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In terms of how this case study and these findings shaped my professional development

and growth, this research process has changed the way I will approach my participation in my

future school’s inclusive culture and the inclusive practices I use in my classroom. From the

beginning observations of different schools from the lens as a student teacher to conducting

research on one of those schools, it is apparent that general education teachers are feeling

underappreciated and undersupported due to the lack of resources given to them in educating

their students with special needs. Rather than bringing negative energy to my school and

potentially negatively affecting the inclusive culture, I know to bring confidence, a willingness to

stand firm in my beliefs and to persevere find solutions for the problems that arise within my

classroom, as well as all of the other classrooms at the school. In my opinion, knowing how to

approach issues regarding students with special needs with administration and colleagues can

have an immensely positive effect on a school’s inclusive culture. I also hope to play an

important role in establishing a successful inclusive culture at my future school, as well as

helping my colleagues properly use inclusive practices in their classrooms. This research

process has unfortunately taught me how resentful teachers can be towards their administration,

district, and state government. Going into the start of my career, I hope to be a positive light at

my future school and take on problems with a level head and perseverance.

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