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࡚ġġដ ѮᢊသϛॳᏰོବᄇࡨ‫ܒ‬ϛॳࢺแӰᔖńŐŗŊŅĮIJĺ࣫௑፡ᐌϞ࡚ដ

ਢǴࣗԿȨคཀ໔ȩௗ᝻COVID-19 ዴບ‫܈‬ᅪ՟ঁਢǴऩӢԜᏤठတύ॥ი໗ྣៈԋ঩ǵࣗԿ୏ે

тόϞү 嗽䎮炻⊭㊔㉥埨ˣသഋЅ૓ഋCT烊(3) 䃉㱽塓

㟡㒂World Stroke Organization (WSO)䵚䪁 㳩䦳炻ᶼ⺢嬘天㚱டߞ೩ॎ‫ޟ‬CTᐠᏢ烊(4) ⛐
ᶲ䘬ȾStroke Care and the COVID19 Pandemicȿ 㱣䗪忶䦳ᷕ炻ᾅ㊩冯慓昊デ㍏䕓ね⮰⭞䘬⭮↯
(https://www.world-stroke.org/news-and-blog/ 倗专烊(5) 憅⮵䔹Ụᾳ㟰炻ӵ൐ᐿ੾‫ܘ‬ϛ໌՗IV
news/stroke-care-and-the-covid19-pandemic)⮰㪬 rt-PAˣ᷎⛐॒ᔆ‫ܖ‬டߞ೩ॎ‫ޟ‬Ֆᆓីኇࡉ忚
ᶳ炻㚱ᶾ䓴⎬⚳儎ᷕ桐䄏嬟⛀昲䘬㈽㚠炻⎗䘤 埴EVT烊(6) 慓嬟Ṣ⒉ᶨ⭂天䨧㇜ᾳṢ旚嬟姕⁁
䎦㬌䕓ね⮵⎬⛘儎ᷕ桐忈ㆸ䘬⼙枧ˤẍ⋿杻䁢 (PPE)烊(7) 憅⮵⎬慓昊ᷳ攻⿍⿏㱣䗪怑ㅱ䕯䘬
ἳ炻朊⮵䔹Ụᾳ㟰㗪㚫⃰ ┱柕䮑㩊炻㬌冱⼰ 姽Ộ炻溻⊝ἧ䓐忂妲姢⮇烉ሉຽᚂᕛ‫ܖ‬Ⴋၗྱ
⎗傥㚫俥婌➟埴≽傰埨㞻䦣昌㱣䗪(EVT)䘬㗪 ོˤ
攻炻⚈侴姙⣂㗪῁⎒㓡ἄ儎悐CT᷎㕥ㇻ朄傰埨 ⛐⽟⚳炻⃀䭉ṾᾹ䡢姢ᾳ㟰ḇ⼰⣂炻Ữ㴟
㞻㹞妋∹(IV rt-PA)烊㬌⢾炻᷎ὅ䄏㍍妠⎚␴䕯 ⽟⟉ᷕ桐ᷕ⽫䘬慓䗪ⷠ夷ṵ傥两临䵕㊩炻⊭㊔
䉨Ἦ 桐晒↮Ⰼ炻ἧ䕭か␴慓䗪⛀昲⛐廱復⍲ ℐ⣑῁䘬EVT㱣䗪炻ᶵ忶ṾᾹ㚱㈲EVT⛀昲↮
㱣䗪㗪傥 ⥍┬䘬旚嬟㍒㕥烊⬠㚫ㆸ⒉ḇ⶚⛐ ㆸၶЍԙষᎈੲ‫ڙ‬炻ẍ性⃵㔜ᾳ⛀昲ᶵ⸠悥⍿
妶婾炻⛐䵲⿍ね㱩ᶳ㩊㞍天ἄ⇘⣂娛䳘ˣ㗗⏎ ⇘䕭㭺⼙枧炻᷎ᶼḇ惵⎰⚳⭞㓧䫾炻㈲⍇㛔儎
㚱‫ۡݲ‬МӇ૖߳៖ᚂᕛღ໥ջӰ૊ᇲ‫ݽ‬ᕛՄ‫ڧ‬ ᷕ桐≈嬟䕭㇧䘬⸲ỵ㷃⋲ẍὃ℞Ṿ慵䕯䕭か暨
‫ڽ‬೰ˣẍ⍲廱復廱昊䘬㓧䫾ˤ⛐㕘≈✉炻䚖⇵ 㯪ˤ⛐伶⚳㚱⣏夷㧉ᾳ㟰Ἦ多䘬ね㱩ᶳ炻ṾᾹ
⣏⣂㔠儎ᷕ桐ᷕ⽫➟埴䘬⿍⿏㱣䗪炷IV rt-PA⍲ ⶚⮎晃怕忯COVID-19䡢姢ᾳ㟰䘤䓇⿍⿏儎ᷕ桐
EVT炸ṵ两临忳ἄ炻Ữ㚫叿慵⛐娊⓷䕭か䘬㍍ 䘬ね㱩炻⛐ᶨ忋ᷚ䘬姽Ộ⼙⁷㩊㞍⍲EVT㱣䗪
妠⎚⍲␤⏠忻䕯䉨烊⍿⇘庫⣏⼙枧䘬⇯Ⱄ⽑‍ ᷕ炻忯⇘䘬⓷柴⊭㊔烉廱復忶䦳ᷕ⚈䁢䭉嶗墯
䕭㇧⍲攨姢䘬忳ἄ炻ẍ⍲姙⣂慓⬠妶婾ㆾ㔁做 暄⎗傥⡆≈㙜曚㗪攻炻䚉⎗傥姕妰䁢COVID-19
暨㓡ㆸጣΰ໌՗ˤ ᾳ㟰⮰Ⱄ䘬CTㆾMRI room炻性⃵⡆≈ᶵ⽭天
⛐㚨㖑䆮䘤ᾳ㟰ˣ嗽䎮ᶲḇ䴻槿庫⣂䘬ᷕ 䘬栗⼙∹㲐⮬炻侴ᶼ屈⡻䘬埨䭉㓅⼙⭌⸦᷶ᶵ
⚳Ἦ婒炻ṾᾹ㚱⇞⭂ᶨ⣿㳩䦳Ἦ嗽䎮⇘⿍姢䘬 ⬀⛐ˤ⃀䭉㰺㚱ᶨᾳprotocol傥⮎晃ㅱẀ㇨㚱ね
儎ᷕ桐ᾳ㟰烉(1) ⃰婧㞍㍍妠⎚ˣ橼㹓⍲␤⏠忻 㱩炻Ữ慵溆㗗天䚉⎗傥ˬኸ៩ശωϽ˭冯ˬၥ
䕯䉨烊(2) ㌺昌COVID-19侭⮯䄏ᶨ凔ᷕ桐㳩䦳 ྛശσϽ˭ˤ

DOI: 10.6318/FJS.202003_2(1).0001


Ᏸོ࡚ដȈ ࣫‫ޱ‬炻劍䫎⎰䈡㬲⿍⿏ᷕ桐㱣䗪ᷳ怑ㅱ
ᶨˣ溻⊝⎬慓昊冒埴㒔⭂⚈ㅱCOVID-19䕓ね 怑䔞旚嬟ˣCOVID-19⁛㝻䕭⁛㑕ᷳ桐
ᷳࡨ‫ܒ‬ϛॳprotocol炻⊭㊔stroke code⤪ỽ 晒⿏⎗㍏冯慓䗪傥慷ᷳ㈧庱傥≃⎗屈㑼
┇≽ˣCT⤪ỽ➟埴ˣẍ⍲⼴临ỷ昊⸲ỵ婧 ᶳ炻⎗侫ㄖ忚埴≽傰ℏ埨㞻䦣昌㱣䗪炻
⹎ˤProtocolㅱ䈡⇍叿慵⛐䕭Ṣ↮㳩炻⮯檀 ょㅱ䔞㕤➟埴⇵⮑ヶ㌺昌䃉䕯䉨⁛㝻侭
⹎㆟䔹冯ᶵ⣒⎗傥䁢COVID-19ᾳ㟰⽆⿍姢 ᷳ⎗傥⿏ˤ
㩊 崟炻⯙崘ᶵ⎴㳩䦳ˤ ᶱˣ溻⊝⎬慓昊㍐⺋ሉຽ೽ଉຨᄆᷳ≇傥炻ᶵ
Ḵˣ⃀䭉䚖㧁ṵ㗗⾓忇㱣䗪仢埨⿏ᷕ桐䕭Ṣ炻 婾㗗stroke codeᾳ㟰ˣ⿍姢ㆾ䕭㇧ᶨ凔㚫
Ữ䚖⇵憅⮵COVID-19䡢姢ᾳ㟰㍍⍿⿍⿏ᷕ 姢䘮䃞ˤ⎗冯慓昊⎬䥹悐⓮妶⤪ỽἧ䓐ㇳ
桐㱣䗪ᷳ⇑⺲嫱㒂⯂㛒⃭嵛炻ᶼㅱẍᾅ嬟 怲⎗䓐ᷳ埴≽忂妲䓊⑩炻䓙䤆䴻䥹怈嶅㚫
⎬慓昊ᷳ䤆䴻䥹慓嬟Ṣ⒉冯EVT⛀昲䁢㚨 姢䕭か炻㷃⮹ᶵ⽭天ᷳ㙜曚桐晒ˤ
⣏侫慷炻憅⮵ẍᶳℑ䧖ᶵ⎴桐晒Ⰼ䳂ᷳᾳ ẍᶲᶱ溆ℙ嬀炻ᷫὅ䄏䚖⇵⎘䀋䕓ねṵẍ
㟰↮徘ᷳˤ ⠫⢾䦣ℍ䁢ᷣˣ暞㗇䣦⋨ᾳ㟰ᷳね⠫⍣㧉㒔ˤ
(1) COVID-19ጂຨএਰ炻ㅱ朆ⷠ⮑ヶ姽Ộ Ữ㚱揹㕤䕓ね晐㗪悥⛐嬲⊾炻劍⮯Ἦ㚱⣏夷㧉
䈡㬲⿍⿏ᷕ桐㱣䗪ᷳ⽭天⿏ˣṢ⒉⬱ℐ 䣦⋨デ㝻䘤䓇㗪炻㚫ℵ婧㔜ẍᶲ⎬枭⺢嬘ˤ
㈧庱傥≃⼴炻⎗侫ㄖ㕤䫎⎰COVID-19 ⎘䀋儎ᷕ桐⬠㚫⸜庽慓ⷓ䘤⯽⥼⒉㚫
⁛㝻䕭デ㍏㧁㸾ᷳCT⭌ˣ埨䭉㓅⼙⭌ (⎘⣏慓昊昛⽿㖲ˣ㜿⎋攟⹂∱㾇⻀ˣㆸ⣏慓昊
⍲䚠斄旚嬟姕⁁ᶳ忚埴䈡㬲⿍⿏ᷕ桐㱣 ⬳䡏⥵ˣ㕘㦻慓昊嫅捖春)㒔⭂
䗪ˤ ⎘䀋儎ᷕ桐⬠㚫䦀㚠嗽ˣⷠ⊁䎮ḳˣ䎮ḳ攟⮑⭂
(2) COVID- 19ᅸխএਰȂ‫ۨܖ‬ড়Ⴄᚔİᔮ 2020⸜5㚰1㖍


Taiwan Stroke Society Recommendations for Hyperacute

Stroke Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chih-Hao Chen1, Chi-Hung Liu2, Pi-Shan Sung3, Cheng-Yang Hsieh4, on behalf of
Young Stroke Neurologist Development Committee of Taiwan Stroke Society, approved
by the secretariat, executive directors and chairman of the Taiwan Stroke Society
Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan.
Department of Neurology, Tainan Sin Lau Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan.

During the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, balance must be made between the benefit of
efficacious hyperacute stroke management and the risk of infectious exposure of stroke team members.
Based on current clinical experience and experts’ opinions around the world, Taiwan Stroke Society
proposed temporary recommendations for hyperacute stroke management on patients with confirmed or
suspected COVID-19 diagnosis, or patients under home quarantine or isolation status. We also suggest each
hospital to develop protocols or algorithms tailored for local situation. The core concept is to minimize the
risk of exposure and to maximize available medical resources to combat this pandemic while maintaining
proper and ideal stroke management.

Even with the best efforts of many disciplines ŕũŦġŕŢŪŸŢůġŔŵųŰŬŦġŔŰŤŪŦŵźġ

within Taiwan, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ųŦŤŰŮŮŦůťŴĻġ
neurologists and other members of acute stroke
care teams may come into contact with patients 1. Encourage individual health care institutions
under quarantine, or even become unknowingly to mandate COVID-19 acute stroke protocols,
exposed to patients with suspected or confirmed including methods and timing of stroke code
COVID-19 diagnosis. This may cause members initiation, brain CT examination under adequate
of the acute stroke care team or the endovascular protection, and arrangement of hospital beds.
thrombectomy (EVT) team to be quarantined for The protocol should specifically emphasize
14 days, severely hampering the care capacity of patient triage, including a separation of patients
stroke patients. In the unfortunate event of a valued with a low risk from those with a high risk of
member of our team being diagnosed with or even COVID-19 during ER triage assessment.
passing away because of COVID-19 would be a 2. While our goal should always be the rapid
grave loss to our medical community and nation. treatment of acute stroke patients, due to the
Therefore, in order to maintain a high standard prioritization of the protection of our acute
of acute stroke care and the safety of our team stroke care and EVT team members, we
members, we must be cautious in our approach of recommend risk-stratification management of
managing the situation in this difficult time. the following two groups.


A. For patients with confirmed COVID-19 and the capacity of healthcare resources can
diagnosis, judicious evaluation must be be guaranteed. However, the possibility of
paid to weight the benefit and necessity asymptomatic COVID-19 patients or patients
of acute stroke intervention, the safety of with mild clinical symptoms should be
medical crew members, the risk of infectious carefully evaluated before the procedure.
spreading, and the capacity of healthcare 3. We recommend all health care institutions to
resources. Specialized acute stroke treatment implement telemedicine facilities on acute
may be considered while adequate protection stroke code patients and patients who require
including dedicated CT and angiography neurological consultations, to allow neurologists
rooms adherent to COVID-19 infection to remotely evaluate patients and reduce
control guidelines, and sufficient personal unnecessary exposure.
protective equipment are available. We made the above recommendations with
B. For patients with suspected COVID-19 the understanding that Taiwan has a majority of
infection, patients under home quarantine confirmed cases being from abroad and has only
or home isolation, intravenous thrombolytic sporadic community transmission. However, with
therapy (IVT) should be considered as the the everchanging nature of the pandemic, should
first-line treatment. EVT can be considered large-scale community infections occur, the above
if adequate protection can be achieved, the recommendations will be adjusted to protect our
risk of infectious spreading can be controlled, valued team members.

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