
ideally helps in determining the relevancy of the search results. The relevancy score for each of
the different web pages are determined and assigned based on using an effective algorithm
identified as the PageRank. The page ranks of the different web pages are essentially
determined based on two broad factors like the number of times the keywords are used in the
same and also the length or duration for which the web pages have existed on the search
engine. In that, the number of keywords provided is lesser than the average required for a
specific web page it is taken to have low page rankings wherein the research is carried out
based on the specific keyword. Again, the web pages that have existed for a longer time
framework tend to get higher rankings on Google compared to those existent for shorter to
moderate durations. Google also focuses on determining and evaluating the number of web
pages that bear linkage to an effective website for understanding the relevance of the same
(Schmidt & Rosenberg, 2014).
1.3. Factors determining SEO Ranking
A set of different factors ideally contribute in determining the ranking of the different SEO pages.
The same are highlighted as follows:
 In the first case it is highly needed for having a secure and also an accessible web
platform that can be reached by Google bots in an effective fashion. Herein, Google
focuses on visiting the websites for gaining an effective understanding of the type of
contents present in the site. The website on the other hand needs specific tools like a
robots.txt file that would help Google in understanding where to access information from
and where it cannot access. It also needs a site map that acts as an effective navigation
tool which helps Google to effectively access a list of different web pages.
 The greater the speed at which the web page can be downloaded essentially helps in
gaining a higher ranking on the SEO platform.
 Again, the degree of mobile friendliness of the different websites acts as a strong
determinant for deciding on the level of the page rankings for them. The growth of use of
mobile phones and tablets by users has in turn widened the scope for higher page
rankings for the web pages that have been devised to act based on multiple platforms
(Maya, 2018).

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Digital Marketing

 Further, the originality and also the optimality of the contents furnished along the
different web pages ideally contribute in generating higher page rankings for the
concerned websites. Usage of multimedia contents like videos and podcasts on the
websites further help in enhancing their relevancy and thereby attract higher page
rankings. The above endeavour can be effectively carried out based on the designing of
LSI keywords. The use of such keywords would help Google find an effective
association between different words to arrive at desired results. An example can be
taken on such basis as to integrate the word, ‘mini’ to car rather than to other offerings
as skirt or again vice-versa.
 It is also observed that generation of longer contents of 2000 words or more for a
specific topic tends to attract larger viewer attention than that of shorter contents. The
availability of longer contents associated to a specific issue or product or service brand
drives viewers’ interests in not only viewing and reading the same but also generates
more number of likes and shares (Shenoy & Prabhu, 2016).
 Again, using of keyword phrases along different sections of the document and also the
use of different header tags like h1 as the main title and h2 and h3 as subtitles ideally
contribute in enhancing the quality of formatting carried out. Likewise, the development
of meta descriptions based on the involvement of around 160 characters ideally
contributes in attracting the attention and interest of the visitors to the different posts.
The meta descriptions to be interesting and appealing are needed to bear the keyword
phrases identified for constructing of keywords.
 Further activities for generating higher SEO rankings can be enabled in terms of
incorporating the different keyword phrases for tagging of different pictures and other
multimedia posts. The same enhances the relevancy of the different contents to the
readers and users of the same.
 Ranking of SEO articles on search engines are also determined by other three
parameters like ‘Clickthrough Rate’, ‘Bounce Rate’ and finally the ‘Dwell Time’.
Clickthrough Rate or CTR determines the number of visitors that focus on gaining a visit
to the site after viewing the site’s entry in along the different search results. Bounce Rate
on the contrary reflects the number of bounces or the number of visitors that had
bounced back away from the site in that the same had failed in providing them with
needed information. Finally, the ‘Dwell Time’ as a measure focuses on understanding
the time for which the visitors stayed or dwelled on the site after having gained a visit
(Santora, 2019). The same is illustrated in Figure 1.2.

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Digital Marketing

Figure 1.2: Ranking of SEO Articles

(Santora, 2019)

 In cases where visitors to the site are not satisfied with the information and quality
of contents and thereby bounce away from it the same disturbs the level of the page
rankings of search engines like Google. The continual practice of such by the users or
viewers happens to make the page rankings for the site percolate downwards thereby
affecting the credibility for such. On the other hand, if the viewers to the site find the
content quite appealing and informative the same encourages them to be with the site
for a longer period. The chances of staying with the site for a longer duration in turn
happen to enhance the chances of the site to earn higher ranking in the search engine
 Presence of links on the website and SEO Content pages are considered as an effective
way for helping in the gaining of higher page rankings along the different search
engines. Three different kinds of links like the inbound, outbound and also the internal
links are observed to that effect. The presence of quality inbound links ideally contributes
in understanding the relevancy and the authoritative nature of the SEO contents. The
links borne by web pages having authoritative contents ideally generate much user
attraction and viewership than those pages having contents with lower relevance.
 The practice of the viewers in sharing potential contents along social media networking
sites like Facebook and Twitter further contributes in increasing the chances of the
contents of earning higher page rankings. However, in that Google reflected that page

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Digital Marketing

rankings of contents along their search engine platform do not bear greater association
or support rendered by the socializing practice of individuals (Santora, 2019).

2. Website Audit

2.1. Understanding of Website Audit

A website audit is associated with auditing of different parameters associated to the visibility of
the website along the search engine result pages of different search engines. An effective web
audit carried out in a detailed fashion contributes in generating a detailed and in-depth
understanding as to the reasons or factors for the website’s failure in not being able to generate
web traffic and also the evaluation of the factors restraining improvement or growth in sales and
conversion rates (Davis, 2011).

2.2. Different types of Website Audit

A series of different types of website audit can be undertaken for evaluating the performance of
the website along a set of diverse parameters reflected as follows:

2.2.1. Audit for the Health of the Website

This audit mainly focuses on evaluating the potency of the website in terms of assessing its
architecture and usability patterns. Further, the audit also focuses on identifying effective gaps
associated to the structure of the contents and other technical parameters pertaining to the
website while also evaluating the speed of the website’s performance.

2.2.2. Audit for Website’s Security

The audit concerning the security of the website is identified as one of the most significant
component associated to the audit activity for a specific website. It tends to identify and
determine the presence of vulnerabilities regarding the different types of security breaches that
can be carried out. Carrying out of a security audit for a website ideally helps in reducing the
chances of compromising of sensitive information both associated to the website and also of the
visitors to the website (AdjustMD, 2015).

2.2.3. Audit for the Social Media presence of the website

It is held that the presence of the website along different types of Social Media platforms earns
significance in that the same contributes in attracting and building up of website traffic.
Development and presence of an effective Social Media oriented strategy is understood as
significant in that the same contributes in building up of sales leads and conversions. Further,

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Digital Marketing

an effective Social Media presence also contributes in promoting greater visibility of the website
along the digital platform and also in driving greater user engagement. Likewise, the Social
Media audit for a particular website also tends to judge the right combination of different types of
content channels like that of blogs, video, podcasts, infographics and also social media
platforms that would serve to be the best for the organization.

2.2.4. Audit for Conversion Rate Optimization

Audit for Conversion Rate Optimization ideally focuses on determining the fashion in which
conversions tend to occur and also whether the same are lost. The audit activity provides
effective insights into the fashion by which the visiting web traffic to the site can be actually
converted for generation of effective leads. It thus ideally contributes in encouraging the
development of forms and also strategic landing pages for the website. Existence of higher rate
of optimizations ideally helps in earning effective responses from site visitors (AdjustMD, 2015).

2.2.5. Audit for Negative SEO Practices

It is observed that competitor websites tend to engage in different types of SEO related tactics
that may tend to prove harmful to its competitors. Herein, a negative SEO audit can contribute in
both identifying and thereby in resolving the harmful impacts of such activities on the website for
which it is conducted.

2.2.6. Audit of Competitors’ Websites

Audit activities carried out regarding websites of other competitor firms ideally helps in
discovering and exploring a set of different opportunities and also relevant insights associated to
the competitors. The identification of such potentials encourages its steady implementation
along the existing online and digital strategies for the website.

2.2.7. Auditing regarding Penalty and Recovery

A Penalty Audit is also identified as a Red Flag Audit that contributes in identifying different
types of penalizations that may accrue for the website owing to use of new algorithms or also
due to the employment of Black Hat SEO Techniques. The audit activity herein focuses on
unearthing the penalties that tend to bear a negative impact on the search page rankings of the
website. Herein, identification of the penalties is carried out based on understanding the causes
for the emergence of such penalties and thereby in providing effective solutions for the recovery
of the website from harmful impacts of such penalties.

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2.2.8. Audit for Existence of Duplicate Contents

Generation of Duplicate Contents by the websites in turn happen to pose a dilemma to the
working of the search engines. Existence of Duplicate Contents for websites thus tends to affect
the rankings of the sites on the search engine’s pages while also tends to result in penalization
related to use of algorithms. The above issues are effectively handled by a website auditor
(AdjustMD, 2015).

2.3. Significance of carrying out Website Audit

The Website Audit for a digital or online business thus ideally helps in discovering potential sets
of discrepancies and also in identifying effective solutions that can be undertaken for resolving
such in an effective fashion. It is understood that carrying out of website audits on a regular
basis ideally contributes in not only improving the rankings of the website in search engines like
Google but also in encouraging the flow of web traffic and development of performance
potentials for the websites. Further, the carrying out of the Website Audit also contributes in
helping the business institutions gain ideal opportunities for earning growth in the long run.
Traffic reports availed from website audits ideally contributes in reflecting on the bounce rates
for the website and thereby in undertaking of needed actions. Again, the conducting of Website
Audits in a completed fashion leads to the identification of different types of broken links and
also the existence of duplicate contents. Again, the response time and also the loading time for
the websites are also subjected to review under the process of carrying out Website Audits such
that effective recommendations are generated for helping in enhancing the level of speediness
regards to the same (Optimus, 2013).

2.4. Mode of carrying out Website Audit

Different steps are incorporated for carrying out a Website Audit in a comprehensive fashion.
The different steps that are undertaken for undertaking of different types of website audits like
Technical Audits, ‘On and Off-Page’ SEO Audits, User Experience and also Content and Funnel
based audits are reflected as follows:

2.4.1. Steps for undertaking Technical Audit

The Technical Audit focuses on determining that whether the website tends to bear the SSL
Certificate and whether the same is implemented in a consistent and effective fashion by the
firm. Further, it also focuses on evaluating that whether the updates incorporated by the website
are both easy to comprehend and whether the same is incorporated in a consistent fashion by
the firm. Again, it tends to determine the existence of best kinds of security practices like
denying of access in cases of failed login owing to generation of wrong login IDs or passwords

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in a repetitive fashion. It also tends to determine that whether the site can be effectively
accessed by the users from different browsers and also from diverse platforms like mobile and
tablets. The Technical Audit also works in determining that whether the software plugins used in
the site are duly updated and whether the integration of the site to the social media platforms,
logins and also the contact forms are working based on set norms. Finally, the practice of taking
backups along specific intervals is also evaluated for the website for judging its competency
(Steffens, 2018).

2.4.2. Steps for undertaking On-Page SEO Audit

On-Page SEO Audits are carried out based on understanding and evaluating that whether the
website has existence of optimal keywords associated to the designing of title tags and meta
tags. Further, it also sets to determine that whether the textual contents along the web pages
are constructed based on the incorporation of relevant keywords and whether the same are
potentially informative to the readers. The On-Page SEO Audits also focus on evaluating the
existence of site relevancy indicators in the form of information like business address and the
phone number of the company. Further, it also focuses on determining that whether the site has
existence of transparent privacy policy and other key service or conduct terms. Likewise, the
On-Page SEO Audit activities also aims to determine that whether the content pages are
effectively shared along different social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter and also
Google Plus. It also focuses on determining that whether the site works based on the
incorporation of an XML Sitemap that contributes in effective indexing of the content pages
which in turn enables enhanced crawlability for the search engine spiders. The On-Page SEO
Audit also aims to determine that whether the URLs are designed in a keyword enriched fashion
and whether the content page is constituted based on use of different Header tags. The On-
Page Audit activity also focuses on evaluating that whether the content pages and also the
different content categories can be easily accessed based on the application of the navigation
menu (Steffens, 2018).

2.4.3. Steps for undertaking Off-Page SEO Audit

The undertaking of an Off-Page SEO Audit is mainly carried out based on the incorporation of
the following steps. It focuses on understanding about the number of referring domains that tend
to bear linkage with the total website. It also aims to determine the number of backlinks are
existent along the content and the landing pages. The existence of authentic backlinks along the
contents page ideally contributes in enhancing the page rank for the same in the search
engines. Likewise, the Off-Page SEO Audit also focuses on determining that whether the growth

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monitoring for the total link portfolio is carried out on a weekly basis. It thus aims to determine
that whether the portfolio of backlinks is gaining an increase or are decreasing over an effective
period. Further, the scope of the Off-Page SEO Audit also focuses on determining the number
of times the website is shared along different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and
also Google Plus. Likewise, it also focuses on determining that whether the website is being
able to draw considerable amount of web traffic from different social media and video sharing
platforms. The Off-Page SEO Audit also focuses on evaluating that whether the content is
shared with social influencers on a regular basis and also the relevancy of the backlinks used in
terms of location and language parameters (Steffens, 2018).

2.4.4. Steps for undertaking User Experience based Audit

The User Experience Based Audit is mainly undertaken to determine a number of factors
reflected as follows. It focuses on understanding that whether the website pages are loading
within a matter of three seconds with also the existence of user friendly navigation menus and
also the presence of on-page breadcrumbs for helping the users arrive at their desired pages.
Further, the experience audit also focuses on evaluating that whether there is presence of
advertisements on the site that may happen to affect the viewing of the different contents and
also the degree in which JavaScript is used in the website. Again, experience audit also focuses
on evaluating the degree to which responsive design practices are used for developing the
website such that the same enables the same to be viewed along a range of digital platforms
like smartphones and tablets. The audit also focuses on evaluating that whether videos are
used in the website in a low-touch based fashion and also the phasing out plan for Flash where
the same is used in developing the websites (Steffens, 2018).

2.4.5. Steps for Carrying out a Content Audit

Finally, a set of different steps are underlined regarding the undertaking of Content Audit. The
same are enumerated as follows. The audit aims in understanding that whether the content
developed for the site is essentially generated based on user personalities and behaviour and
also the experience gained by them from using of the product or service. It also focuses on
understanding that whether the nature of the contents ideally help in matching the information
needs of the users in terms of relevancy and usefulness. Again, the content audit also requires
the website to have optimized nature of landing pages such that one page remains dedicated to
providing information regarding one particular product or service. The content audit also focuses
on identifying frequency at which audio-visual elements and buttons for linking to social sharing
platforms have been used along the web page in that the existence of such enhances the level

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of attractiveness of the site. The degree of personalization associated with the web pages is
also determined by the content audit (Steffens, 2018).

3. Case Studies on Website Audit

3.1. Case Study on SEOptimer

3.1.1. An Overview of SEOptimer
SEOptimer emerged as a tool for carrying out web page audits in a simple fashion. The tool was
created by Pawel Rabinek during 2012 that in due course of time earned popularity as a free
web page audit tool that is available online. During 2016, SEOptimer was undertaken by Adam
Krzywda which in turn helped in promoting significant developments in its present features and
also in generating wide scale expansions based on encompassing around 100 thousand
monthly visitors, generating reports in 9 different global languages and in terms of generating
around a million audits (SEOptimer, 2019).

SEOptimer is identified as an effective platform for carrying out of website audits and reporting
activities. It helps in reviewing a website within a span of 30 seconds. SEOptimer focuses on
reviewing and generating reports associated to factors that are especially taken note by search
engine pages for ranking of websites and also other factors that affect users in terms of loading
speed of pages and also usability of the of the website along mobile platforms. SEOptimer gains
usage regards to small business enterprises for improving of page rankings and also in terms of
generating an effective online presence. Again, Digital Marketers are also encouraged by
SEOptimer for using the published reports generated by it in PDF for showing the same to lead
prospects and effective clientele. The audit tool provided by SEOptimer on being incorporated
on the websites also acts as an effective lead generator helping in achieving of conversion and
lead generation targets. Further, effective changes are enabled regards to application of search
engine based algorithms so that the users can make optimal use of such for deriving
personalized benefits (SEOptimer, 2019).

3.1.2. Significance of SEOptimer

The application of SEOptimer as a tool for carrying out of website audits gains effectiveness in
that the same performs analysis of SEO pages in a detailed fashion based along 100 data
points thereby helping in providing effective and action oriented recommendations for steps
required to be undertaken for enhancing the virtual presence and also in ranking high along
search engine result pages. SEOptimer in addition to acting as an audit tool for web pages also

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contributes in providing a range of different types of SEO tools such as Backlink Checker, Meta
Tags and also a Robots.txt generator that helps in improving the site performance in the long
run (SEOptimer , 2019).

3.1.3. Website Audit Results

The audit results generated by SEOptimer for a specific website are displayed as under:

Figure 3.1: Audit Results of SEOptimer

(SEOptimer , 2019)

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Figure 3.2: Audit Results of SEOptimer

(SEOptimer , 2019)

3.2. Case Study on SEO Site Check-up

3.2.1. An Overview of SEO Site Check-up
The main focus of SEO Site Check-up is to make activities associated to Search Engine
Optimization or SEO to be carried out in an easy fashion. SEO Site Check-up ideally helps in
making the SEO Analysis to be carried out in a simple yet professional fashion while also
contributes in carrying out SEO monitoring for the different websites. A number of small
business owners, SEO professionals and also Webmasters are found to have gained the use of
the different tools provided by SEO Site Check-up for cultivating an effective presence on the
virtual platform (SEO Site Checkup , 2019).

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3.2.2. Significance of using SEO Site Check-up

SEO Site Check-up earns significance in the virtual world in that it provides a comprehensive
range of different SEO tools that are easy-to-understand and thereby assist a user in evaluating
a website from the perspective of search engines like Google. Within a span of some few
seconds the use of SEO Site Check-up would enable a user to understand the fashion in which
the search engines would tend to interpret the website. Further, the SEO reports provided by
SEO Site Check-up also reflect on the potential shortcomings associated to the technical
parameters of the website that tend to affect its search engine rankings. Moreover, the website
is also featured with latest updates associated to different search engine algorithms like that of
Google Panda, Google Hummingbird and also Google Penguin (SEO Site Checkup , 2019).

3.2.3. Audit Results

The Audit Result for the website of SEO Site Check-up conducted based on using the tool is
reflected in the form of a bar analysis as follows:

Figure 3.3: SEO Site Check-Up Audit

(SEO Site Checkup, 2019)

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Figure 3.4: SEO Site Check-Up Audit

(SEO Site Checkup , 2019)

3.3. Case Study on Seomator

3.3.1. Overview and Seomator
The SEO Audit Tool, Seomator contributes in providing a snapshot regarding the efficacy of the
web page. Within a span of some effective minutes the SEO Audit Tool contributes in
generating key information and metrics reflected below:

Figure 3.5: Seomator Metrics

(SEOMATOR, 2019)

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These measures render effective information that would help in enhancing the effectiveness of
the site. The cited measures ideally help in understanding the performance potential of the site
and also the different areas that are needed to target for enhancing its effectiveness.

SEO Friendly Tests

SEO Friendly Tests focuses in not only evaluating the contents provided in the website in terms
of their relevancy and usability but also in judging that whether the site adequately meets the
security parameters for being easily tracked by search engines like Google. In that, the SEO
Friendly Test ensures that the site wins a SSL Certificate validation such that it strictly defines
the different types of security protocols and thereby judges their application regarding the

Google Pagespeed
In terms of Google Pagespeed, the SEO Audit Tool focuses on determining the speed at which
the website tends to get loaded on the screen. It is identified that the websites that have earned
higher page ranks in search engine pages for Google are such that do not only tend to bear
authentic and relevant content usable to the users but also tend to be loaded in a faster fashion
compared to other sites. Again, it also tends to determine the level of interconnectedness of the
website with other like websites based on the existence of backlinks. The greater is the level of
usability index estimated for the site, greater would be the degree of page ranks that would be
obtained by the site in the search engine pages. Herein, effective suggestions like reducing the
size of the URL Tags, presence of social media links and also the application of an index
sitemap for enhancing the Usability Index of the site can be rightly implemented by the website

Content Quality
The existence of copied or/and overlapping contents in the websites potentially affects the
quality of the contents to be viewed by the visitors and users to the site. In fact, the websites
bearing the existence of copied and overlapping contents are observed to face significant
penalties from search engine like Google. Gaining of penalties like that of ‘duplicate content’ in
turn tends to lower the page rankings of the website on Google’s platform. The use of the SEO
Audit Tool potentially contributes in not only helping in the identification of web pages bearing
duplicate contents but also in reconfiguring them to help in avoiding penalties (SEOMATOR,

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3.3.2. Audit Results

Figure 3.6: Audit Results of Seomator

(SEOMATOR, 2019)

Figure 3.6 depicts the overview of the Audit Results for Seomator and the final scoring achieved
in the audit.

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Figure 3.7: Audit Results of Seomator

(SEOMATOR, 2019)

Figure 3.7 depicts the generation of white-labelled reports in the form of charts and
summarisation of the outcomes of such in the SEO Audit Reports.

3.4. Case Study on Majestic

3.4.1. Overview of Majestic
Masjestic-12 Limited came into emergence with the sole idea of developing the first of its kind of
a distributed search engine. Majestic works based on carrying out of survey and mapping
activities all over the internet which in turn contributed in creating a huge database of
commercial links retrieved based on mapping considerable number of websites on a global
scale. The company is based in England and tends to attract an international base of clients

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owing to its key operational features like transparent operational systems, reputation based on
trust and quality and also the value of offerings made to the customers. The company carried
out its activities based under the Trade Name of ‘Majestic SEO’ along the periods ranging from
2008 to 2014. After 2014 the company started providing its services under the domain name of
‘’ (Majestic , 2018).

3.4.2. Significance of Majestic

The internet maps provided by Majestic earns usage for different categories of professionals like
SEOs, media specialists, virtual marketing experts and also regards to affiliate managers in that
the same helps in serving of diverse needs associated to link building, management and
development of website traffic, monitoring of news, analysis of competitor activities and also the
management and sustainability of site reputation. Further, the application of Majestic also
contributes in evaluating the link profile of a specific website and thereby in comparing the same
with the websites of competitor firms in that the same helps in rationalising the positioning of the
websites along the result pages of search engines. Majestic earns significance in that the site
competently reviews around one billion URLs on an average daily basis (Majestic , 2018).

The significance of Majestic in the online world can also be understood in terms of the different
types of tools used by it like ‘Site Explorer’, ‘Backlink History Checker’, ‘Search Explorer’ and
also ‘Link Intelligence API’. The ‘Site Explorer’ tool ideally contributes in exploring a specific
domain or URL in a detailed fashion. The ‘Backlink History Checker’ ideally helps in identifying
the total number of backlinks used in terms of linking of domains, subdomains and also URLs.
Further, the ‘Search Explorer’ as a tool ideally helps in indexing of keywords and also in locating
the URL and also the Title Page where the keyword appears while also in determining the
search score gained for the URLs. Finally, in terms of ‘Link Intelligence API’, Majestic acts as a
large repository of datasets that contributes in the development of a ‘link intelligence map’
(Majestic , 2018).

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3.4.3. Audit Results

The audit results for as obtained from the Site Explorer, Majestic are outlined as
Figure 3.8: URL Info of

The illustration reflects the information regarding the URL

for wherein the date and result of last crawl
activity are mentioned.

(Majestic , 2018)

Figure 3.9: Trust Flow of

Trust Flow is identified as an effective Majestic Flow Metric

that is estimated based on the total number of clicks
generated from a list of different trusted sites on a specific
URL or Domain.

(Majestic , 2018)

Figure 3.10: Citation Flow of

Citation Flow is also identified as one of the potential

‘Majestic Flow Metrics’ that aims at measuring the
different numbers of Citations gained against a specific
URL or Domain.

URL or Domain.

(Majestic , 2018)

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Figure 3.11: External Backlinks of

This tool contributes in identifying the total number of

external backlinks or the incoming links that are gained
from diverse websites and also referring domains.

URL or Domain.

(Majestic , 2018)

Figure 3.12: Referring Domains of

Referring domains also identified as ‘Ref Domain’ are

websites that have backlinks pointing to web pages and links
that are being analysed URL or Domain.

(Majestic , 2018)

Figure 3.13: Referring IPs of

Referring IPs are identified as IP addresses that tends to host a

specific website which bears linkage with a given URL or
Domain. A large number of websites can be can be hosted on
one particular IP Address.

(Majestic , 2018)

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Figure 3.14: Referring IPs of Majestic

(Majestic , 2018)

The above chart reflects the total number of backlinks that are reviewed by on an
average daily basis.

Figure 3.15: Breakdown of Backlinks for

(Majestic , 2018)

The Audit report of also provides the breakdown of the backlinks associated to its
website. The total numbers of backlinks are broken down mainly into three categories like
external backlinks, supplemental links and finally the total numbers of inbound links. Total
numbers of inbound links are obtained as a sum of External and Supplemental Links.

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3.5. Case Study on Neil Patel SEO Analyser

3.5.1. Overview of SEO Analyser
Neil Patel is recognised as one of the popular figures in the domain of Digital Marketing. He has
been involved in carrying out large number of live projects. On carrying out a search for ‘SEO
Checkers’ on Google, Neil Patel’s website tends to feature along the top three search results.
The tool designed by Neil Patel is named, SEO Analyser (NeilPatel , 2019).

3.5.2. Significance of SEO Analyser

SEO Analyser put forward by Neil Patel earns significance owing to the following grounds.

SEO Analysis
The SEO Analysis contributes in identifying the errors associated with the SEO content pages.
The fixing of the errors indicated thus contributes in earning of higher page ranks for the website
on the search engine pages.

SEO Checker
The SEO Checker ideally helps in identifying the total list of different types of errors that act as a
hindrance in not letting the website earn an effective position on the results page of Google. The
fixation of the errors is both recommended and also implemented by the audit process with an
eye on the impact generated by website traffic and also the ease at which the same can be
implemented (Barefoot, 2017).

Speed of the Site

The speed at which a website gets downloaded is determined to not only impact and influence
the rate of conversions of visitors to the site but also focuses on highlighting the rank of the
websites on search engines like Google.

Report on SEO Audit

The report on SEO Audit is generated in an extensive fashion that not only indicates on the
different types of errors found while carrying out the SEO Analysis but also focuses on putting
forward quality solutions for resolving such errors. Effective tutorials are also presented in the
audit reports that provide instructions in a step-by-step fashion for resolving different types of
errors (Barefoot, 2017).

Provision of a Backlink Checker

The report provided by SEO Analyser also contributes in providing a Backlink Checker that both
helps in tracking of domain scores while also in estimating the level of website traffic to the site.

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It also contributes in making effective comparison with a competitor’s website based on

evaluating the websites that link with that of the competitor’s website and also in indicating the
anchor texts of the different links (Barefoot, 2017).

3.5.3. Audit Results

The effectiveness of the SEO Auditing activity carried out by SEO Analyser is to understood
from the results gained based on carrying out the test on a website,
The results gained from the auditing activity are highlighted as follows:

Figure 3.16: Page Level SEO Score for

(Barefoot, 2017)

SEO Analysis carried out on Page Level

The SEO Analysis carried out on a Page Level is essentially based on a 19 Point Score. For the
site, it is observed that the website has passed in a total of 14 checks.
However, the same has failed in 5 checks for which the page level score has earned a grade of
C -.

The underperformance was mainly attributed to factors like presence of a single title tag for the
site that is either evaluated to be duplicated or either too short or long in nature. The like result
is also attributed for the Meta description tag. Further, the existence of elements like flash and
iframes are observed to affect the performance of search engines like Google and Bing.

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Likewise, the presence of poor internal linking to other websites and also short header tags also
account for the lower performance score (Barefoot, 2017).

Figure 3.17: Page Level Speed Score for

(Barefoot, 2017)

Scoring of Page Level Speeds

The Speed Level for the web page of is estimated to be 69. The Speed
Level is gained basically for two different factors like Content Analysis and also Web

Further, the results for Content Analysis and Web Performance for the website are outlined as

Figure 3.18: Content Analysis for

(Barefoot, 2017)

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Finally, the results generated by SEO Analyser for also reflect on the
Backlinks Encounter and also the Indexed Pages for the site.

Figure 3.19: Back Links Counter for

(Barefoot, 2017)

Figure 3.20: Indexed Pages for

(Barefoot, 2017)

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The Audit Results for ‘’ reflects the existence of zero Index Pages.

Figure 3.21: Web Performance for

(Barefoot, 2017)

The holistic result of the Web Performance for reflects a grade of D+
with a score of 69.

3.6. Case Study on Zadroweb

3.6.1. Overview of Zadroweb
Zadroweb was initially known as Zadro Solutions that operated during the period ranging from
2007 to 2009 and catered mainly along the domain of Information Technology. The competency
developed by the company in the aspect of server technologies contributed in building up its
asset base for generating solutions regarding Technical SEO. During 2013, Zadro Solutions
reflected a major transition in terms of totally switching over to web services on a full-time basis.
The strong focus developed by the company in generating quality websites helped the clients
earn an effective and specialised experience. Subsequently, Zadroweb further focused on
enhancing its service offerings associated to the domain of Digital Marketing. The company

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aims at providing effective experience to its users both in the dimensions of web and also
search page experiences (Zadroweb , 2019).

3.6.2. Significance of SEO Auditor of Zadroweb

 The website audit tool, SEO Auditor provided by Zadroweb earns needed significance in
that it helps in retrieving both domain and page authority from the marketing software,
Moz associated to different links.
 It also contributes in providing metrics like ‘Google Page Speed’ that acts as an effective
ranking signal for SEO services.
 Further, SEO Auditor also contributes in listing a set of 10 keywords that are identified by
 The Audit Results of SEO Auditor also incorporates different types of technical aspects
like sitemap.xml and also robots.txt files.
 SEO Auditor also helps in investigating metadata and other images for any type of
missing information.
 The Audit Report also focuses on identifying the presence of social links on the websites
(Zadroweb , 2019).

3.6.3. Audit Results

The Audit Results for the website of Zadroweb as generated by SEO Auditor are reflected under
different sub-heads as follows:

Figure 3.22: Audit Results for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

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Page Authority
Page Authority is identified as a metric provided by Moz that ideally helps in predicting the rank
the website would earn on the search results page of Google. The scoring is based on a scale
of 100 points that essentially focuses on the incorporation of different variables like the number
of links obtained for the website for estimating the score. In cases of pages with higher ranks,
the score for Page Authority is taken to cross than that of Domain Authority. In terms of
recommendations for improvement, the result reflects that the manner of checking the
emergence of errors like missing of Meta and Alternate Tags and also the incorporation of
relevant and also authority links is taken to enhance the ranking of the website on the search
engine pages.

Domain Authority
The score for Domain Authority ideally represents the score for the entire website as generated
by Moz. The Domain Authority is also measured on a score of 100 and focuses on estimating
the number of links present on the site. In short, DA or Domain Authority contributes in
estimating the domain strength of the website in an overall fashion. In terms of improvement
effective recommendations like the incorporation of Penguin Algorithms in the form of brand
keywords are needed to constitute the links on the website (Zadroweb , 2019).

Load Time
The Load Time focuses on estimating the time needed for the web page to get loaded. The
ideal time for the loading of the web page is estimated to be 2 seconds or less than that.
Different types of factors like the size of the images, presence of CSS and JavaScript Files,
provider of the web hosting services and others ideally help in determining the load time for the

Google Page Speed

The Google Page Speed as a metric matter along different types of optimisation metrics like that
of caching of the website. The scoring is estimated on a total score of 100 where the Page
Speed for Zadroweb amounted to 85.98.

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Figure 3.23: Google Page Speed for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

Organic Traffic
Regarding Organic Traffic around 10 organic keywords as indicated by SEMRush are
highlighted as under.

Figure 3.24: Organic Traffic for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

SEO Stats
Different types of SEO Stats are also generated by Zadroweb. The same are illustrated as

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Figure 3.25: SEO Stats for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

Figure 3.26: SEO Stats for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The SEO Stats for Zadroweb ideally evaluated the total number of characters rendered for
generating the title and description along with the existence of any Meta Keywords.

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Figure 3.27: Heading Tags for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The Heading Tags for Zadroweb reflect on the different types of headings used under the tags,
H1, H2 and H3 for the web audit site.

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Figure 3.28: Audit Results of Images for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The SEO Stats for Zadroweb reflects a warning signal owing to the absence of images and
likewise the absence of Alt Tags associated to the image sections.

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Crawl Stats
Figure 3.29: Audit Results of Robots and Sitemap for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The Audit Results regarding Crawl Status for Zadroweb reflect the lack of presence of a Meta
Robot but highlights the presence of an effective Sitemap.

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Source Code
Figure 3.30: Audit Results of Source Code for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The Audit Results of Source Code regarding Zadroweb’s website reflect on the existence of an
Inline Code and also that of Flash. The existence of both Inline Code and Flash both tend to
affect the performance of the SEO.

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Figure 3.31: Audit Results of Social Tags for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The Audit Report for Zadroweb reflect the existence of tags for social networking platforms like
Facebook and Twitter.

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Figure 3.32: Audit Results of Social Links for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The Audit Results regarding Social Links for Zadroweb reflect the existence of different types of
social links for diverse social networking platforms. However, the links to social networking
platforms like Google Plus and Pinterest are not found.

URL Stats
Figure 3.33: Audit Results of URL Stats for Zadroweb

(Zadroweb , 2019)

The Audit Results regarding URL Stats reflect the keyword matches for both Title and also
Description. Regarding, Title it shows three keyword matches while for Description it shows only
one keyword match.

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