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Global Services Organisation

Order No.: DD+DIS454.04E

1 Piece YMPAS MA1
Type 5365/100

No. only needed for production purposes

Power Supply Module (MOD08)

Replacement Instructions

This document describes all steps of the Power Supply (MOD08)

replacement procedure. The main steps are:
• Remove right covers
• Exchange Power Supply
• Remount covers
• Perform SW Upgrade to SW 1.92_C1 if not yet installed
• Print test image
• Send defective Power Supply back

This documentation is only enclosed to Power Supply CM+343337.X and is

no longer needed after installation.
In case of questions regarding the document please contact:
Phone + 49 89 6207 3949.... Fax +49 89 6207 7274.

printed in Germany 01 / 2005

Agfa Company Confidential

Electrical connections and repairs must only be made by authorized


Mechanical connections and repairs must only be made by authorized


We reserve the right to technical changes.

DD+DIS003.05E Power Supply Module (MOD08) Replacement

1 Switch off and disconnect all cables 2 Open top cover and remove front cover

5365QRM01 5365QRM02

3 Remove right cover 4 Remove the EMI shield

5365QRM03 5365QRM04

5 At touching the Vilis / Themis / RAM 6 Unplug connectors 1 to 3 at the

module observe ESD precautions Vilis / Themis / RAM module

5365QRM101 5365QRM120

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Agfa Company Confidential
Power Supply Module (MOD08) Replacement DD+DIS003.05E

7 Remove connectors 1 to 4 8 Remove the power supply

5365QRM121 5365QRM97

9 Pack defective Power Supply

10 Mount the new power supply
Module and fill in forms

5365QRMXX 5365QRM99

12 Re-connect connectors 1 to 3 at the

11 Re-connect connectors 1 to 4
Vilis / Themis / RAM module

5365QRM118 5365QRM119

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Agfa Company Confidential
DD+DIS003.05E Power Supply Module (MOD08) Replacement

13 Mount the EMI shield 14 Mount the side cover

5365QRM12 5365QRM13

15 Mount front cover and close top cover 16 Connect cables and switch on

5365QRM35 5365QRM14

17 Emergency SW Install. in case of error

18 Check Software Version
"E207010: - 12V out of tolerance on VILIS"

1. Press the Key-operator key

Error E207010 Ready 2. Select "1 Show Settings"
3. Press the Confirm key
4. Select "1 General"
5. Press the Confirm key
6. Scroll down to SW Version
Get Emergency Install SW Go to step 18
> R1.92_C1 from MEDNET.
Refer to step 20. TPH cleaning: 2543
Perform Emergency SW
No of Copies: 2457
Refer to readme.pdf SW version: R1.9.2C1

5365QRI137 5365QRM133

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Agfa Company Confidential
Power Supply Module (MOD08) Replacement DD+DIS003.05E

19 Perform Software Upgrade in case 20 Get the device SW from MEDNET.

current Software < 1.92_C1 Refer to 'readme.pdf' how to copy to CF


GSO Library
YES Go to
SWR Version > 1.92_C1 ? "Sign In"
step 28

Dry Imagers
ZIP File
Perform SW Upgrade SW_XYZ.ZIP
Go to step 20

5365QRM136 5365QRM112

21 In the key Operator menu select

22 Make Backup
'Installation from CF Card'

5365QRM03 5365QRM116

23 Remove backup CF card 24 Insert CF card with SW

5365QRM107 5365QRM108

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Agfa Company Confidential
DD+DIS003.05E Power Supply Module (MOD08) Replacement

25 Confirm installation of selected

26 Wait till all data are copied

5365QRM109 5365QRM110

27 Switch off/on the printer

28 Print a test image from the modality
if not done automatically

5365QRM117 5365QRM10

29 Check image quality 30 Your Drystar 5300 is ready to use

5365QRM11 5365QRM12

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Agfa Company Confidential
Copyright © 01.2005 DD+DIS003.05E Agfa-Gevaert AG
Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All rights reserved / Tous droits réservés

Herausgegeben von / Published by / Edité par

Agfa-Gevaert AG
Tegernseer Landstraße 161
D - 81539 München

Technische Änderungen vorbehalten

Technical modifications reserved
Sous réserve des modifications techniques

AGFA und der Agfa-Rhombus sind eingetragene Warenzeichen von Agfa-Gevaert AG, Germany
AGFA and the Agfa-Rhombus are trade marks of Agfa-Gevaert AG, Germay.
AGFA et le logo Agfa sont des marques déposées de Agfa-Gevaert AG, Germany

Agfa Company Confidential

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