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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu

mẫu miễn phí


NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

I. Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the

1. A. dubbing  B. robot C. climbing D. sober

2. A. cube  B. document C. business D. huge

3. A. advantage  B. adventure C. addition  D. advertise

4. A. coughs  B. attacks C. repeats D. mouths

5. A. idiom  B idea C. item D. identical

 II. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.

2. Hurry up or our favorite TV programme (be) over long before we (reach) home.

3. If we don’t hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there.

4. The classroom is still very dirty. I don’t think it (clean).

5. We (tell) not to go out at nights recently.

6. Thank for your help. If you (not help) me , I (not pass) the exam.

7. You (be) to the laboratory this week?

8. David (repair) the TV set at the moment. He (work) at it for one hour or so.

9. He was busy packing, for he (leave) that night.

10. Hello, Pat. I (phone) to ask if you (do) anything this Saturday .

11. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.

III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences.

1. $1000! Thank you for your………………….                                (generous)

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2. Please accept this present as a token of our……….                (grateful)

3. The soldier was accused of……… because he ran away,       (coward)

4. The duty of the police is the………….. of law and                     (maintain)

5. My dog never does what it is told, it’s very………………..           (obey)

6. The children were surprised at the sudden……………… of their teacher.          (enter)

7. You can find out what a book is about by looking at the table of……………         

8. The song has………… been selected for the Sea Games 22nd, Vietnam,            (office)

9. The homemade ice-cream…………. after it had been in the freezer for an hour.   (hard)

10. It is really quite that we should have been at the same college without having met
before, (ordinary)

IV. Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence.

1. Nobody was injured in the accident,……………. ?

A.was there B. was he C. were they D.wasn’t it.

2. You are……. who noticed.

A.the single B. the only C. only one  D. the only one

3. Parents have no control…………… their children these days.

A.for B. over C. on  D. with

4. Several people,………….. voice could be clearly heard, were waiting outside.

A.whose B. their C. of which    D.whom

5. We….. her a happy birthday.

A.wished B. said C. told      D.wanted

6. Your room is a mess ! …. It up at once.

A.arrange B. make     C. tidy

7. Could you … .me ten pounds until next pay day?
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A.let B. provide     C. borrow     D. lend

8. My bag’s gone. I’ve been…………..

A.stolen B. robbed   C. kidnapped    D. thieved

9. The boy……. long hair was talking to the girl who was…………

A.with/in B. of/at C. in/with  D. at/of

10. The poor woman with her two children……………… in a street corner.

A. was seen beg  B. was seen begging

C. were seen begging  D. were seen beg.

11. You can by a lot of farm products……………………………….. sale at the Fair

A. in B. for  C. to     D. by
12. The dinner smelt………………

A.good B.well   C. to be good      D. very well

13. Listen carefully. I’m going to give you………………advice.

A.a few B. some   C.few      D. little

14. …………………at 212 degrees F

A.Waters boils B. Water boils   C.The water boils   D. Waters boil

15. The economic conditions today are……………………… they were in the past.

A. much more good  B. much better than

C. much better  D. the best than.

V. Fill in each blank with one suitable word.


Are some people born cleaver and others born (1)………………….. ? Or is

intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the
answer to both these (2)………… is “Yes”. To some extent, our intelligence is given at
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu
mẫu miễn phí

birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a (3)………………….

born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring surrounding
will develop his intelligence less than (4)…………………… who lives in rich and
varied surrounding. Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth but (5)
…………………. or not he reaches those limits will (6)……………….. on his
environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.
It is easy to show that intelligence is something we are born with (7)……………………..
we take two unrelated people at random from the population. It is likely that (8)
……………….. degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand,
we take children-identical twins, they will very likely be (9)……………. intelligent as
other. This clearly suggests that intelligence depends on (10)………………..

VI. Read the passage carefully then answer the questions below.

Higher education is given in colleges and universities. The average course is four years.
Students choose a major and take courses in this subject. After four years they get a
bachelor degree. Then the students may go on to graduate school and, with a year or two
of further study, get a master’s degree. After another two or three years of study, they may
get a still higher degree as doctor of philosophy. Higher education trains people to become
teachers, nurse, engineers or do other professional work. Lawyers and doctors must go to
school longer than four years.

1. What degree do students get after four years of higher education?

2. How long does it take a student to obtain a master’s degree?

3. Who must go to school longer than four years?

4. How long is the average course in an American university?’

5. How long is a student trained into a teacher?

VII. a) Choose the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it.

1. Could you mind telling me the way to the nearest restaurant?

2. I’d prefer to do it on myself because other people make me nervous.

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mẫu miễn phí

3. I read something about Tararino’s new film on that magazine.

4. Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night, we must wait
until the next meeting to vote.

5. A dictionary is something which 1 have wished to have for years.

b) Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.

1. My father/ person / whom/1 / respect / most / my family.

2. However/ hard / she / try / couldn’t / pass / driving test.

3. He/ not / know/ where / his friend Liz/ live.

4. I / be/ invited/ her party / the occasion/ birthday last week.

5. The sooner/medicine/better/feel/

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues.

1. If people deliberately start a fire, they should be punished.

—> I think anyone…………………………………………………………………         

2. So I bought neither.

—> So I didn’t…………………………………………………………………………

3. Terry will get over his illness. Then his work will improve.

—> Once…………………………………………………………………………………

4. It’s thought that the accident was caused by human error.

—> The accident is …………………………………………………………………………

5. You can’t visit the United States unless you get a visa.

—>If you………………………………………………………………………………

6. I burst into tears when I heard the bad news.

—> I broke…………………………………………………………………………………
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mẫu miễn phí

7. John little realizes just what it’s going to be like working in a restaurant kitchen.

—> Little…………………………………………………………………………………

8. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their
second child.

—> Only when……………………………………………………………………………

9. You are under no obligation to accept their offer.

—> You can please………………………………………………………………………

10. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.

—> Martin’s poor …………………………………………………………………………


I. Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the

1. C         2. C        3.D        4.D         5.A

II. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.

are blaming will have been – reach

will have been sold has been cleaned

have been told hadn’t helped – wouldn’t have passed

have you been? is repairing – has been working

would leave are phoning – are doing

should stop

III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu
mẫu miễn phí

1. enerosity 2. gratitude
3. cowardice 4. maintaining/ maintenance

5. disobedient 6. entry
7. contents 8. officially
9. hardened 10. extraordinary
 IV. Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence.

l.C           2.D             3.B            4.A           5.A             6.C            7.D              8.B

9.A          10.B           11.B            12.A         13.B            14.C          15.B

V. Fill in each blank with one suitable word.

1.stupid 2. questions

3.person 4. that
5. whether 6. depend
7. if 8. their/the

9. as 10. birth

VI. Read the passage carefully then answer the questions below.

1. A bachelor’s degree 2. A year or two   3. Lawyers and doctors

4. Four years   5. Four years

VII. a) Choose the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it.

1. Could —> Would 2. on myself —> by myself

3. on that magazine —> in that magazine 4. less —> fewer

5. something which —> something that

 b) Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.

1. My father is the person whom I respect the most in my family.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu
mẫu miễn phí

2. However hard she tried, she couldn’t pass her driving test.

3. He doesn’t know where his friend, Liz lives.

4. I was invited to her party on the occasion of her birthday last week.

5. The sooner you take medicine, the better you feel.

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues.

1. I think anyone who starts a fire should be punished.

2. So I didn’t buy any

3. Once Terry gets over his illness, his work will improve.

4. The accident is thought to have been caused by human error

5. If you don’t get a visa, you can’t visit The United States.

6. I broke down when I heard the bad news

7. Little does John realize just what it’s going to be like working in a restaurant kitchen.

8. Only when Alice and Charles had (had) their second child, did they decide to move to a
bigger house.

9. You can please yourself (yourselves) about whether you accept their offer or not.

10. Martin’s poor health doesn’t stop (prevent) him from enjoying life.

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