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Course Name: English 12 Unit Plan Day: DAY 5

Level: General grade 12 Lesson Duration: 90 minutes

Lesson Objective:
• At the end of the lesson, my students will know how to effectively participate in

Standard Alignment (state and national):

RL.11-12.2, SL.11-12.1


Include a description of the lesson activities, clarifying: 1) what the student will be
doing, 2) what the teacher will be doing. and 3) how long the specific activity should
Estimated Teacher Does: Students Do:
Time: This section should describe What are the students doing during
[i.e. 5 minutes, what the teacher is doing or this time? What activities are they
7 minutes] saying to guide student engaged with? Are they working
understanding. ​Include at least independently or in groups?
three quotes of what a teacher
would say to guide the
mini-lesson or lesson plan.
Warm-up “As you come in, arrange your Students will set up the classroom
10 minutes desk for discussion and get out and complete warm up.
your journals. Once you’ve got
your desk situated, turn to
today’s page and write down
what you thinkmakes a good
Discussion “So what I have here is a Students will provide their
norms document where I’ll be recording discussion norms in order to
15 minutes our discussion norms. compile a list of class expectations
Everything you guys have for discussion.
written in your journals
constitutes our ‘norms,’ so let
me hear what all you have.”
Take student responses and
record on document, it’s
rephrasing if necessary.
Discussion Discussion facilitation: Students will participate in
60 minutes encourage positive discussion. \
contributions, use talk moves to
direct discussion towards
identifying literary devices,
praise use of evidence and
productive transitions, use talk
moves to clarify student points
or extend thinking.

Synthesis “As we wrap up our discussion, Record take-always in journal.

lets return to our journal page
from today and write down two
take-aways from today’s

What materials or equipment is needed to support this lesson?

In this section, specifically describe how you integrated contemporary instructional
methods that we’ve discussed in this class to support diverse groups of student
learners. Please visit our course syllabus to ensure that you address methods and
concepts from each area of our class study. Cite your resources and include them in
the “References” section below.
This section should be no longer than 1/2-page, single-spaced.
Burke (2013) dedicates an entire chapter to speaking and listening skills in the ELA
classroom. While some of this speaks to presentations or speeches, a great deal
pertains to the whole-class discussion. The first part of planning a discussion involves
establishing expectations with the students, hence the time spent discussing the
norms prior to the discussion. ZThis method allows students to consider what they
themselves value in discussion, as well as become valuable and accountable
contributors before the discussion even starts. Additionally, Burke identifies three
broad topics for discussion: “the author’s craft, major themes in the work, [or] big
questions” (223). The launch for this discussion is asking students what they found
most impactful in the text. This launch allows students to begin with a subjective and
personal starting point as a means of engaging them. As we move forward, students
will be prompted to focus on matters of authors craft, and how these authorial choices
impact our interpretation of the text— much like the close-read from the day before.
Finally, Burke identifies ways to “extend the benefits of the discussion” by using notes
from the discussion “as the basis for a paper,” and collecting discussion notes as a
“check for understanding and effort.” This extension is the basis for requiring students
to take notes during the discussion and turn them in afterwards.

Please include the correct APA citations for each of the resources cited above.

Burke, J. (2013). Speaking and Listening. In The English teacher's companion: A

completely new guide to classroom, curriculum, and the profession. Portsmouth, NH:

Please list any handouts that will be used as part of this lesson plan and before the next
day’s lesson plan. Include copies of handouts after the lesson plan.

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