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May 2020 Page resized

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McCurtain Daily Gazette

Shift to distance learning highlights stark inequities in Internet connection

By Jennifer Palmer meaning inadequate broad- structure upgrades that impact Hot Spots, Equity Deborah Gist, referring to thing superintendent Doug
Oklahoma Watch band at home. the entire district. One of the most effective bond dollars. “The challenge Brown had heard about on a
When the coronavirus pan- The state is expecting $160 “Think about internet access workarounds is a portable hot is internet access.” podcast, and he wanted to try
demic closed school build- million in federal relief funds through Wi-Fi and the abil- spot, which taps into a cellular The Tulsa school board it as part of an ongoing effort
ings, teachers were tasked for K-12 education, 90% of ity to not only impact com- network and provides inter- Monday night approved the to increase the district’s use of
with connecting to students which will be allocated direct- mon education, but students net access. These devices are purchase of 1,500 hotspots to technology.
from afar. Suddenly, students’ ly to school districts. Ten per- regardless of where they go how Epic Charter Schools, the give students internet access Three years ago, the district
lack of home internet access cent, or $16 million, can be to school,” Hofmeister said. state’s largest virtual school for summer school. started providing hot spots
was in the spotlight. spent by the department. “This is more of a global, with nearly 30,000 students High-speed internet is avail-
to teachers, and when they
A mid-March survey by Gov. Kevin Stitt, like all comprehensive answer.” across the state, provides able to 95% of Oklahomans
the Oklahoma Education state governors, is receiving Greatest Needs Are Rural internet to any student who living in urban areas and less upgraded, the district held on
Department showed that near- an additional federal grant Ninety-nine percent of needs it. Like other schools, than 50% of those in rural to the older ones for student
ly one-quarter of the state’s for education from the gov- schools in the country are out- Epic will receive federal relief areas, according to the FCC. use. “We check them out like
public school students, about ernor’s emergency educa- ſVVGFYKVJJKIJURGGFKPVGTPGV funds. Affordability is still an issue a library book,” he said. They
167,000, don’t have internet tion relief fund. Stitt is set and Wi-Fi in classrooms to sup- The devices Epic provides statewide. Even with low-cost also are a one-to-one district,
access at home. to receive $40 million. Stitt port digital learning, according work independent of a fami- plans available, providers can meaning all students have a
That means in places like said on April 17 that he is to EducationSuperHighway, a ly’s cell phone and the school deny service based on a fami- computer or tablet to use. The
Hugo, a community of 5,100 considering spending some PQPRTQſV HQEWUGF QP KORTQX- pays the monthly data plans ly’s credit history. community approved a $1
in southeastern Oklahoma, of the funds on a private ing Internet access in public for the service, said Shelly One solution the district million bond for technology
teachers had to try to reach school scholarship fund or for schools. Hickman, a spokeswoman for has used is parking a school equipment in 2017.
students through phone calls, Advanced Placement classes But step off school grounds Epic. bus with free Wi-Fi at various “We’ve been really blessed.
emails and letters. The district in rural areas, drawing wide- in Luther and internet access is Demand for hot spots locations throughout the city We were really prepared for
has distributed hundreds of spread backlash. őTGCNN[FKHſEWNVQTUNQYŒUCKF soared in the past few weeks VQſNNKPVJGICRU this situation,” Brown said.
schoolwork paper packets to “Our primary focus is on Barry Gunn, Luther’s super- as schools transitioned to Similarly, Oklahoma City Student participation in
UVWFGPVUYJQCTGQHƀKPG connectivity and the ability intendent. That’s the case in distance learning. Dozens Public Schools has welcomed
Idabel’s distance learning is
Despite the efforts, some to close the digital divide,” many communities. of school districts across families to its school parking
students didn’t respond. Hofmeister said about the “We’re not as rural as the country have contact- lots to access free Wi-Fi while averaging over 90%, which he
“We are lucky to have an department’s portion of funds. most schools, and it’s spot- GF 'XGT[QPG1P C PQPRTQſV schools are closed. And in called “phenomenal.”
outstanding group of teachers She proposed that Stitt also ty out here in certain plac- working to improve internet Tahlequah, the local electric The district, in far south-
who found creative ways to use his portion on internet es,” Gunn said. Luther is less access and device accessibil- cooperative has added two eastern Oklahoma, has 1,200
reach their students during the access. “Our schools are look- than 30 miles from downtown ity for low-income families, free public Wi-Fi spots at a students this year. Nearly
crisis,” said Superintendent ing for a long-term plan.” Oklahoma City on the eastern about purchasing hot spots school and city park as part of 90% are eligible for free or
Earl Dalke. “If we had been Secretary of Education side Oklahoma County. and LG -enabled tablets, the FCC’s “Keep Americans reduced-price lunch, an indi-
able to provide learning Betsy DeVos also is urging Fewer than half of UCKF %JKGH 'ZGEWVKXG 1HſEGT Connected” initiative, cator of poverty. Brown said
opportunities to all students school districts to use the Oklahoma’s rural residents Norma Fernandez. according to the Tahlequah that drives his push to increase
online, we would have been funds to invest in “technolo- have access to high-speed inter- There’s a backlog, she said, Daily Press. More than 700 technology access.
able to do a far better job.” gy, distance learning resourc- net – one of the lowest percent- and orders that previously companies have signed the “Technology is here and
In some rural areas, inter- es, training and long-term ages of any state, according to YQWNF JCXG DGGP HWNſNNGF KP pledge to not terminate service it’s not going away, and we
net service is spotty or slow planning,” to support dis- a Federal Communications a week are now taking two due to customers’ inability to have to move forward in our
or even nonexistent. Districts tance learning, according to a Commission report. Only or three weeks. Schools are pay their bills, waive late fees educational system,” he said.
have been scrambling to buy recent press release. two states reported a small- trying to order thousands at and open Wi-Fi hot spots to “It’s even more important for
hot spots, which create a Even when schools reopen, er percentage of rural access: a time. In the meantime, stu- Americans who need them.
poor districts to provide these
wireless internet connection likely this fall, some situations Arizona and Nevada. dents are trying to transition School solutions such as
through cellular networks. could require another pivot That’s 651,000 Oklahomans to distance learning without these, while helpful tempo- opportunities.”
That created a backlog with to distance learning. A resur- in rural areas who don’t have the tools they need, adding rarily, are not suitable long-
cellular companies, with gence of COVID-19 could access to high-speed internet, stress to an already stressful term, said Fernandez, of
orders taking weeks. Some require widespread closures FGſPGF CU FQYPNQCF URGGFU situation. EveryoneOn. And they pres-
districts rolled wireless inter- again. Social distancing could of at least 25 megabits per “We are talking about kids ent equity issues.
net-enabled school buses into lead schools to hold more second. who are already behind,” “We want access that is
neighborhoods or welcomed digital days to reduce risk. “In today’s world, how we Fernandez said. “It has a sig- equitable and ubiquitous. We
families to school parking lots Individual students could be are interconnected is a neces- PKſECPVKORCEVQPVJGKTNGCTP- don’t expect higher-income
for a signal. distance learning if exposure sity,” said David Ostrowe, ing.” families to drive to a parking
It’s a patchwork approach to COVID-19 requires them to state secretary of digital Tulsa Public Schools, the lot to access the internet,” she
VJCV QHſEKCNU UC[ KU NGCXKPI quarantine at home. transformation and adminis- state’s second largest district, said.
some students behind. Districts’ relief funds tration. He wants to see all distributed tens of thousands Long-Term Solutions
It’s also a hasty, crisis-driv- will be distributed through Oklahomans have not only of Chromebooks. But getting When the state ordered a
en approach, given the cir- the Title 1 formula, which access, but speeds of at least all students connected to the full switch to distance learn-
cumstances. But the upcom- is based on the number of 100 megabits per second, a internet has proven more dif- ing for all districts on April 6,
KPI KPƀWZ QH HGFGTCN TGNKGH low-income students served goal he called “lofty.” ſEWNV Idabel was ready.
dollars presents an oppor- by the district. But the funds “Rural access is currently “We provided a computer A month before schools
tunity to address what state have fewer restrictions than the biggest hurdle. It is very to any child who needed one, shuttered for the coronavi-
Superintendent of Public Title 1 funds. For instance, expensive to provide inter- and we were able to do that rus pandemic, Idabel Public
Instruction Joy Hofmeister federal CARES Act funds can net access to these areas,” because of the generosity of 5EJQQNUJGNFVJGFKUVTKEVŏUſTUV
called “a lingering issue,” be spent on technology infra- Ostrowe said. Tulsans,” said Superintendent “virtual day.” It was some-

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Enid News & Eagle

Distance learning: Internet connection inequities

By Jennifer Palmer
Oklahoma Watch

When the coronavirus pandemic closed school build-

ings, teachers were tasked with connecting to students from
May afar. Suddenly, students’ lack of home internet access was
in the spotlight.
10 A mid-March survey by Oklahoma Education Department
showed that nearly one-quarter of the state’s public school
students, about 167,000, don’t have internet access at home.
That means in places like Hugo, a community of 5,100
2020 in Southeast Oklahoma, teachers had to try to reach stu-
dents through phone calls, emails and letters. The district
has distributed hundreds of schoolwork paper packets to
students who are offline.
Page Despite the efforts, some students didn’t respond.
“We are lucky to have
A002 an outstanding group of
teachers who found creative
Clip ways to reach their students
resized during the crisis,” said
Superintendent Earl Dalke.
33% “If we had been able to pro-
vide learning opportunities
to all students online, we
would have been able to do
a far better job.”
In some rural areas,
internet service is spotty
or slow or even nonexis-
tent. Districts have been
scrambling to buy hot spots,
which create a wireless internet connection through cellular
networks. That created a backlog with cellular companies,
with orders taking weeks. Some districts rolled wireless
internet-enabled school buses into neighborhoods or wel- Tulsa Public Schools is using its bright blue activity buses as mobile hot spots to help students with distance learning. The buses provide wireless
comed families to school parking lots for a signal. internet access up to 300 feet away and are parked at various locations around the city. (Photo provided)
It’s a patchwork approach that officials say is leaving
some students behind. “Rural access is currently the biggest hurdle. It is pandemic, Idabel Public Schools held the district’s first
It’s also a hasty, crisis-driven approach, given the cir- very expensive to provide internet access to these areas,” “virtual day.” It was something superintendent Doug Brown
cumstances. But the upcoming influx of federal relief Ostrowe said. had heard about on a podcast, and he wanted to try it as
dollars presents an opportunity to address what state part of an ongoing effort to increase the district’s use of
Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister called Hot spots, equity technology.
“a lingering issue,” meaning inadequate broadband at home. One of the most effective workarounds is a portable hot Three years ago, the district started providing hot spots
The state is expecting $160 million in federal relief spot, which taps into a cellular network and provides inter- to teachers, and when they upgraded, the district held on to
funds for K-12 education, 90% of which will be allocated net access. These devices are how Epic Charter Schools, the older ones for student use. “We check them out like a
directly to school districts. The other 10%, or $16 million, the state’s largest virtual school with nearly 30,000 students library book,” he said. They also are a one-to-one district,
can be spent by the department. across the state, provides internet to any student who needs meaning all students have a computer or tablet to use. The
Gov. Kevin Stitt, like all state governors, is receiving an it. Like other schools, Epic will receive federal relief funds. community approved a $1 million bond for technology
additional federal grant for education from the governor’s The devices Epic provides work independent of a fami- equipment in 2017.
emergency education relief fund. Stitt is set to receive $40 ly’s cellphone, and the school pays the monthly data plans “We’ve been really blessed. We were really prepared for
million. Stitt said on April 17 he is considering spending for the service, said Shelly Hickman, a spokeswoman for this situation,” Brown said.
some of the funds on a private school scholarship fund or Epic. Student participation in Idabel’s distance learning is
for Advanced Placement classes in rural areas, drawing Demand for hot spots soared in the past few weeks as averaging over 90%, which he called “phenomenal.”
widespread backlash. schools transitioned to distance learning. Dozens of school The district, in far southeastern Oklahoma, has 1,200
“Our primary focus is on connectivity and the ability to districts across the country have contacted EveryoneOn, a students this year. Nearly 90% are eligible for free or
close the digital divide,” Hofmeister said about the depart- nonprofit working to improve internet access and device reduced-price lunch, an indicator of poverty. Brown said
ment’s portion of funds. She proposed that Stitt also use his accessibility for low-income families, about purchasing hot that drives his push to increase technology access.
portion on internet access. “Our schools are looking for a spots and LG-enabled tablets, said Chief Executive Officer “Technology is here and it’s not going away, and we
long-term plan.” Norma Fernandez. have to move forward in our educational system,” he said.
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos also is urging There’s a backlog, she said, and orders that previously “It’s even more important for poor districts to provide these
school districts to use the funds to invest in “technology, would have been fulfilled in a week are now taking two or opportunities.”
distance learning resources, training and long-term plan- three weeks. Schools are trying to order thousands at a time.
ning,” to support distance learning, according to a recent In the meantime, students are trying to transition to distance
press release. learning without the tools they need, adding stress to an Oklahoma Watch is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is
Even when schools reopen, likely this fall, some situ- already stressful situation. to produce in-depth and investigative journalism on public-policy and quality-of-life
ations could require another pivot to distance learning. A “We are talking about kids who are already behind,” issues facing the state. This story is a collaboration with “Frontline,” the PBS series,
resurgence of COVID-19 could require widespread clo- Fernandez said. “It has a significant impact on their learn- through its Local Journalism Initiative, which is funded by the John S. and James L.
sures again. Social distancing could lead schools to hold ing.” Knight Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
more digital days to reduce risk. Individual students could Tulsa Public Schools, the state’s second-largest district,
be distance learning if exposure to COVID-19 requires distributed tens of thousands of Chromebooks. But getting
them to quarantine at home. all students connected to the internet has proven more dif-
Districts’ relief funds will be distributed through the ficult. Sign up for
Title 1 formula, which is based on the number of low-in- “We provided a computer to any child who needed one,
come students served by the district. But the funds have
fewer restrictions than Title 1 funds. For instance, federal
and we were able to do that because of the generosity of
Tulsans,” said Superintendent Deborah Gist, referring to
breaking news, weather
CARES Act funds can be spent on technology infrastruc- bond dollars. “The challenge is internet access.”
ture upgrades that impact the entire district. The Tulsa school board recently approved the purchase and school news text alerts
“Think about internet access through Wi-Fi and the of 1,500 hotspots to give students internet access for sum-
ability to not only impact common education, but students
regardless of where they go to school,” Hofmeister said.
mer school.
High-speed internet is available to 95% of Oklahomans
“This is more of a global, comprehensive answer.” living in urban areas and less than 50% of those in rural
Greatest needs are rural
Ninety-nine percent of schools in the country are outfit-
areas, according to the FCC. Affordability still is an issue
statewide. Even with low-cost plans available, providers
can deny service based on a family’s credit history.
ted with high-speed internet and Wi-Fi in classrooms to sup- One solution the district has used is parking a school bus
port digital learning, according to EducationSuperHighway, with free Wi-Fi at various locations throughout the city to
a nonprofit focused on improving Internet access in public fill in the gaps. PUBLIC NOTICE
schools. Similarly, Oklahoma City Public Schools has welcomed Published in the Enid News & Eagle Published in the Enid News & Eagle
But step off school grounds in Luther and internet access families to its school parking lots to access free Wi-Fi May 10 & 17, 2020 LPXLP (100) May 3, 10 & 17, 2020 LPXLP (97)
is “really difficult or slow,” said Barry Gunn, Luther’s while schools are closed. And in Tahlequah, the local elec- Solicitation for bids IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR
superintendent. That’s the case in many communities. tric cooperative has added two free public Wi-Fi spots at a (Bid Notice) GARFIELD COUNTY
“We’re not as rural as most schools, and it’s spotty out school and city park as part of the FCC’s “Keep Americans Sealed bids will be received by the City
of Enid, Oklahoma, at the Office of the City
here in certain places,” Gunn said. Luther is less than 30 Connected” initiative, according to the Tahlequah Daily Clerk, in the City Administration Building, Plaintiffs,
miles from downtown Oklahoma City on the eastern side Press. More than 700 companies have signed the pledge to 401 West Owen K. Garriott Road, P.0.Box
1768, Enid, Oklahoma, 73702, until 4:00
Oklahoma County. not terminate service due to customers’ inability to pay their P.M. local time on the 12th day of June EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS,
Fewer than half of Oklahoma’s rural residents have bills, waive late fees and open Wi-Fi hot spots to Americans 2020 for:
access to high-speed internet — one of the lowest percent- who need them. WAY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 deceased, and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS,
ages of any state, according to a Federal Communications School solutions such as these, while helpful tem- Said bids will be publicly opened and
read aloud at 4:10 P.M. on June 12, 2020,
Commission report. Only two states reported a smaller per- porarily, are not suitable long-term, said Fernandez, of in the office of the City Clerk. All bids will OF MILDRED FLETCHER, deceased, and
centage of rural access: Arizona and Nevada. EveryoneOn. And they present equity issues. remain on file in the office of the City Clerk.
At a later date, the Mayor and Board
That’s 651,000 Oklahomans in rural areas who don’t “We want access that is equitable and ubiquitous. We of Commissioners will meet to award the TRUSTEES and ASSIGNS OF THOMAS
have access to high-speed internet, defined as download don’t expect higher-income families to drive to a parking contract. All bids must be in accordance
with the specifications on file in the office
J. STAFFORD, deceased,
speeds of at least 25 megabits per second. lot to access the internet,” she said. of the City Clerk which are made a part Case No. CV-2020- 55-01
“In today’s world, how we are interconnected is a neces- hereof. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION

sity,” said David Ostrowe, state secretary of digital transfor- Long-term solutions Bids received after the final time set for
receipt of bids will not be considered and
mation and administration. He wants to see all Oklahomans When the state ordered a full switch to distance learning will be returned unopened. ADMINISTRATORS, DEVISEES,
No bid may be withdrawn after the TRUSTEES and ASSIGNS OF JOHN
have not only access, but speeds of at least 100 megabits for all districts on April 6, Idabel was ready. scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. FRANCIS FLETCHER, deceased,
per second, a goal he called “lofty.” A month before schools shuttered for the coronavirus Specifications may be procured or exam- MILDRED FLETCHER, deceased, and
ined ithout charge in the office of the THOMAS J STAFFORD deceased

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
May 2020 Page resized
10 A001 43%

The Norman Transcript

Inconsistent connections An empty

Distance learning highlights internet access inequities classroom is
By Jennifer Palmer nearly one- through phone calls, emails seen in 2018
Oklahoma Watch quarter of and letters. The district has at Santa Fe
the state’s distributed hundreds of South Sixth
When the coronavirus public schoolwork paper packets Grade Center,
pandemic closed school school stu- to students who are offline. a public
buildings, teachers were dents, about Despite the efforts, some charter school
tasked with connecting to 167,000, students didn’t respond. in Oklahoma
students from afar. Sudden- don’t have “We are lucky to have City.
ly, students’ lack of home internet access at home. an outstanding group of
internet access was in the That means in places teachers who found creative Whitney Bryen
spotlight. like Hugo, a community ways to reach their students Oklahoma Watch

A mid-March survey by during the crisis,” said Su-

of 5,100 in southeastern
perintendent Earl Dalke. “If
the Oklahoma Education Oklahoma, teachers had
Department showed that to try to reach students See INTERNET Page A7

Member I NS IDE
N WORD of the day Inside today

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Norman Transcript

Sunday, May 10, 2020 THE NORMAN TRANSCRIPT A7

the ability to not only
Internet: impact common education,
but students regardless of
From Page A1 where they go to school,”
Hofmeister said. “This is
we had been able to provide more of a global, compre-
learning opportunities to all hensive answer.”
students online, we would
have been able to do a far Greatest needs are
better job.”
In some rural areas, inter- rural
May net service is spotty or slow
or even nonexistent. Dis- Ninety-nine percent
tricts have been scrambling of schools in the country
10 to buy hot spots, which are outfitted with high-
create a wireless internet speed internet and Wi-Fi
connection through cellular in classrooms to support
networks. That created a digital learning, according
2020 backlog with cellular com-
panies, with orders taking
to EducationSuperHigh-
way, a nonprofit focused on
weeks. Some districts rolled improving Internet access
wireless internet-enabled in public schools.
Page school buses into neighbor-
hoods or welcomed families
But step off school
grounds in Luther and
A007 to school parking lots for a
internet access is “really
difficult or slow,” said Barry
It’s a patchwork approach Gunn, Luther’s superin-
Clip that officials say is leaving tendent. That’s the case in
resized some students behind. many communities.
It’s also a hasty, crisis- “We’re not as rural as
31% driven approach, given the most schools, and it’s spotty
circumstances. But the out here in certain places,”
From upcoming influx of federal Gunn said. Luther is less
relief dollars presents an than 30 miles from down-
A001 opportunity to address what town Oklahoma City on
state Superintendent of the eastern side Oklahoma
Public Instruction Joy Hof- County.
meister called “a lingering Fewer than half of
issue,” meaning inadequate Oklahoma’s rural residents
broadband at home. have access to high-speed
The state is expecting Graphic Provided by U.S. Census Bureau
internet – one of the lowest
$160 million in federal relief percentages of any state, fulfilled in a week are now waive late fees and open wanted to try it as part of an free or reduced-price lunch,
funds for K-12 education, according to a Federal taking two or three weeks. Wi-Fi hot spots to Ameri- ongoing effort to increase an indicator of poverty.
90% of which will be al- Communications Commis- Schools are trying to order cans who need them. the district’s use of technol- Brown said that drives his
located directly to school sion report. Only two states thousands at a time. In the School solutions such ogy. push to increase technology
districts. Ten percent, or reported a smaller percent- meantime, students are try- as these, while helpful Three years ago, the dis- access.
$16 million, can be spent by age of rural access: Arizona ing to transition to distance temporarily, are not suitable trict started providing hot “Technology is here and
the department. and Nevada. learning without the tools long-term, said Fernandez, spots to teachers, and when it’s not going away, and we
Gov. Kevin Stitt, like all That’s 651,000 Oklaho- they need, adding stress to of EveryoneOn. And they they upgraded, the district have to move forward in
state governors, is receiving mans in rural areas who an already stressful situa- present equity issues. held on to the older ones our educational system,”
an additional federal grant don’t have access to high- tion. “We want access that is he said. “It’s even more
for student use. “We check
for education from the gov- speed internet, defined as “We are talking about equitable and ubiquitous. important for poor districts
them out like a library
ernor’s emergency educa- download speeds of at least kids who are already be- We don’t expect higher- to provide these opportuni-
tion relief fund. Stitt is set book,” he said. They also are
25 megabits per second. hind,” Fernandez said. “It income families to drive to a one-to-one district, mean- ties.”
to receive $40 million. Stitt “In today’s world, how we has a significant impact on a parking lot to access the ing all students have a com- This story is part of a
said on April 17 that he is are interconnected is a ne- their learning.” internet,” she said. puter or tablet to use. The collaboration with FRONT-
considering spending some cessity,” said David Ostrowe, Tulsa Public Schools, community approved a $1 LINE, the PBS series,
of the funds on a private state secretary of digital the state’s second largest Long-term solutions million bond for technology through its Local Journal-
school scholarship fund or transformation and admin- district, distributed tens of equipment in 2017. ism Initiative, which is
for Advanced Placement istration. He wants to see all thousands of Chromebooks. When the state ordered “We’ve been really funded by the John S. and
classes in rural areas, draw- Oklahomans have not only But getting all students con- a full switch to distance blessed. We were really James L. Knight Foundation
ing widespread backlash. access, but speeds of at least
“Our primary focus is on nected to the internet has learning for all districts on prepared for this situation,” and the Corporation for
100 megabits per second, a proven more difficult. Public Broadcasting.
connectivity and the ability April 6, Idabel was ready. Brown said.
goal he called “lofty.” “We provided a computer
to close the digital divide,” A month before schools Student participation in
“Rural access is currently to any child who needed Oklahoma Watch is a nonprofit,
Hofmeister said about the the biggest hurdle. It is very shuttered for the coronavi- Idabel’s distance learning is nonpartisan media organiza-
department’s portion of one, and we were able to do rus pandemic, Idabel Public averaging over 90%, which
expensive to provide inter- that because of the generos- tion that produces in-depth and
funds. She proposed that net access to these areas,” Schools held the district’s he called “phenomenal.” investigative content on a range
Stitt also use his portion ity of Tulsans,” said Super- first “virtual day.” It was The district, in far south-
Ostrowe said. intendent Deborah Gist, of public-policy issues facing the
on internet access. “Our something superintendent eastern Oklahoma, has state. For more Oklahoma Watch
schools are looking for a referring to bond dollars. Doug Brown had heard 1,200 students this year. content, go to oklahomawatch.
long-term plan.” Hot spots, equity “The challenge is internet about on a podcast, and he Nearly 90% are eligible for org.
Secretary of Education access.”
Betsy DeVos also is urging One of the most effective The Tulsa school board
school districts to use the workarounds is a portable Monday night approved the
funds to invest in “tech- hot spot, which taps into purchase of 1,500 hotspots
nology, distance learning a cellular network and to give students internet ac-
resources, training and provides internet access. cess for summer school.
long-term planning,” to These devices are how Epic High-speed internet is
support distance learning, Charter Schools, the state’s available to 95% of Oklaho-
according to a recent press largest virtual school with mans living in urban areas
release. nearly 30,000 students and less than 50% of those
Even when schools across the state, provides in rural areas, according to
reopen, likely this fall, some internet to any student who the FCC. Affordability is
situations could require needs it. Like other schools, still an issue statewide. Even
another pivot to distance Epic will receive federal with low-cost plans avail-
learning. A resurgence of relief funds. able, providers can deny
COVID-19 could require The devices Epic provides service based on a family’s
widespread closures again. work independent of a credit history.
Social distancing could family’s cell phone and the One solution the district
lead schools to hold more school pays the monthly has used is parking a school
digital days to reduce risk. data plans for the service, bus with free Wi-Fi at vari-
Individual students could said Shelly Hickman, a ous locations throughout
be distance learning if spokeswoman for Epic. the city to fill in the gaps.
exposure to COVID-19 Demand for hot spots Similarly, Oklahoma
requires them to quarantine soared in the past few City Public Schools has
at home. weeks as schools transi- welcomed families to its
Districts’ relief funds will tioned to distance learning. school parking lots to
be distributed through the Dozens of school districts access free Wi-Fi while
Title 1 formula, which is across the country have schools are closed. And in
based on the number of contacted EveryoneOn, Tahlequah, the local electric
low-income students served a nonprofit working to cooperative has added two
by the district. But the improve internet access free public Wi-Fi spots at a
funds have fewer restric- and device accessibility for school and city park as part
tions than Title 1 funds. For low-income families, about of the FCC’s “Keep Ameri-
instance, federal CARES purchasing hot spots and cans Connected” initiative,
Act funds can be spent on LG -enabled tablets, said according to the Tahlequah
technology infrastructure Chief Executive Officer Daily Press. More than 700
upgrades that impact the Norma Fernandez. companies have signed the
entire district. There’s a backlog, she pledge to not terminate
“Think about internet said, and orders that previ- service due to customers’
access through Wi-Fi and ously would have been inability to pay their bills,

A state lawmaker this has added a level of danger

O i

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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