Skills Check Junior Year 1

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Gillian Myers

Skills Check

October 29th, 2019

Skills Check

During my job shadowing opportunity at the Acworth Health Park in my fall semester, I

observed how medical professionals interact with young children. Multiple techniques were used

to calm a patient or interact with them, skills that only come with experience. I learned how to

communicate with a parent effectively about their child and take accurate patient histories. I was

allowed to hand the parents their child’s prescription papers or growth charts and inform the

parents about the risks and benefits of each. I also learned how to indirectly communicate with a

younger patient as they do not understand words we use every day. To talk effectively with a

young patient and have them understand and give you feedback is a critical skill and a necessity

while taking accurate histories. I am glad I had the opportunity for this learning experience and I

hope to grow from this.

In my spring semester I have learned to be observational and more non-biased towards

my surroundings. I had Honors Forensic Science this semester, and the whole course revolves

around making correct non-biased observations to solve a case. The activities and daily work

helped me grow to take note of everything, something I will need as a medical professional in the


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