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Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

Table 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

What the teacher does What the children do Comments

Student say good moring teacher i notes some student they cant read
,student will see the cover page and some words it her for them .
Teacher say good moring to the
will thing what tis animals it is a
student ,today will read now some student they noe aready the
monkey .
story,teacher will show student the story and what happen .
cover page of the story she ask Student will ansers the qusiton
them ?

1.what you see in cover page what

this animals?

2.what the clore for monkey ?

3.wher the monkey live ?

4.what did your story about ?

teacher will read the story and
student will will read with her ,she
will show student the student the
picher shw will use the CROWD
Syategie she will ask them qusion .

teacher will rebite the story all the

Reflections on Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

1. Which concepts about print (CAP), phonological awareness, letter knowledge and or
phonics did the teacher focus on? Teacher foces in phones the sound of letters .

a) What strategies/activities did the teacher use to help the students understand
the concept being taught?the teacher let student to point in the words if they
cant know it .and then she show them picher of the words and anderstanr the
whole sentens .

2. Were there any initial/medial/final sounds, punctuation, sight words or word families that were
covered during the lesson? If they were, select (a); if they were not, select (b).

a. What was the purpose of teaching these concepts. Explain its importance.

a) Provide one (1) activity example of how initi al/medial/fi nal sounds, punctuation,
sight words or word families could have been could have been covered during the
lesson. Teacher give student a flash cards of the words coverds in story example words
big each words in on cards then the teacher let student to bulind the letter toghere and
say each letters sound to make big words .

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