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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Soccer – Dribbling and Shooting

Unit: Physical Education
Teacher: Jose Uribe
Date: 4/24/2020
Day of unit 3 of 6

Grade Level Number of Lesson

9th Students 50 Length 45

Major Students will practice their dribbling between cones to work on ball
Activities control and practice shooting at a goal to work on accuracy and
Taught proper kicking form.
Students will warm up and get ready for activities throughout the

Students will perform fitness activities that will keep the students
active and help them before the soccer activity.

CA Content Standards Addressed:

Std 1. Students demonstrate knowledge of and competency in motor skills,
movement patterns, and strategies needed to perform a variety of
physical activities.
1.1 Combine and apply movement patterns, simple to complex, in
aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities.
Std. 2 Students achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance
while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and

2.2 Participate in enjoyable and challenging physical activities that

develop and maintain the five components of physical fitness.
2.5 Improve and maintain physical fitness by adjusting physical activity
levels according to the principles of exercise.
Std. 3 Students demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological
concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activity.
3.1 Accept personal responsibility to create and maintain a physically and

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
emotionally safe and nonthreatening environment for physical activity.
3.5 Develop personal goals to improve one’s performance in physical
Group Dynamics
3.9 Recognize and evaluate the role of cooperation and positive
interactions with others when participating in physical activity.

Common Core Standards Addressed:

Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual,
and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of
findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

English Language Development Standards Addressed:

Emerging Listening Actively: Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations
and discussions on familiar social and academic topics by asking and
answering questions, with prompting and substantial support.
Expanding Listening Actively: Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations
and discussions on a variety of social and academic topics by asking and
answering questions that show thoughtful consideration of the ideas or
arguments, with moderate support.
Bridging Listening Actively: Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations
and discussions on a variety of social and academic topics by asking and
answering detailed and complex questions that show thoughtful
consideration of the ideas or arguments, with light support.

Behavioral Objectives
Motor 1. Students will warm up by doing dynamic stretching and light
2. Students will do single leg jumps side to side
3. Students will work on muscle groups such as abs doing sit ups
and chest and arms doing push ups
4. Students will work on cardio and an Anaerobic exercise (jump
5. Students will dribble the soccer ball and shoot at the goal
6. They will perform proper technique and form when shooting.
They will kick with their dominant and non-dominant foot.
Cognitive 1. Students will learn the right amount of work to do in a warmup.
They will know the importance of it.
2. They will learn the single leg jumps will help them when they

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
plant their foot to strike the ball
3. Students will learn how to properly kick the soccer ball with their
4. Students will know how fast to go when dribbling
Affective 1. Students will motivate each other to keep working hard during the
activities and when shooting the ball.
2. Students will stay organized and on task.
3. Students will treat the equipment with care.

Describe the In this class period students will be assessed on their kicking form.
Assessment/s Teacher will be using iPads to record the kicking form and grade based
used in the off the recording.
lesson that No other applications will be needed just the camera app.

This is an example of what the rubric is. There will be a link provided to
go to google sheets to enter information.
Students will be graded on a 1-3 scale
1-Needs help
2-Almost there
3-Perfect form
In Notes you can write down how much effort or if you see if they are
Link to rubric with 50 students
Google Sheets Assessment

Type and Quantity of Equipment:

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
Cones -90
Soccer Balls -20
Flags -24
Jump Ropes -12
iPads -6
Tripods -6

Safety Precautions:
-Teacher will walk over the field and make sure there are not holes or debris on the field
and mark them off and clean up the area.
-Remind students to have their shoes tied and be aware of their surroundings.
-Remind students not to kick the soccer ball at anyone.
-Talk about iPad safety and how to properly set up the tri pod.
-When working in stations make sure to have enough space so no one gets hurt.

Skills, Activities, Methods and Organization Instructional Cues,

Topics & Time (Skill Progressions & Diagrams) Skill Modifications
Activity #1 Students will be on their numbers waiting to start
(Warm Up) their warmup. The teacher will dismiss the “Stay on your
5 min students in 10 groups of 5. numbers until I
dismiss you”
Addressed “Get in groups of 5
Warming up and and stand on the
getting the body edge of the court for
ready for a fitness warmups”
station and soccer

CA Content
Std. 1.1 *Diagram of roll call*
Std. 2.2 “If you do not have a
Std. 2.5 When you dismiss students into groups you can let group raise your
Std. 3.1 the students choose what groups they want to be hand so someone
in. They will then get into 10 groups like the can see you or I can
Common Core diagram below. help you”
-If any student looks lost, help them find a group
and make the flow go quick. “Go to a line and
wait to start”

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

“When the person in

front of you gets
halfway then you
can go. Please pay
Warmup Activities
(Dynamic Stretching/Warmup)
-Light Jog
-High Knee stretch (diagram below)
-Front Kicks (Diagram below) “If there is anything
-Walking Quad Stretch you cannot do, let
me know so we can
Will do each warmup/stretch to one side and back. find another stretch
Students will wait on the other side until all for you”
students get over there. To make things faster so
students are not waiting in line. “Only the first
Teacher will blow the whistle or say “go” when person come to me,
the first person gets halfway for the next student to grab one ladder and
go. Will repeat this process until every student gets place it in front of
to the other side. your line.
-If any student cannot do the jog/spring/high knees
let them go at a pace they feel comfortable at.
-If anyone cannot do dynamic stretching, they can
stretch on the side doing the same ones.

After the sprint, get the students attention and ask

for the first person in each group to come up to
you and grab an agility ladder. They will then
place the ladder in front of their group.
Transition Time Teacher will blow the whistle to get everyone's 2 Min
attention after warmups. Students will then join
into groups of 10 joining the group next to them.
They will then go to one station area.
Activity #2 When all the students are at their station. One
(Fitness Activity) student from each group will come and get one “Only one person in
Fitness Stations tripod and iPad for a reference page on what to do. the group come get
10 min They will place the tripod in their station and the trip pod and
create enough space to do the activity. Will iPad”
Objective demonstrate how to properly put the tri pod down
Addressed: so it does not fall over. “Make sure the tri

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
-Because we are using an iPad and using Google pod and iPad are
Worked on doing Slides for reference pages. Students will be able to secure”
exercises to help stay at their station and only skip to the next page
them with soccer. when teacher blows his whistle. “Make sure you
-Each activity will be done for 1 min 30 seconds have enough space
CA Content and then switch. for the activity, and
Standard you can see the
Std. 1.1 iPad”
Std. 2.2
Std. 2.5 “Be careful with the
Std. 3.1 iPad, do not drop it”
Std. 3.5
“Everyone starts
Common Core with station 1: One
CCSS.ELA- legged lateral jump”
*Diagram of where each station will be at and
what direction students will go to*

“If you have any

questions let me
*Diagram of how students can stand* know”

Teacher should be walking around making sure “Get started once I

students are on task and help if needed. blow my whistle”
Teacher will blow his whistle to start and stop each
activity “When I blow my
whistle make sure to
Station 1: switch to the next
One Leg Lateral Jumps slide”
-Students will jump from one foot to another
laterally side to side. “When jumping on
one leg, try to hold it
-Students should perform the activity for 30
for a while, keep
seconds and then take a 15 second break. They your balance”
should do this twice or until teacher says so.
“Look at the iPad for
Mod: help”
-Student can standing squats if they cannot jump
side to side.

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
-If they cannot do this activity due to injury, help
students do proper form.

“Can anyone beat

the world record?”

“Keep track of your

numbers so you can
*Diagram of what iPad will show will be below*
try to beat it next
Station 2:
Sit Ups
-Students should have a goal to do at least 30 sit
ups in the 1 min and 30 seconds. Can take a rest if
-World Record for 1 minute is 87!!!

-Students can do crunches
-If there is an injury preventing a student to doing
this activity, they can help other students in their
group by holding their feet down to help them do
sit ups.

“Good Job, keep


Station 3:
Push Ups
-Students should have a goal for 30 pushups. “Do modified
-Remind students to remember their number so pushups if you are
they can improve in the future. struggling, try to
-World Record for 1 minute is 140!!! increase your
number of reps
Mod: though”

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
-Students can do modified pushups with their
knees on the ground. (These are not girl pushups)

“Go for the world


“Make sure to not

trip on the rope, if
you are struggling,
Station 4: you can do invisible
Jump Ropes jump ropes”
-Students should have a goal for 40 successful
jumps during this time.
-Keep going until time is up
-World Record for 1 minute is 203!!!

-Invisible Jump Rope: Let students just jump
without the jump rope. Small jumps consistently
will keep them active.
-High Knees “Let's relax before
we start our soccer

“Think about what

we are going to do”

“Focus on your
Station 5:
-This will be a station student can relax and take a
quick break.
“Stay in your
-There will be 3 poses students can choose from to groups”
take a breather when going around the stations.
“I only need 1

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
person to bring me
the iPad and tripod”

“Leave to your
soccer cones once I
dismiss you”

After we do each station, the students will remain

in their station and wait for instruction:
-At this time, the teacher will call one student from
each group to bring the iPad and tripod back
-One the student gets back to his group the teacher
will start to get the next activity ready.

-Teacher will then dismiss one group of 10 to the

field where the soccer activity is set up. There are
5 goals where each group will get back in their
group of 5 and stand in a line in front of their
cones. *Diagram below*

Reference Pages

Transition Time Students will use this time to get to their spots. 2 min

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Activity #3 Dribbling and Shooting

(Dribbling and
10 min

dribbling and
shooting with their
dominant and non-
dominant foot.

CA Content Use the diagram above to set up the field. You

Standard will have two groups shooting at the same goal
Std. 1.1 with left and right foot. This is an example of 1
Std. 3.1 group.
Std. 3.9
Field should be set up before class starts.
Common Core
Intro: “Only two people
When students get to their set of cones and in from each group come
line. The teacher will call one person from each up and get 1 ball each”
group to get 1 soccer ball. To save time, one
student from each line will be behind the flags to
retrieve the ball. That student will bring the ball “If you are on the left
back to their line to make the process faster. The side of the goal kick
student who shot the ball will then go behind the with your right foot”
goal and wait for the next shot.
“If you are on the right
The teacher will demonstrate how to go through side of the goal kick
the cones and kick if needed. with your left foot”
In this activity, students will be getting into lines “It's okay to be off
based off their group. Two groups will be with your non
shooting at the same goal to save space and help dominant foot, just
evaluate students at the same time. keep practicing”
-If a group is on the left side of the goal, they
will dribble between the cones and shoot with “Keep the ball close to
their right foot. you”
-If a group is on the right side of the goal, they
will dribble in between the cones and shoot with “Practice proper form
their left foot. and accuracy will
-After each student shoots twice with one foot come after”
and everyone is done, they will switch sides with
the other group and practice shooting with the

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
opposite foot.
-During this time students will help other
students with techniques and the teacher should
be watching making sure everyone is on tract
and learning the proper form.

Planting foot should be parallel next to the ball.

Kick with your laces on top of your foot.

-If a student cannot kick with a certain foot, they
will be allowed to use just one.
-If there are any injuries and students cannot
perform this drill. They will be with the teacher
to help evaluate the drill to see the proper form.
Transition Time Blow the whistle to get the kids attention. Let the 1 min of
students know you will be going around instruction.
recording the students kicks. They can keep
practicing until I get to their group.
Activity #4 When going around to assess the students the
(Assessment) teacher will go with the iPad to record. The “Please do not kick the
teacher will set the iPad and tripod in front and iPad”
12 min next to where the students are shooting from.
Objective: The teacher will also bring 6 extra soccer balls “Come get these balls
Assessing the so they can shoot faster. Each student will have a so we can go quickly”
students on their ball besides the person behind the goal. They

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
shooting form will still be retrieving the ball.
-Record students using both their right and left
Standards foot.
Std. 1.1 There are 5 groups to go to, so make sure
Std. 3.1 everything goes quickly. “I am just here to
-We are assessing the kick only today, so they do record your shooting;
not have to go through the cones during the you do not have to go
assessment. through the cones”

“You will be assessed

on your left and right

“Switch lines after

everyone goes”

“It's okay to make a

mistake, I am here to
see where everyone is
at so far.”

Recording with the iPad will save time during “Good Kick”
class and will allow the teacher to have a
recording of everyone's work so far. “Good job”
The goal is to be at one group at a time.
“Great form”

Goal should be 2-3 minutes per station with a “Don’t kick with your
minute of setup. toes”
Assessment should take 15 minutes maximum.

-After the teacher records every student the

teacher will blow the whistle to stop everything.
-Teacher would tell students to take the balls
back to their numbers and wait for the teacher.
Transition Time Students getting equipment and going back to 2 min
their roll call numbers.
Cool Down, -When students get to their number, I ask only “If you have a ball
Closure, and the people who have balls to come to me and put please bring it to me”
Homework them in the ball bags.
4 min -When every student gets back to their number, “everyone stays on
the teacher will start a cool down activity. their number while we
Objective -Students will do stretches for the next minute. cool down”
Addressed: • High Knee Stretch (15 sec)
Addressed the • Hamstring stretch (15 sec) “Hold the stretch for
importance of • Touch your toes (15 sec) 15 seconds”
cooling down after

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
an activity. • Jumping Jacks (10) “1,2,3...15”

CA Content Once everyone is done the teacher will go over

Standard what happened in class and talk about the future.
Std. 1.1
Std. 3.1 -Teacher will let students know their kick will be
graded and will let students know privately.
-Remind students to keep working on their
Common Core soccer drills for future classes.

Next class:
We will start working on games since we have
gone over dribbling, shooting, and passing in the

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Warmup Stretches Diagram for reference

High Knee Glute warm up. Students will walk and raise knee to other side.

Front Kicks. Keep kicks low energy. This is just a warmup.

Walking Quad Stretch.

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Paste a copy of the Assessment Instrument/Rubric/Test used in this lesson below.

Lesson Plan Development 50 points

Name of Lesson Info 2 points (incomplete = 1
Added (unit, teacher, date, point)
day of unit)
Grade Level Listed 1 point
(incomplete = 1 point)
Major Activities Taught 1 point
(incomplete = 1 point)
CA Content Standards 2 points
Listed (incomplete = 1 point)
Common Core Standards 3 points
Listed (incomplete = 1 point)
English Language 3 points
Development Standards (incomplete = 1 point)
Behavioral Objectives 2 points
(incomplete = 1 point)
Describe the Assessment 2 points
(incomplete = 1 point)
Type and quantity of 2 points
equipment (incomplete = 1 point)
Safety Precautions 2 points
(incomplete = 1 point)
Warm Up Activity 5 points
• Name (1 point)
• Description (1
• Diagram (1 point)
• Cues (1 point)
• Modifications (1
Fitness Activity 5 points
• Name (1 point)
• Description (1
• Diagram (1 point)
• Cues (1 point)
• Modifications (1
Skill Development 10 points
Activity/Progression • Name (2 points)

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
• Description (2
• Diagram (2 points)
• Cues (2 points)
• Modifications (2
Cool Down Activity 5 points
• Name (1 point)
• Description (1
• Diagram (1 point)
• Cues (1 point)
• Modifications (1
Cognitive Assessment 5 points
Activity • Name (1 point)
• Description (1
• Diagram (1 point)
• Cues (1 point)
• Modifications (1
Work Completed:
1. Lesson Plan
Created in Google
Turned In:
2. PDF copy of the
lesson plan
submitted into

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020

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