Art Week4 PDF

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Week 4

April 6, 2020- April 10, 2020

Step 1:
Click the link below to watch this ted talk:

Step 2:
Research the artist, Vik Muniz to answer the questions below on a google doc:
1. Where was he born?
2. Where does he currently practice?
3. What materials does he use to create art?
4. Why does he choose to create art form those materials?
5. What did you think of his artwork?

Step 3:
I want you to find one of Vik Muniz’s artworks that you like that was made out of unique
materials(make sure you have access to the materials). Then create your own piece of art using
the same materials. This should not be a copy, but your own idea. When you have completed
your piece take a photo, and attach it to the google doc.

Step 4:
Create an artist statement from your artwork on the google doc:
- Which one of Vik Muniz’s artwork did you chose? And why?
- What materials did you use?
- What did you think of experimenting with these new materials?
- What is your artwork of and why did you want to create this?

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