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(Activities 1 and 2 are mandatory and the third one optional)

Activity 1
Discuss the following questions with your family members casually and write the answers:.
1. What colour are your eyes? Do you like this colour? If you could change the colour of your eyes
with coloured contact lenses, what colour would you choose?
2. Whose eyes have you got – do you have your mother’s eyes or your father’s eyes?
3. Have you ever had an eye test? If so, why?
4. Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? If so, what for? If not, do you know anyone who wears
5. Do you ever wear sunglasses? If so, why – always only to shade your eyes or sometimes
as a fashion accessory?
6. Do you know anyone who has had a black eye? If so, how did s/he get it?
7. Have you ever had ‘double vision’? If so, how did it happen?
8. Which eye do you wink best with? In what situations do people in your country wink?
9. Do you know anyone who can raise one eyebrow or cross their eyes? Can you do either?
10. Which famous person do you think has beautiful eyes? Explain why.

Activity 2
Complete the sentences with the following words in the correct form:
look (at) see watch
1. He can’t come to the meeting at 2.00 pm because he is......................the Managing Director then.
2. Have you.......................................the new George Clooney film?
3. She....................................her children playing in the park for an hour before she took them home.
4. We spent the evening.....................................old photographs.
5. Student: ‘I’m sorry but I didn’t have time to do my homework.’ Teacher: ‘I..........................’
6. They........................................several televisions in the shop but they didn’t buy one.
7. Mother: ‘What are you doing?’ Son: ‘I’m....................................TV.’
8. Be careful!........................................out!
9. After the cataract operation he could......................................perfectly again.
10................................, I have already explained this twice and I am not going to explain it again.
Activity 3
Use the following questions to begin a conversation with your friends around.
1. Would you like to be an optician or an ophthalmologist? Why/not?
2. Why are two eyes better than one?
3. In which jobs do you think 20/20 vision is absolultely necessary? Explain why.
4. Why do people often enjoy looking at images, paintings and designs which trick their eyes?
5. In what ways do animals and insects see differently to humans? (e.g. Can they see in
colour, or see at night?)
6. What eye problems are most common in the elderly in your country (e.g. cataracts, glaucoma)?
7. What can be done to prevent or cure common eye problems in the world?
8. How much does a pair of glasses/contact lenses cost in your country?
9. What do you do with old pairs of glasses – throw them out or donate them to charity?
10.How can people be encouraged to donate more money to charities which help people
with eye problems?

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