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Leadership Experiences and Future Goals

Leadership Experience

● Department Chair – Social Studies

● Grade Level Lead – 11th grade
● Senior Committee Advisor – Planned and executed Prom, Graduation and senior activities
● Student Leadership Advisor – school-wide student government
● Literacy Task Force member – created district wide literacy framework
● Union Representative – CNTA (CTA chapter)
● PLC lead – formally trained
● New teacher coach - mentored year 1 teachers
● Culture Team member – school-wide culture initiatives
● SST Lead
● State Policy advocate through TeachPlus fellowship
● Presented at CCSA national conference on teacher voice
● Founding school Principal - academics, staff development, Special Education, English Learners

Future Leadership Goals

Goal 1: Understand and use research Objective: Create a comprehensive Special Education outline that explains how all students are
to advocate for inclusive policies and equitably served at our school
practices at the school-wide level
through creating a comprehensive Rationale: There is an explicit need to create strategic school-wide plans for students with IEPs in
Special Education Program order to ensure equitable outcomes

NBPTS: Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning

TLMD: Domain 4: Facilitates improvements in instruction and student learning

Goal 2: Continue my growth and Objective: Create a PD series to roll out our school-wide literacy framework that invests teachers and
knowledge of adult learning theory promotes literacy across all subjects
and best practices in professional
development to be able to create Rationale: The quality of professional development is directly tied to school-wide outcomes and this
engaging and supportive PD leaders should study and process the need for quality PD

NBPTS: Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn from experience

TLMD:Domain 3: Promotes professional learning for continuous improvement

Teacher Inquiry: Preparing the roll out of our literacy framework in a way that promotes buy in and
effectively leads our school-wide efforts in literacy across all subjects

Goal 3: In the next few years I would Objective: Create a 3 year plan that allows me to succeed in studying for and passing the CPACE
like to pass my CPACE and decide on along with having a plan that places me in a stable leadership role in order to complete induction
a clear induction program for my
administrative credential Rationale: There is a need for Latina school leaders as they directly impact teacher recruitment of
color and retention and they also make up one of the smallest percents of current school leadership
despite latino students making up a majority of public school students

NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are members of professional communities

TLMD: Domain 7: Advocates for student learning and the profession

Elevator Pitch
Hello my name is Rebecca Rodriguez and this is my second year as the founding principal for Vox Collegiate of Los Angeles, a
middle school in South LA. Prior to this I helped open Camino Nuevo Miramar High school in Pico Union where I spent 5 years
developing the History department as chair, the school-wide instructional program and culture plan as grade level lead. I have spent
the last 7 years of education developing my knowledge on trauma informed practices, the neuroscience of education and
transformative justice practices all in efforts to create more equitable spaces for children and teachers of color. I have served in a
leadership role since the beginning of my work in education and have come to deeply value the teacher-leader relationship as a
transformative tool for education. Coherent school planning alongside strong professional development is the gateway to creating the
schools that will begin to undo generations of marginalization and under-resourced outcomes. Leadership can be daunting, but it is a
space of possibility and one I am ready to embrace.

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