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In the name of Allah, the Most

Gracious, the Most Merciful

Miracles of Knowledge Found in The
Noble Qur’an and The Teachings of
Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him

Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
University of Surrey – England
How does Satan Affect People?

Mental Illnesses and Disturbances:

Diagnosis and Cure From The Noble
Qur’an and The Teachings of Prophet
Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him
What is Satan and How does it affect
 An Atheist: He will tell you that Satan does
not exist.
 A Christian: Most Christians think that Satan
is a mystical figure that exists but it does not
affect people what so ever.
 A Muslim: He believes that Satan exists,
however, he does not know the mechanism by
which Satan affects him with.
The Noble Qur’an
Allah’s (God) Final Revelation to All That Exists:
The Message of Islam and The Noble Qur’an
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most
 Prophet Mohammad (May
Compassionate The Most Merciful
Allah’s peace and Blessings be
upon him)
 Miracles of the Prophet:
 The main theme of the People
of This time: • 1. Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)):
"He is Allah (God), (the) One
 Knowledge
• 2. Allah (God) The Self-Sufficient Master,
 Final Revelation: Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor
 Revealed to prophet Mohammad drinks
(PBUH) more than 1400 years • 3. He begets not, nor was He begotten .
ago through the angle Gabriel • 4. And there is none co-equal or comparable
 Continuing Miracle of the Noble unto Him
Qur’an till the day of Judgment
What are The Miracles of Knowledge in The Noble Qur’an?
The Importance of The Miracles of Knowledge
Found in The Noble Qur’an
Allah’s (God) infinite mercy to mankind
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

The Noble Qur’an (35: 43)

43. You will not find any change in the way of

Allah (God) nor you will find any deviation in
the way of Allah (God) Almighty
Facts deduced from the
Noble Qur’an
What is your The Voice of
companion devil? Oneself

The devil who is

The voice you
assigned to you
at your birth speak with

He has a voice and

Which is the
He speaks to you same voice you
think with
The Mechanisms by which
Satan affects Humans with
Understanding the effect of Satan on humans from the Noble Qur’an

You seek refuge with Allah

(God) Almighty from the devil
which whispers and hides from And Satan tricks and
you agitates you with His voice
The Noble Qur’an (114:4) The Noble Qur’an (17:64)

How can your companion devil speak to you and in the same time
Make you think that he does not exist?

The only way is to your companion devil to match his voice to

The one you think with in regards to its frequency, pitch, style, and
Even the languages you know
Scientific proof to the manner by
which Satan affects humans by
Scientific proof for the effect of Satan on people
Ideas that are contained in the whispers
of Satan as described in the Noble
Ideas that are contained in the voices Qur’an
people with mental illnesses hear
Dr. Andrew Lewis
 The ideas can be
classified as:  Satan commands you:
 Harm  Harm
 Lust  Lust
 Filth
 Blasphemy  Blasphemy
Satan (your companion devil)
is the sole reason for mental
illnesses and disturbances
OCD (Obsessive Compulsory Disorder)
 Diagnosis and symptoms
 Hearing voices and recurrent thoughts that cause pain, restless,
mental stress, etc.
 A losing battle between rational self (as represented by an individual’s futile
attempts ay using reason to combat the disorder) and the brain’s capacity to
create unreasonable automatic thoughts accompanied by uncontrolled emotional
upheaval. (Dr. Steven Phillipson).
 Source of the disease:
 Unknown
 Treatment:
 Anti-depressive pills causing slowing down of brain activity.
 Measures to hurt oneself to stop these thoughts
 Effectiveness of treatment
 Increased pain and suffering
 None of these treatment methods is working
How to deal with the
whispers of Satan?
Step 1:
Seeking refuge with Allah (God)
Almighty when a whisper from
Satan comes to you
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

The Noble Qur’an (7: 200-201)

200. And if an evil whisper comes to you from Satan then seek refuge with
Allah (God). Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
201. Verily, those who are pious, when an evil thought comes to them from
Satan, they remember (Allah (God)), and (indeed) they then see (aright).

So that a person would remember that these

whispers are from Satan (the companion Devil)
Seek refuge with
and that Allah (God) will not hold him
Allah (God)
responsible for hearing them, however, He will
hold a person responsible for whether he agrees
and carries the ideas of Satan out or not
Step 2:
Do not carry out the ideas
contained in the whispers of
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

The Noble Qur’an (2: 168)

168. O people! Eat of that which is lawful and good on the
earth, and follow not the footsteps of Satan (your companion
devil). Verily, he is an open enemy to you.

Thus a person should not

Do not follow the believe and carry out the
footsteps of Satan
ideas of Satan contained
within the whispers
The Advice of Prophet Mohammad PBUH on
How to deal with the Whispers of Satan?

 Sahih Bokhari (A book containing a

collection of narrations of Prophet
Mohammad PBUH) Narration No. 3206:
Satan comes to you and tells you who created
this? and who created this?, until He says
who created your Lord? So if you experience
this then seek refuge with Allah (God)
Almighty and stop.
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

107. And Allah (God) Almighty has sent you (O

Muhammad PBUH) not but as a mercy for all that exists.
The Noble Qur’an (21: 107)
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

The Noble Qur’an (18: 50)

50. And (remember) when Allah (God) Almighty said to the

angels; "Prostrate to Adam." So they prostrated except Iblîs
(Satan). He was one of the jinns; He disobeyed the Command of
His Lord. Will you then take him (Satan) and his offspring as
friends, and helpers rather than Me (Allah (God) Almighty)
while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for
the wrong-doers.
The manner by which Satan
affects humans with as explained
in the Teachings of Prophet
Mohammad PBUH
Evidence from the Sayings of Prophet
Mohammad PBUH
A man came to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
and said to him: O messenger of Allah I speak
to myself with ideas which are the last thing I
would like to think to myself. The prophet
(PBUH) then said: Allah is the greatest, Allah
is the greatest, all praise to Allah who limited
the effect of Satan to the act of whispering
Satan stimulating the neural
nodes in the human brain by
Satan stimulation of the neural nodes of people
 Satan matches the frequency of his voice with the one you think
 To trick you in believing that the voices you hear that go against Allah
(God) Almighty guidance are from your own self Satan stimulates the
neural node by blowing in it which triggers emotions which
correspond to the whisper he just whispered to you.

Neural node
Neural node

Satan deception to let you see a bad deed as a good one and a good
deed as a bad one
Stimulation of neural nodes by Satan I deas that Satan whispers in your head

Feelings of anger, agitation, Ides telling you that Muslims are

etc. wrong, bad ideas about the Noble
Qur’an, etc.

Feelings of Happiness, content, I deas that J esus Christ died for

love, etc. you, You can do what you like
(adultery, drinking, etc.) and you
will be saved not like Muslims

A group of people don’t believe

A group of people believe the
these ideas and seek the truth with
logic and knowledge ideas they are hearing

This group think that they are so

The faith of these people
smart and can see things in a way all
is tested by these ideas people can’t. Not realizing that they
and whispers are following Satan’s ideas
Examples on The Effect of
The Stimulation of Neural
Nodes By Satan On Humans
-Encouraging adultery
-Dis-encouraging becoming a Muslim
Satan Effect In Dreams
The Sayings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
about the dreams from Satan
 Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said that whoever saw me
in his dream then he indeed saw me. Since Satan can’t
take my image in dreams.
 He also said: If Someone saw a dream from Satan then he
or she shouldn’t tell anyone how Satan tried to
manipulate him or her in their dream.
 Sahih Muslim (Authentic saying of the Prophet (PBUH))
What is the reason that you Because these lies contain
shouldn’t tell anyone about distortions to the purity of
the lies and deception of the message of Allah
Satan in your sleep? (God) Almighty
The Effect of Satan on The Book of
Revelations In The Bible
 A dream “John” had where he saw things and
heard things.
 “John” is writing a dream
 An animal with seven horns and horrifying
 That is a nightmare and works of the Satan
 Where the cursed one “Satan” appeared to John
in the form and appearance of Jesus pbuh and
told him that he is alpha and Omega
 Tightening his plot and using Allah attributes on
Jesus to tighten his lies which he whispered to
How can you distinguish
between your thoughts and those
of your companion devil?
How to tell that an idea is from you or
?from Satan
169. Your companion devil (Satan) commands you what is
harmful, sinful, and to say about Allah (God) Almighty what you
have no knowledge of.

 By the ideas contained in the thought

 If the idea contained in the voice you hear is one or more of
the following:
 Harm: To hurt yourself or others
 Lust: perverted sexual ideas and fantasies
 Blasphemy: To say about Allah (God) Almighty what you don’t have
knowledge of and to try to distort the purity of the message of God
 Ideas that cause you sadness, despair, depression
 Then the idea is from Satan
What Satan aims to achieve from
the ideas He whispers in the
minds of people?
168. O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and good on the earth, and follow not the
footsteps of Satan. Verily, he is to you an open enemy.
169.Satan commands you only what is evil and sinful, and that you should say against
Allah (God) Almighty what you know not.

Intentionally hurting oneself The Noble Qur’an (2: 168-169)

To hurt yourself
Mockery, insults, physical abuse
Sadism To hurt others

Dirty words and stories
Lust 2

Mocking the Noble Qur’an

Taking partners with Allah (God) Almighty
To blaspheme against 3
Like a son Allah (God) Almighty
Some of the aims of Satan for People

 Harm yourself
 Harm others

 Lust

 To blaspheme against Allah (God)

 Forgetfulness

 Lack of concentration
How to deal with the whispers
and ideas of your companion
devil (Satan)?
How to deal with the whispers of Satan?

Step 1: The first step on how Step 2: The next action a

to deal with the ideas of Satan person should perform when
can be found in verse 36 of an idea of Satan comes to
chapter 41: him is stated in verse 168 of
chapter 2 of The Noble
The translation of the above verse is:
36. And if an evil whisper from Satan
comes to you, then seek refuge in Allah
(God) Almighty. Verily, He is the All-
Hearer, the All-Knower. The translation of the above verse is:
168. O people eat of that which is
lawful and good on the earth, and do
not follow the footsteps of Satan.
Verily, he is an open enemy to you.
The Advice of Prophet Mohammad PBUH on
How to deal with the Whispers of Satan?

 Sahih Bokhari (A book containing a

collection of narrations of Prophet
Mohammad PBUH) Narration No. 3206:
Satan comes to you and tells you who created
this? and who created this?, until He says
who created your Lord? So if you experience
this then seek refuge with Allah (God)
Almighty and stop.
A Message from Allah (God)
Almighty to People as a whole
regarding Satan
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

The Noble Qur’an (18: 50)

50. And (remember) when Allah (God) Almighty said to the

angels; "Prostrate to Adam." So they prostrated except Iblîs
(Satan). He was one of the jinns; He disobeyed the Command of
His Lord. Will you then take him (Satan) and his offspring as
friends, and helpers rather than Me (Allah (God) Almighty)
while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for
the wrong-doers.
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

The Noble Qur’an (36: 60-62)

60. Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, that you should
not worship Satan. Verily, he is a plain enemy to you.
61. And that you should worship Me [i.e. listen to my commandments
and guidance]. That is a Straight Path.
62. And indeed He (Satan) did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did
you not, then, understand?
Allah’s (God) Almighty infinite
mercy to people
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

107. And Allah (God) Almighty has not sent you except as
mercy to all that exists.
The Noble Qur’an (21: 107)
A Message from Allah (God)
Almighty to the People of the Book
(i.e. Jews and Christians) regarding
Satan’s affect on them
77. Say (O Muhammad PBUH): "O people of the
Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Exceed not the limits in
your religion (by believing in something) other than the
truth, and do not follow the vain desires of people who
went astray in times gone by, and who misled many, and
strayed (themselves) from the Right Path."

The Noble Qur’an (5:77)

Reflecting Upon The Bible
(Satan’s Effect In The Bible)
 1. Ideas of Harm (i.e. instructions to hurt
oneself and others) contained in the Bible:
 2 Kings 18:27 and Isaiah 36:12: The idea of
eating human fesses and drinking urine is found
 Malachi 2:3: It is stated there to spread fesses on
the face of humans.
 Ezekiel 4:12-15: Instructions are there to eat
good food with fesses.
Reflecting Upon The Bible
 2. Ideas of Lust (Perverted sexual acts)
contained in the Bible:
 1 Timothy 5:23: Where it is stated that
drinking wine is better than drinking water.
 Genesis 19:33-35: Where it is stated that Lut
(Prophet Lut peace be upon him) committed
incest with His daughters.
 2 Samuels 13:10-14: It is stated there that a
brother committed incest with His sisters.
Reflecting Upon The Bible
 3. Ideas of Blasphemy against Allah (God)
Almighty: In numerous places in the Bible
ideas are presented to say about Allah (God)
Almighty what people have no knowledge of,
such as:
 Isaiah 7:20: Allah (God) Almighty is pictures as
a barber.
 1 Samuel 6:19: It is stated that Allah (God)
Almighty killed 50070 people for looking into a
 John 3:16: It is stated that Allah (God)
Almighty has a son who He begot.
 4. Satan is pictured as a God in the Bible:
 Corinthians (4:4)
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

The Noble Qur’an (3: 64)

64. Say (O Muhammad SAW): "O people of the Scripture (Jews and
Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we
worship none but Allah (God) Almighty, and that we associate no
partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords
besides Allah (God) Almighty. Then, if they turn away, say: "Bear
witness that we are Muslims."
Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi
Ph.D. In Biomedical Engineering

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