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Task 2 Painting

Laura Sofia Rodriguez Leon

The rule of thirds

is dividing in three parts the picture for
giving a better distribution of the place in
the painting. It can give more depth and it
makes the scenario of the painting wider.
It is use more in photography. how you
see in the Dali’s painting Dry brushing
The brushwork consists of using the brush
with only a little paint on it. That makes
highlighting the details easier because it
gives a better texture of specific objects.
It's usually seen in oil-based paintings.

Is a blurring and scattering technique in
which color is added over another color,
making the texture of the painting more
real and giving a sense of depth. In the
painting is used and the colors are not
completely mix.

Wet media
The canvas needs the use of water for
painting of the image, for example,
acrylics, inks, and watercolor.

It's the contrast between light and dark,
that intensifies the sense of volume.
Consequently, it makes the relief and Sgraffito
molding more evident. As you see in the It's applying layers of colors putting one
painting. layer over the other creating different
figures. Is most used when presenting
decoration in architecture, for example,
It's usually used for pencil colors because
Shadow space
they are a translucent media so when you
Is the amount of space between two
put a layer over another layer of color,
objects, how close they are of each other.
they do not cover the other layer
It gives a better distribution and
completely, they mix.
proporcional on the painting.

Shading /blending
Is the use of shadows to add depth to the
object. The shadows appears when the
object has a focal point that receive all the
light, the trace of the drawing gets dark Stencil
than the point that receive the light. Is the use of template of a specific image
that then is stamp over the canva. Is more
using on graffitis.

Is the technique consist by using thick
brushstrokes of paint on the canva,
making the brush strokes visible for the
texture and the volumen in the painting.
Digital processes
Is the use of digital technology to create
an image or a character. It can be use
also to put colors on the picture that was
drawn. It is used more in the draw of
characters in video games.

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