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Reported speech practice

1. Relaciona el reported speech con su equivalente en el reporte directo. Es decir, los números con las letras del
ejercicio 1 a de la página 98. Tienes que identificar qué número corresponde a qué letra.

Exercise 1 a page 98

1 C
2 G
3 B
4 D
5 A
6 E
7 F

2. Identifica el uso de los verbos que reportan (say y tell) en la página 106 y contesta el ejercicio 4 de la página 98.

Exercise 4 page 99 write the correct alternative that is underline in the exercise.

1 -
2 Reporters
3 Told
4 Said
5 -
6 Said
7 me

3. Escribe las oraciones del ejercicio 6 en reported speech de la página 99.

Las oraciones se encentran en direct speech se tienen que pasar a reported speech.

Ejemplo: 1. Banksy: “people either love me, or they hate me or they don´t really care.” Direct speech

Banksy said that people either loved him, or they hated him, or they didn´t really care. Reported speech

Exercise 6 page 99

1 Banksy said that people either loved him, or they hated him, or they didn´t really care.
2 James Dean said that being and actor was the loneliest thing in the Word.
3 Sylvia Plath said she wrote only because there was a voice whitin her that would not be still.
4 Andy Warhol said that in the future everyone would be world-famous for 15 minutes.
5 Oscar Wilde said that he was so clever that sometimes he didn´t understand a single word of what he
was saying.
6 Vincent Van Gogh said that the only time he felt alive was when he was painting.
7 Damient Hirst said he had wanted to be stopped, but no one would stop him.
8 Sir Ian Mckellan said that he was only and actor and that all he had ever done was learn the lines and
say them.

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