Satan's Plans Exposed: New World Order

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(It contains highly sensitive information eg New World Order, Israel and the U.S.)


The master plan of Satan to deceive mankind by disguising himself as
God, robbing the True God's Plan . This includes personal appearance as
a "messiah" (False Christ) and put everyone in worship of himself as
God. The powerful prophecies of God that Satan will succeed in his plan.
How? Doing great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the
elect. (Mt.24: 24b)

We also know that the advent of this man is the work of Satan with all
power and signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception
for those who are perishing, because they received not the love of the
truth to be saved. For this reason God sends them a strong delusion to
believe a lie, so that all may be condemned who believed not the truth but
had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Ts.2 :9-12)
Satan cannot appear as Messiah without the New World Order, a social,
political and economic system. Note that to realize his plan he uses the full
force of his lies!
This plan to control the world has advanced very far between racks.
Albert Pike, founder of the Ku Klux Clan, Mason 33. degree and a
member of the Illuminati had a diabolical vision 22.1.1870 where foresaw
the need for three world wars to achieve the objective. Write about this in
the letters he wrote from Giuseppe Mazzini (

Everything has gone up here as planned, and the final third world war can
start any time, depending on the time of "spirit guides" demonic and
"enlightened masters" (which in turn is linked to God's timetable.)
"Novus Ordo Seclurum" = "New Order of the Ages" = "New World Order." This image is
in the $ 1 bill. 18-story pyramid, atop "the all-seeing eye" of the Illuminati.

Each of the significant leaders of the New World Order has its own "spirit
guides." These spirit guides are not really anything but demonic
spirits who work for Satan to get carry out his plan on earth. These
spirit guides have given lots of information about all changes must be
made politically, spiritually and economically, to reach the realm of "New
Age Christ." All these things have been told by spirit guides.So much of
the books sold in New Age bookstores have been posted by the spirit
guides. Indeed, without the supernatural guidance of the New World
Order could never be realized.

According to the plan the New World Order would have to come into
force in 2010 or soon after. The pyramid also reveals that above this (see
picture ) Pyramid was built of 13 rows of stones that mean 13 periods of
13 years. Between the pyramid and "all-seeing eye" is an empty space. In
total that would have been played 18 periods of 13 years, ending in 2010.
Since 1776 to 2010 are 234 years (= 9) 'E Pluribus Unum' means' From
many, One. " 'One', combined with the government of 234 years, it reads
- 1:234 (1234). America has always been a state that has been made of
many cultures and nationalities. However, according to the plan, in 234
years everyone would be "One" ...
Some ancient civilizations have predicted that the end of the Age would
be the 2011-12 year (Maya). The number ocultisticamente 11:11 is
important. According to the plan in 2011 would be a year of chaos
and reorganization. 2012 would be the fulfillment of the plan year and
2013 the first year of the "Fifth Dimension" or "Golden Age
Aquarius," when the new Phoenix was born. This would not try only
the U.S. but worldwide, would be born only a global state
(governed by the "Christ" = Antichrist,
compares this with the prophecies of the Bible !)

"E Pluribus Unum" Out of Many One "= The New World Order
The eagle can be seen as a Ave Phoenix, reborn from the ashes of the New World
Order. Read more about USA (USA) further down this page)

Record yourself in the memory is important ocultistamente date:

21.12.2012. This is the most likely time for the coming New World

(Note! This is the plan of the occult, not God, so may not be fulfilled)
Read more here
You have to understand that the world is governed from racks so
called Illuminati (Committee of 300, CFR, Bilderberger Group, Skull
& Bones) which is comprised primarily of the Freemasons (level 33).

The objectives of Illuminati

According to Dr. John Coleman :
(Which has already been attained has been marked with red and those that
are currently running with blue , the author's opinion page)
1. The establishment of a single international government (One World
Gobernment) reached or New World Order (New World Order)
with a unified church and a common monetary system under the
direction of them. (= Microchip, NESARA?) in the process
2. The irreparable destruction of all national identity and pride. in
the process
3. The destruction of religion, and more particularly of the Christian.
The only exception will be created for them that mentioned
the process
4. The domain of each inhabitant of the planet through psychological
conditioning techniques, with which humans and robots would
create a chilling system would be implemented. reached
5. The end of all industry and production of electric power generated
from nuclear energy, in what is called zero-growth post-industrial
society. with the help of the planned 3. World War
6. Legalization of drugs and pornography. in the process
7. Depopulation of large cities, according to the test carried out by the
Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. in the process
8. Elimination of any scientific advance except those deemed
beneficial to the Club of 300. The production of atomic energy
for peaceful purposes is one of the main targets. reached
9. Through wars of limited scope in developed countries and the
annihilation through hunger and disease in the population of
third world countries, lead by the year 2050 the death of 3000
million human beings, to those who qualify for useless food
consumers. in the process **They will not reach until 2050-Nyx**
10. Weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize the working
class through the widespread mass unemployment. When the
number of jobs decreases because of rules introduced by the Club
of Rome with a view to post-industrial zero growth, operators,
plunged into despondency and despair, seek refuge in alcohol and
drugs. Through the rock and hallucinogens is encouraged young
people to rebel against the status quo, which undermine the family
as a social institution and eventually destroy it. The company is
known as Aquarian Conspiracy. reached
11. Prevent the world people can decide their own destiny. To that end,
it will create one crisis after another, and then handle these
12. Thuggish groups promoting rock music like the Rolling Stones.
Continue promoting Christian fundamentalism, which is used to
strengthen the Zionist state of Israel. reached
13. Exported throughout the world the ideal of religious freedom in
order to undermine any existing religion and more specifically
Christian. This began with the liberation theology of Jesuit origin.
14. Cause the total collapse of the international economy and unleash
a political cos all. in the process
15. Take in hand the direction of all foreign and domestic policy in the
United States. reached
16. Give maximum support to supranational institutions like the UN, the
IMF, the Bank for International Settlements and the International
Court of Justice and, as far as possible, reducing the effectiveness of
national phase out or under the authority of United Nations.reached
17. Infiltrate
all governments and sow subversion in them internally
corroding the integrity of the nations they represent. reached
18. Organize a terrorist apparatus internationally and negotiate with
their agents every time they carry out their violent actions. reached
19. Take charge of education in the U.S.. UU. in order to bring it to
complete ruin. reached

Whatever happens, make a comparison with these objects, then you know
who are behind it and why.

More information about the Illuminati for example. here ! (English)

(Note! Antichrist Illuminati many say they are against and prevent
their plans. However, he is the father of Illuminati and brain!)

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