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ARL Student Teacher Observation dates: April 13, 14, 15

for 6th grade ELA Mater Academy, Reno, NV
ton, Mentor
m Management/Effective Learning Environment Your unit planning
ual Space Teacher candidate utilizes physical space We have established how you are using -The Daily Agenda with Essential Question and Le
in the classroom in a way that facilitates virtual resources: Google Classroom, Targets are accessible to students, it is also discus
student and teacher movement live chats, instructional videos. Bravo! reviewed and referenced within the instructional
throughout the classroom. Physical Now, how do these tools help with -The use of the essential question and learning ta
safety of students is reinforced your goals of generating student allows me to accurately assess students on their a
learning data through formative identify where they are at in their learning path t
assessment & student metacognition? that target.
-Students access to google classroom, instruction
and live chats should act as resources students ar
that they have in order to help them in their learn
-Google Classroom provides an opportunity for m
resources for students to access at all times, it als
me to ask student questions and provide student
safe place to respond to questions about their
metacognition and for me to formatively assess. I
provides me with a place to gather evidence of st
metacognition and formative assessment. It also
to provide student individual feedback (differenti
feedback) and differentiated instruction as I can p
students with individual sources as needed.
-Live Chats provide students and myself a place to
the work, clarify the lesson and provide a reteach
students. Through conversation with students, us
zoom reactions (thumbs up) I can receive formati
assessment of student understanding, especially
the smaller class size typically showing up in the l
-Instructional Videos provide a place for students
access to instruction for the assignments at all tim
assignments themselves provide formative asses
pectations There is evidence of clear expectations How are you communicating your General expectations for all areas will be shown t
nline and that students have a clear expectations for using the online modeling and examples, both poor and exempla
understanding of behavior expectations. resources and providing protocols for discussed as a class.
Teacher recognition of student student interaction with you and each Research Expectations- Students will be provided
adherence or redirection as needed other during this unit: research, of poor/bad research done and then research tha
demonstrates consistency, fairness and writing, debate, collaboration? is being expected. Students will identify why each
caring for all students. Intrinsic How are you communicating & categorized the way it is.
motivation is nurtured and praise is used reinforcing behavioral expectations for Writing Expectations- Students will be given and
appropriately. student metacognition? structure asked for them in the writing assignmen
evidence, and commentary(C.E.C). Students will b
provided with at least two examples and then fol
rubric, they will score each and explain why, wha
and what was good about the examples. Expecta
be validated by post discussion on the live chat an
reviewed on next day’s instructional video.
Debate Expectations- We will review the account
guidelines and the format they will be expected t
the debate. An example of a student debate with
will be provided for them. They will be asked to e
each “student’s” dialogue and explain why that st
or did not do well in the debate, using the accoun
guidelines as evidence.
Collaboration Expectations- Reviewing of the SAC
discussion that will be used for students to perfor
debate will be a time to communicate the expect
how students will work together to complete the
Providing students with opportunity to collaborat
prompting questions and guidelines for students
to incite collaboration. This is enforced and pract
the live chats.

Metacognitive Expectations- Making connections
essential questions and learning objectives throu
instructional videos. Making connections with tas
how the completion of those tasks demonstrate t
learning objectives. Making connections with spe
resources and how those will help/guide student
demonstrate the learning objective. I will remind
also about their task to answer reflection questio
Rapport via The teacher candidate has established a We have discussed how you and your
ction professional, caring rapport with school are doing this. Check! I will be
students as evidenced by a relaxed, looking for how you establish rapport
inclusive feeling and emotionally safe during this week’s observations
environment where students willing to through your feedback and response to
explore new learning and take academic formative assessment (FA).
risks. Appropriate boundaries are
Class The teacher candidate implements Will be looking for reference to the Each instructional video will begin with review of
planned and structured academic day’s objectives, the unit learning essential question and that day’s learning targets
activities of an appropriate length to targets, and the guiding question: How
engage all student upon entering the do we communicate in order to
classroom. “Housekeeping” and clerical convince others?
duties are completed efficiently while Will also be looking for how you
students are engaged in academic tasks. connect today’s lesson to their
previous learning & prior knowledge
based on FA.
Instruction and student engagement Will be looking for how you provide Each video will end with a connection to the task
consistently extends to the end of class time, routines, procedures, and students are to complete and how those tasks tie
(bell to bell) with the teacher maintaining behavioral expectations for reflection the learning targets and the essential question.
a structured activity until students are on the day’s learning and progress
dismissed by the teacher. toward the unit learning targets/
essential question.
Transitions reflect planning, are Will be looking for how you connect
announced, take minimal amount of time one activity to the previous and the
and do not interrupt the flow of overall learning targets/guiding
instruction or require the teacher to questions.
regain control Transitions are also opportunities for
quick formative assessment &
metacognition by students.
d Supplies There are routines in place to facilitate We discussed how you and your school Students will turn in assignments through google
ne students turning in assignments and have been addressing this topic. Yay! classroom. Each student is assigned an individual
picking up graded work, distributing and For our learning purposes at present, document with the assigned questions/tasks for s
collecting materials and textbooks which how will students turn in assignments, to complete. Feedback is provided on each individ
result in minimal loss of instructional receive feedback? Feedback is google doc when it is returned to students.
time or disruption to the learning process addressed in more detail under
and take only 1-2 minutes. “Assessment” below.
tion of Routines are evident for most activities You outlined your plan for supporting
that students can engage in without the routine of weekly metacognitive
direct teacher supervision, disruption of reflection. Will also be looking for daily
the learning environment is minimal and routines of preassessment, formative
students demonstrate appropriate level assessment and end of class reflection
of independence on learning.

ion and Planning for Instruction Your unit planning
ased Lessons are consistently based on the Research, debate, visual display. Please “Work collaboratively to research one side of a
ning standards for the content area –Nevada fill in the actual learning target or controversy that is affecting your school, commu
essential Academic Standards (NAS), Next standards. society. Then participate in a modified debate in
Generation Science Standards (NGSS), argue your position and incorporate a visual displ
and include Common Core Standards for appropriate headings and labels and/or multimed
literacy in content areas and Standards of support.”
Math Practices
Unit Plan Lesson plans are consistently prepared We decided to focus on a unit plan in Filling out this form will provide a unit plan instea
and submitted in advance and include lieu of four lesson plans because of your separate lesson plans.
clear learning objectives, student daily schedule of prepping four different
engagement strategies including student subjects and because unit planning
discourse, opportunities for student better aligns with your learning target
metacognition and formative assessment focus of formative assessment &
Questions are planned for both oral and Will be looking for a daily use of the -The essential question will be reviewed daily wit
written activities and move students to unit essential question and time for students in both the instructional videos and live
higher cognitive levels more than half the students to reflect on progress toward will also be posted for their access in the virtual le
time. that question. spreadsheet where students access their instruct
videos every day.
-Students will be provided metacognitive questio
thursday’s assignments including questions that a
students to identify the essential question and ho
work we have done for that week has allowed the
progress in answering the question.
The teacher candidate has considered How do you plan to adjust pacing -I can use formative assessment to adjust pacing
pacing when planning lessons and can based on your students’ daily determining whether students require a reminde
adjust the plan as needed during formative assessment withing the lesson the day prior, re-teach of a concept that w
instruction limitations of the Springboard scripted understood or a complete re-teach of the lesson
curriculum. different format for the same learning objective.
-I can also use formative assessment to determin
individual students may need different resources
altogether in order for them to achieve the learni
on Your unit planning
Objectives Objectives, learning targets or essential Please identify the lesson objectives for Activity 3.1
questions are consistently displayed and the four video classes observed: ● Preview the big ideas and academic voca
communicated to students several times Monday, April 13, Tuesday, April 14, and literacy terms for the unit.
during instruction. Students can Wednesday, April 15, and Thursday, ● Gain specific understanding of the acade
articulate the objective, learning target, April 16. vocabulary word controversy and its rele
essential question in their own words the unit.
● Identify and analyze the skills and knowl
needed to complete Embedded Assessm
writing assignment successfully.
Activity 3.2
● Infer the meanings of and explain the de
and connotations of vocabulary words ce
the unit, including the academic vocabul
● Practice paraphrasing to support reading
listening, and writing skills.
● Generate a controversial topic of interes
Activity 3.3
● Identify a writer’s claim and explain the
presented for or against a topic.
● Write a claim stating a position or opinio
Activity 3.4
● Identify reasons and evidence in a text a
analyze how they support claims.
● Participate in an effective debate by usin
evidence from texts, contributing ideas c
and responding to others’ ideas.

to Prior Lessons consistently include specific How will you connect to students prior For the first lesson I will using a KWL and remindi
connections to prior learning, student knowledge in each lesson? We students of instances of when we did similar task
experience or builds a basis for the new brainstormed a possible KWL as well as for students to make those connections and refle
learning through key vocabulary some student free writes suggested by
instruction and other strategies to elicit Springboard for the first two lessons. The freewrite in the second lesson will allow stud
what students already know about the reflect on the concepts prior to diving more into t
content and they make connections to and making the connection from the lesson to the
the new content. Students can articulate targets and essential question.
connections between new content and
prior learning. Each lesson will be a quick review of the tasks we
completed the day before.
Activity 3.3 discusses claims, we will go back to th
write and make a connection from the quick writ
idea of what the student’s claim was.
Activity 3.4
Students will have prior knowledge of evidence a
reasoning(commentary) from C.E.C.s Students wi
reminded of this through student examples of C.E
identify good evidence and reasoning.
agement Lessons are learner centered and include How will you use “chat,” Google -Live chats will allow students the time to collabo
a variety of engagement strategies and documents, video chats, and other lessons together through open discussion about r
frequent opportunities for structured or online tools to engage students in to the short writing prompts in each lesson. Depe
directed student discourse which remains measurable ways before, during, and the number of students in the live chat, breakout
on topic. There are opportunities for after lessons (speaking or writing)? This provided by Zoom are an opportunity for student
students to process new information or will not be measured the same way it is with each other in a small group setting.
deepen understanding of content as measured in an in person classroom -Google Documents will be used for students to c
appropriate. Student engagement is observation (i.e., counting students daily tasks/”assignments”, this will allow me to id
consistently above 90%. every five minutes). each individual students’ ability to connect with t
material and measure their engagement with the
-The chat portion on Zoom can be used as well to
students an opportunity to free-write or engage i
discussion about their understanding of a particu
concept/vocab word/open ended question.

s for Teacher candidate instructs students in How will students reflect on their Students will be provided with a question guided
on using metacognitive strategies, provides learning before, during, or after each every week to complete.
opportunities to practice using strategies lesson, as well as weekly or by unit. Students will be able to use their returned forma
and consistently provides opportunities What evidence of learning (formative assessments from daily tasks in order to use as ev
for students to engage in practices to assessment) might they use for their to how they have improved.
reflect on their learning reflection? Students will reflect on their learning during live c
well, using their tasks for that day to use as evide
whether or not they are achieving the learning ta
ered Lessons are learner centered: focused on This is where all the pieces come
we want continual assessment of student together for your self-selected learning
to know learning. Student learning is progress target. What evidence does your
ble to do? toward pre-identified learning targets unit planning provide that you have a
we know if that are created collectively by teachers learning-centered mindset when
w & can do based on the required state and federal planning for student learning?
standards (in this case by the mandated
Springboard curriculum). Learning-
we do if
centered teaching shifts the focus of
instruction from what the teacher does
we do if to how well the students learn.

ent for of student learning Your unit planning

ssessment Formative assessment drives instruction How will you use formative assessment I will use student tasks that are turned in through
and is an integral part of planning, lesson throughout the unit and during each classroom to determine what needs to be review
delivery and differentiation. lesson to inform the next day’s following day and how in depth, whether a quick
Formative assessment used consistently instruction & student metacognition? needed or an additional lesson on that learning ta
throughout instruction to monitor This also allows me to share with students how th
student understanding and adjust achieving the learning target, using their work as
instruction. of it. This allows students to be aware of their abi
achieve their learning target.
Assessment Summative assessments are based on the What is the end of unit test provided Students are to:
standards and designed prior to by Springboard? “Work collaboratively to research one side of a
instruction (Backwards Lesson Design) in controversy that is affecting your school, commu
order to guide the planning and society. Then participate in a modified debate in
instruction. Rubrics are routinely used argue your position and incorporate a visual displ
for major assignments and tests, appropriate headings and labels and/or multimed
provided in a timely manner and provide support.”
clear criteria for students
d Grading Specific feedback is provided on student ● How will students receive -Students will receive their work and feedback on
work. Student work is graded in a timely feedback informed by formative through google classroom. When collaborating, s
manner, and grades are entered correctly assessment? From the teacher? will be provided on their guided questions to give
and in a timely manner From fellow students? through accountable talk with one another.
● How will students know what is -Students will know what is expected through mo
expected for graded assignments: and rubrics.
-The only truly graded assignment will be the SAC
rubrics, checklists, models?
at the end of the first half of the unit. Formative
● What will be graded in this unit?
Assessments will be the daily tasks that will receiv
What is summative and what is feedback.
formative, i.e., what opportunities -Students can redo the SAC conversation, includin
to revise and improve grades will through claims, evidence, and reasoning, if desire
be provided? end of the unit once they receive feedback and th

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