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Space and Time in Raza’s Vision

Geeti Sen
Space and Time in aza's Vision

Geeti en

Media ransa ia Ltd

Bangk k · Hong long . eVl Delhi
my father
introduced me
to art...
hoTy ....-.. .. ""'" ...",.,w . . . of ll'O""dl- Idetq 10 !be" I , ... of !be "<2flh-
omd' Di<:b. physto>iW a role ill hza. mcnll. ~ hi book t.b-m .. an deputmo:rI ~ Bmdry ill 1962. \ '''''''Il ~ openr:d that upan>r d ~, _ _

gnuliDn ....., too'CnJ'..fn.. ,..... In 1972 ..... bad mol ..-m hza hila "* J>rInt ill bt' IbE I*""'us" pIlP! up . ......""'" "'-hid:l1di: ~.......". "101 R..rnI ', ",uri;.
ran... 10 t... ~ "" his 0,\ _Ed ~ and tlrir tdaboo 10 puttr). and DIOl'OC. Ou:"
~ 1II.II1Uml . fnmchI-ip ..t.:b lIIIlIftd """" Qne, opIuou.lIlt idoao fOOIl'd io. In India, "'!-' -"C'2!dl1<d me 10 "",'er.I1 'SIIlIaII::lonR ~ rill IhC' O!'!N ParaJrih 'C'n III
~ ~ of !be .....&:1- _ of .. tIidI ..... m><It f1I:lflIh':II1IwouRh hal ~ QaIaala. Ibm KlITm and Coailc:Ilde., Delhi. zrd f , X 5ouz:IIblulhC'~' PI"""." •
AnIltO " h-re he and Raz::l lud heal amcng IhC' ccee "Iti .~ltl lo. PX M>go ~ 1ha15N
Thio is " fl)' COI1VIlI:<lImeO bj' lilt IIU!JI fum> III "*'PI pan
~ lIlt ..._
d'im<and form.Jbt"Jll fur lilt chap=. ncb ~ l.odflO~
book Irdmi, ......" ~. c:otaIoguI: d IhC' ~ves. ~ !be ~Undeslo "n~m "" Souu ~
h<re, S<wchirrg f<X' pO.'lUmI Ur R;w ffml lhis ~ ~. "'~ disro.'='.l lh.U 'furl t=MIt
proIllemo 11\ Ill, lik anod "'Or!<, 'itt !he l<'11 "I'l' 00 me>.nj linear hasIor,'. a<q'I lot duf'l"" <i Boml>-ly(l%() n:;I\l>' in !he rollecbon u Ma.<m<J/i flllll)l,ob. ~ wth h15 ~
[1 .00 111 wttidl ~ the ~nmll' '' h.. (';I"""', 6fS1 in India 1nd then in Fraro."tC, 1bt'
""""' linKf,xlI <h, pe"" of t~xt deal ~,"""t .. lly " llh • thoughl 1" 0'"'''' whiCh ~ M.ny otht."r friends h:l"" htlpe<l tlS to lo,-,. te p,au"", Kri'hr n KharuJ:l, Hinllll:lt Sh. h, Jared
""p~inK it",1f in "'" I:rngw.~ "vi,"al tn<'Iapllor5 Ahdulla fnxn the Ard\iv..,. al S< ~heb)" s. Ra,'j Kumar from his puNil"1ion 011 ,laIn CosrnoIojl\'.
Elastd on int"","," ""Ith "'" iirti!II and wjffi lu> <:orUm1"""nei, my WIll"'ll ~ Ki"""
Pmna Srimali, Surinckf Singll. U-ha ;,mll Ra$rul Min:ll>.ndonl. The superb quality d
~ n
aboul m" rr.oture of an, .r.
IO"boon 10 vaIuto 1nd mn-.,..,. lOday, ~II '" Ekucb10mes 5Upplied b',' bza /la,,, hem a-.nbIed thfou,d\ !he p<:f:'iOI"Ial ernhuoiil.<tl1 ci
t!Ie " ",,- and <!It ....<1. an "'" to pb~ t!Ie ... ..~ I<> , in anorru ~ U ,\ ,nn 1lN.)'3lU-. ,,'born I musllhank fOf hi<. COIllIllitmC'nlIO thio projC'tt. Throug.~ lht:le rifOllO.
.-:>nng 10 !he tolI1h. ~ u ........,.. and CXII pbct in d>is uni'mso'. II "1IrIlr
tlw .... ,,~ ~ .0 a book ci $OO"C' rnatt"JIl1de and :oophi:ilicaliorl- The oupjlOfI ~ fmm ~\edg
.....1IIll' llll' -"lIxIrr 'I,. 8M ... " III I i rdaIod 10 CXII brIdo and.-u.e.. Tlll'-Pc:>1lur Tr~ has hem lI"'"""'JU'. ~-...g U5 10 COIIlTi\~ a pro1ocuon ci hogh q.Wir)r. \r~ Ig,~
lhiI book ii my ~ «ram 1<> .... an ... ~ .. ~ bd: .. cu'4"J<'iui wor1tEd "'.... a ~ ,,-no tw i'*'K!:Il",d image." andlQ1 "'-.h grt-"II ~. I am <kqlt\'
pan of • • caM'" IblIl i<Jlql_ d;lh>"'1 _lpIiIll''' Thio is "try ,.ft"', 10 llll' ..... lPicU<d ID Pa"""'- Shah b hrr dnic2ion in fi~ !be book
I"'~ ' + t ' . . . on ..... '.... 1beocr Iboul Gaa, 10 OIl ................. OOA...n bl
~. ond ~ IipICt and tirrll' .. EqbEcl .. llll' "~,, lobruI !'mull, "'-=' II' " ~ Il1I.-ned ID ~ fnends "00 I!I~ gmenuIr" lift lime J:) ~ !he
Iliaoj" and Hem ~ - and 11IUdI aria. ill ... I". "'.'fof IbE t:poobodo _ fIod c:NFR"-.\llolg!hem Dileep Padp:ltlbr ,,-no
IrIS knaoIll lWa's ant;.\m'Ia K..nar :ard
the..- pbct in lhiI brri. ~S". Pan<k."y ...~ T~ ,,-no
hdpfd 10 OJOl'dirgoe; \'ifI\"3- ~ who~
f l'C'fld! ~ I rb;mJr;; Gn/l ....., np<d thC' .-I <hfto .,....,. ,,~ In5pm:d
~ ~ amoto. "*"
and himdo""'" helped in the ~ b ~.. rook; J "'" ~ ,,~ Bmd.> O\a ,,'b hdproJ ml' llIXb1u....... ci thE philoso;i1ical ~ .,
wMull<> Wm fur dri" SOW"'- and EfllhJ.""'' '
in thi5 ~
Indw! thougtt "..xl JlO'-"'>C' and l:Jlooldu <it?h to thE c:Nplen 1llW Ta'" Shu,,)"' and R'nd"
1n",, :Iy.!he ~ "!hi>
brri. ha.' bEen "'-'I'P""'" ,,'m . ~ ~ In"" I!'ll' Minisuy
0\'....- two years my noIebuok.~ on Ibu uawikd " 'lib me "'-er)'\\'h<Ye' 10 T unisia 1O"~ up
"HuflWl -",fCC' fle<'elopment, N'w t.... llli, , lui "" tlnk V. jporyi m.<Io"..:lIl IllJ!C'f"-
rommunic. tm ,'..iIh Rn.1, . boullhC' WII 'OO p;oom:. 5Uwlie-d by ' bri ~.It.Ra .... , Sml , Anja!i my ;nle-rvo,,,,,; 10 Sikkim 011 the mv'u liofl of PS & " 1l. 10 meditate and begin lhal diff.:ult
SCI pmvid" l lh., <mloguC' oo lhe !Iornh. y P"'ll""""''''
that ha-' ~'51 """""I m llunl>:.y d ",p'C'l" 011 Tam Sl>Jm)l1; finally to 1kna ,l."S. whr.~ I wa.' inlroJlICC'd by Bertina Baunjer to
"'" ~'U<lusulra I:ptmishad fIlllSlW"", I\-ilb diagrams. m...>t " 1!r:iS <lisdo, ,, in thE ""mit." "
From Fro"'" I """t"IV""
5U>'I'OO from tho M.oioon des SCiC'nc« de Lliommt' It> .....,..-rn .. tho = Elation, m. prin<:lpl....whk h /lO"=I tht tmi\'l."T$e 11= a. b-..-. " rrh humilil)', l 'n J......J.
CEn1 ~ g" Pompidou 1nd inl.....-;c.,- criIioc3 in Patio, To 1'rofEo,'\Of Aymud. MmE ."lonrt.'f>l<oo
tlw the dimensions d lojl<K'" and Iitnt' " 'hiclJ \\=" 00ng aplOlt."d by Raza. rom;>o<t-" P"" d
and ESpCrially ""~)ean-LIo;; It><1nf= for ha~ I om ~ Tlll' dnli> ........
di><..,..d Mlh hz:I and JaninC' I/IIht lIIaJIic;aI<n,u.. l> ci dri" 5Iudio and pJdm in Gat.>.
I .... P"'iIe,.d 10 ha~~ dri"~..-hdI iRopitC'd "'" III pmdl in tho rali._ M • ,,'ell knovol1, the bngurllgoe d ' "isuaI ~ did not origInIIIe ., thE ~
" a book "'t.:b """"" Iifil' ~ d pIIIlIIII8. mWUty.II furmo I'"lt d '",,_IIOI<ial .,mbolism in ;aRlO cxpn::>o !he indl'abie -Ibol "'tlidI
'biIr in hnI. Jean and Fm1J Ihwmg , l""I'Md gIl ......n-llr.....,. <1m. " Itri" CIInX!r graspnI b',' my aII....-~.... bur. tJo,':to. pon ",'ox. Poi"lJ:lgO by R..rnI ~
......i>da -.II 1:Oon..-. ill'ano. Tlll' aD: pooI~""~ 11\ 'I(ml' """'" 10 thrs noial d ~
iII\-w.bIe """', ""JII< from !he '6oJ and ";,II. IU. p<rbapo tbt Ill""'l !llIp'C'lO'
_ tt.. __ 'EOfl'O"'" &om _ Carbtr-Bmoon. ",-110 1dt:pl 1C'd "'" kq:-diourItt J:)
011.. hiodoooic pl"*",,aph ci hz:Ilor ..... 1t.1l<:KlL ~ kl ~ SludIOI ond Iht
l<na<iry <J Mmr, ~ G""-'Y in locomfliltis rrxtra" &om dri" IIdw\oaI ~
cd>o- dil' .. ' ...... ci ~..... vi!o..t;d image. My "x"k",,'........ tho ;ttti;I·.lh ond lOOk lIIC'
10 Callfurnla. -"''II KMI. r-a....... ...-Ix> Iud uk... tho iniIWive 10 K\'"IE Rn.1 10 ......d1 in "'"
Jh' pailllillS titled l'rakriti was inspifl'd by a I ersefro m thl' A painting groll'S gradually, organically. Ibe biia, the seed. is the
llhllxmlfJl.i GU' I, XC/tuff' is idl'lllified Idth tbe SIIJm'1IW gi'1lt'1'/I/ing
begillning ofhuman life. Ibis mimscuiepotnt uhicb is ellf't~l'
fl.''':!"Tbe Oil/pouring I'IU''IRY is ill II state ofcomt,mt
condensed ca n groufrom its embryonic fonll - to git"" birth to a
lJ1l'fa morph"sis. gtJI't'r1led /1)' an /lJ1pecCClble imler IQRiC. Ifidd...,tllr
'IfJPItrt'1l1. the l!!'idl'llCe is jJt'rCeptihlt> ill tbe 1J1.1~{(>rU'S of 'ltltllre. in u'hoIe series ojpaintings.
,mil/wi and human life.
U'~ heighten the spectacle oflife: days and nigbte; the cba nge oj

_.- TlJt' dtri nef0 1(i' is rejklerJ ill myriad u'(jJ~ - as a/so Ibrollgb the
bl",um mind. .U,m is illtnltsicall)' related 10 tbe enrironment
around bim In Gorbio. tbe mmmtaim. tbe u'(l()(/s. tbedin' lrees.
tbe plants. tbe jlmlf'r.j, tbe 5101U':5 bewnwan
seasons. male and femalepolarities, pleasure and pain, hinh, life,
and death. Ueall! atrare ojtheJIl,!, Elements that constitute tbe
human bod)'. ollr uodd and the other u'Orkls: eanb. air
inlrinsic part of III)' space and em'ironnwrlt m id sk)'. Ibese are the pancha urrvas: k.shiti. jala. pavak. gagan and
uniCb IlQllrish me. ('I err mOmt'1lt. )011 St'l.'. 'IS a samira. We discern also the myuerious sixth element ubicb is the
unteryou bare Jour booki. As a paouer i balt' SOli I. alma . pernplihle 10 human senses and yet beyond reasoning.
e_ttremt>lr simple fi>rm5 ar'Ol"lid me: in my home
iu r'lns. in my studu., and in m)' f,dnk71 in
The tariations are infinite the mysteries are taal. In painting the
fue Elements ue use the fue colOllrs: black. ubite, yenou: TPd and
7h!'St' lidllsfonn.< Slimuiate 1Ik'. and <QlIJrirnl k' blue. giving birth to a ttsion of natu fP.
'0m.\' luwtllliar:r utJiCb ba.< bt.'t'I/ grouillg
culltinuQl/.Siy. But the most perfect orchestration ojcolour amiJorm is insufficient
if the painting is not imested by prcfound feeling. Ibis ispossible
Of WUrst' there is mort' to is them I~ ;mmedJ(l!p
on~r it' an eierated state oj direct perception, ~ manasa
emir'/)l/m('111. I Imou'lhal there an'f unn.< in tbl'
cauco .lfuseu m in Ahmerlabad (lr ill pnm /till' pratyakshata ". HoII' this miracle bappens. boll' this state is achier ed.
pailltirlgs al the WIITf'. ill lair! mirritiJIlrt'S and holl' (me feels -: no: eoen tbe a ni..t k,lOu'S. Houei er, the best oj
ill ~I'ullltil/e k:ollS uhicb an' i l l my mind. poetry" thefineu music, the must signl ficant art taees place tn this
u'bkb are a/soSOlirces ofenrichment. "erar de grace .

-I ~-- /I is atmoatte entire S{1(Ice 1/ btcb uplifts )(JU -
The artist seems to be 01l~1' a medium, an executor; the dictates
which feuds usdf to tbe rJ1i.hl f/ (>lj ' ofpt',nptilm
1I1/( 1 of U:Wa.\ ,
CUllle Jrom higher forces which gin' elle'RY, clea r percepuon and
infuse soul. tndtspensabte tn an.
divya shaktiyon ke sahayoga
ke bina kala nahini

During [be last tuentyyears, I bate been obsessed by such ideas.

Like the ancient tniniaturtsts. at times J inscribe a terse in my
canvas. The aim is not to illustrate hut to suggest, 10 express in
olour, tbe essence oftbe central tbeme uiitb signs and symbols. 71.
forests ofMadbya Pradesh iobere / uas born and uibere l lioed Nil
tte age 0/ thirte n bate marked my entire life. Unconsciously, a
ommunion u itb nature uas established, and tbls bas continued
during tb lana years uiitb deeper awareness.

I ~> "'-'<loJ bUIll tJI- Ilv..... rod J1niI>t i> . t.>Ul I'l l" ...-...k> "'Ilk In"" m.-

T ul Gaboo. .. !he h~ "f. h,ll>i<k "t..fl nsn .lflIO!l IIlIIn<'\Iulr"" ~,nJ thr
ll"l<'. tlwu"'''lI . ' ...-hk enp "'to !he...... ~I>; .." . lhc ' .......... d J>ino lrt"<'> mol
d . «"~'''f'''''.'''''''''' h<\oIIl, on. tiro. w,- j .... lmk 0IL ~,!he = ~ rt
.... ~ mel 00 die adi>=llllillsode. """""'lllhe' hill .. !be' ....~ ,..,.,
ul G<-.too "llh ....~ dRndI md "'"'" d huml.......,~ ~

Rv..... - - . .. b.3lI 01 fWi/h-heoln """"" ....... dorl 0Ilk f<r ...., li'n lIlld .'II'ld<....
paron. '"'" p;oIio is Wd OUI ..1Ch low b.~ . . - >bh. . . . ond ...... lh< IPfd<"n; 10
.......... \'00 an h= u..,. C3III d ~ md ~ :and t!W' ~ h<+. d .t....., ..
WI" diIm lhc ~

In 1hi> gordm d two levd> ~ ...... -..rprrllt'ttfl' dr

ll""'--.... r:i.,.,...., lhc ,do;Jo,1l""'" r:i hMrtIo . ~ dr huIJr.-
(Ift"ftl d ...,. pUn. ...., d>< <hp ~. d """ Wrdt!
I"~ llwuulg "P ..., lhc >b'

E,,, "'...... ," ...... IO"dm Ius bt.-t.-n pI:ukd "1Ih..,.,.,, 10

.... _-
~ dd'¢ll m • ........, d ..""""'" ..... ",,,,,,**, ""'"'_ 11\...., rotnr1'.• IrmJn


dttp IN and pri; ~ obIlhc nunk d

......, n ............, Rr< • I""I'i"
t1ooI.... <pm" il> p.'Ui> from. 1:uIIl, lI...... "'" _... >nd , ~ .......lId<:> ftI'l"" . . 011 lhc IP'-' 111<' t.:rl>aI rL-

;"do"k and ..... and ""nil. ' .. """
h:NI md 'n",,, .'<l lllldl' to.." .. ~ ..-.h m.,.,., ~

T"""" <:mfuUr untie.,- "'" pordIlD .. ...mer!he ~ ... pol <UI'lloUf'\II1j ' "'"'1Il"
pUn. .oo \"t"l .nut>cr pol phrIIed."" ...... <n"It'" I>rJU2'\Jm...... ""k'.O. In""
>tIOIIIl"f .. Qf\d ..tJi<.... .= ti'leri>hn:l md kt'pl .1M - .. in<.J<.<d ~ "'" ~
....". ,nJdl.,· """"'-

~-im.. til< -tudio. Iighl """"""" from dr """" 0IL......1Id blls UJUl thr ...........
,,;11 tNl nm, 01"0:' k-nglh Ii ... D. ·-\lonll!hi> sill aft' . rr-JIIIlt'd v.nou, "'''''"" 00,;= a
cb\' b mp .,><1 • IIorne\l m:.Lq fIr m Tun...... , tn-", /IAu In"" Indu , • tnbaI bn>l\ll:'
In"" K.\n;' , I'lomo: "'1" 01 ~W w. 1'r.oJ<>h. • "·ood,..., nlt\l.... fTum It.. ...\~ of •
Inn!* ... Gu,.,-al. • ,",' p0'-' ...iIh ""'lI'.• 1"" 'f Tl ll'Un ll'''W' "tlKiI "tim
~11('ll<'lh.:r. -'OWl<-! "oth . dl.'-1' """""'''''''
There is another stone, J fifth one. revered by itself a d placed (It the foot of the olive
tree like sum primordial image for cult woe hip. There are no offering. of rice here.
n sandalwo d or Ilow s, BUI RaZ3 delights in i s pr re fonn - like the stones from
the Narmada liver which are retricved, ta en to differe it egions of India, and
install .d for worship as ymbols of the god hiv. . Razn notices the shadow pattern. of
leaves "rom above fallin on this simple stone. and h photographs the irnpri IT.

T ese detail. art.' not in. ignifi • nt: for they compo th otal environm in which
Raza lives. to which he i susceptible. or hil l every form po se ' Sl'S meaning: even
the stones in his garden arc a metaphor, The process a observation nd assimik tion
go , on. even if one is not 10 ) . ing direr l ~' at nature. Raza comments. " I W.1l11 [0 set'
with my ye' d o .ed." \X/hat he sc . i. a met phor of rh life h liv ,

In sun and light and open air. il is not difficult ro see why 01 urs pos ess u luminous
quality, 1'0 vividly reali ed in his recent painting" There i poetry in the tendrils of
green shoots. passion in reel flowers. clarity distilled by the light, magic in the
mountain rocks, the silver moon melting into r e dawn. These art' angible realities -
whicb combine to produce the image on [he G UW JS,

utside, Raz i~ in the . one patio near the door I ~I ding 0 his tudio, in the open Let me recall (he sheer hrill, that excitement 0 discovering these stones some eighr
~ ~

air, his paints on Ii e floor, hi blank anvas I la ed on a wooden easel or . lrncrirnc years ago w en I had visited Gorbio. Raza had 'found" the key forma tion in stone,
on th floor, Ianln " his wife a d an established artist. i, to h found in another P:U1 of brought il home (~L~ you might hring home a salagrania from the river Na rnada) ro
me garden, wo 'ing on h I' roll e of a sembled 1':} bags or a' .embled paper, Or place it just ncar the door leading to his atelier. 'i.'\ weeks earlier, in sprin g, be had
casionally pI' paring lunch in the kird en, If &17.3'5 painti ngs of this time :1!"C now planted grass into he earth of this key none. Imagine his excitement when the first
pared 10 their ess ne , Janine's work takes m he challenge of further complexlti slender shoots, sap green and tender. llegail ro grow, thrustim up from earth into the
of exploration into new :U e: I S and medium of e.'P nr I '· L sky. For him this seemed like a mira Ie! This was birth - this became the beginning of
his series, the source for his paintings titled A . RA~ : Germina ion,
Bona, the blac - ca -leer in r e sunshine; -I 't P' on stone sla 1 , Ila k :1",, ' st while.
Amidst the .. plants and flowers every conceivi ble colour are plac I tall G eek ia In an interview Raza reflects upo the reali 'atiol in hi. paintings now, of, con ept
of. (one, ringing a SCILe of order 'In I clarity, Stonesof n' rural shape have also been mal look root with him and evolved grad ally over four decad s.
chosen and rlaced in (hi' garden: - ones of [I nn that share an . ffinity with Raza's
paintings. II's strange that I needed f ny years to understand rn}' passion and love for
nature, and [() transpose this on to canvas. I'm lad tha: I too' all this time. Stones in Ib La'" .rr t""

lap ircular tone or ins ance. like a bija, is placed \ ·jthin th Fran t: or a rou zh lv be ause it was not a if! tc n C' by someone - teacher, a book. r somcthin ve i .•1colunm pLml1Cd _
- .. .
:lnd;] ~llrt: of ci 'hI
bewn sqU(I n' of 'tone - corresponding 0 Raza" circle : rllin lhe square, A vertical ('I.~e ; it was the conclusiol1 of a lifelong ' xperiel1ce!

'ohunn I Lses Iror a drculJr lOne pol. 10 Sll gest lhe male-female p I:uiti s which
defin ~ on " f tw e nri:ll oncep s. Y I :In(){hcr stone fom 'iLion is like a k 'y, Paillting is Olll lhing alive as hUlllan being: in it' di ~renl manife latio ns, .,
\'ered with fr -Il -hoors a green ~'fj S$. Mo I remarkable lthese "fou nd" s(on a Il i~ a vital pro ce"s of becoming. .I11 in13gine ho\\' fascinati 19 it i.- thaI rhe
1 ur of eighl. armed b. two circular pit joined togeth r, He l.:X laim-, "these , n' rhe seeel comaim the lotal inherent fo rc~.- 0 il plant. of anunalli fe. and 0 on
two poJaril i s which complemenl each other. of life and death, plea~ure and pain, and 0 forth. And th:Ir oukJ be the same pr e ' - in Form too!'
man and worn, n, black and while."'
C-.-.... .....
~ br ho.< ~
ci rro:tlI CO'IIl!'I. -<JnCn\e:!
km \~ d cx:pe:.-=u 2fld "lIr .... 10UI d Ilt>
" "
0In !he b.c 1m \~ ;r.

cxp<,klk.l">. 10 b:u- up<x!' ~ rol'ICrJ1 Thr nooon c:i birth: d thr !I9a pbnI«l
no the o:udl. wbicb .' ~ b\-Ihe 'UI. Ihe "'ndu d =lin ~ _ _-hid! lit,
.;:rt>"" 00-' no a pUfL 1 eee. _~ ,...m ",hidl lbz:l, ~ 10 be aNl lhe ~u. -u..
~ d lift-" - ~- esubllSlung Ihe "ul bilk ",,",l"l.'JI mm 2fld~_

1llI.' BJad, Bioou ~ a ro'\I1Iic Inn" , I!J<, sok sou,,-... ci~' for Ihe """<:'!"'e.
II i> no Jonll'-'f !'.o:nillfl ur dt.-rnccilc .., the Blud, su" of the -~ "'''''t'fin,il
fifTTIJlIlt'm; ~ "no" l'Jpidly lllOIing Ihruul<h """.... lit up "i!h hrillO:"u <Ji;I~l, of
dazzling IiWll thaI r.,di" [~ thfOlll\h , pan .., I hfm~h 1m, alEllO>ph..",... nt·~c,jnl\ all
thing.' on chis l',nh,

The 8i."I" hl;'("OII1l'S aL"" the B,J" (\'lfI'l) 1/100 ....-..l or ee ".,..,j " """",11'\ 1990)
" hidI", Sl.l~'1' 'i/nn. 1U'-'t,T1 to ,Ilj,... bath to pbnl; life, The hlja is no'"
<pIiI ~ into ","'0 seeds - ,.. Ihe ;l\(1lt1 'JU' 'nlO ","0 - inIo"'o unil> d ~ and
green, or hhr and gecen, 10 l'Slabli>h fbkIrlt! ' ( 1'illrJ. This fmil i~OOn. Ihe union
bervo"=' the nWl- :md fenW pobmrs. gi>-e. bath 10 a pIanI. F"~'. lhr IN~
~O'< d Ihe bbd bmd". d ""''J'" Ihe 'U\, d hlp the o.m:I cmtline in mtfJI!. '"
Iti'" binlllo Ihe T_ oflifr()9ff)1.

The tidc::s c( d'o:>o: pietun:" ""',- ~ from G<ono<mDlJOn 1191f:") 10 Go»ro5i< (l9ll9l to
rrw t/t4<' (!W9l ., A1Iku"''' ( I990 ~ Iu thr ~ mnains ~'Ihe ~_ II
is Ihe rt'<U 1}l<"IlI "Iliril d rebi:rth. d Ihe f<"llJlNn!l p""'-n" d the ..." m.l tho: l;<lrUl
"-hid! ('Ofl\"('fl!"' 10 j;lI" C bath 10 Ile'lo' life,

Gernli'''I1''''', one d tho: earues pittIJf<.. lll lh., ....T it", """-"br.u", thi.' '''nt,o"" event
", r~" nL' muliply around the <"mn ! nUIVl'1ic f"rr~ or the hindl l I tI", blft. n..,.' lak~
on The.- ~mjrl' <~)lc ..u "f"Xlrum. l>einl( IrJrl,I'>fl!I.:<l from <1et'p 1m",....., imo ochncs,
)'dlov.', '>rJnj«', ,',hr,mt Wt"'fl' and hhl<'! and mm'Ol red alld pu rpk _ w,lh ,lOt'
pur>' wbit<: hl.~I" in lilt' lOp ('Oft'~ The ofl:h<">lrJl ion d ~ , 'i!rJnl o;o!OUr1l. til<:
It'pl"tiuon of the: sin!d" p/.>nt mUl,p1l'injl ad infinnum. n.'<uhinjl a,ouro lhc: cnllnl
SOUIU" d ~. - br.")lin.' 10 re;(JOJl{" Iik.. JlUt"'~ in a full ~, nu. ho:-oornt-,
an ~pjphanl' 10 hI'.. and the: I;nn~ slwillS{ one SOUI\'t'. one '-""'<."fIll harmon\". In "'"
pImirud<.o of t/U!. nntfs ~.

""'lie on <211'<.., 1"'1. 1- ' em
Call, G;JI",y............ _
We can neuer speak about nature icitbout. at tbe same
lim speakin, about curselces.

- Fririof a) 'a, Tbe Turning Point

ncreasingly, there i ;l n p rc ption of reality: a new paradi m with fundamental

I changes in value ' that are movinz <1'\ 'ay from he mcchanisti view of he w rld 10 a
truly holistic can eption of tl . univer e.

Diff rent discipline' and pheres of knowledge have begun to contril ute to this
reali iation of the universe as a dynami w b 0 int rr lat d events, In atomic physics
for in ran the ormer artesian clivi ion berw en mimi and m, trer, berw en the
;\ 1

01server and the b erved, can no Inger b maintain I. Th hypothe sis of th

chemist Jal ies Lov elo ~ . c nd the microbiologist Lynn Marsulis would suggest that the
complex ph " n OI rena of 11 e bi phere "can be understood only if the planet a a
whole is regarded a' a single living organism. " R sun cring an ancient Greek m. th,
[hey hav invested eir hypothe .is abou this earth with the name of th 0 ddess.
, '}
a l3.. ~

Drawing hi c nclusion from s v ral source and -ciemific data: Friijof Capra
introdu es a pial 'i1 le and poetic evoc lion f Gaia a- a living per .onifio [ion.

The earth then is a living system. i fun (ion not just like an or ani III but
actually -cem to I e an organi n - Gaia, a living planetary being, Her
pr I rtie and ac ivities c. nnot be pr di ted from the urn of her pans; very
o re f her ti es is HI ted to very other ' sue ant all of them are muruallv
" J

inter I pen lent; h er man pathway - are highly compl x and nonlinear; her
for n has evolved ov r billions of vears
, and continue ' to evol e. These
ol ervarions were made within a sciennf ~ onrcxr, hut they go far yond
sci 'nee. Like many other aspects of the nev paradigm they reflect a
profound olozlcal < waren S5 that ts ultimately spiritual.

The logi al imperative of ali I' lim a 111 CIS an t ) this web of interr lationships in
which we live - [0 [hi modern world in which ar i be ginning on e ag. in. to play a
vital rol =-, In all profes .ional 'pher=-s. :1 ornbi ration of philosophy and phy ics and
macrobiology and th social scienc s bring u . £0 an cute awarcne " of the lilemma
,! x i Oc n of [he rw nrie h ntury : that the ear 1 need to be .anctified [0 be nadc whole
y Ilaud, Pam.

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