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2706 I E E E T R A N S A C T I O N S ON M A G N E T I C S . VOL. 25. NO 3 .

MAY 1989

A New Model for Transformer Saturation

Characteristics by Including
Hysteresis Loops

Abstract-The transformer saturation and hysteresis characteristics fields demand knowledge and representation of the entire
are important to power systems under transient operations. Conven- hysteresis curve [3]-[5]. In this area, research progress
tional methods to determine these characteristics required field test data
and several supporting analyses. Due to complicated corelated factors,
has been relatively slow.
field tests for such purposes are difficult. Based on a theoretical ap- Savini [6] used the piecewise approximation techniques
proach, the transformer saturation and hysteresis characteristics have to represent the hysteresis loop. Rivas [7] introduced a
certain relations with the rms voltagelcurrent relation curve and the second-order rational function to represent the hysteresis
current flow through the equivalent core resistor. This paper presents loop. The problem that demands a priority in this solution
simplified analytical expression in polynomial form to determine the
transformer saturation and hysteresis characteristics without field test
is the decision making for parameters. For example, mag-
data. Higher order approximations are simulated for comparison with netic inductions, magnetic field strength, intensity of
various capacity transformers. The results are compared with experi- magnetization, saturation magnetization, the initial mag-
ments and simulations and show very good agreement. It is possible to netic susceptibility, the Rayleigh material constant, the
determine accurate transformer saturation and hysteresis character- Ntel constant, and more than seven coefficients must be
istics with this simplified procedure.
determinated from the above parameters. From the ex-
perimental measurement, Del Vecchio [8] used the Ev-
INTRODUCTION erett function to estimate the hysteresis curve. Hannalla
[9] created a numerical model to represent the hysteresis
P OWER TRANSFORMERS are designed for operation
under normal voltage conditions. However, under
transient conditions, the abnormal voltages may result in
phenomena. At first, the single value B-H magnetization
curve should be known, and then the iterative calculation
transformer saturation. The relationship between voltages was used to obtain the B-H hysteresis loop. The mathe-
and currents in the power system may be greatly influ- matical model derived by Chua [lo] included a restoring
enced by the transformer saturation. The instantaneous function and a dissipation function. By determination of
and continuous change of core saturation is studied to these two functions the hysteresis loop could be found.
support this phenomenon. All of these methods required the support of field tests and
There are several methods [ 11-[ 101 to derive the non- experiments to obtain the representative saturation curve.
linear characteristics of the hysteresis loop. The method Since in general the power transformers are already in
proposed by Udpa and Lord [ l ] required the support of service, it is very difficult to make proper tests for deter-
testing instruments to measure and determine the hyster- mination of parameters in the previously discussed meth-
esis data. The hysteresis loop was then analyzed by ap- ods. Consequently, the proposed method provides an im-
plying a Fourier descriptor. The method suggested by proved way for obtaining the saturation characteristics
Prusty and Rao [2] combined the true saturation curve with from the rms voltage/current curve. Most transformers re-
a loss part to form the hysteresis loop. Since the necessary quire comprehensive quality control tests. The required
parameters are difficult to collect, the entire procedure is data for the present method are available from the final
difficult to implement. A number of papers have reported test from the manufacturers’ report. After the single-value
the electrodynamic problems. The eddy currents result magnetization curve is obtained, it can be combined with
from sinusoidal excitation in the intermediate frequency the consuming function to establish the hysteresis loop.
range; while the pulsed fields and the residual magnetic The consuming function determines total energy dissipa-
tion in the transformer core.
In this paper, the procedures are derived, and examples
Manuscript received August 31, 1987; revised November 10, 1988. Part
of the material in this paper was presented at the IASTED Power High Tech
are tested and simulated. The test transformers, whose
Conference, Phoenix, A Z , March 3-5, 1988. data are supplied by the domestic transformer manufac-
C. E. Lin is with the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Institute turers, vary from a capacity of 2 kVA to 200 MVA. Due
of Electrical Engineering, Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC. to the large quantity of simulated data, only two examples
J . B . Wei, C. L. Huang, and C. J . Huang are with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC. are summarized and discussed as representatives in this
IEEE Log Number 8926827. paper. From the results, the accuracy and simplicity of
00 18-9464/89/0500-2706$0 1.OO O 1989 IEEE

this method are shown. The value of the proposed method

is most useful in transformer characteristic studies.
In the transmission level and distribution level power
transformers, the capacities are generally very large and
their efficiencies are generally high. Under saturation con-
ditions the relationship between current and flux linkage
is nonlinear with multiple values. To simplify the condi-
tions, the loss term is omitted and the saturation charac-
teristic is dealt with using an idealized single-valued
monotonic function by representing the current-to-flux
linkage relationship. Fig. 1 shows the relationship be-
tween the instantaneous current and flux linkage of a
transformer under different applied voltages. Connecting
all tips of the hysteresis loops, the normal magnetization
curve of the transformer is formed. This curve is found to Fig. 1 . Static hysteresis loops of transformer
be located in the first and third quadrants. From the core
magnetization, the single-value saturation characteristic
can be assumed by such polynomial form as where Kj’s are coefficients, j = 1, 2, .. ,
i = A’+ + B’4”. (1) W4m = h V R A’=Aw B ’ = Bw“ (4)
The above idealized representative function omits consid- for A and B are real constants. Substituting (4) into ( 3 ) , it
eration of loss and may be regarded as an assumption for becomes
this model. The mathematical model can further be ex-
tended by combination with the hysteresis loops into the A2Vi + a V r + l ) A B + PVFB2 - 1: = 0 (5)
saturation characteristic curve. Consequently, the true
where a , /3 are coefficients.
saturation behavior can be predicted more accurately.
Equation (5) can be used to find the solution for the
The polynomial equation for a given transformer whose
unknown A , B constants. To evaluate the constants, two
rated capacity is less than 500 MVA may have the second
points from the rms voltage/current curve are sampled.
term with an order limited below nine. As the size of a
These two points are selected to satisfy the constraints for
transformer is reduced, then in general, the degree of the
specific conditions.
nonlinearity is also reduced due to practical considera-
Equation (5) can be written in alternative forms as
tions of core design. The value n of the nonlinear mag-
netizing curves can be found by refemng to the capacities U ~ ( A / B+) c~l ( A / B ) + bl - d l / B 2 = 0 (6a)
a) 5 kVA, single-phase, low-voltage distribution trans- a2(A/Bf + c 2 ( A / B ) + b2 - d 2 / B 2 = 0 (6b)
former, n is close to 3 . where a, b, c , d are known constants as follows:
b) 50 kVA, single-phase, low-voltage distribution
transformer, n is close to 5. a = I/’ b = Pv2” c = &(“+I) d = i2. (7)
c) 50 MVA, single-phase, high-voltage distribution
transformer, n is close to 7. The subscripts 1 and 2 denote the sampled points from the
d) 500 MVA, single-phase, high-voltage distribution rms voltage/current curve. Equations (6a) and (6b) can be
transformer, n is close to 9. combined, and solving this equation as a second-order
Cold-rolled steel has been used almost exclusively as polynomial equation for ( A/ B ) we obtain
the core material in large power transformers. It results in ( A D )= [-4 + ( q 2 - 4P6)”21/2P (8)
a significant increase in the nonlinearity of the magnet-
izing curve. These data indicate an approximate range of where
the order of the polynomial of (1). p = aid2 - ~ 2 d l
As a consequence of the former assumptions, with an
applied sinusoidal voltage VR to a transformer, the flux 4 = Cld2 - ~2dI
linkage will be sinusoidal in nature, and can be written as
6 = bid2 - bzd,. (9)
l 4mcos ( W t ) . (2)
Since A / B is real, q2 - 4p6 1 0 must be true
Substituting (2) into ( l ) , and reordering, the following is
i = (A’4m + K,B’+L) cos ( w t ) + K2B’4L cos ( 3 w t ) k = Vl/V2

+ K 3 B ’ & cos
, (5wt) (3) r = (4/12)/k.

Then the constraints can be obtained as

k I[ l - ( ~ y / 2 ) ~ / 2 P ] l / ( ~ ~ l ) ( loa)
r 2 [I - (a/2)'/~]''~. (lob)
From the previous derivations and the resulting condi-
tions, the true saturation characteristic can easily be ob-

are shown in Fig. 3. It can be found that the impedances

will decrease monotonically after applying voltage lead-
ing to the saturation phenomenon. Under saturation con- al
ditions, the current and power loss are both increasing. C
From a physical point of view, the current flow through a
the equivalent resistance may result in power dissipation. r(

Therefore, the current flow through the equivalent resis-

where R ( i ) is a function of i ( t ) . From (12), it can be

found that
iR(t) = -iR(t + T/2).
Therefore, iR( t )presents a half-wave symmetry. The cor-
responding hysteresis loop will exhibit 180" of rotational
symmetry. This is shown in Fig. 4. Since 4 ( t )is a cosine
waveform, it follows that for each value of 4 in the range
of 4 ( t ) , there exist two instants of time t l and t2 in one
period T such that

4(4) = 4(t2) = 4 ( 13) Fig. 4. Construction procedure for determining the hysteresis loop

(12) and ( l ) , a complete saturation characteristic by in-
iR(tl) = -iR(t2) cluding the dynamic hysteresis loops can be obtained as
= d. ( 14) i(t) = Ar4 + Br@ + ( d 4 / d t ) / R ( i ) (15)
The value d is equal to the horizontal distance from the where 4 follows (2). By changing the value t continu-
edge to the midpoint of the hysteresis loop. Combining ously, the corresponding value of 4 can be obtained. By

substituting 6 into (l5), the instantaneous current i can be

determined. Therefore, the i-6 relationship and the i-t
characteristic can be found, respectively.
The proposed consuming function controls most of the
important hysteresis properties that are observed in prac-
tice. Hence, if the parameters of the proposed model can
be identified so that the hysteresis loop of a given device
is simulated exactly, then it is reasonable to assume that 0 in0 200
the proposed model will remain realistic when it is
1t.M.S. Current A
embedded in a system under arbitrary excitation condi- Fig. 5. rms saturation characteristic of Example 1
tions. Further investigation is needed to find a procedure
for constructing the consuming function iR( t ) . Because TABLE I
R ( i ) is a function of line current, after voltage stimula- DATAOBTAINED FROM EXAMPLE
tion, a specific current value and power factor can be
found. With impedance operation, the equivalent resis- TIIls TIIlS
Voltage Current Flux Linkage
tance is obtained. Substituting the equivalent resistance Point (V) (A) (Wb-turns)
into (12), the consuming function can be formed and cal-
culated. Under different applied voltages, the hysteresis 1 44 0.74 0.165
2 88 1.19 0.330
loop can be obtained from the same procedure as men- 3 132 I .64 0.495
tioned above. The accuracy can be verified by test ex- 4 I76 1.99 0.661
amples. 5 220 2.55 0.826
6 264 3.69 0.991
7 308 7.63 1.156
TEST EXAMPLES 8 330 10.70 I .239
9 352 13.40 1.321
A . Example 1 for Saturation Curve 10 374 17.77 1.404
II 396 23.17 1.486
The Test Example 1 is a 60-Hz, 3125-kVA, 11.4- 12 418 29.07 1.569
kV /440-V, three-phase, delta-delta connected trans- 13 440 38.97 1.652
former. In this example, the hysteresis loop of the normal 14 462 58.20 1.734
15 484 85.80 1.817
magnetizing curve is neglected. The magnetizing current 16 495 117.50 1.858
of this test sample is found from two points of the avail- 17 517 204.80 1.940
able rms voltage/current curve, i.e., the 2)-i curve, as 18 528 260.40 1.982
shown in Fig. 5. Table I presents the experimental data.
From the available experiment data, it can be seen that
points 12 and 14 are suitable for the constraint of (1 IC).
The connection line between these two points is located
within the saturation region. The resultant true saturation
characteristic is obtained as

i = 0.446 + 2.694’.
The computational true saturation curve, i.e., the i-6
curve, is compared with the experimental results as shown
in Fig. 6. The results are mutually similar on the satura- 1 II s t a I I t a iicou s C II r r e n t A

tion region but different within the unsaturation region. Fig. 6. True saturation characteristics obtained by experiment and com-
This is due to the constraint of ( 1 IC) which restricts the
connection line to be located in the saturation region. Be-
by an empirical coefficient 0.6, and the value of r remain
sides, point 17 of Table I can be applied into (16) to get
unchanged, thus the new constraints are formed as
i = 0.9 + 278.2 = 279.1 A. k I0.56 r 2 0.59. (17)
As to the point 17 of Table I from experiment, the peak From Table I, it can be found that points 2 and 7 satisfy
current value is 204.8 * 1.414 = 290 A. Now, it can be the above constraints, and the connection line of these
seen that the results from simulation and experiment are two points is located in the unsaturated region. The re-
very close. Obviously, it can also be observed that the sultant saturation characteristic, which is obtained from
saturation current is mainly offered by the second term of these two points, is shown as follows:
the above calculation. Consequently, the second term of
(16) is dominant under saturation conditions. i = 5.106 + 3.014’.
In order to improve the accuracy of the model in the Fig. 7 presents the comparison results between simulation
unsaturated region, let the value k in (1 IC) be multiplied and experiment. These two curves are SuDerimDosed in

IiisLdiiLaiieoiib Ciirieitt A
I rih L d n t a n e o u s Current A
Fig. 7. True saturation characteristics obtained by experiment and corn- Fig. 8, True saturation characteristics obtained by experiment and

the unsaturated region but not the saturation region. Put

point 2 of Table 1 into (18) to get
i = 1.68 + 1.28 * = 1.68 A.
The current value obtained from simulation is equal to
point 2 of Table I, which is 1.19 * 1.414 = 1.68 A . 1.2
Clearly, the current value in the unsaturated region is
mainly due to the first term of the above calculation. 0.6

Therefore, the first term of (1 8) is dominant in the unsat-

urated condition. -300 -200 -1bO
I l l : : : *
10 do0 200 300 A
Instantaneous Current
To induct the two conditions stated above, the second
term of (16) and the first term of (1 8) can be combined.
A better accurate equation can thus be formed to represent
the saturation phenomenon. Experiment

i = 5.104 + 2.694'. (19) -2.4


After the processing, (19) is obtained and the results are

demonstrated in Fig. 8. Comparing Fig. 8 with Figs. 6
Fig. 9. Hysteresis loop obtained by experiment and computation
and 7, the improvement is effective and confirmative. In
addition, the empirical coefficient 0.6 is suitable for dif-
ferent ratings. This can also be verified by the next ex-
B. Examples to Include Hysteresis Loop
For Test Example 1, in order to find the consuming
function to include the hysteresis loop into the magnet-
izing curve, a voltage of 528 V is chosen. This is about
120 percent of the rated voltage. After this voltage is ap-
plied saturation is almost reached. The power factor under
such applied voltage is 0.30, the line current is 260.4 A .
The equivalent parallel resistance can be found to be 6.96
0,and the flux linkage is 1.982 Wb-turns. When substi-
tuting the equivalent resistance into (15), the instanta-
neous relationship between i-4 hysteresis loop and i-r in- Fig. 10. Current waveform obtained by experiment and computation
stantaneous values can then be obtained, respectively.
Figs. 9 and 10 show the comparisons of the proposed
method and the experimental results. However, it is ob- curve can be expressed as
served that there exists a slight deviation between the ob-
served and the calculated results for hysteresis curves in
i = 2.714 + 25.3045.(20)
the saturation region. Since the hysteresis area of the sim- Fig. 11 shows the comparison results between simulation
ulation curve is almost the same as that of the measured and experiment. The mutual agreement enhances the fea-
curve, the predicted hysteresis loss is fairly accurate. sibility of the proposed method.
The Test Example 2 is a 60-Hz, 75-kVA, 6600-V/220- As in the procedure mentioned above, the 120 percent
V, single-phase transformer. The normal magnetization of rate voltage is chosen again. The applied voltage is

These two examples are shown to give good results for

1 .L l---z-
I _ # -- an applied sinusoidal voltage or flux linkage. The current
waveform has tolerable distortion. This is due to the sat-
uration phenomenon which generates harmonics. Never-
theless, the predicted waveforms show excellent agree-
ment with experimental results.
0 4 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7U In this paper, the expressions for determining the trans-
1II5 t a n t a n e o u s Cu r r en t A former saturation characteristics by including the hyster-
Fig. 11. True saturation characteristics obtained by experiment and com- esis characteristic are formulated. These two curves are
putation. calculated from the manufacturer’s quality control test
data instead of field test data. It requires only four points
from the rms voltage/current relation curve. These points
1“ t i should be selected to satisfy the derived constraints for
the normal magnetization curve, and the constraint equa-
tions should also be modified by the empirical coefficient
for including hysteresis characteristic. These data are
available from manufacturer’s specifications whenever the
transformer is ready for delivery. Test data for the power
factor at 120 percent of rated voltage is also a necessary
condition in the determination procedures. The advantage
of the proposed model over other existing models is that
Current our model is easy, simple, and accurate.
Although this paper emphasizes the hysteresis of a
transformer, the corresponding mathematical model can
be applied to other hysteretic systems such as the hyster-
etic stress-strain relationships in mechanical and struc-
tural elements.
In the test examples, it is shown from the results and
comparisons that the proposed method is valuable for de-
Fig. 12. Hysteresis loop obtained by experiment and computation. termining a true saturation characteristic curve. The over-
all resultant curves are accurate within the entire satura-
tion region. Since this paper intended to estimate the entire
Experiment saturation characteristic of a transformer, the results sat-
Computation isfy the objective.

With proper adjustment to the constraints of k and r ,
the saturation characteristic curves can be shifted to meet
other requirements and conditions. In addition, with mod-
ifications to the calculated data, the transformer saturation
Electrical A n g l e
characteristics can take the hysteresis characteristic into

S. S . Udpa and W . Lord, “A Fourier descriptor model of hysteresis
70 loop phenomena,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-21, no. 6, pp.
2370-2373, Nov. 1985.
Fig. 13. Current waveform obtained by experiment and computation. S . Prusty and M. V. S . Rao, “A novel approach for predetermination
of magnetization characteristics of transformers including hyster-
esis,” IEEE Trans. Mugn., vol. MAG-20, no. 4. pp. 607-612, July
about 264 V. The power factor under this applied voltage 1984.
N. Burais and G. Grellet, “Numerical modeling of iron losses in fer-
is 0.36, and the line current is 48 A . The equivalent par- romagnetic steel plate,” IEEE Trans. Mug”., vol. MAG-18, no. 2,
allel resistance is 15.27 !J in Test Example 2, and the flux pp. 558-562, Mar. 1982.
linkage is 1.O Wb-turn. Substituting these values into (15), R. M . Del Vecchio, “The inclusion of hysteresis processes in a spe-
cial class of electromagnetic finite element calculations.” IEEE Truns.
the relationship between i-4 and i-t can be found. Figs. Mugn.. vol. MAG-18, no. 1, pp. 275-289, Jan. 1982.
12 and 13 show the results comparing computation and Y . Saito, “Three dimensional analysis of magnetodynamic fields in
experiment. In all these cases, the agreement between the electromagnetic devices taken into account the dynamic hysteresis
loops,” IEEE Trans. Mugn., vol. MAG-18, no. 2, pp. 546-551, Mar.
measured hysteresis loops and the predicted loops is ex- 1982.
tremely good. A. Savini, “Modeling hysteresis loops for finite element magnetic

field calculations,” IEEE Trans. M u @ , , vol. MAG-18, no. 2 , pp. Jong-Bi Wei (S’88) was born in Chang-Hua. Taiwan. on September 26.
552-557, Mar. 1982. 1961. He received the B.S. degree from the Department of Industrial Ed-
J . Rivas, J. M. Zamarro, E. Martin, and C . Pereira, “Simple ap- ucation. Taiwan College of Education, in 1984, and the M.S. and Doctor
proximation for magnetization curves and hysteresis loops,” IEEE of Engineering degrees from the Institute of Electrical Engineering. Cheng
Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-17, no. 4, pp. 1498-1502, July 1981. Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, in 1986 and 1988. respectively.
R. M. Del Vecchio, “An efficient procedure for modeling complex Since January 1989, he has been with the Department of Industrial Ed-
hysteresis processes in ferromagnetic materials,” IEEE Trans. Magn., ucation, Taiwan College of Education. His major interests are electromag-
vol. MAG-16, no. 5, pp. 809-811, Sept. 1980. netic systems, ultrasonic nondestructive testing. and high-voltage systems.
A. Y . Hannalla and D. C. Macdonald, “Representation of soft mag-
netic materials,” Proc. Insr. Elec. Eng., vol. 127, pt. A, no. 6. pp.
386-391, July 1980. Ching-Lien Huang was born in Tainan, Taiwan, in October 1933. He
L. 0. Chua and K. A. Stromsmoe, “Lumped-circuit models for non- received the B.S. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering.
linear inductors exhibiting hysteresis loops,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, in 1957. and the M.S.E.E. de-
Theory, vol. CT-17, no. 4, pp. 564-574, Nov. 1970. gree from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1973.
I. A. Wright and K. Morsztyn, “Subharmonic oscillations in power Since 1964 he has been working on power engineering in the Depart-
systems-Theory and practices,” IEEE Trans. Power App. S y s t . , vol. ment of Electrical Engineering, Cheng Kung University. His research in-
PAS-89, no. 8, pp. 1805-1814, Nov./Dec. 1970. terests are high-voltage engineering as well as power system switching
surege and protection.

Chin E. Lin (M’84) was born in Chang-Hua, Taiwan. on November 15,

1952. He received the B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from Cheng Kung
University, Tainan, Taiwan, in 1975 and 1977, respectively, and the Doc- Chi-Jen Huang was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on January 18, 1961. He
tor of Engineering degree from Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, in De- graduated with a diploma from the Electrical Engineering Department, Na-
cember 1983. tional Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, in 1981, and received the M.S.
In 1984, he joined the Institute of Electrical Engineering and stayed degree from the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Cheng Kung Univer-
there till 1986, when he transferred to the Institute of Aeronautics and sity, Tainan, Taiwan, in 1988. He is presently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
Astronautics, Cheng Kung University. His major interests are controls in program there.
energy system applications, pulse power systems, aircraft controls, telem- His major interests are in electromagnetic systems and the application
etry systems, system modeling, and simulation. of expert systems in distribution systems.

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