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Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683

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A techno-economic analysis of biodiesel biorefineries: Assessment of integrated

designs for the co-production of fuels and chemicals
Anestis Vlysidis, Michael Binns, Colin Webb, Constantinos Theodoropoulos*
School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work we explore the concept of integrated biorefineries, and we examine alternative schemes for
Received 2 March 2011 the co-production of biofuels (biodiesel) and chemicals (succinic acid). Four different biorefinery
Received in revised form schemes considering the different uses of crude glycerine from the biodiesel process are simulated and
27 April 2011
compared: (i) the disposal of crude glycerine as a waste, (ii) the purification (through distillation) of
Accepted 27 April 2011
crude glycerine to 80%, (iii) the purification of glycerine to 95%. and (iv) the production of succinic acid
Available online 14 June 2011
from glycerine through fermentation. For the latter, we consider the bioprocess that converts the glycerol
to succinate, and a downstream separation process that purifies and crystallises our product to the final
Glycerol surplus
succinic acid crystals. To apply complex kinetics for the fermentation we have linked Aspen Plus (2006.5)
Biodiesel with Matlab (R2007b), where we have used the experimentally-based unstructured model from Vlysidis
Sustainability et al., 2009 and 2010. We first determine the operating parameters of the fermentor that have a signif-
Succinic acid icant effect on the economics of this scenario, i.e. the cycle time of the batch fermentation and the water
Multi-objective optimisation flowrate entering the bioreactor. Subsequently, we perform single- and multi-objective optimisation to
Life cycle analysis maximise the profit and/or to minimise the environmental impact of the overall process. We then
analyse and compare the economics of the four different biorefinery schemes by using well-known
profitability and/or emission criteria. Furthermore, we carry out sensitivity analysis that takes into
consideration price variations for the most important materials and we extract firm conclusions about
the profitability of each scenario. It is found that succinic acid co-production can enhance the profit of the
overall biorefinery by 60% for a 20 years plant lifetime. These results indicate the importance of glycerol
when it is utilised as a key renewable building block for the production of commodity chemicals.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction increasing energy demand we also need to decrease the environ-

mental impact that energy usage is associated with. Renewable
Nowadays, the quest for alternative energy sources to meet the resources such as the sun, wind, water and biomass can partially
growing global energy demands is continuously rising, as the replace fossil fuel consumption to meet the global energy demand
population and prosperity levels increase worldwide [1]. Although while simultaneously decreasing the environmental impact [2].
fossil fuels seem to be sufficient as an energy source for more than Similar issues exist in the transportation sector where the
50 years due to the discovery and exploitation of new oil and gas market is governed by petroleum derivatives such as gasoline,
reserves, they are eventually due to be depleted [1]. Moreover, the kerosene and diesel. In the last decades, there has been a large
extensive use of petroleum, coal, and natural gas has caused increase in energy consumption and demand worldwide as the
a number of environmental issues with global warming being the number of cars, airplanes and freight transport have greatly
most crucial [2]. Therefore, in addition to finding ways to meet the increased [3]. Alternative renewable fuels are bioethanol and bio-
diesel which are produced from biomass. Although these biofuels
constitute only a small fraction of the total fuel produced for
Abbreviations: BMC, Bare Module Cost; CEPCI, Chemical Engineering Plant Cost transportation, recently, they have been receiving increasing
Index; DPBP, Discounted Payback Period; FAME, Fatty Acid Methyl Esters; FCI, Fixed interest worldwide [3]. Many governments in the EU have imposed
Capital Investment; IRR, Internal Rate of Return; NPV, Net Present Value; PBP, directives and have instituted legislations promoting the produc-
Payback Period; ROI, Return On Investment; USP glycerine, Pure Glycerol according
to the specifications of United States Pharmacopeia.
tion and use of biofuels [4], while in the US similar targets are in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 161 306 4386; fax: þ44 161 236 7439. place [5]. The aim is to reduce the dependence on petroleum
E-mail address: (C. Theodoropoulos). through the use of nationally/regionally/locally produced biofuels,

0360-5442/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4672 A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683

while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions [4]. Many studies have, therefore, focused on novel technologies to
Although, global bioethanol production is much higher [6] than valorise the main biodiesel by-product stream (see [22,23] and
that of biodiesel, the latter is mainly supported in the EU and its references within). A number of options have been investigated using
production has increased from 0.8 Mt to 9.1 Mt over the last 10 glycerol for the production of various chemicals using catalysts and
years (2000e2009) [7]. 65% of the world’s biodiesel was produced biocatalysts like 1,3-propanediol [22]. Moreover, new bioroutes have
in the EU in 2009 [8]. been explored such as the routes to succinic acid [24e26] and ethanol
Biodiesel is produced from triglycerides derived mainly from production [27] that use glycerol as a key renewable feedstock.
vegetable oils or animal fats. Recently, new oil production methods Succinic acid can be used as a building block for a number of
have been investigated such as oil produced from algae [9] and commodity and specialty chemicals [28], which makes it a very
oleaginous yeasts [10] indicating new sources of biodiesel which, interesting platform intermediate. Currently, succinic acid occupies
contrary to energy crops, do not conflict with the cultivation of land a rather small market mainly for specialty chemicals as its forma-
for food; therefore they can offer alternatives to the food vs. fuels land tion through the reduction of maleic anhydride demonstrates low
use [11]. Biodiesel has been thoroughly tested and can be used as an yields [28]. However, its production is expected to increase, since its
alternative fuel in both boilers and internal combustion engines bioconversion from sugars is a viable route, thus its market can be
either in a pure form or blended with petroleum-based diesel [12]. expanded to commodity application chemicals [28]. A succinic acid
As the popularity of biodiesel increases a number of techno- biorefinery strategy has been developed previously by Du et al. who
economic studies on biodiesel plants have been carried out in have produced a generic feedstock that can support a bacterial
order to examine their economic potential and profitability. Zhang succinate production by utilising the nutrients of wheat [29].
et al. have designed and simulated in HYSYSÒ four different Apart from the various economic analyses of biodiesel produc-
scenarios of biodiesel processes involving two different feedstocks tion the most relevant (to this study) of which are reviewed above,
(virgin vegetable oil and waste cooking oil) catalysed by two there are works that have examined the environmental impact of
different catalysts (alkali and acid catalyst). They have technically the biodiesel process and have compared it with the one of
and economically assessed and compared these schemes. Also, they conventional diesel [12,30,31]. Furthermore, Azapagic and Clift [32]
have performed sensitivity analysis and they have indicated that the have studied under the scope of life cycle analysis how to envi-
capacity and the prices of feedstock and products have a great ronmentally improve integrated systems. The authors in Ref. [32]
impact on the plant’s profitability [13,14]. A similar study has been have developed a multi-objective optimisation approach that
carried out by Marchetti et al., who have studied and compared the optimises the profits of a plant by simultaneously constraining the
economic viability of three biodiesel scenarios that use different environmental factor to the desired levels.
catalysts by using the process simulation software SuperPro In this paper, we explore how a biorefinery can benefit from the
DesignerÒ [15]. Apostolakou et al. have examined the profitability of co-production of fuels and chemicals. We simulate and compare
an alkali catalysed biodiesel plant simulated in HYSYSÒ for different four typical biodiesel scenarios that (i) dispose of or purify the
capacities. They propose that plant capacities greater than 50 kt/y glycerol to (ii) 80% and (iii) 95% with (iv) an integrated case that
are more attractive to investors [16]. Singhabhandhu and Tezuka produces biodiesel and succinic acid. We analyse and compare the
have carried out an extensive techno-economic study for biodiesel four schemes using economic and environmental indicators and we
applied in a real industry in Japan. They have estimated the profit- use single- and multi-objective optimisation to determine the best
ability of the plant by incorporating a glycerol purification process configurations for the production of succinic acid.
and have compared it with the original scenario. They have also
considered different plant costings and governmental subsidies 2. Plant investment, specifications & targets
plans [17]. West et al. [18] have investigated four different catalytic
processes for biodiesel production through HYSYS simulations. We simulate a small biodiesel plant with a total capacity of
They have concluded that the process using a heterogeneous acid processing 1 t/h of oil after the extraction procedure (see Section 2.1
catalyst is the only profitable one. Haas et al. [19] have used ASPEN below), hence a total of 7.92 kt/y for a plant operating 24 h/day for
PLUSÒ to construct a model of a biodiesel plant and have performed 330 days in a year. This results in an annual production of biodiesel
economic analysis of the resulting production cost. They have seen of 7.84 kt. The corresponding feedstock here is rapeseed
that these costs are significantly affected by the glycerol market. (19.39 kt/y) and the by-products are the crude glycerol (1.29 kt/y)
Finally, Binns et al. apart from simulating a biodiesel plant, have and rapeseed meal (11.47 kt/y). The lifetime of the plant investment
performed optimisation studies in terms of economics to find is set to be 20 years. The plant is modelled using Aspen PlusÒ.
optimum parameter values of the methanol recovery ratio and
methanol flowrate for the transesterification unit [20]. 2.1. Process description of biodiesel
Most of the above studies underline the high cost of the oil raw
materials (except for the cooking oil) and thus illustrate the The biodiesel process simulated in this study is depicted in Fig. 1.
disadvantage of biorefineries against conventional petroleum Here, we have used a configuration similar to those suggested by
refineries. Biodiesel production costs more than petroleum diesel Zhang et al. [13]. However, here we have also included an oil
and in order to be competitive it is subsidised by governments or it extraction process and we have used complex kinetics for the bio-
is exempt from excise taxes [3,12,17]. A feasible way to increase the diesel transesterification reaction obtained from the literature [33].
economic sustainability of the biodiesel industry is to valorise its The first step in our integrated biorefinery is the extraction of oil
by-products. In addition to the biodiesel there are also significant from crop seeds, which in this case involves rapeseeds containing
quantities of glycerol, which is the main by-product, amounting to 43% oil, 9% moisture and 48% solids. The oil content is an average
10% w/w of the biodiesel produced. The produced glycerol is known estimation of the different species of winter and spring oilseed rape
as crude glycerine as it is extracted together with impurities varieties [34]. The oil extraction process is carried out using first
including mainly methanol and soaps; hence it has purity of only a mechanical press that crushes the seeds followed by a solvent
50e80% w/w [21]. Purification of this glycerol could be an accept- extraction process that strips out most of the remaining oil from the
able solution however the increased global production of biodiesel rapeseed meal. The obtained oil yield from a mechanical press is
will unavoidably lead to an oversupply and a subsequent price drop 80%, which is increased with the addition of a solvent extraction
for glycerol [17,22]. unit to a final yield of 95%. These values have been provided to us by
A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683 4673

CETIOM [35] and CREOL [36]. We have included the above in our disposal of crude glycerol as a waste. In this case, the flowsheet
model also considering the equipment cost and the utility values. remains the same as in Fig. 1 and the crude glycerol is treated as
Here we have used V0.9 M and V23,300/y, respectively, which have a non-toxic waste stream from the industry incurring a cost for its
been adapted for our plant’s capacity from values provided to us by disposal. A feasible topology for each option has been implemented
CREOL and CETIOM [35,36], and Desmet Ballestra S.p.A. [37] using based on a typical biodiesel plant [13] with additional units, which
a scaling law equation as in Ref. [38]. We assume that the organic are able to accomplish both the bioprocessing and/or the separa-
solvent used here (e.g. hexane) is separated and recycled completely. tion tasks involved in each of the scenarios 1e3. We then focus the
After the oil extraction, the triglycerides enter in the trans- optimisation studies presented here on the bioconversion process
esterification reactor and react with methanol to produce fatty acid (scenario 3) since it represents the novel segment of the overall
methyl esters - FAME (biodiesel) and glycerol, which is the main plant proposed. Obviously different configurations are plausible
by-product. We have assumed here that the oil is entirely (e.g. different separation sequences), however the exploration of
composed of the triglyceride triolein which is the main component such design alternatives is outside the scope of this work. Several
of rapeseed oil. The overall transesterification reaction is: schemes are analysed in our book chapter [20] and a further

Reaction (R.1) is broken into three steps (R.2eR.4) and can yield comprehensive topological analysis will be the subject of a future
up to 99% mol-FAME/mol-Triolein. The rate expressions for these publication.
reactions were obtained from Ref. [33] using a potassium hydroxide
catalyst and the transesterification unit has been simulated and 2.2.1. Distillation of glycerol to 80%
optimised previously by Binns et al. [20]. A straightforward way to add value to the crude glycerine is by
refining it to levels that are attractive to the glycerol markets. Thus,
Triglyceride þ CH3OH 5 FAME þ Diglyceride (R.2) we add a distillation column (Fig. 2) that concentrates the crude
glycerol from 63.2% w/w to 80.0% w/w removing most of the water
Diglyceride þ CH3OH 5 FAME þ Monoglyceride (R.3) and methanol from the top of the column and extracting the crude
glycerol from the bottom. This column has 7 stages, the feed enters
Monoglyceride þ CH3OH 5 FAME þ Glycerol (R.4) at the 1st stage, the reflux ratio of the reboiler is 0.68, and the heat
duty consumed is 37866 kJ/h. The 20% w/w of the resulting glyc-
As these reactions are reversible we provide a surplus of erine stream consists of impurities such as methanol, water, FAME
methanol and an alkaline catalyst, KOH (approximately 1%) to traces that have not been separated and oil traces that have not
promote the FAME production. reacted during the transesterification process.
The transesterification reaction is followed by a methanol
recovery distillation column that recycles most of the remaining 2.2.2. Purification of glycerol to 95%
methanol back to the methanol stream for reuse. Methanol The second scenario involves the same configuration as the first
concentration in the reactor is a very crucial parameter that has one (Fig. 2) and we only change the efficiency of the distillation
a major effect on the reaction yield. Furthermore, methanol is an column in order to purify the crude glycerine to 95%. The resulting
expensive chemical that can influence the economics of the entire column is the same as in scenario 1 but with a reflux ratio of 2.59
plant; thus recycling becomes necessary. Here, we obtained the and heat duty consumed 97,365 kJ/h. Although, the column’s
methanol feed rate and the fraction of the methanol recovered from capital cost remains the same there is a difference in the energy
the optimisation work of Binns et al. [20]. The values were set to consumption as we need more energy to recover the glycerol to
165.9 kg/h for the methanol feed rate and 84% for the methanol such high levels.
Subsequently, we neutralise the catalyst by adding hydrochloric 2.2.3. Production of succinic acid
acid that reacts with the potassium hydroxide and forms potassium In the third scheme, we have used the crude glycerol stream as
chloride and water. The solid KCl is then separated and removed in a carbon source for producing succinic acid via fermentation. In
a decanter. Finally, we refine the produced FAME by a water- Fig. 3, the fermentation process that bioconverts the glycerol to
washing unit that strips out the undesired impurities contained succinate followed by a downstream process that purifies the final
in the biodiesel stream and a subsequent distillation column for product to succinic acid crystals is shown. Initially, the glycerol
a final purity of over 99.9%. stream is being diluted with water in order to get a glycerol
concentration of 3.0e7.0 w/w (%) and then is heat sterilised (121  C)
2.2. Options for biorefinery designs before it enters into the batch bioreactor. Biomass is also introduced
into the reactor through a separate stream. Although the biodiesel
In this study, we have explored three different options for the production and the downstream process are continuous processes
utilisation of crude glycerol starting from the obvious purification the fermentation step is a batch process. To tackle this problem, we
choices and including an advanced co-production design: 1) the use four bioreactors that are arranged so that succinate is
distillation of the glycerol waste stream to 80% w/w, typical initial constantly produced, i.e. when two of them operate in parallel, the
purification level, 2) the purification of glycerol to 95% USP glyc- other two are emptied, cleaned, sterilised and filled with new feed.
erine, and 3) the bioconversion of glycerol to succinic acid. We In this work, we have not considered any other nutrient
consider also the worst-case scenario (scenario 0) which is the (e.g. nitrogen or phosphorus source) that participates in the
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Fig. 1. Biodiesel production flowsheet diagram developed in Aspen Plus (Scenario 0). TRANSEST: the transesterification reactor, MEOH-REC: the methanol recovery distillation
column, NEUTRAL: the neutralisation reactor, EXTRACT: the extraction of the potassium chloride, B74: water-washing unit, RAD-2: Biodiesel purification.

fermentation process apart from glycerol. The remaining methanol from the broth followed by an evaporator that vaporises most of the
in the crude glycerol stream has a concentration of less than 1% water and concentrates our product stream (B3 and B5 e Fig. 3).
w/w and thus, this methanol content is not expected to affect the The 2.75 m3 evaporator operates at 101  C and 1 atm and apart from
fermentation process (unpublished results). Succinic acid bio- the water it also removes most of the impurities. Acetate, formate
production from glycerol is an innovative bioprocess that has and methanol have lower boiling points than succinate and thus
been examined previously in Refs. [24,25]. Where an unstructured they will vaporise along with most of the water. At the bottom of
kinetic model, taking into consideration substrate and product the evaporator we get a concentrated succinate stream with a very
inhibition and predicting the concentrations of the important low amount of impurities. Due to the large quantities of water used
metabolic compounds (glycerol, succinate, formate, acetate and for the fermentation we recycle the water back to the fermentor
biomass) in a wide range of glycerol conditions has been developed. instead of disposing it as a waste. Thus, the purpose of the distil-
Here we use the kinetic model from Refs. [24,25] to simulate the lation column B19 in Fig. 3 is to remove the methanol to obtain
fermentation process in MatLab and in Aspen PlusÒ. a water purity of 99.63%. After the evaporator, the product stream
The fermentor outlet stream contains succinate, water, the (43 e Fig. 3) enters into a 2 m3 crystallizer (B13 e Fig. 3) that
remaining glycerol, biomass, by-products (acetate and formate), operates at 4  C in order to transform the succinate into succinic
inert methanol and traces of impurities that we need to separate to acid crystals [39]. The crystals are then separated by a second 1 m2
get the desired product. Thus, after the fermentation unit a down- drum vacuum filter (B17 e Fig. 3) operating at 0.69 atm before they
stream process is added (Fig. 3) to purify the succinate produced to enter to a 10 m2 dryer (B23 e Fig. 3) operating at 70  C which
its final succinic acid form. Downstream process is facilitated by the removes all of their moisture to form the final product.
fact that our fermentation model predicts very low byproducts-to- It is assumed that both drum vacuum filters remove successfully
succinate ratios for all the initial glycerol concentrations. all the solid particles from the liquid and produce solid streams
The downstream process firstly contains a 8 m2 drum vacuum with specified moisture contents of 20% and 15% respectively. The
filter (DVF) operating at 70 kPa that separates the solid biomass small amounts of acetic and formic acid impurities that enter the

Fig. 2. Distillation of crude glycerine to GLR 80% scenario 1 (The same configuration with different column specifications works for GLR 95% e scenario 2).
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Fig. 3. Fermentation of crude glycerol to succinate and its recovery to succinic acid crystals: Scenario 3 (flowsheet developed in Aspen Plus). B2 and B4: The sterilisation of the
medium (heating and cooling respectively), B1: fermentor, B3: DVF (biomass removal), B5: evaporator, B19: water purification, B13: crystalliser, B17: DVF (succinic acid crystals),
B23: drier.

crystallisation unit are considered water-miscible, therefore in Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI) [41] to update the
comparison with succinic acid they do not crystallise resulting to equipment cost to 2008 prices. For some pieces of equipment such
a pure succinic acid product [39]. For improved performance, we as the drum vacuum filters and the fermentors, we have used
should lower the pH of the liquid in the crystalliser to more acidic scaling law equations relating the cost to size from similar exam-
conditions (pH w2) as the solubility of succinic acid in the specified ples found in the literature [38].
temperature and pH drops to values equal to 30 g/L [39].
2.3.2. Annual production cost
2.3. Economic analysis To estimate the annual production cost (CAPC) we take into
account the cost of raw materials (CRM), the utility costs (CU), the
In this study, we have also carried out an economic analysis of waste disposal costs (CWD) and some extra costs (CE) that are
the four different schemes. In the following section the costing of essential to plant operation on an annual basis (Eq. (1)).
entire plants is discussed including both capital and operating
CAPC ¼ CRM þ CWD þ CU þ CE (1)
The CRM is determined by the specified feed rates of the raw
2.3.1. Capital costs estimation materials per year multiplied by their price. The CWD is calculated
The capital cost for a new plant consists mainly of the Fixed from the annual tons of waste produced, multiplied by the penalty
Capital Investment (FCI), the land cost and the working capital cost. the industry needs to pay for every ton it disposes. Here, we have
The last two terms have not been considered since for roughly similar considered that the industry produces only non-toxic wastes.
design options, as the ones considered here, they are expected to be To calculate CU the annual energy consumption is used. This
comparable. The FCI includes the equipment purchase cost; which includes process steam for heating, process water for cooling and
we will refer to as the Bare Module Cost (BMC), and all the required electricity. In a plant there are many units such as heat exchangers
additional costs necessary to build the plant (e.g. installation of the and column reboilers that use process steam while certain equip-
equipment). These additional costs are related to the BMC through ment such as pumps and the seed press unit consume electricity for
certain factors taken from the literature [38]. energy. In this study the coolers and condensers are using only
The BMC of each unit was calculated based on correlations process water to remove heat. The process steam is generated using
found in the literature [40] which relate the specifications of each a gas boiler, which is a cheaper form of energy than electricity. The
unit (size, pressure, materials) to cost. Moreover, we have used the heating, cooling and electricity requirements for each unit are
4676 A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683

calculated from the energy balances inside Aspen Plus and utilities where: P is the annual net profit (Annual Revenues-CAPC) in V/y, i is
are calculated according to the type and the price of energy for each the interest rate, LT is the lifetime of the plant (y) and FCI is the fixed
unit. Here, we have assumed that electricity, process steam and capital investment (V).
process water have prices of 0.0772 [42], 0.0179 [43] and 0.0009 To solve this optimisation problem, we have used simulated
V/kWh [40], respectively. annealing, a stochastic optimisation algorithm written in Matlab
Furthermore, we have included some extra costs, which are vital and directly linked with the Aspen Plus simulator to facilitate the
in order to operate the plant. The most important of these are the automation of the multiple function evaluations required. This
labour, maintenance and repair of the equipment and the plant stochastic optimisation technique has been shown to probabilisti-
overhead costs. The plant requires 8 operators for biodiesel cally be able to avoid (with a proper multiple initialisation policy)
production and 2 extra for the succinic acid and downstream possible local minima present, due to non-convexities of the
process. The average salary of an operator is 28,000 V/y [16]. By underlying nonlinear system, and to eventually converge in the
summarising all the above cost terms, we have calculated the annual neighbourhood of the global optimum [44]. The lower and upper
production cost for all four cases. bounds that we set for the two parameters are [20:120] h for kk1
and [50:120] kmol/h of water for kk2.
2.4. Economic evaluation & profitability criteria
2.5.2. Multi-objective optimisation
All the above scenarios have been economically evaluated and Nowadays, a significant driver exists towards the modification of
compared using general profitability criteria [40]. The most industrial process to more sustainable routes and hence towards
significant is the Net Present Value (NPV), which gives the profit of processes of lower environmental impact down to certain levels
the plant for a certain period by considering the time value of dictated by legislation. Obviously a trade-off to maintain the profit-
money. Other criteria such as return on investment (ROI), ability of processes at acceptable levels exists. Hence, the aim of this
discounted payback period (DPBP), payback period (PBP), internal multi-objective optimisation study was to compute a set of NPV
rate of return (IRR) and gross margin are also calculated. To evaluate maxima for a chosen range of CO2 emissions upper bounds, i.e. ob-
the profitability of the different schemes we have set the lifetime of taining our set of results in the form of the corresponding Pareto
the plant to 20 years. We have assumed that the construction of the curves. Initially, we estimated the environmental impact of the bio-
plant finishes at the end of the first year and it starts to operate at refinery. For this purpose, we calculated the CO2 emissions as a result
its maximum capacity straight ahead. Working capital and land of the energy requirements of the plant. Here we used emission factors
value are not included as well as any salvage value of the plant at for steam produced by a gas boiler (0.201 kg-CO2/kWh [43]) and for
the end of the lifetime. The rate of interest (i) used in this study set electricity a much higher value (0.537 kg-CO2/kWh [42]). Parametric
to be 7% and no taxes are charged against the plant’s profits analysis with respect to the two optimisation parameters kk1 and kk2
assuming a tax support system for biofuels. indicated that 5.6 kt of CO2 emissions/y is a reasonable lower bound for
the configurations studied and 8.5 kt/y CO2 is a feasible upper bound.
We then implemented a series of optimisation runs for different
2.5. Optimisation studies
CO2 emissions/y between the lower and upper bounds to compute
the optimum NPV at different CO2 emission levels. Furthermore, we
2.5.1. Single-objective optimisation
have also performed single-objective optimisation with the
In complex schemes such as those shown in Figs. 1 and 3 con-
objective to maximise NPV by incorporating in the CAPC the envi-
sisting of numerous different units with many different possible
ronmental impact of the plant through the introduction of
configurations there are numerous operating conditions which can
a penalty price per ton of CO2 produced. The price is set to be 14 V/t
significantly affect the biodiesel production cost and the NPV of the
of CO2 [45]. Liquid and solid wastes have been included in the
plant. Here we have used the optimal parametric values found in
operational costs using a cost of disposal [40].
a previous study [20] for the basic biodiesel scheme, and we have
performed further optimisation studies on the succinic acid
2.6. Sensitivity analysis
production and purification processes to maximise the NPV of the
succinic acid scenario.
The economic performance of all the above schemes is very
Initially, we identified the parameters having the biggest effect
sensitive to the prices of raw materials and products, which usually
on the plant’s profitability. The most important parameters were
change with time. Although our estimations of material prices are
found, through sensitivity analysis, to be those related to the
based on the literature (see Tables 2 and 3) we also studied how
fermentation process mainly due to the high capital cost of the
profits are affected by fluctuations in the prices of the most
fermentor, which is dependent on its volume. The cycle time of
important raw materials and products (rapeseed, biodiesel, suc-
each batch (kk1) and the feed rate of the water stream (kk2) that
cinic acid and crude glycerol), hence sensitivity analysis was per-
enters the reactor (Fig. 3) can considerably affect its volume and
formed taking into account such fluctuations.
thus the total FCI as well as the annual revenues of the plant
because they also affect the succinate production. Moreover, pro-
3. Results and discussion
cessing more water can significantly increase the utility costs
especially for the heat sterilisation and the purification of succinic
In this section our technical and economic evaluation of
acid. The optimisation objective used here was to maximise the
scenarios 0e3 is presented and comparisons using profitability
NPV [40] with respect to the two operational parameters: the water
criteria and environmental impact factors are obtained.
flowrate and the cycle time.
3.1. Capital analysis
max NPVðkk1 ; kk2 Þ ¼ FCIðkk1 ; kk2 Þ þ Pðkk1 ; kk2 Þ
 ! The FCI values and detailed calculations are presented in Table 1
ð1 þ iÞLT 1 for all four scenarios. As expected, there is a significant increase in
ið1 þ iÞLT the FCI for scenario 3 as the BMC is almost double compared to the
rest of the schemes. Fig. 4 illustrates the distribution of the BMC for
A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683 4677

Table 1
Capital cost analysis for scenarios 0e3.

Capital cost (Million V)

Scenario 0 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

BMC 1.9353 2.0083 2.0198 3.9254
Installation (1) 0.20 * BMC 0.3871 0.4017 0.4040 0.7851
Piping (2) 0.30 * BMC 0.5806 0.6025 0.6059 1.1776
Instrumentation (3) 0.20 * BMC 0.3871 0.4017 0.4040 0.7851
Insulation (4) 0.03 * BMC 0.0581 0.0602 0.0606 0.1178
Electrical (5) 0.10 * BMC 0.1935 0.2008 0.2020 0.3925
Buildings (6) 0.30 * BMC 0.5806 0.6025 0.6059 1.1776
Yard 0.10 * BMC 0.1935 0.2008 0.2020 0.3925
improvements (7)
Auxiliary facilities (8) 0.25 * BMC 0.4838 0.5021 0.5050 0.9813
TPDCa ¼ BMC þ (1) þ (2) þ . þ (8) 4.7994 4.9806 5.0091 9.7349
Contructor’s fee (9) 0.03 * TPDC 0.1440 0.1494 0.1503 0.2920
Contigency (10) 0.07 * TPDC 0.3360 0.3486 0.3506 0.6814
FCI ¼ TPDC þ (9) þ (10) 5.2794 5.4786 5.5100 10.7084
Working capital, Land use, Salvage 0 0 0 0
Total plant direct cost.

the various parts of the plant for scenario 3. The major capital the BMC is the same for all scenarios, apart from scenario 0 where it
expense comes from the fermentors and comprises 34% of the total is slightly less as the glycerol purification column (“Rest of the
BMC. The additional 10% BMC for the downstream process results biodiesel equip.” in Fig. 4) has been excluded.
in a significant increase on the overall BMC that has an even greater
effect on the FCI as can be seen in Table 1. 3.2. Annual production cost
Also, the storage tank cost which depends on the volume of the
vessels is higher for scenario 3 as we have included an additional In Table 2, the annual production costs of the four biorefinery
tank for the recycled water. The storage capacity of the tanks schemes are shown, including all the costs comprising CE. We also
depends on the input/output flowrates of feedstocks/products and present the prices of the raw materials. It is illustrated that most of
has been designed so as to provide storage for four weeks. For the production cost (>80%) is based on the cost of rapeseed. This
scenarios 0, 1 and 2 storage tank cost is almost 20% less than value highlights the main constraint on biorefineries which,
scenario 3, since no recycled water is used. The remaining 40% of contrary to petroleum refineries, is the cost of raw materials. The

Table 2
Annual production cost of scenarios 0e3.

Annual production cost (Million V)

Price (V/t) Scen. 0 Scen. 1 Scen. 2 Scen. 3

Methanol a (1) 202.00 0.2654 0.2654 0.2654 0.2654
Rapeseed b (2) 335.00 6.4950 6.4950 6.4950 6.4950
KOH a (3) 219.90 0.0261 0.0261 0.0261 0.0261
HCl a (4) 85.43 0.0135 0.0135 0.0135 0.0135
(CRM) Raw materials 6.8001 6.8001 6.8001 6.8001
(5) ¼ (1) þ (2) þ (3) þ (4)
Energy cost
Electricity (6) 0.0772 0.0236 0.0236 0.0236 0.0402
Process steam d (7) 0.0180 0.2795 0.2829 0.2854 0.6143
Cooling water c (8) 0.0009 0.0028 0.0030 0.0031 0.0175
(CU) Total utilities 0.3059 0.3096 0.3122 0.6721
(9) ¼ (6) þ (7) þ (8)
Labour costs (10) 28,000 0.2240 0.2240 0.2240 0.2800
Maintenance, Repair (11) 0.03 * FCI 0.1584 0.1644 0.1653 0.3213
Laboratory (12) 0.1 * (10) 0.0224 0.0224 0.0224 0.0280
Supervision (13) 0.25 * (10) 0.0560 0.0560 0.0560 0.0700
Insurance, local taxes 0.04 * FCI 0.2112 0.2191 0.2204 0.4283
and royalties (14)
Plant overhead costs (15) 0.5 * 0.2192 0.2222 0.2227 0.3356
((10) þ (11) þ (13))
(CE) Extra cost 0.8912 0.9081 0.9108 1.4632
(16) ¼ (10) þ (11) þ.þ (15)
(CWD) Waste costc (17) 0.0257 (V/kg) 0.0442 0.0268 0.0295 0.0970
(CAPC) Ann. production 8.0414 8.0445 8.0526 9.0325
cost ¼ (5) þ (9) þ (16) þ (17)
Unit production cost (V/L) 0.8976 0.9029 0.9038 1.0137
Found in Ref. [46].
Found in Ref. [47].
Found in Ref. [40].
Found in Ref. [43].
Found in Ref. [42].
4678 A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683

Table 3
Annual revenues and profits for scenarios 0e3.

Annual revenues (Million V)

Price (V/t) Scenario 0 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

Biodiesel a (1) 908.00 7.1196 7.1196 7.1196 7.1196
Succinic acid b (2) 4311.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.8556
Rapeseed meal c (3) 175.00 2.0069 2.0069 2.0069 2.0069
Glycerol (95%) d (4) 350.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.2002 0.0000
Glycerol (80%) a (5) 68.80 0.0000 0.0467 0.0000 0.0000
Annual revenues 9.1265 9.1732 9.3267 10.9821
(6) ¼ (5) þ (4) þ (3) þ (2) þ (1)
Taxes 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total production 8.0414 8.0445 8.0526 9.0325
cost (7)
Annual profits 1.0851 1.1287 1.2741 1.9496
¼ (6) e (7)
Found in Ref. [16].
Found in Ref. [48].
Found in Ref. [49].
Found in Ref. [43].

main difference of scenario 3 from the rest of the schemes is that it process and can be a very critical revenue for the plant’s profitability
requires more energy for the succinic acid production and when no additional revenues exist (scenario 0). Furthermore, there
purification. is a noteworthy difference between the annual revenues of scenario
Fig. 5 demonstrates how energy consumption (in kWh) is 3 and those of the rest of the schemes which is also depicted in the
distributed within the different parts of the biorefinery for scenario annual profits. Scenario 3 is more profitable than any other case due
3. The fermentation and the downstream process account for 64% to the succinic acid production that contributes V1.86 M of extra
of the total energy consumed which is reflected on the annual annual revenues. The corresponding annual succinic acid production
utilities cost that is equal to V0.672 M/y (see Table 2). The steri- is 430.43 t/y. Moreover, it is shown that scenario 1 has insignificant
lisation units (B2 and B4 in Fig. 3) and most of the downstream higher annual profits than scenario 0.
units (e.g. the evaporator (B5) and the water purification -B19)
require a great deal of power to operate at the present broth 3.3. Optimisation results
flowrates. It is concluded that the flowrate of the water entering the
bioreactor can have a great effect on the total required energy. As we mentioned previously, for scenario 3 we performed single-
We have also calculated the total production cost per litre of and multi-objective optimisation to simultaneously optimise profits
biodiesel produced (Unit Production Cost ¼ Total Production cost and emissions by changing two critical parameters related to the
(V/y)/Total Biodiesel Production (kg/y) e see Table 2) which is fermentation process: the cycle time (kk1) and the water flowrate
increased for more complex configurations. The density value that (kk2). In Fig. 6, the results obtained from a two-parameter system-
is used for the biodiesel is equal to 0.88 kg/L. From Table 2 it is atic search are depicted. As it can be seen there is a family of optimal
shown that this rises from 0.898 V/L (scenario 0) to 1.014 V/L solutions, which correspond to high NPV values (around V9 M).
(scenario 3). Although these values are higher from the current It was also found that low cycle times (<60 h) give a negative NPV
selling price of biodiesel (0.799 V/L) and from values published in value as the bacteria do not have the appropriate time to consume
the literature such as [14,15] they are in good agreement with the glycerol and thus lower quantities of succinic acid are produced.
recent results shown by Apostolakou et al., [16]. The authors in Ref. On the other hand we can get relatively high NPV values for almost
[16] have estimated a unit production cost of approximately 0.88 all the range of flowrates (50e120 kmol/h) for proper cycle times.
V/L for low capacities (less than 10 kt/y of biodiesel) which is Very low flowrates (<30 kmol/h) can decrease significantly the FCI
similar with the value of scenario 0. We can therefore conclude that of the plant but also give very concentrated solutions that microbes
a low capacity biodiesel plant cannot be profitable without addi- cannot process fast due to substrate inhibition [24,25] in high
tional revenues from side products. glycerol concentrations.
In Table 3, we present the annual revenues as well as the annual Results from the stochastic optimisation runs with a range of
profits for the four scenarios. All scenarios produce an additional side starting points revealed a global optimum solution of 104 h cycle
product, the rapeseed meal, that is formed from the oil extraction

10% Press & Solvent Extraction
Storage Tanks
34% Fermentation &
Transesterification Reactor Downstream
Rest of the biodiesel equip.
Oil Extraction
12% 16%
5% Downstream Process 4%

Fig. 4. Distribution of the Bare Module Cost for scenario 3. Fig. 5. Distribution of the energy consumption for the succinate case (Scenario 3).
A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683 4679

Fig. 6. NPV Results from the two-parameter search taking into account cycle times (kk1) and water flowrates (kk2).

1.00E+07 NPV
NPV (€)

Scenario 3 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 0
Fig. 7. The NPV of the four schemes.

25.00% 8

DPBP (yrs) & PBP (yrs)

Gross Margin




0.00% 0
Scenario 3 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 0


Fig. 8. Profitability criteria for the four schemes.

4680 A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683

Table 4 the IRR is the interest (or discount rate) for which the NPV is equal to
Profitability indicators of the four scenarios. zero. The IRR indicates the efficiency of our investment. The higher
Scenario 3 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 0 the IRR, the more attractive is the project we invest our money in.
NPV (M V) 9.945 7.988 6.479 6.216 Moreover, we have calculated several non-discounted (time value of
IRR 17.48% 22.74% 20.07% 20.02% money is not taken into account) profitability criteria. These are the
PBP (y) 5.5 4.3 4.9 4.9 PBP, the ROI and the gross margin. The PBP is the time required to
ROI 18.21% 23.12% 20.60% 20.55%
receive back the FCI and the ROI is the percentage of that money we
DPBP (y) 7.2 5.4 6.1 5.6
Gross margin 17.75% 13.66% 12.30% 11.89% recover annually from the plant’s profit (ROI% ¼ Profit/FCI). The
gross margin is the ratio of the annual profits divided by the annual
revenues. All the above values are shown in Table 4 and illustrated in
time and 79.7 kmol/h water flowrate, which give an optimum NPV Fig. 8, which show that scenario 3 is less attractive in terms of IRR
of V9.95 M for 20 years lifetime with a 7% rate of interest. It should and ROI than the other scenarios. However, the obtained values,
be mentioned here that these are the kk1 and kk2 values that have 17.5% and 18.2% respectively, are much higher than our base case
been used to compute the results presented in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. interest rate (7%) showing a rather low investment risk. Further-
more, scenario 3 demonstrates a high value of gross margin (17.8%)
3.4. Profitability criteria as it exhibits the highest cash flow in and a high DPBP, which is 1.8
years more than scenario 2. It is noteworthy that its NPV becomes
In order to compare the above four schemes we used several lower than the one of scenario 2 for interest rates greater than 12%.
profitability criteria. Among them, the most important considered Moreover, it seems that the purification of glycerol -scenario 2 can
here are the NPV and the IRR. However, the optimisation studies contribute to some extent to the plant’s profit (highest IRR and ROI)
performed target the maximisation only of the first one. without investing much more money, which is similar to the
In Fig. 7 and in Table 4 we present the NPV of the four scenarios. conclusions extracted in Ref. [17].
Scenario 3 is found to be more profitable in the measured lifetime Figs. 9 and 10 show how the NPV and IRR drop for shorter plant
(20 years) and interest (i ¼ 7%). lifetimes. Scenario 3 gets the highest NPV from all the other cases
Apart from the NPV, we also calculate the DPBP and the IRR. The (Fig. 9) and an IRR value greater than 15% (Fig. 10) after the end of
first one is the discounted payback period to recover the FCI while the 12th year.




NPV (€)

Scenario 3
4000000 Scenario 2
Scenario 1
Scenario 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Fig. 9. NPV values versus time for all the examined schemes.




Scenario 3
Scenario 2
Scenario 1
Scenario 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Fig. 10. IRR values for the four cases with respect to lifespan.
A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683 4681

5.00E+07 Rapeseed
Succinic acid
GLR 95%
GLR 80%


NPV (€) 1.00E+07

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6


Price Sensitivities

Fig. 11. Sensitivity analysis on prices to plant’s profitability.

Table 5 greater influence for scenario 3 than the purified glycerol (95%)
Sensitivity analysis results. and the distilled glycerol (80%) have for scenarios 2 and 1, which is
Material Sensitivity slopes rather negligible. The corresponding values of these slopes are
Rapeseed 6.88Eþ07 shown in Table 5. Note that rapeseed is the only raw material in the
Biodiesel 7.54Eþ07 list; hence its slope is negative since increase/decrease in its price
Succinic acid 1.97Eþ07 will lead to decrease/increase in NPV.
GLR 95% 2.12Eþ06
GLR 80% 4.95Eþ05
3.6. LCA and multi-objective optimisation results

3.5. Sensitivity analysis The emitted CO2 is related to the type and amount of energy
consumed. For the single-objective optimum of scenario 3, it is
Results from the sensitivity analysis are illustrated in Fig. 11 and 7.0 kt/y CO2 while for scenario 2, 1 and 0 is 3.36, 3.33 and 3.29 kt/y,
Table 5, where variations in the prices (sensitivities) of the most respectively. Scenario 3 emits much more CO2 than the rest of the
important materials are considered. The reference case (prices) we schemes due to the large amounts of energy required for the
have used for the economic analysis (Tables 2 and 3) corresponds to fermentation and downstream process. We have also included
price sensitivity equal to 1. Sensitivities less/more than one corre- the CO2 that is being consumed during the fermentation by the
spond to decrease/increase in prices e.g. for sensitivity 1.2 we have bacteria as the succinate production works better under carbon
a price increase of 20% from the reference value. dioxide fixation [24,25].
As it can be seen in Fig. 11 the effect of price sensitivities on the Results from the multi-objective optimisation are presented in
NPV for the four scenarios is linear. From the slopes of the lines in the Pareto curve in Fig. 12. It is illustrated that we can lower the CO2
Fig. 11 it is obvious that the price variations that have the highest emissions by 5.7% (0.4 kt-CO2/y) with only sacrificing a small
effect on the NPV, for all scenarios, are those of biodiesel and amount (2.2%) of plant’s NPV (V9.73 M instead of V9.95 M). The
rapeseed. In addition, succinic acid price variations have a much new operational parameters are now 120 h of cycle time and



NPV (€)


4.00E+06 Scenario 3
Scenario 2
2.00E+06 Scenario 1
Scenario 0
3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
Fig. 12. Multi-objective optimisation for profits and emissions.
4682 A. Vlysidis et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 4671e4683

71.80 kmol/h of water flowrate. Thus, to lower the CO2 emissions we process modifications, alteration and/or manipulation of bacterial
should process more concentrated solutions (less amount of water) performance can enhance industrial applications on bioprocessing.
and we should also allow more time to the microbes to bio-convert Better biocatalysts can be created, by applying genetic engineering
the glycerol to succinate due to high initial substrate concentrations. methods, which can consume faster higher concentrations of crude
Another way to include environmental impact considerations glycerol. These microbes will then require less diluted substrate
into the optimum plant design is to incorporate emissions into the concentrations resulting in smaller quantities of processing water
objective function e.g. the NPV. To do so, we have included in the and hence smaller bioreactors. We believe that the combination of
annual production cost of the plant a CO2 penalty price equal to 14 overall plant simulation and economic/environmental analysis in
V/t-CO2. Optimisation results with the new objective function conjunction with process innovations can lead to efficient inte-
yielded a new optimum point corresponding to cycle time and grated biorefineries capable of producing a range of sustainable
water flowrate equal to 120.0 h and 73.51 kmol/h, respectively as fuels and chemicals.
well as and a new NPV of V8.82 M. For this new optimum point the
obtained CO2 emissions are 6.7 kt-CO2/y, which is close to the Acknowledgments
lowest emissions obtained with the multi-objective optimisation.
The financial support of the EU FP7 program SUSTOIL (ENERGY-
4. Conclusions 2007-213637) is gratefully acknowledged.

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