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Chapter 1

• The Concept of Stress Adaptation

Core concepts
 Adaptation
 Maladaptation
 Stressor

The word “stress” lacks a definitive definition.

 May be viewed as an individual’s reaction to any change that requires an
adjustment or response, which can be physical, mental, or emotional
 Responses directed at stabilizing internal biological processes and
psychological preservation of self-identity and self-esteem
o How you deal with your stress and how to bring it back to the baseline

 Adaptive response
o Behavior that maintains the integrity of the individual
o Viewed as positive and is correlated with a healthy response

• Maladaptive response
• When behavior disrupts the integrity of the individual
• Considered to be negative or unhealthy

• Stressor

• A biological, psychological, social, or chemical factor that causes physical

or emotional tension
• May contribute to the development of certain illnesses

Stress as a Biological Response

Hans Selye defined stress.
• “The state manifested by a specific syndrome that consists of all the nonspecifically
induced changes within a biologic system.”
• This combination of symptoms has come to be known as the “fight-or-flight” syndrome.

Stress as a Biological Response (cont’d)

Selye’s general adaptation syndrome

o Alarm reaction stage

o Fight-or-flight syndrome
o Stage of resistance
• Uses physiological responses of first stage as a defence in attempt to adapt
to the stressor

Stage of exhaustion
• The body responds to prolonged exposure to a stressor.
• Adaptive energy is depleted.
• Diseases of adaptation may occur.

Stress as a Biological Response (cont’d)

Fight-or-flight syndrome of symptoms
o Symptoms occur in response to psychological or emotional stimuli
just as they do to physical stimuli.
 If u see it as a stressior but someone else might not
o Psychological or emotional stressors are often not resolved as
rapidly as physical stressors.
 Killed spider so the psysical gone but if I feel like bugs r
still there emotional prob

A 25-year-old man barely avoids a motor vehicle accident. His heart is pounding, his palms are
sweaty, and his respirations are increased. This is an example of which stage of the general
adaptation syndrome?

• Alarm reaction stage

• Stage of resistance
• Stage of exhaustion
• Stage of biological stress

o The physiological responses of the fight-or-flight syndrome are initiated in the

alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

o These physiological responses generally include an increase in heart rate and

respirations and may include other symptoms, such as headache, sweaty palms,
and a sensation of dizziness.

o Correct answer: A
Stress as an Environmental Event
• Core Concepts
• Is said to occur when an individual’s physical or behavioral response to any
change in his or her internal or external environment results in preservation
of individual integrity or timely return to equilibrium
• I killed the spider I took the shower and I fought and I am fine now …
my physical response brought me back to my baseline

Stress as an Environmental Event (cont’d)

• This concept defines stress as an event that triggers an individual’s adaptive physiological
and psychological responses.
• The event creates change in the life pattern of the individual, requires significant
adjustment in lifestyle, and taxes available personal resources.
• The change can be either positive or negative.

Stress is measured by the Miller and Rahe Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (RLCQ).
A high score on the RLCQ places the individual at greater susceptibility to physical or
psychological illness.

• May be completed considering life stressors within a

6-month or 1-year period

It is unknown whether stress overload merely predisposes a person to illness or actually

precipitates it.
• Appears to be a link
Individuals differ in their reactions to life events, and these variations are related to the degree to
which the change is perceived as stressful.

Life changes questionnaires have been criticized.

• Do not consider the individual’s perception of the event
These types of instruments also fail to consider:
• Cultural variations
• Individual’s coping strategies
• Available support systems at the time when the life change occurs

Stress as a Transaction
• Stress as a transaction between the individual and the environment
• This concept emphasizes the relationship between internal variables
(within an individual) and external variables (within the environment).
• Parallels the modern concept of disease etiology.
• Precipitating event
• A stimulus arising from the internal or external environment and perceived
by the individual in a specific manner
• Cognitive appraisal is an individual’s evaluation of the personal significance of the
event or occurrence.
• The cognitive response consists of a primary appraisal and a secondary appraisal.
Individual’s perception of the event
• Primary appraisal
• Three types of primary appraisal
• Irrelevant
• Benign-positive
• Stress appraisals include harm/loss, threat, and challenge.
• Secondary appraisal
• An assessment of skills, resources, and knowledge that the person
possesses to deal with the situation
• The individual evaluates by considering the following:
• Which coping strategies are available to me?
• Will the option I choose be effective in this situation?
• Do I have the ability to use that strategy in an effective manner?

1. A student with an A average is to take an exam. The student is relaxed and says the exam
is not of concern because a failing grade would not affect successful completion of the
course. What has contributed to this student’s adaptation response to stress?

• The student judges the event as irrelevant.

• The actual precipitating event.
• The student’s cognitive appraisal of the situation.
• The event is appraised as challenging.

The cognitive appraisal is the individual’s evaluation of the personal significance of an event or
The test, the precipitating event, does not generate increased stress because of the student’s
perception or cognitive appraisal of
the event. Correct answer: C

Predisposing factors
• Strongly influence whether the response is adaptive or maladaptive
• Types of predisposing factors
o Genetic influences
o Past experiences
o Existing conditions

Hobfoll’s conservation of resources theory

• As existing conditions (loss or lack of resources) exceed the person’s perception of
adaptive capabilities, the individual not only experiences stress in the present but also becomes
more vulnerable to the effects of stress in the future because of a “weaker resource reservoir to
call on to meet future demand.”

Stress Management
• Maladaptation
o Occurs when an individual’s physical or behavioral response to any
change in his or her internal or external environment results in
disruption of individual integrity or in persistent disequilibrium
o (negative , loss job , just go and end up drink )

Stress management is the use of coping strategies in response to stressful situations.

Coping strategies are adaptive
o When they protect the individual from harm (or additional harm)
o Strengthen the individual’s ability to meet challenging situations
o Some adaptive coping strategies
 Awareness
 Relaxation
 Meditation
 Interpersonal communication
 Problem-solving

Problem-solving/decision-making model – must know this

• Assessing the facts of the situation
• Formulating goals for resolution of the stressful situation (outcome//goals)
• Studying the alternatives for dealing with the situation (ice / or call for
• Determining the risks and benefits of each alternative
Problem-solving/decision-making model (cont’d)
• Selecting an alternative
• Implementing the alternative selected
• Evaluating the outcome of the alternative implemented
• If the first choice is ineffective, selecting and implementing a second option
• Those who care for pets, especially dogs and cats, are better able to cope
with the stressors of life.
• Studies have shown multiple benefits of listening to music.

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