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Fighter by spirit: Activist by mission: Jat by birth: Cobbler by profession:

Humanitarian by choice: Gandhian by vision & action as habitually Khadi Worriers

Naresh Kadyan,
Converner, Kadyan Khap Intrernational,
Chief National Commissioner, Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds,
National Authority for Animal Welfare, OIPA: Indian People for Animals,
Member, IUCN Commission on Education & Communication,
VPO Siwana, District Jhajjar (Haryana)
................. Petitioner

1. Member Secretary, National Legal Services Authority

2. Secretaries of all State Legal Services Authority
3. Secretary General, Lok Sabha – Rajya Sabha
4. Secretaries to all State Legislative Assemblies
5. Director, National Judicial Academy
6. Cabinet Secretary to Govt. of India
7. Chief Election Commissioner
8. Secretary to Lokpal
9. General Public
................. Respondants
Respectfully showeth:

It is humbly submitted as under:

1. I am a Indian citizen by birth, born & brought up under vision that I live in
Independent Country, public servants of our mechinism of education, political,
judicial & legal awarenes system, never disclosed about dominion factor of British
Kingdom, related to India.
2. As per section 1 (i) of the British Nationality Act, 1948, Indian Citizens are British
subject, which was unchanged till British Nationality Act 1981, whereas British subject
is a citizen of Britain, reproduced as Every person who under this Act is a citizen of the
British United Kingdom and Colonies or who under any enactment for nationality the
time being in force in any country mentioned in subsection (3) cyt whip of of this
section is a citizen of that country shall by virtue of that citizenship have the status of a
British subject.
3. Whereas section 32 (4) of the British Nationality Act, 1948 : Any reference in this Act to
India, being a reference to a state of affairs existing before the fifteenth day of August,
nineteen hundred and forty-seven, shall be construed as a reference to British India as
defined by section three hundred and eleven of the Government of India Act, 1935.
4. British Nationality Act 1981, section 37- schedule 3: COUNTRIES WHOSE
As per section 50 (i) Schedule 6 : BRITISH DEPENDENT TERRITORIES: British
Indian Ocean Territory, needs ommitting British word, which unachanged till today
5. As per section 6 (3) of the Indian Independence Act, 1947, which is unchanged till
today, reproduced as the Governor General of each of the new Dominions shall have
full power to assent in His Majesty's name to any law of the Legislature of that
Dominion and so much of any Act as relates to the disallowance of laws by His Majesty
or the reservation of laws for the signification of His Majestys pleasure thereon or the
suspension of the operation of laws until the signification of His Majestys pleasure
thereon shall not, apply to laws of the Legislature of either of the new Dominions.
6. I along with my family members, raised the above said facts before the office of
President, Prime Minister of India, bearing refrence No. PRSEC-E-2017-10989,
PMOPG-E-2017-0445312, PMOPG-E-2017-0601112, MINHA-E-2017-06251, LGVED-
E-2020-00350, GOVHY-E-2017-02754 in past.
7. I moved my point of view for clarification before the Election Commission of India,
bearing refrence No. NGS-876973 & now NGS-6532130, make up my mind to
surrender voter card under protest, likewise clarification vide GNCTD-E-2020-03526
8. I moved petition under right to Information as well, bearing No. PRSEC-R-E-20-00382
transfered to MHOME-R-T-20-01195.


1. Remove dominion status of British Kingdom, amending our Indian Constitution.

2. White paper on the status of dominion, including existence of the Government of India
Act, 1935, exposing the persons accepted dominion status of British Empire.
3. Clarify that Indian Citizens were not British subject as defined British Nationality
Act, 1948 till the implimentation of the British Nationality Act, 1981, meaning hereby
that Indian Citizens being British subject were double citizenship between 1948 up to
4. British Indian Ocean Territory, needs to be abolished from the section 50 (i) of the
British Nationality Act 1981, describing schedule 6 as threat to the Indian Citizens.

Naresh Kadyan with Smt. Sharda Kadyan

Distribution in advance:

1. All Elected Representatives for necessary action, raising public voice in their respective
Houses at appropriate foreum
2. Smt. Sukanya Berwal, Commissioner of Education, based in Ahmedabad
3. Smt. Suman Kadyan with Abhishek Kadyan, settled in Canada
Scouting for British Nationality Act, 1948, searching status of Indian citizen as British
subject, unchanged even after India became a Republic:
British nationality by virtue of citizenship:
PART I. BRITISH NATIONALITY. 1.-(i) Every person who under this Act is a citizen of the
British United Kingdom and Colonies or who under any enactment for nationality the time
being in force in any country mentioned in subsection (3) cyt whip of of this section is a citizen
of that country shall by virtue of that citizenship have the status of a British subject. (2) Any
person having the status aforesaid may be known either as a British subject or as a
Commonwealth citizen and accordingly in this Act and in any other enactment or instrument
whatever, whether passed, or made before or after the commencement of this Act, the
expression British subject and the expression Commonwealth citizen shall have the same
meaning. (3) The following are the countries hereinbefore referred to, that is to say, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Newfoundland, India, Pakistan, Southern
Rhodesia and Ceylon.
PART lll: Section (32)(4) Any reference in this Act to India, being a reference to a state of
affairs existing before the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, shall be
construed as a reference to British India as defined by section three hundred and eleven of the
Government of India Act, 1935.
1. Complete details about action taken, with Noting sheets of grievances disposal
LGVED/E/2020/00350 of Legislative Department along with GNCTD/E/2020/03526,
2. Supply copy of a letter dated 10-11-1953 of Ministry of External Affairs, addressed to
Ram Narayan of Rohtak Printing Press, on subject staus of Indian Citizens under
British Nationality Act, 1948 with authitication of facts, explaining present status of
Indian Citizens under said Act 1948
3. Complete details & reasons, related to India word, which was repeatedly 4 times used
in the British Nationality Act, 1948
4. Supply me the copy of oath taken by C. Rajagopalachari as Governor General of
India, explaing his loyality towards British, similar informations related to Jawahar
Lal Nehru
5. Complete details, copies of all orders passed, including present status of His Majestys
& Governor General, describing present status as per Indian Independence Act, 1947:
Section (6)(3) The Governor General of each of the new Dominions shall have full
power to assent in His Majestys name to any law of the Legislature of that Dominion
and so much of any Act as relates to the disallowance of laws by His Majesty or the
reservation of laws for the signification of His Majestys pleasure thereon or the
suspension of the operation of laws until the signification of His Majestys pleasure
thereon shall not, apply to laws of the Legislature of either of the new Dominions.
6. Complete details, explaining Present status of India as dominion of British, descring
the status India as British Colony
7. Describe India as a Independent Country along with any proposal related to dominion
replacement or ommiting from Indian Constitution
8. Describe present status of India as Independent Country in Commonwealth
9. Describe, truth about British leased out India for 99 years long lease, status of British
Queen in India as Indian Queen
10. Burari area in Delhi, explaining complete details about Coronation Park, including all
statue installed with the reason behind, truth behing star on piller, infront of
Rasterpati Bhawan

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