Monden Ipdp Sy19-20

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● Submit/discuss this plan for approval/feedback by end of first quarter)

“EES Manual:
“All teachers will develop and maintain an individual professional development plan that identifies areas for targeted
growth and learning. Completion of the learning opportunities within the plan will be considered a matter of professional

A. I have set the following professional development goal(s):

Goal *Describe how this goal Proposed Learning Potential evidence Target
was determined. And how Activities (how the change generated date
it will lead to will happen) through the
improvement in activity
Continue to increase my I want to increase my skill set - IEP meetings, April
knowledge and proficiency by researching scholarly 1. Rearching scholarly re-evaulation 2020
in planning, scheduling, articles to increase my articles. meetings, and
and running IEP meetings. knowledge base. 2. consulting with other self-reflection.
professionals to increase - Supervision
Procure supervision to As a student I still need to knowledge and will improve
finish my ABA program. acquire supervision hours in proficiency with my practice to
accordance with the BCBA meetings. better support
guidelines to be certified in 3. Obtain written consent my student
this field before my deadline. from Principal to allow population.
supervisor on campus in
my classroom.
4. Obtain a BCBA
supervisor willing to
supervise me.

* This links the goal to professional standards and data-driven (Examples: Prior EES data like Danielson Framework components
(observation or working portfolio, Core P), SLO/SSIO, Student Survey results, any other available grade/school-wide data).

B. Reflection: To what extent did I meet my goal(s) and what might be my next steps? Due date __________________

Through this learning/leadership experience … (Summarize impressions, recall/list supporting information, analyze learning, next
I feel that this year I was able to continue to increase my knowledge and proficiency in planning, scheduling,
collaborating, running eligibility and IEP meetings. In regards to my supervision to finish my ABA program hours I
was not able to secure a supervisor on school campus due to not having any students diagnosed with autism. I
continue to talk to my supervisor off campus on how to improve my data collection and graphing. Transitioning from
online learning due to Covid-19 has been a challenge and has been a learning experience.

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