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Effects of Disorder on Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

Mona Berciu and R. N. Bhatt
Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
(Received 17 November 2000; published 21 August 2001)
We present results of a numerical mean-field treatment of interacting spins and carriers in doped diluted
magnetic semiconductors, which takes into account the positional disorder present in these alloy systems.
Within our mean-field approximation, disorder enhances the ferromagnetic transition temperature for
metallic densities not too far from the metal-insulator transition. Concurrently, the ferromagnetic phase
is found to have very unusual temperature dependence of the magnetization as well as specific heat as a
result of disorder. Unusual spin and charge transport is implied.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.107203 PACS numbers: 75.50.Pp, 71.30. +h, 75.40.Mg

Following the discovery of a ferromagnetic transition in It is well known in conventional doped semiconductors
Ga12x Mnx As at temperatures in excess of 100 K [1–3], that the carrier wave functions are those derived from an
well above those found in counterparts based on II-VI impurity band, for densities in the vicinity of the metal-
semiconductors [4], there has been a surge in interest in insulator transition (MIT), up to a factor of 3– 5 above
the magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconduc- the MIT density, nc [14]. Density functional calculations
tors (DMS). Theoretical models abound to explain the [15] for a lattice of hydrogen atoms show this clearly. The
ferromagnetism [5–7]. While it is generally accepted that variation of critical density with uniaxial stress in doped
the ferromagnetism is due to an effective interaction be- Si and Ge [16] is in agreement with calculations based on
tween the magnetic ions (Mn) mediated by mobile carriers impurity band wave functions [17]. Local moments are
(holes, since Mn, a group II element substitutes for Ga, a known to dominate the low temperature behavior in doped
group III element), different models differ in detail, e.g., semiconductors well into the metallic phase [8,18], and the
whether the interaction is RKKY or not, and also the ap- effect is enhanced for compensated systems [19]. Raman
proximations used to model the system. measurements [20] in doped Si and infrared spectra [21]
In nonmagnetic doped semiconductors, such as phos- in GaAs also show features in the metallic phase charac-
phorus doped silicon [8], there has been no evidence for teristic of the impurity wave function.
ferromagnetism due to carriers. Indeed, carrier hopping at Ferromagnetism is found in Ga12x Mnx As not far from
low doping concentrations in the insulating phase is known a MIT, with insulating behavior seen both at low and high
to induce antiferromagnetic interactions between local- Mn concentration [22]. Further, the system is heavily com-
ized states, leading to a valence-bond-glass-like state down pensated [22–24] with a carrier density only around 10%
to the lowest observable temperatures [9]. In contrast, the Mn density. (Mn is nominally an acceptor in GaAs and
ferromagnetic tendencies were detected in doped diluted is expected to donate one hole per Mn.) The vicinity of the
II-VI magnetic semiconductors already in the insulating MIT, and the large compensation, which implies large dis-
regime at low temperatures [10], and subsequently ferro- order, motivate studying a model that takes into account
magnetism was observed in both II-VI and III-V semicon- disorder as well as the impurity potential at the outset, to
ductors at metallic doping densities. see what their effects are on the magnetic properties of the
In insulating DMS, the presence of Mn has been shown system.
[11,12] to overwhelm the antiferromagnetic interaction be- Given the added complications of disorder, we study
tween charge carriers, leading to an essentially ferromag- a model based on an impurity band of hydrogenic cen-
netic ground state. Monte Carlo simulations [13] for II-VI ters with spin-1兾2 (instead of the more complex s 苷 3兾2
DMS in the insulating phase show that the ferromagnetic wave functions appropriate for acceptors), coupled to lo-
phase is very unusual, with a highly inhomogeneous mag- calized Mn d electrons in their S 苷 5兾2 ground state. The
netic profile, leading to unconventional properties such as s 苷 3兾2 case, while technically more complicated, should
M共T兲 curve that is not described by expansions around yield qualitatively similar conclusions. The impurity band
the critical point (critical point theories) or zero tempera- is described in terms of a tight binding Hamiltonian of the
ture (spin wave theories) over most of the ferromagnetic ground state impurity wave functions at the impurity sites,
phase. By contrast, theoretical models for the metallic which are distributed randomly on the Ga sites [25]. As
regime [5,6] have been based on the homogeneous elec- in previous work [11,13], the carriers are coupled to the
tron gas, with a few exceptions, such as the possibility of Mn spins by an antiferromagnetic (AFM) Heisenberg ex-
phase separation [7]. change interaction. The Hamiltonian we study is thus

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X X µ ∂ ៬ ៬ ៬ i , where H៬i 苷
y ៬ y 1 MnP spins, j具S共i兲典j 苷 BS 共bHi 兲, S共i兲 kH
H 苷 tij cis cjs 1
Jij S共i兲 cja s ៬ ab cjb ˆ

2 2 j Jij 具sj 典 and BS 共x兲 is the Brillouin function.
i,j i,j
Xs y X The process is repeated until self-consistency is reached
2 gmB H cis cis 2 g̃mB H S z 共i兲 . (1) at each site [29]. As usual in MFA, the symmetry to spin
i 2 i rotations is spontaneously broken and the expectation val-
ues are nonzero for some direction, which we choose as
Here, R៬ i 共i 苷 1, Nd 兲 denotes the random positions of the z axis (this is equivalent to having an infinitesimally
the Mn impurities, and cis is the creation operator of small magnetic field). The average contributions to the to-
a hole with spin s in the bound state associated with tal magnetization of the P
Mn and hole spins are then propor-
the ith Mn impurity. The first term in Eq. (1) describes tional to SMn 苷 1兾Nd i 具S z 共i兲典 and sh 苷 1兾Nh i 具ŝiz 典.
the hopping of holes between various sites, with the As might be expected, below a temperature Tc , the sys-
hopping matrix tij 苷 t共jR៬ i 2 R៬ j j兲 given by t共r兲 苷 tem develops nonzero expectation values for the Mn and
2共1 1 r兾aB 兲 exp共2r兾aB 兲Ry [17], where the Ry is the hole magnetizations, through hole-induced alignment of
binding energy of the hole, Eb , and aB 苷 e h̄ 2 兾mⴱ e2 is the Mn spins. In Fig. 1 we show the average Mn and hole
the hydrogenic Bohr radius. The second term is the AFM spins as a function of temperature, T, for a system with
interaction between Mn spins S共i兲 ៬ and hole spins. Since x 苷 0.009 26 and p 苷 10%, for a typical random Mn dis-
Mn spins are strongly localized, the exchange integral is tribution (full lines). For comparison, we also show the
simply given by Jij 苷 J exp共22jR៬ i 2 R៬ j j兾aB 兲, reflect- corresponding results (dashed lines) for a system with the
ing the probability of finding the hole in the impurity same Mn concentration, but with Mn ions arranged on a
state around j on the ith Mn spin. The last line in simple cubic lattice, with a (super)lattice constant aL 苷
Eq. (1) describes interactions with an external magnetic a兾共4x兲1兾3 苷 3a. Because of their AFM interaction, the
field H. two expectation values have opposite signs, with the Mn
5 1
We study finite size lattices containing L3 simple cubic spin saturating at 2 and the hole spin saturating at 2 2
unit cells (lattice constant a) of the zinc-blende structure. at low temperatures. [The total magnetization M共T 兲 of the
Nd of the Ga fcc sublattice are substituted at random by system has a T dependence similar to that of SMn , since Mn
Mn, leading to a Mn concentration nMn 苷 4x兾a3 , where spins outnumber holes ten to one, and also have a higher
x 苷 Nd 兾4L3 . The total number of holes is Nh 苷 pNd , im- moment].
plying a hole concentration nh 苷 pnMn . In all simulations The first observation is that the magnetization of the dis-
presented in this paper we choose L such that for the corre- ordered system does not have the Brillouin-function shape
sponding x and p, we have Nh . 50 and Nd . 500, so as typical for uniform ferromagnets. This is in part due to the
to minimize finite size effects. Thus, in the absence of ex- small carrier density relative to the Mn spin density; how-
ternal magnetic fields, the problem can be scaled in terms ever, an even greater effect comes from the wide distribu-
of four dimensionless parameters: J兾Eb , aB 兾a, nh aB3 , tion of exchange couplings and hopping integrals, because
and x. of which many Mn spins do not order down to extremely
In this paper, we use parameters believed to be ap- low T. This is made clear in the inset for Fig. 1, which
propriate for Ga12x Mnx As: lattice constant a 苷 5.65 Å, compares the specific heat for the two configurations on
hole binding energy Eb 苷 112.4 meV 苷 1 Ry [26], with
a consequent Bohr radius (in our model) of aB 苷 7.8 Å
[27], and an exchange integral J 苷 15 meV [28]. Typi-
cal values of the Mn and hole concentrations are x 苷 1.0
0.01 0.05 and p 苷 5% 10% [23,24]. A more compre- 2.0

hensive study, including a number of effects left out of

this model, is being completed [29]. With these parame- 1.5 0.5

ters, the typical hopping parameter is t共4aB 兲 苷 20 meV,


though it should be emphasized that tij are distributed over 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
a wide range [29]. 0.5 10 10 10 10 10
We treat the AFM interaction within the mean-field
approximation (MFA), which leads to the replacement 0.0
៬ s៬ˆ j ! 具S共i兲典
S共i兲 ៬ ៬ 具s៬ˆ j 典 2 具S共i兲典
sˆ៬ j 1 S共i兲 ៬ 具s៬ˆ j 典, where sˆ៬ j 苷
y 1 -0.5
cja 2 s៬ ab cjb . The charge carrier Hamiltonian now con- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0
tains the hopping term and an effective on-site interaction
P 1P
j eab 共j兲cja cjb , with eab 共 j兲 苷 2 i Jij s

៬ ab 具S共i兲典, and
can be numerically diagonalized for any configuration FIG. 1. The average Mn spin SMn 共. 0兲 and the average spin
៬ per hole sh 共, 0兲 for a typical random Mn distribution (full
具S共i兲典 of the Mn spins, allowing the calculation of the lines) and a simple cubic ordered Mn distribution (dashed lines),
charge carrier spin expectation values 具sˆ៬ j 典. In turn, these both for x 苷 0.009 26 and p 苷 10% (see text). The inset shows
allow us to compute the new expectation values for the the corresponding specific heats per Mn spin.

107203-2 107203-2

a logarithmic scale for T: the disordered case shows a

pronounced peak at temperatures well below Tc , and sig-
nificantly below its lattice counterpart. Further, we find 2.0
that the average Mn moment at T 苷 0.2Tc is well below
the saturation value of 5兾2, in accord with experimental 1.5

sh, SMn
data [23], but in contrast with results obtained from homo-
geneous electron gas models.
A second, surprising result is that randomness in the 0.5
Mn positions leads to a significant increase in Tc . This is
because, in the disordered system, holes prefer regions of 0.0
higher local concentration of Mn, where they lower their
total (magnetic and kinetic) energy, by polarizing the Mn -0.5
spins and hopping among several nearby Mn sites. As a 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
result, these regions of higher Mn concentration become kBT/ J
spin polarized at higher temperatures than in the uniform
FIG. 2. The average Mn spin SMn and average spin per hole
system, and the resultant Tc is increased. This is similar sh for doping concentration x 苷 0.009 26 and p 苷 10%. In in-
to a percolationlike situation. We caution that this increase creasing order of Tc , the curves correspond to ordered, weakly
may be significantly overestimated in a MFA such as ours, disordered, moderately disordered, and completely random dis-
since spin fluctuations between weakly coupled polarized tributions of Mn (see text).
clusters are not treated accurately.
On the other hand, in a disordered system, the lower does not include band states, is likely to be less accurate
density Mn regions have a lower than average probability at high densities.) In Fig. 3 we show the Mn and hole
to be visited by the holes, and as a result the Mn spins spins for both the simple cubic superlattice and the ran-
in these regions only align ferromagnetically at extremely dom Mn distribution on the fcc sublattice for x 苷 0.05 for
low temperatures (see Fig. 1); such an effect is probably two different p. While Tc is again larger in the random
well captured by our scheme. We would like to emphasize system in MFA, the percentage increase is smaller than
the fact that the holes at the Fermi energy at the densities in the x 苷 0.009 26 case. Increasing the hole concentra-
studied are either itinerant, or close to being so. An analy- tion from p 苷 10% to p 苷 30% makes the curves more
sis of hole wave functions [29] shows this delocalization, Brillouin-like. This is because the fluctuations in the lo-
along with the higher weight of holes in the regions of high cal doping are smaller at higher Mn concentrations, and
Mn concentration. This delocalization is responsible for increased hole doping further reduces the width of the ex-
alignment of the polarization at these high temperatures change distribution.
(relative to the insulating system [13]). Holes traveling Our model, being based on the low doping limit, likely
between various high-density regions force the alignment overestimates the role of disorder; however, because fer-
of Mn spins in each region to be the same, in order to romagnetism in DMS is seen at low doping densities, not
minimize their kinetic energy. too far from the metal-insulator transition, our work does
This picture can be checked by “tuning” the amount of strongly suggest that models based on the homogeneous
disorder (randomness) in the Mn positions. In Fig. 2 we
show the average hole and Mn spins curves, for four types
of Mn distributions, with x 苷 0.009 26 and p 苷 10%. In 2.5
order of increasing Tc , they are (a) an ordered Mn cubic
superlattice; (b) weak disorder, corresponding to randomly
displacing each Mn in (a) to one of the 12 nearest-neighbor 1.5
sites of the underlying fcc sublattice; (c) moderate disorder,
sh, SMn

corresponding to a random distribution of Mn on the fcc 1.0

sublattice, subject to a constraint that all Mn-Mn distances
are greater than 2a; (d) completely random distribution
of Mn on the fcc sublattice. With increasing randomness, 0.0
Tc increases, while saturation of M共T兲 is simultaneously
pushed to lower T. The sensitivity to disorder suggests -0.5
that carrier density is not the only parameter characterizing 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
the ferromagnetic behavior in DMS; indeed, since original kBT/J
submission of this manuscript, changes in M共T兲 curves
with annealing time have been seen experimentally [30]. FIG. 3. The average Mn spin SMn and the average spin per
hole sh for doping concentration x 苷 0.05 and p 苷 10% (thick
We find a qualitatively similar picture holds for higher lines) and 30% (thin lines) for typical random Mn distributions
Mn concentrations as well as higher hole densities, though (full lines) and simple cubic ordered Mn distributions (dashed
the effects are quantitatively less. (Our model, which lines).

107203-3 107203-3

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In conclusion, the nature of ferromagnetism in doped located at the Mn spin sites, in II-VI semiconductors the
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transition density, is strongly affected by disorder, which leading to substantial quantitative differences.
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simple uniform magnets [32]. This versatility makes DMS me 兾关g1 2 共6g3 1 4g2 兲兾5兴 苷 0.56me where for GaAs
ferromagnetism near the MIT a very interesting problem g1 苷 7.65, g2 苷 2.41, g3 苷 3.28 (see Bhattacharjee
from a theoretical point of view. Adding to the richness and Guillaume p above), the Bohr radius of the impurity
are possible effects of direct Mn-Mn interactions in con- is aB 苷 h̄兾 共2mh Eb 兲 苷 7.8 Å [B. I. Shklovskii and
centrated systems (which lead to spin-glass behavior in A. L. Efros, Electronic Properties of Doped Semicon-
undoped II-VI DMS [33]), the existence of a ferromag- ductors (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984)]. This agrees
netic metal-insulator transition (unlike conventional doped with the hydrogenic model result for the hole, for which
semiconductors and amorphous alloys), and the likely un- aB 苷 e2 兾共2eEb 兲 苷 7.82 Å, using e 苷 10.66 [26]. While
this good agreement is likely fortuitous, similar values
usual electron and spin transport characteristics because
(aB 艐 10 Å) have been used in literature [see Van Esch
of disorder. et al. (Ref. [3])].
This research was supported by NSF DMR-9809483. [28] The exchange integral is J 苷 3e, where e 苷 5 meV is the
M. B. acknowledges support from NSERC, Canada. value obtained in Ref. [26] for the AFM interaction of a
R. N. B. acknowledges the hospitality of the Isaac Newton hole with the spin of its impurity Mn. We include the factor
Institute for Mathematical Sciences and of the Aspen of 3 as the simplest way to account for the fact that the
Center for Physics while this research was ongoing. heavy holes have spin projections jz 苷 6 32 , while in our
model they are modeled as sz 苷 6 12 objects.
[29] Mona Berciu and R. N. Bhatt (unpublished).
[30] S. J. Potashnik et al., cond-mat/0105541.
[31] For this reason, the numbers obtained in this paper are
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