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International Rules for Seed Testing Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules

Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules

Since 2014, the International Rules for Seed Testing Details of changes
(ISTA Rules) are primarily available in electronic form
only. The ISTA Rules can be downloaded as a complete The 2020 changes are editorial corrections or Rules
PDF file or as individual chapters from: changes adopted at the Ordinary General Meeting held at Hyderabad, India, in June 2019. Edits were made in
If required, users of the ISTA Rules can print their own Adobe InDesign by Vanessa Sutcliffe of HeartWood Edi-
copies. For further information on the ISTA Rules, see: torial ( The changes in the text content from the previous
The electronic version includes the English, French, edition of the ISTA Rules are listed below. They can be
German and Spanish versions of the ISTA Rules. If there displayed as yellow highlighted text as a ‘layer’ within
are any questions on interpretation of the ISTA Rules, the the electronic copy with comments on what has changed.
English version is the definitive version. For the previous history of amendments to the ISTA
Rules, see the Prefaces for 2003 to 2019 on the ISTA
Seed health testing methods
Ernest Allen, ISTA Rules Committee Chair
Previously, the seed health testing methods were
published as a separate Annexe to Chapter 7 of the ISTA Susan Alvarez, ISTA Rules Committee Vice-Chair
Rules. They are now available as separate method sheets
from the ISTA web site at: ISTA Secretariat

Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules

Effective 1 January 2020 xiii

Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules International Rules for Seed Testing

Changes to the ISTA Rules for 2020

General editorial  Editorial change to ‘Seed mixtures’ under
‘Certificates’. As a general principle, any statement
Re-labelling of Tables throughout the Rules for consist- of the applicant may be reported only in the space
ency, with Chapter number and a capital letter; subse- reserved for applicant statements/declarations. This
quent cross-referencing updated: space is reserved at the top of the ISTA certificate un-
• Table 2.1 becomes Table 2A; der ‘Stated by applicant’. Therefore, the components
• Table 2.2 becomes Table 2B; of seed mixtures as reported by the applicant cannot
• Table 2A becomes Table 2C; be reported under ‘Analysis results’ as this space is
• Table 2B becomes Table 2D; reserved for laboratory results obtained by an ISTA
• Table 2C becomes Table 2E; laboratory through seed testing.
• Table 2D becomes Table 2F;  Clarification on how to report purity content
• Table 2E becomes Table 2G; of seed mixtures (i.e. the percentage by weight of pure
• Table 2F becomes Table 2H; seed, inert matter, and other seeds).
• Table 2G becomes Table 2I;
• Table 4.1 no longer has a title, consistent with the Chapter 2
similar table under section 3.5.1;
• Table 8.5 becomes Table 8B;  Revision discussed by the BSC and approved by
• Table 8.6 becomes Table 8C; vote, to specify that seed may also be sampled from
• Table 8.7 becomes Table 8D; the seed stream, including before it enters containers,
• Table 8.8 becomes Table 8E; as for automatic sampling. This revision is consist-
• Table 8.9 becomes Table 8F; ent with wording in Rule ‘Taking primary
• Table 8.10 becomes Table 8G; samples’.
• Table 8.11 becomes Table 8H;  Revision to clarify procedures for obtaining
• Table 8B becomes Table 8I; submitted samples for moisture testing; proposal dis-
• [changed for 2019 Rules] Table 17.1 to Table 17A; cussed by BSC and approved by vote.
• [changed for 2019 Rules] Table 17.2 to Table 17B;  ‘Packing’ added to heading. Many seed com-
• [changed for 2019 Rules] Table 17.3 to Table 17C; panies have ISTA accredited laboratories, where the
• [changed for 2019 Rules] Table 17.4 to Table 17D. warehouse in which the samples are taken and the
testing laboratory are on the same premises, making
Changes to nomenclature throughout the Rules, accord- it superfluous to seal the sample if the ISTA Sampler
ing to the 7th edition of the ISTA List of Stabilised Plant delivers it personally to the laboratory. The former
Names, prepared by the Nomenclature Committee. wording was not consistent with, which al-
ready makes provision for this. Proposal discussed by
Introduction BSC and approved by vote.
Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules, and e:  For variable and rotary divid-

I-1:  Sentences added in response to a Motion concern- ers it is not necessary to mix the composite sample
ing ‘ISTA’s position on integrating advanced tech- before dividing, as mixing of the seed takes place dur-
nologies in classical seed testing methods’ discussed ing the dividing process (stated in the ISTA Sampling
at 2018 OGM. Handbook). In the Rules it is required that ‘the seed
sample must first be thoroughly mixed’ and the au-
Chapter 1 ditors apply this strictly, also for variable and rotary
dividers. The exclusion of the pre-mixing requirement
1.3:  Editorial change requested by BSC to correct erro- of these two dividers is now included in the Rules.
neous reference; approved by BSC by vote. Proposal discussed by the BSC and approved by vote.  Editorial change required to clarify placement of  Two paragraphs deleted. The first paragraph has
specified ‘species’ or ‘inert matter’ in the Purity sec- been moved to as it is more applicable to ob-
tion on the OIC. taining a submitted sample (for moisture) than it is for  Phelipanche added where Orobanche is men- sample reduction methods. The deletion of the sec-
tioned, with the assumption that the Orobanche/ ond paragraph is for consistency. Obtaining working
Phelipanche species concerned are parasitic plants samples for specific tests is generally specified in the
with small dust-like seeds. applicable Chapters. This paragraph was a duplication  It was no longer obvious why the % of normal of what is already stated in Proposal was dis-
seedlings obtained at the end of the test period, when cussed by BSC and approved by vote.
the test is extended, must be reported. This prescrip-
tion has been removed from the Rules.

xiv Effective 1 January 2020

International Rules for Seed Testing Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules  Revision requested by BSC for readability and Proposal supported by a validation study done within
to remove the part that the spoon method is the rec- the Germination Committee.
ommended method for seed health testing. Proposal Table 5A Part 1:  Organic growing media added as
discussed by BSC and approved by vote. a primary media for the germination of Phaseolus  Festuca trachyphylla was erroneously omitted vulgaris. Proposal supported by a validation study
from the Species group 2 list some years ago. It was done within the Germination Committee.
part of the experiment and should be included. Table 5A Part 1:  The Germination Committee has con-  Editorial change requested by BSC to correct er- ducted a validation study on Zea mays to compare
roneous reference; approved by BSC by vote. the results obtained with TP method using CCP, to
Table 2C (formerly 2A):  Updates to nomenclature as a the results obtained with the other ISTA approved
result of changes to the ISTA List of Stabilised Plant substrates.
Names. Table 5A Part 3:  Germination method moved from Ta-
Table 2C (formerly 2A) Part 3:  Lot sizes and sample ble 5A Part 2 to Part 3 for Malva sylvestris, as this is
sizes moved from Table 2C (formerly 2A) Part 2 to not a woody species.
Part 3 for Malva sylvestris, as this is not a woody Table 5A Part 3: Germination methods for Salvia
species. hispanica included in the Rules, following validation
Table 2C (formerly 2A) Part 3: Inclusion of Salvia studies carried out within the Germination Committee.
hispanica L. to the ISTA Rules; proposed sample and
maximum seed lot size submitted to BSC by Purity Chapter 6
Committee based on thousand-seed weight determi-
nations. Discussed by the members of BSC and ap- Table 6A:  Updates to nomenclature as a result of chang-
proved by vote. es to the ISTA List of Stabilised Plant Names.

Chapter 3 Chapter 7

3.2.3:  Editorial change required due to species in Taxo- Table 7A:  Updates to nomenclature as a result of chang-
diaceae being absorbed into Cupressaceae. Correc- es to the ISTA List of Stabilised Plant Names.
tions approved by Nomenclature Committee. Method 7-019a: Addition of Xanthomas campestris
Table 3B Parts 1 and 2:  Updates to nomenclature as a pv. raphani in the plating assay as the pathovars are
result of changes to the ISTA List of Stabilised Plant undistinguishable on the semi-selective media used.
Names. Inclusion of a process flow diagram in Background
section to reflect optional and mandatory steps in the
Chapter 4 method. Proposal approved by a vote of Seed Health
TCOM and supported by the Committee.
Throughout Chapter, Phelipanche added where Method 7-025:  Improvements to the description of the
Orobanche is mentioned, with the assumption that the method and detailed descriptions of nematode iden-

Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules

Orobanche/Phelipanche species concerned are parasitic tification. Figure added to assist in nematode identi-
plants with small dust-like seeds. fication. Proposal approved by vote and supported by
Seed Health Committee.
Chapter 5
Chapter 8 
5.6.4:  Precision added relating to the extension of the
duration of the germination test, and adapting the date 8.5.3:  Editorial change required due to an incorrect cross
of the final count when it ends on a non-working day. reference to performance approved methods; correc-
5.9:  It was no longer obvious why the % of normal seed- tions approved by Variety Committee.
lings obtained at the end of the test period, when the
test is extended, must be reported. This prescription Chapter 9
has been removed from the Rules.
Table 5A:  Updates to nomenclature as a result of chang-  Changes to wording for oven requirements, to
es to the ISTA List of Stabilised Plant Names. avoid specifying ‘ventilation’ and ‘capacity’ of the
Table 5A Part 1: GA3 is indicated as a dormancy break- oven. The need to check whether the oven is fit for
ing treatment for Avena sativa in section, and purpose or not is highlighted and text has been re-
now added to Table 5A for this species, to achieve vised for readability. Proposal approved by Moisture
greater concordance and understanding. Committee.
Table 5A Part 1:  Organic growing media added as a  Adding additional possibilities to desiccator,
primary media for the germination of Glycine max. such as perforated porcelain or other material instead
of metal. Proposal approved by Moisture Committee.

Effective 1 January 2020 xv

Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules International Rules for Seed Testing  References corrected and optimised where need-  Removal of requirement for a control seed lot
ed; an additional reference is added, and it is stressed for the radicle emergence (RE) test. Following their
that the correct sample size shall be used and where experience with the test, the Vigour Committee be-
to find it. Proposal approved by Moisture Committee. lieves that when the test is completed following the,, and  Changes to time prescribed ISTA Rules protocol, the use of a control
limits for drawing working samples; time limits are seed lot is not necessary.
given for mixing, grinding, cutting and drawing the
working sample separately. Proposal approved by Chapter 18
Moisture Committee.
Table 9A:  Updates to nomenclature as a result of chang- 18.8:  Editorial change to ‘Reporting results’. As a gen-
es to the ISTA List of Stabilised Plant Names. eral principle, any statement of the applicant may  Addition of requirement for storing the re- be reported only in the space reserved for applicant
mainder of the submitted sample for moisture using statements/declarations. This space is reserved at
moisture meters; addition of the same requirement to the top of the ISTA certificate under ‘Stated by ap-
storing time as for the submitted sample using the oven plicant’. Therefore, the components of seed mixtures
method. Proposal approved by Moisture Committee. as reported by the applicant cannot be reported under
‘Analysis results’ as this space is reserved for labora-
Chapter 15 tory results obtained by an ISTA laboratory through
seed testing.
15.3 and Table 15B: Addition of Triticum aestivum to 18.8.1:  Clarification on how to report purity content of
the radicle emergence (RE) test, following a method seed mixtures (i.e. the percentage by weight of pure
validation study illustrating that the test identifies dif- seed, inert matter, and other seeds).
ferences in vigour (field emergence) of seed lots of
this species and is repeatable and reproducible.
Preface to the 2020 Edition of the ISTA Rules

xvi Effective 1 January 2020

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