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The French Revolution

Elle McMahon Pd. 3

How it all started...
At this period of time, France was the most advanced
country in the world. The movement into this revolution was
the cause of the people trying to change the political and social
Meeting of the Estates General
The Estates General meeting’s purpose was to raise new taxes.
The first and second estate wanted to maintain their privileges
and reduce power of the monarchy. The third estate wanted to
end noble privileges and solve financial issues.
Tennis Court Oath
Deputies got kicked out of their meeting room in Versailles and
were forced to find a new location, they went to the tennis
courts of Versailles. They protested for a draft of a constitution
for France by refusing to leave before they got their way.
Storming of the Bastille
The king began to move in troops to protect his palace from
mobs and militias. The Parisians were still upset and stormed
the Bastille, which is an armory in Paris.
Women's March on Versailles
The women of Paris believed that the Queen was hoarding
bread to keep for herself and they decided to attack her. The
women then forced the king and his family to return to Paris to
escape from the evil nobles.
Reign of Terror
Committee of Public Safety made levee en masse. Which is a draft for the
army, drafted an estimated one million soldiers. Since it was such a large
group it drove many enemies away. Since CPS was no longer needed,
Robspierre killed allies which led to the end of the Reign of Terror.
Rise of Napoleon
In 1799 a coup d’etat (cultural expandation) is influenced by
Napoleon Bonaparre and he topples the directory.
War with Austria
Because of the events in France with the King running away, it makes
the royal family look like prisoners to the people. The constitution
and DoRoMac and other laws are making the people question things.
By 1792, the legislative assembly declare war on Austria and Prussia.
The sans-culottes
The working class share their ideas of situations that they
believe are much more radical, they then identify themselves
better by wearing pants instead of breeches of the upper class.
Contribution to democracy
At the end of the French revolution, there is a new constitution
to make a better effect on the french people and all classes.
The only con is the killing of thousands of people who didn’t
believe in the same things as the upper classes.
● French Revolution packet
● http://www.ushistory.org/us/
● http://www.history.com/

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