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CREW 4- Case Study #1: Leadership and Mentoring


1. Discuss Habits of Success in which you excelled during this case study. Provide specific examples.
I think specifically for this case study I excelled in Growth Mindset and Collaboration and Relationships. I
showed exceptional collaboration in relationships in the way that I used what I learned in Life After RB to apply
to my college application process. Another way I excelled in Growth mindset as well as Collaboration and
Relationships was through the many leadership discussions and video we talked through and watched. I took
academic risks by adjusting how I function and collaborate with my crewmates and other people.

2. Discuss Habits of Success that challenged you during this case study. Provide specific examples.
I think that Collaboration and Relationships also challenged me this case study. Because we had a couple
serious and vulneral discussions this case study it is my instinct to just not talk and kind of step back. I think
because I don’t trust some people in this class I would rather just not contribute than possibly be judged or

3. How will you implement the skills learned during this case study into your life? How do they help you
navigate the real world? Provide specific examples.
I think that I actually learned a lot about leadership and in what specific ways I can be a leader. This case study
has helped me recognize the ways I am already leading people and the ways I can and am able to lead. For
my future specifically, I hope to be a leader in some way. I think that learning about what a good leader is, can
help me to know what to strive for in my professional career/

4. How have you grown during this case study? Provide specific examples.
I think this case study has opened my eyes. It has opened my eyes to the ways that I can be a good leader but
also opened my eyes to the crewmates around me. Through our discussion I got to learn about my other
CREW mates and about myself which has just opened my eyes to the potential we all have.

5. Please reflect on any Habits of Success you have not yet discussed.
I think that I demonstrated Excellence in the way that I made efforts to pursue some of our mentor crew
members outside of crew through other means. I also demonstrated Excellence by participating effectively. I
think that I showed Citizenship in the way that I was a good friend to people in our crew and tried to make
specific crew members experience better. I also demonstrated Personal Responsibility when I completed
CREW and class work on my own time when I missed class for a week.

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