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How to Actually Survive the Quarantine

Response 2

TJ Smith


Sickomode Kangaroos


Journal Writing/Remembering Encouraging Times from the Past:


In the first video, there is a small clip from a General Conference of the Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day Saints, from a talk given by Neil L. Anderson of the Quorum of the 12

apostles. This clip talks about “spiritual memories” and how remembering past experiences, in

this case specifically spiritual ones, can “light” the way ahead and make the path brighter. I

think it’s true for more than just specifically spiritual experiences, although I rely on those a lot.

Journal Writing can be related to what was shown in the video, where an animation is shown of

a boy holding a book with 4 shining stones in a dark and misty forest, and metaphors are used

by Neil L. Anderson to explain the concept he was trying to teach.

I have kept a journal this entire year, and I’ve made sure to write in it every day and

write as much as I wanted to remember, about anything that I wanted to. I have 3 journals

now, and I have found that looking back at all of the fun experiences, and the times with my

friends, and the things that I learned, as well as the struggles I had and learned from; has

helped me to see a more bright side of this year instead of focusing on the dark side of it.

Journal writing about how I feel now, and being able to remember and look back at all of the

things I have done and seen and learned this year, has helped me to feel much happier. I feel

like I have a much better perspective and it becomes much easier to take on a positive attitude.
How to Actually Survive the Quarantine
Response 2

In the second video about woodturning, there is a tutorial showing how to use a lathe

and make a slim line wooden pen out of some small pen blanks and a pen kit. It shows how to

correctly cut, drill, glue, turn, finish, and assemble a slim line pen. There are many different

kinds of woods that can be used and there are different types of pens that can be made, but

this video shows the basics of making any pen; other pens may requires some small

adjustments though.

Throughout this quarantine, I have made a couple of pens. I have a small lathe at my

house, and a drill press, and lots of other tools that are needed to make pens on a lathe. My

parents ordered the supplies I was missing online, and that is one way that I have been using

my time, to help myself feel productive and be doing something good with my time instead of

just sitting all the time. I have made pens for multiple of my siblings and my mom, and I am

currently making one for myself, and I will be making some for multiple of my friends. So this

has been a really fun way to use my time, even though I can’t leave my house.

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