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PAGE DATE cle 1207 _ Ent Oblgdtions- 10 each his Own. ‘solidary/ Joint and Several obligations - all for one t “ang one for all, General Kole - Jornt Q) Stipvlaten of Solar obkgation. b) Aolure of the obligation Requires if bo SDiidary. ‘ rt _ 16) lav decors it tebe. Solitary.” _ | | 7] —| —| - | ticle 120% Presumption that obligation 1s Joint. A) delt shall be ‘wde/. into as° Many ares aS Hae are Creditors / Leb sons. b) Gedts © lets vill be dvinet. fron Pre eller; Reb regording to actor th court, the. holes of Curt Soernng _ fluncecpelty of, au he plhwed. ticle (L049 K Joint but since Oblect is _tndisille | the Creditor myst Proceed _ against all Jain debtors. Starncies) Scanned with CamScanner PAGE : DATE Wifi any of fhe Joint lesions be insole ~~ thw. others Shaff Lot he liable for his Goare. | ticle I210 : Tnalwisibility - pefers fo Svblect Mattes Solidarity --. pefers to tie between parties. Solidary Obligation May exist deserte the ze ral : afferent ferms ard~ or CondsfionS. / PTE LI eee eX Afticle (212. Soldary Creditors hay ie any beh aet Aas | bot..fot feb acts... Article 28 on [Gereral fle Solidary Creditor. Cannot, asi ign hes Q ights. excepog 3 eis allowed if ail ollers Coton. ‘Starnoies) Scanned with CamScanner _ s 4 a —— PAGE : DATE : Aide 1014 : To who debtor WwS+ pay: @) To any of the solidary cela ment: pst be Made solidory Creditor who Made, seen (ase dia of eMfm)ude) demand) Atticle us {ead the Codals. Nevation- Madeficatron of «fhe. obligation: by aan Ibs Object or. Principal Condpan5. |Compensarbon ~ uc hae perms tah Ther own _higtt Gre Che nS for 20k, Ofer Confusion [Merger - Clovoubas of fe Credior JL tyr. avo bret th le Fate frensen. nissim (air) = dn act of eral’ a redder Cordores fle ligahyn : eX. forges Alot fle like Marg. —_| they mays bev Peceedeg oganst later. _Afticle (tt ~ Creditor fay Proceed aganst any, some, or all Of fle solidary clebtos - Siwul toenous]Y. — fe Ave {5 ho wairer. oganst dere mop Yet ‘Staraares) Scanned with CamScanner a ptiole \217 . [Payment - is one cof the Wary ¢ b which an Obligation iS extinguished And “Consist a fhe dewwery of a thang: or the Perdihn” of the service “which (§ the Cbloct of te i Ohligaton. WA fleas teal The als. Article |21% [Payment of an cblgahon hick ~har preste) Or becons Maga! Sell tof enthle Salclry ober Ye Perbesseronts ‘ Article. [214 This ~ertcle falls _-alov} un Irode: ‘aller Fell Pay rend Was praler which haf Areoly extinguished the Cblgatan, Article [220 [lease head fle Codals. ; i Aeicle Tal eo so] Doce Less -w/ fou le 7 Hn is _ liability. L.) Loss 4. foul+ -2.. Mo.liability. 3) Loss bec. of fartutus ceent after efavlt Ka here, There will be [abe Iiky be oF hut. Scanned with CamScanner —— ee Ths arhitle appuer fe ethos fled by Creditor. ae a Ex: |) vitmted consent (omPiete setese, Ha ai i : 4) Up—arrval_of perm (fartral "Tey, [thes — ame oF) al Has AR le [23 = Pusible: ohligation- capable of fartal Perfornance. [Induistle Oblyatton— Not Capable of [orbit Perfornance. “my Sol IDARy TM DTUTSLBILITY hers tp tie between |G.) Peters to Dade Of fhe Parties” Obligahon. .. __ ob) | Needs atleast tuo or Mo Ma) exist if fly Me Creaiens / deb lars ‘ Cteditor/ leper. Pfu “OF ony is full fey fl of Ore is Mot fer oF 6 thers » pult a others - Scanned with CamScanner PAGE DATE Article (224 = Here the Oblect is _indivisyble ang yet He Portes are merely bobnd Jointly. - bx: Mila and’ -liqaya iare "Jointly | Fine’ oo Peadic Carr do ose, Effect of Mon~-Compjance 5 : QA) The obligation is conver bed’ inte a Monelery one for indemnity, e& bound. Yo Ake. Rs | Ont Which F Prvded bx law. j OO Menten of Pane. Liber fe s by: hedpical. yards Seen oon tn fei a Hele ALG... f : ase is a Coercive /forcefo] -MeanS fo _ Obtain fren He rbfoe Covptance from: the efter. _ On ace sory onfertating W5UKe Greater Tas in coe of breach. | aie Scanned with CamScanner r PAGE :... 174 : | DaTE Ate WT oat i | Please Peas fhe Coeles. ’ 4 —Apiote 122 & TOA : | foot of clanages: 1 lor Meek 7) Pecavse | the fenal Clayse ($ _@ Security Megsire con he Claines once flare: A as foen a Ak Article ry | When Pen Article [230 4 Ss : if. puil ip fel Chaz, we at : ae ili “hull @ag~ fritapal.. Pere ef hol Ging Princ pal , hat ful) 244 fete. Chatoe Key Lott” —fasan hay __Qatait. : ie | Leslie ‘ 25 aD Scanned with CamScanner be Severe) ‘Lie mae Code, Arhele [st [leaxe refer fo Cadals. Anicle 1233 _ fling OF Service ust he Parl. | , | D Fulfilment Nast be nflote, _ __ Arkcte 1154, wi “Subsential porforrance in in geod “pate - Pleape fod —~ fle Codgl ed Athcle [U5 a 7) ~ Estoppe] «Parse heed the Celals. estan Scanned witl CamsScanner PAGE : DATE : li cs 1 i there is_a REET allowing This.» WD if said 4rd Person hat inhrest in He fullfilinent of te obligation. Adie [37 Please read. the Calas. 3s mae act of Fig sonebody ints the Gres of the Creditor, Hence chasing fle Prnor- to evercixe all the fights. and actions flor Culd have heen. -otercistd by the later, Some rights Which May be eteresed by Pensa Mbregated fr fle” flece 0h Credle 3 ‘ 4.) thordgage- o | BY guaranty. C) “fenalty er Penalty ar ___ Article [23% —__] Please Rood fle Cals - ——CStariotes) - Scanned with CamScanner PAGE DATE ssssseen 3 he tele |234 Pleas peas the: COVALS mL Payment by Theapncitated Person ‘General Role? ; . a) Papment ts nop Valid. b.) Creditor cannot be Conpelled to Aeept ib C) tenedy of Gnsignabon would not be froper: CArhicte 1427) Q. Minor entered nfs a Conbnet » witthovt Cozent of parent /piarbos Velonory pays Sun of noney oF delivers. Porshe [lary in Af oor of bigatin flue Peal! be fo right po Recarer fle sore fyon fl. chiyer Yt Ios Sport ar Costreg itn Gag Path, Aricte J240=.- few (UeBy Article (24) Please peter qo your Codals . s 1st furagraph- _PaYreat te an tntapcite tes Pe — Ind Farrgraph- Poyment te an Uhavtloneed Wd PUTT ey ~ Scanned with CamScanner Apc fae : \ = . a —_A PAGE :.. DATE : [flee arb Gals. n “4 (Hicle 1243 “s The Iciecal order hire hay lowe oe Pronpled by An. order of cetfachnent, (hJoneton, garnishnent. Gornishmenh 2 where fhe efor's credhtr 13 WMajectes fe paymenp of his own debt. oto anofher. EX: When. debtor of a Jobfer (s: Otlerey mot ue par. the.-[atlerB 5 Hat fretecence wa be stn th fle _Iotfers. redder, cons a esa Process by virtue of We | (5 Gtherrlly ordered Yo Nefrwn fon | ol ee Article 144 Plearc refer é fe Come thole |24.0 | Dekanint payed = Mode of aching an_Obliga tv Whereby : the: dekpor « alienates “-in» favor of the Chediter, «Property for the» Satisfection of Mamet dest. Scanned with CamScanner PAGE DATE —# chicle ICUS |General Rule PerFornance Should be. Complete. Stipolation |b) Differend Prestations -are SWlect ke differen? | conditions. IC) when debt is Part lvlated and part unlyvdale/ Performance of the Nqvidated Pal f thay he’ mnssted upon either by fle deLtor or Creditor... i |) When 4 chink» debtor ~ Fars his’ Share or Cred dor demands. the - same. ; When _Solihry etter pays anly fhe part clenerdale | hécavbe the pest. ore Not yet demandable. [PD In cave bf -Compensatron, when one debt is larger dan the Other it Blows - that a balance “left Gare [3.)_ vhen work i$ ft be daw by parts: 4 | Afticie \24q ~~ : | Pleam tele te. COpMS.- | [Legal Tender - is that which He debtor May Conpe/ a-.Creditor. to. accept in “yeast of debt (oe focie” : Paynent may be either’ CTs Pragraph of Art. 1249) ‘) Corrency Stipulated © | 2)iF nok possible, Hen philippine legal tender. Stariores) Scanned with CamScanner ~ PAGE : \al DATE :.... First paragraph of Act 1424 he been modifies by RA 524 (June 16, [asd) \) a foreigh Corrency 2) an amun- Of Philippine Money A bk measorez) by gold or Hrewh currency, . Shavld be ull, Usd ans of bo effect. | Deli Ta om Gnamercig): “pbptromentS. g Cheek tf hot a legal pender-,, Wid, therefore - fhe Chedbor — contgt be. Qnpelltd ty accept /'p | 6) Even A Bank tanagers Check t$ hot ..a legal tender. Tnsionces Where. a Cheek or Contunerera] ee Sold be aecerreg ak. fatrent WD When. creditor is in estoppel, af a6 Au Lf Frou. -axpeed, A oucgy o Cleek. DD hn the on fas (ost che love hee of fhe felt of fe Crediton, 8 lon be lok trrewohab|Y dolayes [th ets fo tar py yoont. Es het _ i 43 Bh when Palmeat oceans hee. of Qa side bot becatee_ : of tle Chere of be rele of couentnnal Pelenptron: ss Anse | fort Jali Cbeck (7 Wot a Check at alll, od a enk sire e “allatg ty dedecy fon the derostens current Oacourt fa Antea Choon iSsed by the dlepontor, el Scanned with CamScanner Article 1256 ' Please ead Your CopPAls. Anflaton? Sudden orp increase of Naney /ere/i? Or loth W/o Corresponding _thcreare business Ppansacron, cenerall'¥ this artele (5 og afpiceble Phy. sive te fregn Corroncy con. le Shvlaled vrder RA 524 Article rust Please pefer to your CoDALs | Mecte 1252. CApplication of Payments) Application of payments~ 5 the designation of the cleb+ fo Which Shvld be appyes a Payment Made by a debtor Who . owes.. Several. debts in fever 0f fhe Same... creditor. sqvisiles ¢ There mus} be two OF More: debts, Deir rit be: of the sane Kind. Debs are oued by te same debtor in fuor of the sane Cresiler,( to, tam rit bE Only Ore debtr and Me Gebtor) All deses nos? be due. ita faynent is hot enough to extaguist all etfs, Scanned with CamScanner PAGE =... DATE How?” e G.) Debtor Makes designaton. 0% ban! ; [BD iF not, Cresier will, by Saban 1 fhe PecaPP he (se eaaQexne Note: F debjas conrent (n 2eeerbng heceph WS © Uitated ~ ar br: fav), corer or Viblence.~ Pijcakvon : % pot. WolJ , j-e. vordable. [¢) TF heitler of then hes hole apeleaton , «if afflcahon thet Val, Mer appeaten tr eles By Operation Of [aur Moe: rf apphcatr (6 Mele “Yo fhe Hiowledge OF Carrere 8 debi FF bof Vals, Ante. 1253 |General fule 2 - Trterest wit be fra'd Fick. ‘Exception $I fe. Creditor grees that frinciPa) ould be paid “Effect if Payment jh Credited ? me princiPals Redveron of the Principal Would Lest Th the decrease of fle. total: fntensst Collectible. Scanned with CamScanner fs le tog : ‘samples OF, [tore Onerous Older one sh Case of fuaning accounts Tnkeest bearing Blebts even if the _Iun-interes# | ect cepts are older. : 2 higher interest |d) Debts Secured by hortgage or ledge. Verts with Penalty Clave. wid IP) Advances for - substinence father flan lose Alvakees ¥ Cafh. ; A debt. live debfe its in Noa. { a An exclusive debt i pare onerous flan 2 Slikery hh, However, a7 4 Test swt, tlen th Comt be celernmed Which bpp i¢ hore onerous, the @vflar heres: Hat boll will be “Considered — equally borcbnsone 4nd hence Paynent trust be hade fe Leth fro peta or A.K.A. Proportronately > x VArkcie lass - bite |Cession® ~ Tt is, the process Which debtor ss tronsfers all the Properties not -sublect 1 execvhan in favor of his Crehters so at fe |atler may sell then, aad Yhliy fe Pree fo far eds. Starnowes) Scanned with CamScanner an anwy DATE a LL Dacion en Pogo | Cessrou | A) Does not affect. all froparies |, aflecis al] Poperms of I r debtor, in gaura). ; Does itor. require. Pumbty of |b.) tequre Moe tan are 7 | | Creators Cred dor. CD] only Le concerned Creaitor' |) peqnes the Cast OF Consent {f Peauted. : all cred#onS. ay fete Pace durng the sieoh D Pepvires full 00 Pade ( of debper.. : (nSelvency. 2) transfers ownedup upon Tle e) does not transht the |: delary - : : Quhershif- A dhs i€ realy ah ace of Iynfo Of) Mob aw act of Abaton. Article 1256 fender of Payment - The act. of offering . the Creditor what isdve him fegetter with 4 clenand flat fle creditor. wil acerp fle. Same. Consignation- The act of depositing the thing dve W/ fhe Curt 9 Svdverl actorr ties Whaneres fhe Croker Camor accept / pefit ty accent He | Pament «TH. genernly equies Prior fencer _ fo of Patent Se Scanned with CamScanner PAGE DATE = Tender QF payment withut Consignaton does nor ektingyis debt Consigfanhun (wt foley “offer Ze tender of Poynent. Tender. of Paynent Must. be o () egal tender ( lawtul Lorine 1) rust shelved u C due A 5) Generall, ——— unless iF Creditor bovld be Tn coteppel ax he heady accept Payment. 4) ‘Que jiangtion alone (witlot tender) is allowed in the Es” Article IF 22 a a) Valrd del b) Valid prior tender, Unless tender is excuréd. lc of Colsiqnation (Belare- Pepesit) eld G Depout) : Scanned with CamScanner PAGE :... bk AZ, sete DATE Atticle (253 nsiqnedtion iS” -athually. made * oe [en things dve ust. be deposed wih He (pooper Judicial avthorrbes (while ordnarily Cader — or Ca offrer Amld he He Penson te [5500 fle recht i & Proney consmhed a tetpporary KeeeiPy (si) by Clerk of Court , be siffee,) col: ) Teaser hed cameaiad been Made! i) ov, ‘that. the. Creditor had freviosly tesfied Me debtor Tad consighahon will (be | — ; Atte 54 : { Eypenses ihdlude Hose for fhe Preservation or Warehosing of rode fendng ligatron. :"' % foal voir: COPALS & a Article reo Ta es ag dettr ay ask Teen e order He. cancelation of ob} gation. 2.) The running of interest 19 “suspended, 7 Havever, CL Shovll be Observed fot hefore Creider Acers or before Judge declares food Constnal el he heen Properly made ft. chigaton Refhaad. Scanned with CamScanner PAGE DATE = Risk of [oss ik Censignaten 15 Proper will be- bears by the Credfr. When Debtor may Wwrthdrav thing or_suta _fonsighed $ Matter of right * a) as a WD before Creditor aiepted —Consighaton. 1) befere —Judicral declaration flat _Consignahon he boen Properly Made. UL As 4 matter of Priviledges (1D when Consignation has heen Properly Made the Creditor authorizes the debtor fo littrar What he peen Consigned, Article |2¢] Withdraval by debtor offer Gorsisraton has fron Crenton) [been rade (Ui aoftent, Obligahor hemarns Credilor [oses any _frelenence CPriontty) over fle thing, . The Co-debfors , guarantors, and sviettes ave heleased _C unless they Conn te) ine Scanned with CamScanner

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