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4/14/2019 One-Stop Detox –

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One-Stop Detox

Flushing Toxins from Body Tissues

Throughout our lifetime, our bodies are exposed to toxins from food, air, and water. Your body is designed to eliminate
many of them immediately. However toxic accumulation in the organs may create imbalances that can lead to
inflammation, acidity, poor functioning of body systems, and chronic disease. The word “Detox” is often a misnomer for
a partial clearing of one or more organs – such as a “Liver Detox”. But what benefit is it to clear the liver if the rest of
the organs and the emotional body are all overloaded? No benefit, because the old patterns of illness and depression
cannot move. It requires a more holistic and comprehensive approach to clean the WHOLE YOU.

Toxic energetic weight we carry

In addition to physical toxins like chemicals and heavy metals, we carry emotional and traumatic memories in the
tissues. Remember that horrible thing you experienced many years ago? Memories of past traumas often condition our
responses in unexpected ways. Emotions like anger, fear, worry, and grief are a heavy load. You can’t find these
energetic weights with a microscope, but they are there. When you remove them energetically, you’ll feel so much

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What’s One-Stop Detox?

Srijana’s One-Stop Detox is a highly unique personalized holistic approach to remove ALL toxic matter from your body.
It cleans the Liver, Kidneys, Bone Marrow, Intestines, and Arteries gently and non-invasively. In addition it dissolves
old toxic emotions, traumas, chronic beliefs and habits that pull us down. Easily and painlessly.

How does One-Stop Detox work?

Srijana will look at your total toxic load, both physical and energetic. Using kinesiology and intuition she will determine
the top priority to dissolve today. Then using skilled energy medicine, she dissolves them – yes, right there on the table.
She’ll explain everything as you go, so you can be fully in control. You’ll feel better immediately.

Your body is unique, and so is your personalized detox. Srijana may recommend specific supplements herbs, foods, or
maybe not. We can clear a lot in one appointment of 1.5 hours, however it might take several sessions to clear a life-long

Make an Appointment to Feel Better

Go ahead. Give your body, mind, and spirit a chance to be free of toxic load. Find out what stuff you’re carrying around
that’s making you unhealthy. Call Srijana and make an appointment for a One-Stop Detox.

Toxic Accumulation is a Primary Cause of Chronic Disease

In modern times we see rising incidence of serious chronic diseases that were unknown 100 years ago. Some of our
common epidemics are even called “idiopathic”, meaning they have “no known cause”. New research shows that most
of our chronic diseases are accompanied by accumulation of toxins in the Liver, Kidneys, Intestines, Bone marrow, and
Arteries. Jane’s Comprehensive Health Scan measures the levels of common toxins, and primary accumulation areas.

One of the liver’s main functions is to filter toxins out of the blood and eliminate them via the hepatic ducts into the
intestines. However when toxins accumulate in the liver, then the cleaning function slows down. Common patterns of
liver stagnation include anxiety, depression, irritability, moodiness, poor vision, melancholy, headaches, fever, dizziness,
numbness in limbs, resentment, painful periods, chronic fatigue, and shingles.

Our kidneys have the important job of filtering toxins out of the blood that come from the inter-cellular fluids and lymph
vessels. The blood toxins are filtered through tiny capillaries of the kidneys, and into the urine. When the system
receives excessive toxins, they can accumulate in the kidney tissue. Common patterns of excess kidney toxins include
lower back pain, adrenal fatigue, incontinence, low appetite, exhaustion, loss of libido, dizziness, shortness of breath,
low energy, cold limbs, edema and swelling, poor memory, hair loss, and neurological diseases.

Bone Marrow
Our bone marrow produces new blood cells and stem cells. Toxins in the bone marrow can limit healthy production of
red blood cells, white blood cells and other immune blood cells. Bone marrow toxins also lower the production of stem
cells. Stem cells are the young generic cells needed to repair all parts of the body to keep it in top condition. Poor stem
cell function leads to slower healing, and faster aging.

Adult red bone marrow and stem cell function are located primarily in the flat bones of the body, excluding the long
bones of the limbs, hands, and feet. (See diagram)

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4/14/2019 One-Stop Detox –

Bone marrow is a major storage area for toxins such as

pesticides, herbicides, cosmetics, household chemicals,
PCB’s, DDT, smoke, chlorine, and heavy metals. Poor
bone marrow function leads to aging and decline.

Our intestines are the root of our immune system,
nutrient absorption, and micro-biome. It is essential to
cultivate a healthy ecosystem of friendly bacteria in the
small intestines. Toxins in our food such as Glyphosate,
GMO’s, other herbicides, and pesticides damage the
friendly bacteria. Poor micro-biome balance has been
shown as a factor in many chronic conditions including
Depression, Parkinson’s disease, Autism, Schizophrenia,
Anxiety, ADHD, Migraines, Arthritis, Heart disease,
Cancer, Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia,
Chronic fatigue, and IBS.

It’s easy to see that a pattern of toxic accumulation can

result in the growing chronic diseases we see around us,
such as Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Heart disease, Parkinson’s
disease, Auto-immune diseases, Obesity, Depression,
High blood pressure, Celiac disease, IBS, and
Neurological diseases. The One-Stop Detox program can

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4/14/2019 One-Stop Detox –

Do you feel toxic confusion in your body or emotions?

Contact Jane to Schedule a Session:

One-Stop Detox Appointment: $119 for 1.5 hours

Yes, custom packages are available, please contact Jane.

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