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Project Velocity Recommended Best Practices DIRECT Feedback Observer Name:

Manager Documentation Form _______________________________________

This form is recommended for managers to use in coaching sessions with Sales Advocates.
Discussion Notes
D Develop Rapport
 2-way conversation/comments
I Indicate Focus
 Specific focus/reason of
feedback session
R Reinforce and Recognize
 What did they do well?
 How did they do that well?
 How did it affect the interaction?
 Progress and success (specific
behaviors) acknowledged
E Engage in Self Discovery
 What could they have done
 Behaviors to change agreed on
 Specific barrier(s) addressed
 Positive impact/WIIFM stated
C Cause for Gap/Create a Plan
 Root cause analysis – why?
 1-2 actions they can take to
address the gap(s) and agree on
 Expectations defined
 Clear plan – actions, who is
responsible, method of follow up
T Test/Timeline
 Agreement/commitment
 Specific timeframes for each
activity and follow up
 Plan adjustments based on
employee input, if appropriate
Other Observations/Comments
 Key strengths / developmental areas

All goals are set by Authorized Retailers

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