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LBS 405


5E Lesson Plan with Arts Integration

NAME:Laura Plascencia GRADE LEVEL: 1st

STANDARDS: NGSS: 1-LS1-1. Use materials to design and mimic how animals use their external parts to help
them survive, grow, and meet their needs. (12)

VAPA: Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual Arts Vocabulary

1.1 Describe and replicate repeated patterns in nature, in the environment, and in works
of art.

What are the adaptations of a whale's body to survive?
1. Students should be able to identify what body parts of a whale help them survive.
2. Students will be able to explain how those body parts help them survive.

EVALUATION (10-25 mins)
After having students place the whale’s body parts to where they think they match, and the maps have
been completed, I explain to the children that I want them to glue them into their journals.
I will have students turn in an exit ticket describing how at least two whale body parts help them survive
and migrate.

This lesson fits in the larger unit of instruction because previous lessons we learned about ways
that animals adapt their bodies in order to continue to survive.

 Printed out / laminated- whale body parts 
Tape/ bell crow
Printed books
Printed maps

ENGAGEMENT (5-10 minutes)
The teacher will begin by asking the students questions with a Kahoot game. Based on their number of
correct answers the teacher will know what areas to cover the most. The teacher will ask the most missed
questions and let the groups discuss their answers in their groups, then with the whole class. This will get
students engaged in our whole class discussion and motivated to participate in this lesson. The
relevant/real world connections within this lesson is that the animals that live all around us adapt their
body to survive.

Key Question:
(What are the adaptations of a whale's body to survive.
What are the whales’ body parts names?

Opening Activity/Experience to surface student thinking:

Have students identify what body parts do whales have in common with humans. (ex: eyes)

Questions for whole group discussion:

Where do whales live?
Are all whales the same?
Do whales hibernate?
Is a whale a fish or a mammal?

Desks will be arranged in groups of four.

Accommodations/Modifications for Students who are Bilingual Learners-Expanding Proficiency:

Have translation of whale’s body parts and pictures.
 Explain to the student the instructions in their primary language
 Have the student pair up with someone who is bilingual and speaks the same languages as the
 Have the instructions translated on paper and materials labeled with all the different languages
spoken in the classroom
 Let the students participate and perform the task in the language they feel most comfortable in

Accommodations/Modifications for Students with Auditory Processing Disorder:

 Write questions up on the board and have labels for every whale body part.
 Repeat or rephase key information throughout the lesson
 Seat the students near the teacher
 Give a signal that alerts the student than an important point is being made
 Speak clearly and slowly when presenting information
 Use images and gestures to enhance a students’ understanding

EXPLORATION (15-30 minutes)

Activities (list) Driving Questions

1.Discussions on how animals’ bodies will change 1.What allows whales to survive when the
or have special features that enable them to temperature of water decreases?
survive in cold temperatures.  2.How does a whale’s Baleen help it survive?
3.How does a whale’s fluke help it survive?
2. After a few minutes of discussion, I ask them to
work in their teams to look at some picture cards
and words and see if they can match them up.

3. The children work together and try to match

the correct words to the correct photograph.

The students will still be seated in their original groups of four.

Accommodations/Modifications for Students who are Bilingual Learners-Expanding Proficiency:

 Explain to the student the instructions in their primary language
 Have the student pair up with someone who is bilingual and speaks the same languages as the student
 Let the students participate and perform the task in the language they feel most comfortable in

Accommodations/Modifications for Students with Auditory Processing Disorder:

 Repeat or rephase key information throughout the lesson
 Speak clearly and slowly when presenting information

EXPLANATION (15-20 minutes per explain activity. Remember, you can have 1 or 2)

I will share a big book with my students. The book is a song made into a book so I can provide the students
with smaller copies and they can sing along. After singing the song a couple of times, I direct the children to
look at the screen. I want to teach them some more direct information about whales and their adaptions. I
will also lay the groundwork for migration and the body parts are physical adaptations, not behavioral by
reading through a Power Point describing how the Whale’s body parts help them survive.

Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology)

Whales song Booklet, Little Whale, Little Whale Power Point

Student Communication Product (assessment): (unit test, written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.)
Students will discuss in their groups what they learned from the Power Point then share out loud.

Students will remain in their groups of four for this part.
Accommodations/Modifications for Students who are Bilingual Learners-Expanding Proficiency:
• Let the students participate and perform the task in the language they feel most comfortable in

Accommodations/Modifications for Students with Auditory Processing Disorder:

 Repeat or rephase key information throughout the lesson
 Give a signal that alerts the student than an important point is being made
 Speak clearly and slowly when presenting

ELABORATION (15-20 minutes)
Ask the question “What does migration mean?”
I will read through the slides of the Power Point.
When we reach Slide six, I remind the children about our previous lessons about plate tectonics and how
the continents came to be.  I begin to label the continents on the screen and then the ocean names as well.
I explain to the children that whales need to migrate between the oceans to survive. The map shows the
great amount of space they must travel to do this.

Slide seven has hyperlinks that lead to sites that actually show the paths the whales will take.  One site is in
real time and actually shows the tagged whale’s movement around the Hawaiian Islands... and the other
two are interactive and demonstrate the whale’s movement and paths they take from warmer waters to
colder waters. 

 Explain what migration means
 After about ten minutes of exploration, I pass out maps to the children to draw in the paths the
whales take to glue into their journals.

Content Media:
Whale migration PowerPoint. file:///Users/lauraplascencia/Downloads/whale%20migration.pdf

Extending/Application Questions for Whole/Small Group Discourse:

What is something that we learned about oceans?
Can you name two different oceans? Three? Four?

Student Communication Product (assessment):

Students will review and discuss what they liked and learned from the Power Point.

Whole class on the rug.

Accommodations/Modifications for Students who are Bilingual Learners-Expanding Proficiency:

 Have written instructions for the students in their primary language
 Find a translator who can help us communicate
 Let the students participate and perform the task in the language they feel most comfortable

Accommodations/Modifications for Students with Auditory Processing Disorder:

• Repeat or rephase key information throughout the lesson
 Give a signal that alerts the student than an important point is being made •
 Speak clearly and slowly when presenting information


The VAPA standard that I will be addressing in my lesson plan is Visual Arts: Develop Perceptual Skills and
Visual Arts Vocabulary 1.1 Describe and replicate repeated patterns in nature, in the environment, and in works
of art and it will be implemented throughout the whole lesson but focused more in the Exploration and the
Engaging areas. This VAPA standards supports students’ learning by allowing them to begin to think critically
on ways colors and patterns are repeated in nature and will be able to describe them and repeat those patterns.
For this lesson students are aware that whales have specific body parts that help them adapt to survive.
Therefore, in the explore section they will be able to identify, perceive and respond to works of art, through a
Whales body. They also use the vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations. They will talk about
the patterns like the whales of white teeth, or the shapes of the whale’s flippers. They will build on their
vocabulary by matching those patterns of the whales’ body parts to their names. This will require some thinking
and elaboration between the groups of students. It will also help the students with their communication skills
that will later on build their teamwork. They will have to discuss and decide what Whale body part helps with
certain environments. In addition, students are also understanding diversity which is needed for the world
successes like college and careers. The students will learn more about working together and being able to be
open to other student’s ideas and thoughts. This will also make them more likely to learn new things that they
didn’t already know. In the Engaging section they will also have to work as a team to come up and agree to one
answer they think is correct. They will have to come up with an answer as a team for both of these activities.
Throughout these activities the students are discussing how the repeated patterns on the whales’ body parts help
them survive.

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