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Pop question April 5th , Tuesday

 There is a great biodiversity of

organisms on Earth. What is the basic
building block of all living things?

 A. DNA
 B. Cell
 C. Brain
 D. Heart
Examples of Cells in Humans
Organization of Cells in Animals
Examples of Cells in Plants
Organization of Cells in Plants
Stem Cell Research –
controversial topic
From embryo…. …or from umbilical cord

 Prokaryotic – no nucleus
 Bacteria and Archaea
 Eukaryotic – has nucleus
 Unicellular

 Amoeba and Paramecium

 Yeast

 Multicellular
Cell of Prokaryote – Bacterium
Binary fission –
Asexual reproduction in bacteria

 From cell
 All cells arise
from other
Methods of Movement for Bacteria
Flagella for movement

Pilli – for DNA

Structures for Movement
Unicellular Eukaryotes

Eukaryotic – has nucleus

Unicellular – (can see 1 cell membrane)
Protists– Amoeba, Paramecium
Fungi - Yeast
Unicellular Protists
Under a Microscope
Amoeba Paramecium
Amoeba Eating 2 Paramecium

Unicellular Fungi - Yeast
Multicellular Eukaryotes –
Made of many specialized cells

Animals Plants Fungus

Human skin –
layers of
many cells!

 Old cells flake off

top, as new cells
grow underneath

 You shed your entire

skin every 28 days!

 Epidermis - Top layer

of skin shown in
entire diagram
Specialized Cells

 Muscle cell
 contain contractile filaments that move past each other
 Actin and Myosin
 change the size of the
 Smooth muscle
 Skeletal muscle
 Cardiac muscle
Specialized Cells

 Neuron (Nerve Cell)

 Cell body
 Dendrites – receive info from other cells
 Axons – long membrane-covered extension of
the cytoplasm
 Transmit info to dendrites of the next neuron

 Transmit info throughout the body

Blood Cells

 Blood has many different functions,

 transporting oxygen
 nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
Specialized Cells

 Sperm and egg cells are used for

Potato Cells Stained with Iodine
Cheek Cells Stained with Methylene Blue
Elodea Cells – Plant cells
Guard Cells of Wondering Jew
Bacteria Cultures – Many unicellular

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