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Pembuatan Film animasi pendek 2D "Pulang Kampung"

Dengan teknik "frame by frame"


Teknik digital pembuatan animasi terbagi menjadi 2 teknik utama yaitu teknik frame by frame dan
computational. Teknik computational dirasa lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan teknik frame by frame.
Karena sebagian besar pengerjaannya dibantu dengan perhitungan komputer seperti key frame,
shapping, ataupun motion. Teknik computational kurang bisa diterapkan untuk konsep ekspresi wajah,
ataupun gerakan-gerakan continoues. Sedangkan teknik frame by frame memungkinkan analisa gerakan
dilakukan pergambar. Teknik frame by frame dirasa mampu memvisualisasikan animasi dengan
ekspresif, dan pergerakannya tidak hanya sebatas pada pergerakan rotasi dari sumbu x dan y namun
bisa memutar dengan sumbu z.

Teknik yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah teknik frame by frame untuk membuat film animasi 2d
"Pulang Kampung".

Kata kunci : animasi 2d, teknik frame by frame, teknik computational.


The digital technique of making animation is divided into 2 main techniques namely frame by frame and
computational techniques. Computational techniques are considered easier than the frame by frame
technique. Because most of the process is assisted with computer calculations such as key frames,
shapping, or motion. Computational techniques are less applicable to the concept of facial expressions,
or continuous movements. While the frame by frame technique allows motion analysis to be carried
out. The frame by frame technique is felt to be able to visualize animation expressively, and its
movement is not only limited to the rotational movement of the x and y axes but can rotate with the z

The technique used by the author is the frame by frame technique for making the 2d animated film
"back to hometown".

Keywords: 2D animation, frame by frame technique, computational technique.

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