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Hello to everyone out there in podcast land. This is Luke and I’m just sending you a quick message.

isn’t a full podcast. Just a quick message to say hello to you and to say thanks for downloading and to let
you know that more episodes of the podcast are coming. I am producing them at the moment. So more
episodes will be coming very soon you’ll be able to download episodes four and five and episode six.
Episode four is about the Hollywood actor Joaquin Phoenix and there will be some language some useful
language you can use to describe your beliefs and opinions. Episode five is going to be about men and
women, the differences and similarities between men and women and the way in which we communicate
with each other.
Let’s see, episode six is going to be about vampires and about the movie ‘Twilight’ which is a big hit
which has recently being released on DVD and there will be some useful language about emotions and
describing feelings.
So more episodes will be uploaded on the internet soon and you will be able to listen to them and
download them.
So thanks again for listening and downloading. Don’t forget to send me an emailand I will speak to you
again soon.
Okay, just this is a little bonus extra I am going to leave you with a little audio clip which comes from a
BBC TV show, comedy show called ‘Big Train’ and in this clip you’ll hear a woman asking for help in
So, I am interested to see if you think it’s funny and if you understand it. I will also post the video on my
web page and I will also include a transcript of the conversation so that you can understand it more.
Do you find it funny? And what do you think is funny about it. What’s the joke, okay? So, I am interested
to hear what you think. And here is the audio clip:
Comedy Sketch transcript:
Woman: Excuse me… excuse me. Sorry, erm… do you speak English?
Man: No I don’t, sorry.
Woman: Erm. My car’s broken down and I wondered if you could tell me where to find a garage.
Man: Well, y’know, that’s wasted on me. I don’t understand what you’re saying.
Woman: You don’t speak any English at all?
Man: Not a word. No. It’s one of those things really… I wish I’d paid more attention in school… but, um,
[to another man] excuse me, excuse me… sorry. Do you speak any English?
Man 2: English? No. What’s the problem?
Man: I don’t know I can’t understand her.
Woman: Hi, err, my car’s broken down and I need to find a garage.
Man 2: No, I’m sorry. I didn’t understand that at all…
Woman: All right, well… thanks.
Man: I tell you what, if you go down that way, about half a mile, there’s a village. There might be
somebody there that speaks English.
Woman: Ich speaking bisschen Deutsch. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? [She says in German: I speak a little
German. Do you speak German?]
Man: Deutsch, nein. Spreckenzie Deutch?
Man 2: Deutch, nein. Aber ich bin nicht fließend [He speaks fluent German…]
Man: I’m sorry we couldn’t be more help.
Man 2: Yeah, sorry about that. Hey, you never know… next time you’re over, maybe we’ll have learned a
bit of English.
Man: oder Deutsch vielleicht. [in German} or German!
Ja, das wäre toll
Woman: Thanks anyway…
[She walks away}
Man: I can speak English
Man 2: So can I!
[They laugh…]

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