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HexEdit Revision History

--- 01/26/08 2.20

Universal Binary build! (thanks to the XCode 2.4 project and a few byte swaps
required submitted by Svitkine)
Removed cvs header items (just made merges harder and we're on svn now anyway)
Hopefully updated svn repository with good resource files (thanks to sieghard)
New files are once again saved with the correct default HexEdit file type of BINA
(existing files creator/type are not changed!)
Converted resource files into data-fork resource files and text .r sources
Converted codewarrior project to use .r files for resources instead of .rsrc files
(couldn't use datafork resources!)
Saved copy/paste commands for re-creating .r resource files (took a full day to
figure out! And stupid things like 'TEXT' are unknown!)
Put in Ben's new bundle plist that should (hopefully) fix the OS X "everthing, esp.
.dmg files, opens with HexEdit) issues!
Checked in a 68K application in MacBinary and .zip format as the actual app looses
it's resource fork in svn
Made sure XCode 2.0 and 2.4 and CW 8 projects compile, link and application built
Added new icons (thanks to Ben Boldt)
Improved compare w/highlighting changes (thanks to George Warner)
Fixed print offsets (thanks to Ritchie)
Reports of paste not working in find dialog; unable to repo so hopefully fixed
Fixed File menu resource in classic (missing item broke file compare, quit, etc)
Fix FAT linking order (Carbon must come first, so 68K resources don't overwrite)
HexEdit is now distributed two separate archives for a cleaner end user experience:
1. Application & Documentation: a .dmg image for easy drag and drop install
2. Source code & related build files in a .zip archive for cross platform use
The version control repository on sourceforge was migrated from cvs to svn
The new svn archive now includes the distribution folder as well as the source
(one of the many advantages of switching to svn)

--- 08/25/05 2.00

Added PPC DisassemblerCleaned up misc. compile warningsConverted XCode project to
latest XCodeFixed IFD about box linkForward searches start at end of current

--- 03/25/05 1.92

Fixed replace text, is no longer converted to upper case
(basically, my 1.90 fix broke this; it worked ... what was I thinking?)
Fixed replace not pasting hex values in (also broke by 1.90 "fix" ... ouch!)
Fixed crash in find dialog with key presses (window check moved to top layer)
Updated Mac OS X icons (got corrupted at some point)
Added option to turn on/off Opening the File Dialog at launch
Fixed problem where resizing a window more than once could cause multiple
(as seen in comparing files where after finishing scrolling no longer worked)
Minor cleanups to project files
--- 10/31/04 1.91
Added bundle information to allow Mach-O build to handle drag-n-drop files
Added Anton Rang's fix for bad characters in a menu name. Much better solution :)
Fixed bug where finding text at beginning of file would stop further finds
Fixed Option-Delete (clear) not moving selection to left, as delete normally does
Fixed problem where 2nd file comparison window did not display (set to negative
height)--- 09/09/04 1.90Fix opening of one-fork files with drag and drop (drags are
now always opened in smart fork mode)Fix Overwrite mode stopping overwrites before
last byte of fileFix Overwrite mode adding bytes to file (no bytes to overwrite
past eof!)Changed menu option "non-destructive delete" to "destructive delete"
(correct name)Checked all icon resource files in in mergable resource fork format
(MacCVSClient)Checked all resources in in mergable resource fork format
(MacCVSClient) (this fixes correct problem with checkouts from CVS having no
resource data!)Added the pre-built 68K application to CVS (so no need to
rebuild ... can't w/CW7 or later)Updated webpage links in applicationRemoved all
old Projector checkout resources from any files where they still existedUpdated
documentation to reflect these changesAdded documentation on keyboard usage to docs
fileClear key now clears byte to right if no selection is madeClear (key and menu
item) now moves cursor to next insertion point after clearUpdated handling of
Backspace, clear, and edit "clear" menu to be more consistent (clear always
zeros for instance, and BS/Del are non-destructive when appropriate)Updated the
Source Forge website with new links, images, corrections, etc.Fix find dialog's
replace code (was working, but code was wrong)Add ability for finding to wrap in
fileAdded "replace and find next" search feature (replaces current text with
replace text, searches for next matching find string)Replacement text is no longer
converted to upper case if "ignore case" is checked (option should have only
effected the find string!)If nothing to find, all find/replace menu options open
the find dialog for youPressing "option" w/replace click in find dialog is
replace/find next.Find dialog's Replace only happens if there is a selection!
(replace all happens always)Added keyboard modifiers for various program items
(menus/editing/dialogs) to documentaitonZoom state is now smaller for large files
(big window) and larger for small files (small window)Find forward/back & Replace
will operate on first edit window, if any (allows search in find dialog)Option-
Delete is same as Clear keyFixed non-destructive behaviour in ASCII panePrefs now
default to non-destructive delete in overwrite mode--- 09/30/03 1.89fix date in
history logfix find bug (was not able to find after first occurance)fix replace bug
(was finding next occurance before find)--- 08/14/03 1.88Massive speed increase for
Replace All (no user interface updates until finished!)Replace now shows what was
replaced (ie, the replacement bytes) in the destination windowFinding a string in a
window no longer brings that window forward (ie, leaves find window on top)Fixed
printing rectangle (Ron Langley)Fixed highlighting of differences in file compare
(probably fixed in v1.86/1.87)--- 01/14/03 1.87 (cvs only, no official release)
Fixed icon for main app (can't include during build, must copy/ idea why)
Give time for compare events to arrive before showing open file dialogNew test file
in documentation folder shows how to have HexEdit compare files via AppleScript
Added compare options to specify fork in AppleScript (with option "rsrc"/"data")
Fixed crash if an AppleScript tried to compare a file to itself, now returns
duplicate file errorRelease code now has traceback labels so that crash logs
(gasp!) are useful12/05/02 1.86 (cvs only, no official release)Enhanced selection
hilight code to work more like finder & work better with all color themes
Cut/Copy/Paste/Clear menu items are now availabe in dialogs (ie, Find)
Cut/Copy/Paste keys work again in dialogs under Mac OS XFixed ability to cancel
search/compare ops (broke by speed increase!)--- 10/31/02 1.85re-wrote the search
routine to get a 100x speedup! (650MB search in 1.25 minues vs 120+) (now manages
chunks directly, and chunks are now 128K instead of 30K each)re-wrote file
comparison routines in same manner as new search codeonly a single file comparison
routine (instead of one for match and one for diff)Outlines are in grey instead of
black, which works better for any color schemere-wrote the selection hiliting code
to come out closer to selection hilite in textedit Due to multiple color lines
we can't use "hilite" mode for "InvertRect" so I used a strange pen mode, the
hilite color and got pretty close. Doesn't work for all color schemes, just like
text edit's hilighting. Still, pretty close & looks better!Files used to be limited
to one chunk in memory at a time (although the system seemed designed for more
than that). Now there can be multiple chunks, and each file is limited to a total
RAM limit for loaded chunks (1MB on carbon, 128K on other systems). This should
speed up some editing.08/18/02 1.81 (cvs only, no official release)Added a new
entry (Divider Lines) to the color schemes (per Uli, plus Sage and Aqua schemes)
Moved Color Schemes and templates to seperate fileMoved About box and related
resources to seperate fileAbout box now uses "auto scroll" control, fixes OS X
stagger, left basic code in for 68K build. (Uses either appearance or normal about
resources, depending on runtime.)Fixed bad use of special menu chars in window/menu
stringsShow errors opening files w/drag & drop open (but not print)Used
FSGetCatalogInfo to preserve unix permissions (and who knows what else :)Only use
AppearanceManager 1.1 (from Mac OS 8.5 on) which have functionality we needColor
menu checkmark now shows color of current window (instead of global setting) (also
fixes bug of double-selecting a color turning checkmark off)No more "default"
color, that's now Ocean and "Aqua" is now the default (much nicer scheme!)---
04/29/02 1.80Removed per-window offscreen drawing surface (a single color capable
offscreen is now used for all windows)Single offscreen means memory usage goes WAY
DOWN, a very good thingSingle offscreen means flickering of selection no longer
happensSingle offscreen means slower drawing speed, only noticable on older MacsRe-
arranged the distribution files for a cleaner layout that is more user-friendly
Windows zoom is now restricted to full line height at window creationOpen/Save
dialogs now get prompt at load, including Nav dialogs!Re-layed out window to handle
files of huge size (ie, 8 chars for hex addresses!)Re-layed out header to reflect
larger file size handling (8 chars per hex address!)Positioning of vertical lines
now relative to body draw position (in code)Major re-arrangement of EditWindow.c to
be easier to followWindows no longer grow below bottom of screenFixed problem where
data file w/no resource fork didn't display correct error messageCleaned up some
opening code (to not duplicate functionality)Fixed a few memory leaks when failing
to open a file's forkFixed a possible condition that could leave files openNo
longer resize the window when you try to re-open an open fileMax window sizes now
take into account the doc in OS XFixed update of outline in ascii area, bottom
right edge was 1 pixel shortAdded an error specific to saving files when the
original is moved or deletedUpdated error message on missing resource forks so
explain what's happeningScrolling speed of drags now gets faster the further from
the window the mouse goesFixed cut not copying selection deleted; it does now, just
like copy :)Windows open to better default sizes nowAlerts now belong to the window
from which the error occursFile compare now uses currently open windows by default,
when availableHolding "Option" when selecting Compare Files menu option forces file
selection dialogsMenu routines now passed the key modifiers state (see above,
below)Holding "Option" when selecting a color will change the color of only the
front windowBy default, changing the color now changes the color of all open
windows!You can now go to the start/end of a file with Option-Up/Option-Down
(Home/End)New option to cause page up/down to only move display, not change edit
cursor positionComparison mode now allows available menu command keys to workNon-
Destructive delete in insert mode is now just that, non-destructive!Now accept
"Clear" key and Option-Delete to "clear" a selection to zerosAdded seperate color
entry for dark body color (was based on bar color previously)Added a few new
colors, and updated some of the other colors (sure wish someone would create a
set of colors that looked good :)Minimum Window size is now 10 linesAdded EF's
changes to the way window clicks are handled, for better OS X usageAdded EF's
carbon events code to allow mouse wheel to scroll window contentsTrying to go to an
address outside of the window's file size signals error with a beepOptimized some
calculations of window display positionWhen scrolling in very large files we now
always position to the first byte of a display lineFixed problem with tabbing
between hex and ascii fields, (boolean ops on non-booleans bad) most enums are now
typedefs so they can be used as data types (see above fix for example :)---
<unreleased> 1.77Incorporated file compare window changes from Nick PissaroMajor
re-arrange of main.c to be easier to followRemoved all "CompareFlag" references,
now pass type of window to functions (effects SizeWindow, file open routines,
etc.)--- 03/20/02 Version 1.76fixed DisposeChunk to check for NULL window (fixes
replace all crash) thanks to Ben H.fixed printing in classic (removed check for
error on PrValidate, it doesn't return errors)about box now invalidates rect in
carbon build to try and get better speed in os xcarbon precompiled header include
now from carbon support folderupdated project to have carbon builds look in carbon
support folder firsterror
alert into debugger updated for new universal headersfixed about dialog box scroll
speed in OS X (speed now based on time elapsed)updated all source to include CVS
version/edit informationupdated copyright datesprefs now set vertical bars on by
defaultcreated new default color scheme (slightly modified turquoise)color is now
on by defaultupdated pref version # to force above prefs changes on everyone :)---
12/17/01 Version 1.75Added Replace and Replace All functionality! (Available the
Find dialog)Can no longer open files twiceAll file access is now thru FSp calls
(saves code and allowing all machines to open files starting with periods)
Updated file open error message to reflect likelyhood of already open filesEmpty
fork warnings now work! (ie, if a fork is empty, you are warned about the
fact before it is opened)Use a Carbon v1.1 function just to require that version or
later. (this is an attempt to fix the crash under CarbonLib v1.0.x)
Adjusted position of elements in file compare prefs dialog for OS XAdded OS X
Project Builder project (compiles, links, starts runs, but can't debug)Fixed bad
sizing of scroll barsFixed problem with scroll thumb moving when clicked on (but
not dragged)Compare files now uses an open window if existing for a selected file
Adjusted sizing of compare windowsAdjusted size of HexEdit windows, fixing 10th
column being squashedAdded NEW pentagram icon by Lane RoatheAdjusted speed of about
box text for MacOS X (Carbon)Adjusted find/replace dialog for MacOS X--- 8/12/01
Version 1.74added live scrolling (based on code sent in by Brian Bergstrand
<>Cleaned up ControlActionProc, now properly localmajor
cleanup to live scrolling code (added CalcScrollPosition)Fixed not saving resource
fork when updating filesFixed not setting EOF when saving filesFixed infinite loop
when swapping search dialog to back w/invalid dataFixed crashing about box
(although it may be that the fix was a new CarbonLib!)Fixed crash when closing one
of the compare files windowsAdded some compile-time checks for 68K and non CW items
NEW option to copy data unformatted: formatted (default) = AA AA AA
unformatted (option) = AAAAAA(NOTE: only applies to HEX copies, ASCII copies
always copy raw binary data!)Cleaned up some scrap usage in carbon buildsWindow
dirty flag is set at lowest modification levels instead of a bunch of higher levels
NEW option, "Non-Destructive Delete" which is only available in overwrite mode
(when editing this mode causes "Delete" to zero the byte behind the cursor,
or the current selection if there is one, instead of deleting the
byte/selection).Added a few "spare" pref enteries so that we can add prefs w/o
reseting them in future builds--- 6/6/01 Version 1.72Modified options menu to be a
bit more understandableFind menu options now match dialog buttonsFixed scroll limit
calculations so that all lines are always visible & scroll bar set correctlyFixed
erasing of undrawn area to erase partial ending of lines
(ie, when window not limited to full lines)Removed all &0xFFFFFFF0 && << 4
references since we may not always have 16 bytes per lineFind forward/back are now
disabled if edit window not in front, is empty or search string is emptyRevert now
puts up a dialog to confirm revert since it zaps all changesMovement keys to
before/after file now deselect if shift not pressedFilenames in menus/windows are
now stripped of bad characters (meaning that displayed names may not exactly
match, but won't break app either!)searchWin & gotoWin are now searchDlg and
gotoDlg since they are dialogsReverting a file now sets the file as unchanged
Switching from the find dialog to an edit window now sets the search textRemoved
duplicate error alert resource (it was unused)Icon used in dialogs has been changed
for consistancy with standard applicationsPartially hidden line at bottom of window
now reflected in selection inversionChanged Redo Delete to Redo Editing (cause
delete almost never made sense)Added a colon after Len in hex status barTested on
7.6 PPC (non-interface or appearance) and 7.55 68K machines ... works now!HEct
template is now for Resourceror by defaultAdded font face/size STR# resourceDrawing
routines can now work w/most any mono font and size!Enlarged many dialog controls
to account for stupidly large size of OS X font!Increased the search speed under
Carbon even more by only checking for aborts every 4K bytesFixed non-appearance
open dialog usage (caused crash on 8.1 and older systems)Made
InternetConfigLib,NavigationLib,AppearanceLib, and InterfaceLib weak linkedAdded a
few new contributors to the about boxUndo/Redo is no only available for the window
the change was made forUndo buffer is now disposed when corresponding window is
closedFixed editing an empy fork (ie, a new file) displaying garbage in first line
Fixed saving files when backups were on (temp files now use ^ suffix, backups use ~
suffix)Fixed "find again" not search for second item (plus cleaned up code)Fixed
slowness of find, it was over agressive on the CheckForAbort call, now 15x as fast
Fixed ability to click on first two characters of the ASCII data columnImproved
click sensitivity withing the Hex data column (esp. for last hex byte)Implemented
Nick Shanks's v1.71 changes relating to selecing Appearance or standard window
Implemented Greg Branche's changes (a few bug fixes and MPW build capability!)Minor
code cleanup and interface tweaks--- 4/15/01 Version 1.70Fixed many bad uses of a
WindowRef as a DialogRef (ie, if dialogRef == FrontWindow() fails on OS X!) (As a
side note, this also fixe the not pasting on entry...very cool!)Changed all uses of
"FrontWindow" to "FrontNonFloatingWindow" in carbon builds (sourcce is all this
usage, but non-carbon builds macro out to FrontWindow)Fixed printing (and prettied
it up a bit in the process)Fixed menus not being set after AppleEvent opens, closes
Navigation (open/save) dialogs no longer system modalReset the cursor on entry to
About dialogRenamed HiOrder ASCII to Show Extended CharsFixed cursor selectionFixed
printing (actually non-printing) of 0x7F charsWindow menu updated after any
open/close of editing windowFixed searches to look at EOF before starting, and >=
instead of ==Pasting to Carbon build no longer crashes, but on entry can't paste
(can w/switch)Added routine to set window namewindow names now include fork info
(fixes window menu confusion bug as well)Removed fork info from header, replaced
with selection lengthCheck for cmd-. in file comparisonWindow proc is now 1031, not
8 (might not work for non-appearance systems)Removed DrawGrowIcon call in update,
fixes very minor flash in updatesFixed window menu selection code to avoid crashing
w/null access if window not foundCreated new routine to set window nameWindow names
now reflect if they are the data or resource windowAdded a new routine to menus to
get a menu item corresponding to a windowMoved the version resources to their own
fileModified the project to set the correct flags in release builds (custom icon,
etc.)Fixed a bad (Boolean) conversion with the menu code, which was causing "Edit
Other Fork" to fail to find an existing window on occasion (if the last byte
happened to be '00') because it coerced a Handle into a Char!Fixed all the lines
per page calculations! Many a bug are fixed :) (inspired by Scott, who sent in a
try at a printed page lines per page fix)Printing errors in Carbon now report error
codeRemoved MaxWindowHeight constant since this is calculated nowRenamed
MaxWindowWidth to HexWindowWidth since it's a constant (not sizeable)Added new
pref, partialLines, to control constraining window resizing to full lines (or not)
Fixed zoom to be 1/2 height, not moving to the right ... huh?Min window height no
longer based on scroll bar size (not there!)Major cleanup to the drawing code ...
what a mess :(Got tired of not knowing what was a constant and what wasn't (use
kConstant, MACRO)Dang, SBarSize was being used for the # of bytes per line! Fixed!
Added Zoom ability to carbon buildFixed Zoom - it was flat broke! (no idea why
moving it right was considered a "zoom") (note: Window's actually start fully
zoomed, and zooming unzooms...should this be changed?)Merged in Scott E. Lasley's
printing code (what a guy!)Prettied up a bit of drawing/printing outputFirst pass
at cleaning up printing code so printing is actually usable :)Made a few local
routines static and renamed to _functionName formatFixed about box not handling URL
clicks (forgot to check in AboutBox.h)Fixed NULL window ptrs to CarbonLib in
UpdateMenus (g.searcWin, etc.)--- 02/13/01 Version 1.66Fixed bad conversion of undo
records to pointers (reverted to records)Fixed various NULL reference potentials
having to do with using FrontWindowFixed a few bogus uses of ObjectWindow refs from
a non-edit window via GetWRefConAdded ability to cancel searches with Command-. or
EscapeRemoved the last of the english strings to the resource fileRe-wrote unique
name routine to create more readable filenamesDisplay new window filenames (instead
of a bogus generic name)Fixed new windows not being able to edit other fork (fsSpec
not initialized!)Cleaned up sources for SourceForge CVS & added license commentsNew
text files and names for easier useNew directory structure for SFMerged Nick Shanks
1.66URL's now attached to About linksFAT Carbonized applicationFixed SaveAs problem
(and made sure no lingering (EditWindowPtr) coersions existed!)Fixed Goto/Search
dialog paste crashes (involved re-writing HandleMenus!)Nick Shanks added a Window
menuOption menu was re-arranged a littleMoved mac_Offscreen code to EditWindow.cNav
services dialogs are now movable modalPressing TAB switches the edit cursor between
the Hex and ASCII panesAdded the ability to click on the URL's in the about box to
launch a web browserAdded Fat Carbon post-linker to the FAT build, so that it
builds an intelligent FAT app (note: I licensed Fat Carbon for HexEdit, so
it's legal to ship with this :)Nick Shanks seperated the headers out into more
relavent filesAdded the licensing text to each source file for SourceForge
distributionRe-arranged the directory structure to help with CVS distributionRe-
arranged some of the support text files for CVS distributionIcons are now a
seperate resource file so that you can create/choose what you likeSome very minor
bugs and code cleanup went on as well--- 01/01/01 Version 1.65Re-arranged menus,
thanks to Stephane Moureau for the suggestion!Comparing a file against itself is no
longer allowed! (Stephane Moureau)Lines per page count was one short, fixed (found
via bug where select all didn't select last line, per Stephane Moureau)Find dialog
disables Match Case option for hex cause you can't match case in hex (per
Stephane Moureau)File Compare no longer retries selections if canceled at second
selection. (per Stephane Moureau)Pasting bad information no longer creates an undo
event (per Stephane Moureau)The "debug" button was removed from the main error
dialog. (Press "OPTION" when clicking the dismiss button to drop into the
debugger.) (Of course, if you don't have a debugger you will crash!)All
alerts and dialogs were cleaned up to conform to UI guidelines and not be so
ugly :)Edit other Fork & Compare files options are now in the File menu, where they
make senseRenamed some other menu items to make things a bit more logicalFixed a
weird problem with files being disposed of during editing. How'd that happen?!?
Spelled Avocado correctly (per Stephane Moureau)Goto Address was messing with the
"Address:" text as a user item, for reasons unkown to me.Goto dialog is now
modeless :)Find dialog now ALWAYS has find buttons disabled if no text entered :)
(dang global vars!)Cleaned up references to and use of dialog and alert ID'sHi
Order ASCII option was not being set on load (per Toru Yoshizawa)Print menu text
now now in a resource (STR# 129) to enable localization (per Jean-Jacques
Cortes)Pretty new icons provided (including 32 bit) by Jean-Jacques Cortes!'dlgx'
resources now included to make HexEdit appearance manager friendly (per Jean-
Jacques Cortes)Labeled string resources to make localization task easierDisplay
selected area (start and stop, both same for position with no selection).
Suggested by Adrian WaltiAdded 'Home' and 'End' keys to go to beginning and
end of file respectivelyChanged selection update method to always update header
Updated the readme file to be accurate with all the changesChanged version and
readme files to times and added some styling for readabilityRe-wrote the copy/paste
functionality for better system performance and CarbonizationChanged the manner in
which copies operate: Hex side copies ASCII hex, binary side copies
binary (raw) data Hex side always pastes binary, binary side pastes raw
clipboard (ie, hex copy pastes ascii rep in binary colum) ("bad" ASCII hex
representation will paste as binary data instead of erroring out)Removed the
"shift-copy" feature, since we now have this automated methodColor selection is
only enabled for valid windows. (ie, a B&W window can't be changed to a color
window!)Header strings now in STR# resource for localizationError strings now in
STR# resource for localization. Also contain more information (like the error
code :)Fixed window proc id (not sure how it got messed up)Goto Address menu option
is how Cmd-J (to conform to CodeWarrior and other "standards")Find and Goto dialogs
now remember position within a single run (positions NOT saved between runs)
Adjusted window size to always show complete lines by default (David Emme)Fixed
"Edit Other Fork" opening a new window instead of selecting a open window
(Stephane Moureau)Fixed headers drawing in incorrect color during background
updatesFixed minor menu enabling glitch when no windows were openDisabled the
printing options under Carbon until I get Carbon/OS X printing workingAdded really
cool new about box! (Now contributors can get their names listed where everyone
sees them :)--- 09/23/00 Version 1.6 (never released publicly)First pass at
Carbonization! Scrap & Printing needs finishing, and I'd like make it superfat.
Thanks to Nick Shanks and George Warner for their efforts in Carbonizing
HexEdit!Carbon version uses Navigation Services.Many intrnal modifications to the
code for Carbon compatibilityFixed (for good?) the bad case of opening files (-34).
For some reason, having the check for locating a unique filename withing
the "while" statement caused the error to be ignored at times, and then a
bogus random name would be created.Fixed lock up when the find window or compare
dialog was open.Added optional vertical bars (based on mod sent by David Emme)Find
dialog is not visable during setupFind dialog buttons no longer flicker (thanks to
Max Horn)Find dialog accepts return or enter as acceptanceUpdated to CWPro 6 (for
ease of Carbon support)Optimization level now set to max and smaller code size.---
05/10/00 Version 1.5Made promise to self to update HexEdit web site so people know
I actually work on HexEdit :)Moved all preferences to prefences structure.Made
preferences actually work. (can't believe this bug was never reported!)Fixed bug
w/appending ~ to max length filenames (temp files, reported by Ritchie)Fixed memory
leak in DisposeChunk (reported by Nick Shanks)Finally found where the bogus errors
were being generated on file opens & fixed it! (historical note; the routine
to ensure unique temp filenames was very buggy) (darn: still a bug w/opening
new windows returning an error -34 on occassion)Integrated modifications by Nick
Shanks (appearing in Nick's 1.3 release): Made search buttons disable when
there's nothing entered for which to search Shifted scroll bar, removed
footer and tidied up codeAdded Color Schemes, based on idea by Nick Shanks. Off by
default due to memory usage (historical note: it's a bad idea to use
"SetPortBits" on color windows!)You can create/edit color schemes by editing the
'HEct' resources in HexEdit. If you create a cool cheme and want it included in the
next HexEdit release, just send me the scheme's 'HEct' resource.Note: Using color
windows takes 8�32 times as much memory! So, if you are short on memory, have a
large desktop (1024x768 or higher) or want lots of open windows, turn "Use Color"
off (ie, it's not checked) before opening windows. HexEdit will remember your color
usage preference the next time it is launched.--- 11/30/99 Version 1.4.3Fixed
system hilight color support reported by Tim Herzog.Added Tim's ASCII cut/copy mod.
From Tim:�Basically if you hold down the shift key when you cut/copy, it copies the
selection to the system scrap in ASCII not in binary, so the TEXT scrap resembles
the display in HexEdit. It's handy when you want to copy the asii representation,
not the pure binary.�--- 8/19/99 Version 1.4.2Fixed bug reported by Jean-Pierre
Melkonian (don't test for case in hex searches!)--- 6/5/99 Version 1.4.1Fixed bug
reported by Jonathan Write, where deleting text could corrupt a fileImproved menu
operation, as reported by Aaron D. (ie, open works w/find dlg active)Updated to
CWPro 5 and turned on optimizations for PPC build--- 8/31/98 Version 1.4Preferences
are now saved in the active system preferences folderChanged "ignore case" to be
the default search methodSome interface cleanupA few VOODOO integration adjustments
Fix "Edit Other Fork" option--- 7/16/98 Version 1.3.1Added "ignore case" option to
Find dialog.Fixed HexEdit's use of CPU time (was always 99%), now it's 5%
foreground, <1% background)If activated w/file compare windows open, display file
compare dialog. (ie, if VOODOO activates us to show differences, then replicate
Compare Files operation.)Open Dialog is back at startup, but only if not started up
to do a file compare.Removed a few DebugStr's that could confuse users--- 6/24/98
Version 1.3Added support for VOODOO AE compare suite.HexEdit no longer starts up
with the open file dialog (required by above change)--- 4/19/98 Version 1.22CWPro
r3 projectFixed a few bugs related to empty data/resource forks (still a few hard-
to-fix ones remaining, but should no longer crash.)--- 8/2/97 Version 1.21CWPro r1
multi-target & MSL re-compile (added 15K too, sigh)Fixed a crash bug when trying to
insert data into an empty forkAdded warning to potential future crash bugs (should
never occure)Sources no longer require OLDROUTINENAMES to compile--- 6/6/96 Version
1.2Now a "fat" application, sources Universal Headers happyAdd better file compare,
allow setting compare optionsAdd ability to switch between both forks of a file
Remove all warnings from the compileFixed a few bugs relating to Power PC usage---
11/9/95 Version 1.1 (unreleased) (note: Dave Polaschek also released a "fat"
v1.1!)Compiles with CodeWarriorFirst pass at "file compares"--- These are Jim
Bumgardner's original revision comments ---9/25/94 Version 1.0.7Fixed bug: scroll
bars weren't deactivating on deactivate eventAllows Quit and Close while Search
Dialog is open.Added 'BINA' file type to bundle.9/22/94 Version 1.0.6Fixed cosmetic
bug that caused multiple window refreshes to get mixed up (if you had more than
one window open, the wrong contents would be dislayed when you switched from one
window to another and clicked in the window).12/14/93 Version 1.0.5Fixed editing
bug that occured when you typed in some chars, then positioned the insertion
point to the beginning or the middle of those chars and deleted a char.12/13/93
Version 1.0.4Fixed bug that caused HexEdit to crash on SEs, Portables, and other
B&W macs.Fixed scrolling bug that occurred on very large files.Improved redrawing
speed on very large files.Eliminated cursor flashing when HexEdit is in background.
Greys out menus when windows are closed.Added Freeware message to about box.9/10/93
Version 1.0.3Fixed a couple nasty bugs that caused HexEdit to behave erratically on
files that couldn't fit in memory. The bug caused HexEdit to crash and not
save these files properly.8/30/93Cmd-W Closes Find WindowRemoved ellipses from New
menu itemEdit+Find menus dim appropriately8/23/93Changed ok button to say "Goto"
instead of "Search" on goto dialog.Changed Cmd-Key shortcuts to be more MPW
compatibleFixed some menu items to disable when windows are closedAdded Select All
Added better About BoxFixed Cursor I-Beam problem.7/8/93 Version 1.0.2Changed
length display to decimal when appropriateFixed resizing window bugRemoved
"preferences" from edit menuMade checkmark preferences permanentAdded Backup File
toggleAdded support for Zoom Box.Windows can be resized up to max size.7/6/93
Version 1.0.1Removed dependence on system 7, 32-bit quickdraw.Fixed bug with radio
buttons on open file dialog.Sped up display for selecting.7/4/93Added Overwrite
toggle switchAdded Goto Address7/2/93Added Ascii/Hex Search7/23/93Version 1.0

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