Management of Interruptible Loads For Power System Security and Operation

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Management of interruptible loads for power system security and operation

Conference Paper · August 2002

DOI: 10.1109/PESS.2002.1043477 · Source: IEEE Xplore

21 138

6 authors, including:

Diego Cirio Dario Lucarella

Ricerca Sistema Energetico Ricerca Sistema Energetico


S. Massucco Marino Sforna

Università degli Studi di Genova TERNA Italian TSO


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Proceeding IEEE-PES Summer Meeting, Chicago, USA, 2002.



F. Casamatta, D. Lucarella R. Salvati, M. Sforna D. Cirio, S. Massucco

Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Gestore della Rete di Trasmissione Department of Electrical Engineering
Italiano – CESI S.p.A. Nazionale – GRTN S.p.A. University of Genova
Milano, Italy Roma, Italy Genova, Italy
e-mail: e-mail: e-mail:

Abstract – The paper critically analyzes the state of the art Competition among market actors is likely to result in
of the procedures to ensure the security of power system more stressed power systems [6]. As security will still
operation with respect to the introduction of Interruptible be a top goal for power system operation and control,
Loads. A short overview of the existing international the system operator may use load as a resource in
approaches is presented. The potentiality of load curtailment
providing ancillary services thus increasing system
as an ancillary service is underlined. The benefits for the
power system in terms of increased exploitation of the reliability. Further possible applications of load control
network capability - with particular attention to the increase are related to congestion management and available
of Total Transfer Capacity (TTC) across network sections - transfer capacity. Load curtailment can be seen as an
are emphasized. alternative approach to generator rescheduling for
A new definition of security is discussed as a consequence of resolving or alleviating congestion [7].
the use of Interruptible Loads not only into emergency The concept of security also including dynamic aspects
conditions but also during normal and alert operation, in is a very important issue. Preventive or corrective
order to guarantee the N-1 criterion satisfaction. The
approaches can be adopted [8]. The corrective approach
consequences of the introduction of Interruptible Loads are
detailed and some preliminary hints for the specific
may be often associated with the identification of
situations of the Italian Power System are presented. The specific critical conditions such as those occurring in a
results of a research activity on the possibility to use the load predetermined set of transmission lines named “critical
curtailment approach to increase the TTC in the Italy- sections”. Once the specific event occurred, some
Europe section are reported. almost instantaneous action must follow. Load can
prove to be useful both in preventive and corrective
Keywords: Interruptible Loads, Dynamic Security approaches.
Assessment, Ancillary Services. The following sections deal with the possibility of load
to be used as an “ancillary service provider” for
maintaining system security in order to lead the power
system to a more secure state or to avoid its degradation
1. INTRODUCTION into an insecure or an emergency state.

The use of load for power system security and economy is 2. LOAD CURTAILMENT: EXISTING
not a new item in research agendas [1]. In the past, both APPROACHES
Demand Side Management (DSM) and Load Shedding
(LS) have been used to provide reliable power system 2.1 The International perspective
operation under normal and emergency conditions. DSM
There is great attention in considering load as a resource
was specifically devoted to peak demand shaving [2] and
for providing ancillary services [5], [9]. By considering
made use of particular tariff conditions. LS is still a world
that load is composed by relatively small components
wide used methodology for preventing power system
and that it is only required to partially contribute to
degradation to blackouts [3], [4].
service provision, one can reasonably expect load to
In the new context set up by the Electrical Energy Market,
provide an efficient service both in terms of speed of
the role of load is under revision. Controlling load may
response and reliable operation.
result in significant economical and security
The candidate ancillary services that can be associated
improvements. Abnormally high market clearing prices
to load curtailment are those related to the generation-
(“price spikes”) related to high demand and generation
load balance. Although definitions may vary from
shortage might have been avoided if sufficient load
country to country, the following list should be
elasticity had been available [5]. Another driving force for
comprehensible for everybody: Regulation, Load
incrementing load control is the necessity to enlarge the
Following, Spinning Reserve, Supplemental Reserve,
number of actors in the market in order to make it really
Back-up Supply. Figure 1 clearly identifies the required
time span for each service.
It is reasonable to assume that loads respond more and is currently under test. The following table
rapidly to control center orders than large size summarizes the 2001 situation in Italy for what concerns
generators so that load can be used as an ancillary the role of Interruptible Loads [11].
service under contingency operation. The possible Table 1: Interruptible Loads: 2001 situation
aggregation of loads under some sort of “load Total curtailed
Interruptible Loads energy until
dispatcher” capable of cycling daily operation with
respect to some price signal and the intensive use of 31.08.2001
Total MW Real-Time (*) Notified Number of MWh
advanced communication facilities may open
(MW) (**) (MW) loads
unexpected perspectives to load curtailment even in 941 500 441 54 19240
normal operation.
(*) Intervention within 200 ms
(**) Notification specified by GRTN within 24 hours

The Interruptible Loads reported in Table 1 are

predominantly located in the Northern regions.
According to the rules set by GRTN and following the
Government guidelines, they participate to an auction
and thus intrinsically provide a contribution to reserve.
The possibility of using load curtailment for
incrementing the Italy-Abroad transfer capacity has
been under test since the beginning of 2001. The next
section specifically investigates the possibilities for this
application of load curtailment.

Figure 1: Load as an ancillary service provider [5]

The needs originated by the liberalized market have FOR THE ITALIAN SYSTEM
forced system operators to propose and to test programs
for load curtailment. Examples are offered by Australia, The electrical energy importation from abroad is
New Zealand, Canada, California [10]. particularly important for the Italian Electrical Power
System. The interconnection is constituted by 15 tie
2.2 The Italian perspective lines of which 6 are 380 kV lines and 9 are 220 kV
The Italian power system is characterized by a lines.
significantly longitudinal structure that may generate The necessity to guarantee a good level of competition
constrained cut-sets. Preventing cascading outages is in the electricity market has led to operate the
very important in this situation. This implies a particular interconnection lines under intensively loaded
attention in avoiding too large power flows on specific conditions [12]. It is anyway of primary importance that
interconnection lines (“the critical sections”). An outage the interconnections be operated respecting the security
on one of the transmission lines of a critical section may criteria widely adopted (typically the N-1 security
seriously jeopardize system security because of criterion).
overloads on the remaining lines with transient The following are internationally agreed definitions as
protection tripping and voltage collapse. worked out by ETSO (the Association of European
In the case that a peak demand is expected and/or Transmission System Operators) [13].
voltage problems are foreseen the service provided by The Total Transfer Capacity TTC is the maximum
Interruptible Loads can be used under a few hour power exchange program between two areas compatible
advance notice. The service consists in curtailing a pre- with operational security standards applicable at each
agreed quantity of load (or equivalently not connecting system if future network conditions, generation and load
it) for the whole duration of the peak. This contribution patterns were perfectly known in advance. Taking into
avoids operating the start-up of costly units to match the consideration these security constraints, TTC represents
peak demand with adequate reserve margins and/or to the maximum feasible power exchange, which can be
support voltage in particularly low voltage areas. The transmitted between two systems A and B reliably and
system operator, once that the curtailment has been without affecting the system security: i.e. thermal limits,
decided, can manually operate it within few minutes. voltage limits, stability limits.
In the case of unexpected events or of severe The Transmission Reliability Margin TRM is a
mismatches between actual and foreseen demand, a very security margin that copes with uncertainties on the
short notice can be operated. For real-time curtailment computed TTC values arising from: (a) Unintended
the response time to operator request must be within 1 deviations of physical flows during operation due to the
second. physical functioning of load-frequency regulation; (b)
The availability of loads to be curtailed by GRTN (the Emergency exchanges between TSOs to cope with
Italian ISO – Independent System Operator) under unexpected unbalanced situations in real time (c)
specific circumstances has been recently implemented Inaccuracies, e.g. in data collection and measurements.
The Net Transfer Capacity NTC is defined as: NTC = burden of supplying the lost generator or some reserve
(TTC - TRM). NTC is the maximum exchange program is to be used even operating an internal load-shedding.
between two areas compatible with security standards The generalized tendency in increasing transfer
applicable in both areas and taking into account the capability can be met by means of different actions that
technical uncertainties on future network conditions. are not immediately achievable. Examples of these
actions for possible scheduling in the future are: the
The Available Transfer Capacity ATC is the transfer
substitution of transmission facilities auxiliary
capacity remaining between two interconnected areas
equipment, conductor upgrading, insertion of advanced
for further commercial activity over and above already
devices such as FACTS. An immediate opportunity is
committed uses of the transmission networks. If NTF
offered by load curtailment.
denotes the Notified Transmission Flow (i.e. the
The maximum TTC of 6,300 MW may then be
physical resulting from the sum of the firm transfer
affordable still respecting the security criteria if an
contracts planned and confirmed at the day ahead time
automatically or manually operated procedure for load
frame), then ATC = (NTC - NTF).
disconnection is available in sufficient time. Following
The following Figure 2 schematically reports the above any single contingency (or double, in the case of a
definitions. common cause affecting an existing double circuit line
between Italy and France) overloads must be cleared
within minutes (10 to 20) in order to avoid equipment
damage. In case of large overloads or stability problems
the clearing operation must be implemented in few
In the period 2000-2001, 34 industrial loads for a total
amount of 200 MW, asked to be included within the
Interruptible Loads in order to get the economic benefits
of a lower energy price. Then some of the scheduled
interventions for upgrading the TTC have been achieved
and the actual NTC is set at 5,900 MW.
What above can be assumed as an interesting
experimental scenario for increasing the NTC from the
actual value of 5,900 MW (5,700 + 200) to 6,300 MW
Figure 2: Definitions of Transfer Capacities
and maybe even more.
The GTC (Gross Transfer Capacity) is the overall 4. ANALYSIS FOR ESTIMATING THE POSSIBLE
amount of power that may be theoretically transferred FUTURE ROLE OF INTERRUPTIBLE LOADS
only respecting the thermal capacity of the
interconnection lines. 4.1 A new security definition including Interruptible
Interconnections are usually exploited at much lower Loads
values of GTC because of security limits. For example,
from the beginning of 2000 till very recently, the TTC The use of Interruptible Loads to increase the transfer
for the Italy-Abroad interconnection in winter capacity or to reduce the reserve level requires a new
conditions has been set at 6,300 MW. The actual value definition of system security. The classical security
of TRM is 600 MW. The NTC is then equal to 5,700 states: Normal (1), Alert (2), Emergency (3),
MW [11]. See the following Table 2. Restoration (4) may be augmented in the following way:
Alleviated Normal state (1a): Non-interruptible overall
Table 2: Transfer capacities at the Italian demand is met. Interruptible Loads are partially or
Interconnection referred to year 2001
totally disconnected. No steady-state equipment
[MVA] [MW] [MW] [MW] operating limits are violated. The security criteria are
Winter time 12316 6300 600 5700 met.
Alleviated Alerted state (2a): Non-interruptible overall
A reason for setting TRM at 600 MW is related to the demand is met. Interruptible Loads are partially or
fact that in the case of a contingency occurrence in Italy totally disconnected. No steady-state equipment
(for example the loss of a large generating unit) the operating limits are violated. Security criteria are not
interconnection flow is almost immediately increased satisfied.
because of the intervention of the primary frequency
4.2 An application
control. Due to the actual ratio of the primary regulating
energies between Italy and the rest of Europe, the An analysis was devoted to evaluate the potential
increment is reasonably estimated only in about (85- contribution of Interruptible Loads to system security,
90)% of the lost generating capacity. The subsequent by considering increased transfer scenarios. In order to
slower intervention of the secondary frequency proceed with the evaluation, a theoretical goal of a TTC
regulation resets the interconnection flow to the pre- increment to about 7000 MW was assumed. This may
contingency value. The internal generators assume the allow a preliminary estimation of the total amount of
load curtailment in case such a large transit might be increase procedure stops. The transfer corresponding to
ever necessary. a limit condition represents the evaluated TTC. The
A TTC-like analysis procedure was adopted with limit violations that may arise due to events in the
reference to the Italy-Abroad interface. The guidelines system are usually classified into three categories:
provided by ETSO [13] have been followed. thermal limits, voltage limits, stability limits. Typical
Investigations were carried out for those network conditions that classify a system operation as not secure
situations presenting security violations, in order to are: loss of synchronism, voltage collapse or instability,
verify if corrective control actions based on line overloads, frequency collapse, cascade line
Interruptible Loads might eliminate the violations. The tripping, area separation.
following items account for the basic steps of the The analysis has been carried on by means of SICRE
procedure for performing the investigation. The [14], a powerful simulator developed by CESI, typically
simulated network is that of all Italy with some used in the context of DSA (Dynamic Security
equivalents for its Northern part. Assessment) [15]. The violations have been individually
a) Base cases identified and further investigated by a suitable set up
research tool integrated into SICRE. Different security
The starting point of the investigation has been provided
violations may occur (even no violation at all) for the
by a data base of actual situations recorded at GRTN
same total transmission capacity.
and considering realistic active power flow distributions
The strategies for evaluating the limiting TTC have
for the interconnection tie lines.
been chosen in order to cause the maximum transfer on
b) Generation patterns each of the three corridors or a balanced share for all the
The import limit conditions have been gradually corridors proportional to the maximum capacity of each
approached by incrementing the generated power in of them. Data referring to a sample of daytime import
order to cause additional flows. This is done by conditions of the winter 2000/2001 have been used for
decreasing the generation in Italy and correspondingly the analysis. In case that the situation with the
reducing the load abroad (so as not to stress the foreign incremented transfers already presents a violation in the
network). Loads in the Italian system remain unchanged. pre-contingency steady-state, the corresponding base
An important feature in TTC analyses is the definition case is not taken into consideration for the further
of the generation patterns (source-sink patterns), i.e. the analysis including load curtailment.
combination of generators to shut down or to decrement The corrective action following a contingency that
in the importing area (Italy) and of generators to pump caused a security violation is requested to restore the
up in the exporting area. In fact different generation power system to an “alleviated” or to an “alleviated and
patterns may result into different TTC values. alerted” situation. For maximum rated current violation,
For the case considered, the interface is geographically the corrective action must restore the line current within
and electrically quite spread, so that three main its allowable value (Irated-max) (usually a 2% over the
corridors can be identified consisting of the above limit is accepted).
interconnection with France, Switzerland and Austria- The possible corrective actions do not preliminary
Slovenia respectively. Four strategies have been thus consider automatically operated load-shedding. Thus,
chosen in order to obtain a flow increment biased on the minimum time required by the operator to manually
each of the corridors or distributed proportionally to the operate the corrective action is estimated in 5-10
maximum capacity of each of them. minutes.
c) Security analysis The new TTC is evaluated by increasing the imported
power and operating the load disconnection.
A security analysis has been performed for each new
situation by evaluating the effects of a predefined list of
4.3 Load curtailment strategies
contingencies. To obtain an acceptable accuracy for the
TTC value, the generation shift steps should be suitably Three different strategies have been tentatively adopted
small. This implies the definition of the security criteria in the study when load curtailment is required, i.e. when
that must be met (the N-1 criterion in this case). rated maximum current is reached on one or more lines
Security is then evaluated with respect to a list of of the interconnection following a contingency. In all of
contingencies. The contingencies to include in the list the three strategies the choice of Interruptible Loads to
are those which more likely affect security in a stressed disconnect has been performed in a “heuristic” way by
import scenario: fault and loss of single tie lines and of a considering those curtailments with maximum effect on
specific double circuit line with France, loss of large the violation (i.e. closeness and/or area location).
generating units in Italy. (a) Instantaneous reduction of abroad generation
d) End of the procedure corresponding to the load curtailed. Generators with
maximum influence on the transfer violation should
If a contingency occurs and security violations arise, the
be disconnected. The proper changes in the import
possibility of implementing corrective control actions is
and export set points for the frequency/power (f/P)
investigated. Whenever the available control resources
regulation should also be implemented at the same
cannot restore an acceptable operating condition
time, with the new transfer set point at the old value
(“Alleviated Normal ” or “Alleviated Alerted”) the state
less the curtailed load. To achieve the best result,
of the system is declared insecure and the power transfer
the simultaneous and coordinated disconnection of different strategies adopted to increase the power
the generators supplying the Interruptible Load transfer, i.e. with an increment focused on each corridor
before the contingency should be operated. This is or balanced as defined in Section 4.2). The second row
quite a theoretical approach as it implies wide and concerns the feasibility of the steady states obtained:
coordinated actions among different TSOs. “ok” means that a situation presents no limit violation,
(b) Instantaneous variation of the import level for the as far as the system remains intact. The third and fourth
f/P regulator of the Italian network and rows present the security analysis results (prior to
correspondingly a suitable change in the f/P control): the number of contingencies that proved
regulator of the Country that must compensate for dangerous and the maximum line overload caused by
the load curtailment. This strategy is practically them.
effective only after the f/P transient and still poses Tables 5 and 6 concern the corrective control actions
problems of coordination among TSOs. (Interruptible Load disconnection) undertaken to
(c) Instantaneous block of the Italian f/P regulator. In recover acceptable operating conditions (absence of
this way the Italian generation is maintained at its violations) following the contingencies. Results are
pre-load curtailment value and an export error in provided for the load curtailment strategies identified as
the f/P regulators abroad is introduced. As a (a) and (c) in Section 4.3. Strategy (b) is not shown as
consequence, the system frequency raises. The some preliminary considerations allow assuming that its
import from abroad is diminished by the ratio of the results at the end of the f/P transient are quite close to
primary regulating energies between Italy and the those of strategy (a).
rest of Europe: the decrease can be reasonably
Table 4: Results of the analyses performed on the stressed situations
estimated in about (85-90)% of the disconnected obtained from the base case 14.11.2000 at 10.15 am
load. Unlike the previous strategies, this one cannot Increment through corridor F CH A- Balanced
alleviate the power transit on a specific corridor SLO
with respect to the others, as the generation changes Steady state with import at ok ok ok ok
occur in all the rest of the European network and 7000 MW
the flow variations are distributed over the whole No. of contingencies violating 3 4 11 3
the N-1 criterion
Italy-Abroad interconnection.
Max overload 119 115 174 120
(% of Irated-max)
The maximum TTC can then be affordable still
respecting the security criteria if an automatically or For each strategy two study options are examined, i.e.
manually operated procedure for load disconnection is the availability of both limited and unlimited
available in sufficient time. interruptible load. The “limited” cases take into account
The load curtailments that have been considered for the the actual amounts of the load to curtail and their
theoretical analysis are divided according to a location, as reported in Table 3. As a consequence, the
geographical location (area 1, 2, 3 and 4 – with area 2 desired amount of load to disconnect is not always
having two sub areas) as reported in Table 3. sufficient to remove the violations: such cases are
declared as “Not feasible” (NF). The first row of figures
Table 3: Interruptible Loads available in different areas.
Area Load under potential Effectively available
in each table refers to the overall amount of
curtailment [MW] load [MW] disconnection employed to correct all the violations of
1 158 111 the contingency list.
2 359 + 394 251 + 276 Each table includes the detail of the maximum
3 390 273 curtailment needed for a single contingency, thus
4 400 280 providing an indication on the weight of the largest
Total 1701 1191 individual action. If the ratio between maximum and
overall values is large (close to one), it means that a
The total amount of Interruptible Loads is about 1700 single contingency is much more severe than the others,
MW but it is cautiously assumed that only 70% of this and vice versa if the ratio is lower (closer to zero).
value is actually available for curtailment.
Table 5: Cost of strategy (a) disconnection of generation and load -
4.4 Some results of the research study with limited (and unlimited) availability of Interruptible Load
The following tables report the results for a specific Limited corrective control
[Curtailed MW/winter]
case concerning a situation taken from the available
F CH A-SLO Balanced
historical data of winter 2000/2001. 1317 1118 2196 1229
The base case import of 6004 MW, presenting no Max curtailment for a single contingency [MW]
security violation, has been stressed up to 7000 MW. 1170 610 1074 845
The security analysis and investigation of possible Unlimited corrective control
control actions have been performed as outlined in [Curtailed MW/winter]
Section 4.2. Some results are presented and discussed. F CH A-SLO Balanced
1007 1079 2048 1011
Table 4 provides introductory information on the
Max curtailment for a single contingency [MW]
network situations obtained by forcing the import level
860 572 926 627
at 7000 MW. The four data columns refer to the
Table 6: Cost of strategy (c) Disconnection of load and Italian f/P Another element emerging from the tables is that load
block - with limited (and unlimited) availability of Interruptible Load curtailments in the “limited” cases are higher than in the
“unlimited” ones. This points out that more
Limited corrective control investigations on the optimal location of load to be
[Curtailed MW/winter]
curtailed may produce interesting results. Heuristic
F CH A-SLO Balanced
Not feasible 1635 Not feasible Not feasible approaches could also prove their validity.
Max curtailment for a single contingency [MW] Tables 7 and 8 report in detail the amount of load
--- 847 --- --- disconnected in the different areas. The last row of each
Unlimited corrective control table contains the sum of all areas’ curtailments for the
[Curtailed MW/winter] respective network situations, in order to aid the
F CH A-SLO Balanced understanding. Such figures are in fact the overall
1217 1591 5012 1542 values of Tables 5 and 6.
Max curtailment for a single contingency [MW]
990 809 2450 725

It can be noticed that strategy (a) is more efficient than The paper has examined the actual situation for what
strategy (c), as could already be argued by the concerns the use of Interruptible Loads as contributors
description of Section 4.3. In fact the former can be to system security. The different approaches used in the
chosen in a more selective way with respect to the international context provided by the liberalised market
overloaded lines, and the total import reduction is have been recalled.
larger. Therefore the amount of load curtailment needed The actual capability of Interruptible Loads under test in
to remove a violation is smaller than that required by the Italian system has been presented.
strategy (c). The preliminary results of a research study oriented to
analyze some different strategies for Interruptible Loads
Table 7: Distribution of load curtailment with respect to each area for with respect to TTC are finally reported.
strategy (a) with limited (and unlimited) load curtailment The present work developed within the aims of an
Limited corrective control industry-university research activity has pointed out that
[Curtailed MW/winter]
some benefits can be obtained by the use of Interruptible
Curtailment area F CH A-SLO Bal-
anced Loads. A preliminary analysis has shown that the
Area 1 111 83 0 111 amount of load to be disconnected for achieving a
Area 2 658 1011 642 685 significant increment in the TTC of a real system may
Area 3 289 24 1280 226 be somewhat burdensome. Lower increments should be
Area 4 259 0 274 207 feasible at reasonable levels of disconnection.
Σ 1317 1118 2196 1229 The implications in the mutual control among different
Unlimited corrective control
[Curtailed MW/winter]
TSOs can cause some difficulties in the implementation
Curtailment area F CH A-SLO Bal- of at least some of the strategies proposed. There is
anced anyway a significant international interest in the role of
Area 1 860 0 0 627 Interruptible Loads both for security applications and
Area 2 131 1055 115 158 economic reasons that deserve more research effort.
Area 3 16 24 1933 226
Area 4 0 0 0 0 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Σ 1007 1079 2048 1011
This paper is a synthesis of part of the work developed within the
research activity “Ricerca di Sistema”, Italian Ministry DM
Table 8: Distribution of load curtailment with respect to each area for 17/04/2001.
strategy (c) with limited (and unlimited) load curtailment Dr. F. Casamatta has been with CESI during the present activity.
Limited corrective control
[Curtailed MW/winter]
Curtailment area F CH A-SLO Bal-
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Σ 1217 1591 5012 1542
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