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Climate change and Pakistan's problems

In the past, plastic bags were banned, but later it was stated that the ban
was only on non-bio degradable bags, and the dream of getting rid of
plastic bags became a thief. If the ban on plastic bags is banned, the move
will improve the environment, as well as the business will not have to bear
the extra costs incurred on plastic bags. Buyers will start to use baskets,
clothing bags and utensils like in the past. Initially, this will be a bit difficult
to implement but will become a habit over time.

In a report coming in April 2019, Pakistan was ranked seventh in the

countries affected by climate change. That is why efforts are being made to
tackle the uncertainty of the weather at the government and non-
governmental levels seriously. According to experts, over the past 20
years, climate change has resulted in close to 150 severe natural disasters,
including floods, winter smog, summer forest fires, rapid glaciers melting,
heat waves and Land sliding included. The large number of people
displaced by these incidents makes the situation even worse.
During the 2010 and 2011 floods in Pakistan, almost 10% of the
population of the two provinces was displaced. Last year, the
costs incurred as a result of climate change were estimated at $
384 million, while the devastation caused by climate change in
the last 20 years put the national economy at about $ 2 billion.
Efforts are being made to overcome this problem. In the past five
years, $ 120 million has been spent on preventing deforestation
in the country and promoting tea gardens. Efforts are also
underway to bring about an environmentally friendly energy
revolution in Pakistan.
In most countries of the third world, wood, coal, and kerosene are
used for cooking, as fuel used to cause air pollution. Globally, up
to 25% of black carbon emissions come from domestic cooking,
heating and lighting. In many Asian and African countries, fuel
used in home cooking can cause 60 to 80 percent of black carbon
emissions. Therefore, accessible industrial techniques are needed
to mitigate the effects of climate change and environmental
catastrophe, which will benefit 3 billion people.
If we look at air pollution and other factors in this regard, the facts
of the case will certainly make your mind a little shaken. Industrial
pollution is quite high in the city, it is in the form of three
substances (solid, liquid and gas). Industrial pollution is the smoke
from the factories, the exhaust water and solid waste resulting
from the production process, and the noise from the machines. In
addition, there is a lot of air pollution from the vehicles.
According to a UK study, pollution is very dangerous to respiratory
and other organs and experts are now warning that air pollution is
affecting the minds of all people, especially young children. In this
longitudinal study, experts included 2,000 children under the age
of 18, of which 30% said they had experienced at least once a
blurred or invisible feeling. These children belonged to areas
where air pollution was higher than the rest of London. Experts,
however, cannot say with certainty the direct link between air and
pollution of children's psychological and psychological status.

In addition, neurologists say that air pollution can affect the

frontal cortex, an important part of the brain, and plays an
important role in the inflammation. Critics have acknowledged the
latest research in the UK, calling for further investigation.

Climate change and the construction of sustainable

The environmental crisis is really shaking our heads. Whether it is cold or
hot, both seasons are getting worse and worse. The most severe
hurricanes in the United States are now becoming an unpredictable and
recurring event. In the cold country like the United States, the temperature
is getting warmer in the winter, while new records of severe cold are being
set in many areas of Pakistan. The 24-year-old record of rains in the United
Arab Emirates, Dubai, was broken in recent days, where it recorded 150
mm of rainfall in two and a half hours.

On this, Dubai's Minister of Environment, Tahani Ahmed Al-Zuidi,

said, "The reason for the constant rainfall is climate change." In
the northern hemisphere, 'heatwave' is becoming more and more
severe, and famine is becoming the norm in many countries
around the world. That is why every day we get to see landscaped
buildings and landscapes of airports and roads from different
parts of the world.
All these circumstances point to the bitter fact that the world's
infrastructure is not robust and flexible enough to withstand
severe or unpredictable weather effects. Middle-income countries,
in particular, are most affected by the devastating effects of
climate change.

When it comes to economic data, we are already facing the cost of climate
change. Companies estimate that they have so far lost $ 250 billion in
assets due to the effects of climate change, and it is feared that the loss will
reach $ 1 trillion over the next five years. Eighty percent of these affected
companies are related to providing financial services.

Individual companies are already feeling the effects of climate change in

full force. Take for example the bankruptcy of American company Pacific
Gas & Electric, which had to pay billions of dollars in damages for
California forest fires. The impact of climate change on one incident can be
understood as how it is raising financial risks for companies.

In view of these disturbing effects of climate change, so far, only emphasis

is placed on preventing greenhouse gas emissions while still not focusing
on how to protect society from the effects of climate change.

According to experts, if we have not yet begun to invest in infrastructure

that can withstand climate change, then in the coming decades we will see
our communities flood, floodwaters, cyclones, forest fires and other severe.
Climate change will not be safe.

One of the biggest challenges with regard to infrastructure is how we

incorporate the cost of environmental risk into our investment decisions.
This is not only a global problem, but also a failure of systems in markets
around the world. In addition, there is a lack of understanding and
transparency on environmental issues.

The availability of the above information is crucial for investors, lenders,

insurance companies and rating agencies to make informed decisions.
Building an environment that tolerates climate change requires a little extra
upfront investment (which we count on costs). However, in the long run, the
benefits are far greater in terms of sustainable infrastructure.

For example, the construction of multi-storeyed buildings in the third world

contiguous if the climate change is taken into account and constructed as a
low-carbon structure. These buildings will increase in the next century. The
world needs to make such informed decisions. Unfortunately, one of the
major problems is the lack of availability and experience of the devices,
based on which we can know how much money we need to build such an

To address this need, a coalition fund was formed in September last year
at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, which represents 34
companies, companies and countries. With $ 5 trillion in assets, it is
supported by the World Economic Forum, the UK and the Government of

This is the first of its kind, led by the private sector, to find a
viable solution for building infrastructure that will impact climate
change. It is estimated that $ 90 trillion will be spent on
infrastructure development worldwide every year by 2030, but
the biggest question is, how much of an infrastructure will it have
the capacity to withstand environmental hardships? One of the
reasons for the lack of investment in sustainable infrastructure is
that environmental risk standards are not yet available.

However, the good thing is that as the use of technology is increasing in

the construction sector, the availability of authentic data is also improving,
which will help to better understand environmental risks at the local level.
Of course, we cannot completely prevent climate change, but we must
protect ourselves from its effects by building sustainable infrastructure.

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