List of Internet Acronyms: Acronyms A To L Acronyms M To Z

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List of Internet Acronyms

Please note: An acronym (from Greek: -acro = sharp, pointed; -onym = name) in its pure form denotes a combination of letters
(usually from an abbreviation) which can be used and pronounced as a word. For the sake of clarity and readability, this definition is
not always followed within the 2 lists on this page.

Acronyms A to L Acronyms M to Z
2F4U Too Fast For You MMW Mark my Words
4YEO FYEO For Your Eyes Only N/A Not Available / Applicable
AAMOF As a Matter of Fact NaN Not a Number
ACK Acknowledgment NNTR No need to Reply
AFAIK As far as I know noob n00b Newbie
AFAIR As far as I remember / recall NOYB None of your Business
AFK Away from Keyboard NRN No Reply Necessary
AKA Also known as OMG Oh my God
B2K BTK Back to Keyboard OP Original Poster, Original Post
BTT Back to Topic OT Off Topic
BTW By the Way OTOH On the other Hand
B/C Because PEBKAC Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair
C&P Copy and Paste POV Point of View
CU See you ROTFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing
CYS Check your Settings RSVP Repondez s'il vous plait (French: Please reply)
DIY Do it Yourself RTFM Read the fine Manual
EOBD End of Business Day SCNR Sorry, could not Resist
EOD End of Discussion SFLR Sorry, for late Reply
EOM End of Message SPOC Single Point of Contact
EOT End of Thread / .. Text / .. Transmission TBA To be Announced
FAQ Frequently asked Questions TBC To be Continued / To be Confirmed
FACK Full Acknowledge TIA Thanks in Advance
FKA Formerly known as TGIF Thanks God, its Friday
FWIW For what it's Worth THX TNX Thanks
FYI / JFYI (Just) For your Information TQ Thank You
FTW Fuck the World / For the Win TYVM Thank You Very Much
HF Have fun TYT Take your Time
HTH Hope this Helps TTYL Talk to you Later
IDK I don't know w00t Whoomp, there it is; Meaning "Hooray"
IIRC If I Recall / Remember Correctly WFM Works for Me
IMHO In my Humble Opinion WRT With Regard to
IMO In my Opinion WTH What the Hell / What the Heck
IMNSHO In my not so Humble / Honest Opinion WTF What the Fuck
IOW In other Words YMMD You made my Day
ITT In this Thread YMMV Your Mileage may vary
LOL Laughing out loud YAM Yet Another Meeting
DGMW Don't get me wrong ICYMI In Case you missed it

1. The first electronic computer ENIAC weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1800 square feet.
2.  Only about 10% of the world’s currency is physical money, the rest only exists on computers.
3. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that you can write using the letters only on one row of the keyboard of your
4. Doug Engelbart invented the first computer mouse in around 1964 which was made of wood.
5. There are more than 5000 new computer viruses are released every month.
6. Around 50% of all Wikipedia vandalism is caught by a single computer program with more than 90%
7. If there was a computer as powerful as the human brain, it would be able to do 38 thousand trillion
operations per second and hold more than 3580 terabytes of memory.
8. The password for the computer controls of nuclear tipped missiles of the U.S was 00000000 for eight years.
9. Approximately 70% of virus writers are said to work under contract for organized crime syndicates.
10. HP, Microsoft and Apple have one very interesting thing in common – they were all started in a garage.
11. An average person normally blinks 20 times a minute, but when using a computer he/she blinks only 7
times a minute.
12. The house where Bill Gates lives, was designed using a Macintosh computer.
13. The first ever hard disk drive was made in 1979, and could hold only 5MB of data.
14. The first 1GB hard disk drive was announced in 1980 which weighed about 550 pounds, and had a price tag
of $40,000.
15. More than 80% of the emails sent daily are spams.
16. A group of 12 engineers designed IBM PC and they were called as “The Dirty Dozen”.
17. The original name of windows was Interface Manager.
18. The first microprocessor created by Intel was the 4004. It was designed for a calculator, and in that time
nobody imagined where it would lead.
19. IBM 5120 from 1980 was the heaviest desktop computer ever made. It weighed about 105 pounds, not
including the 130 pounds external floppy drive.
20. Genesis Device demonstration video in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was the the first entirely computer
generated movie sequence in the history of cinema. That studio later become Pixar.

Computer Facts For Kids

What do you think about when you think of a computer? You probably think about all the things you
can do on it.

It can help you with homework, you can play games and you can easily find out information that you
need, or your parents can book that next cool holiday all done from that nifty and clever device.

Here are some really cool facts about computers that you might be surprised at! Enjoy!
The History of Computers
 In 1833 a man by the name of Charles Babbage invented all the parts that are now used for a
modern computer. But it was only 120 years later that the first ‘modern’ computers were invented.

 Konrad Zuse was the inventor of the first computer in the world in 1936 and he named it the Z1.
In 1939, he created the Z2 as the first electro-mechanicalcomputer in the world.
 So computers were born, and these early computers were made in the 1940s and were around
the size of a large room and they used heaps of electricity. Can you imagine having a computer the
size of a large room? How would you be able to sit in front of it?

 Computers as we know them today only really started being made in 1980.

 In 1980, the first one gigabyte disk drive was released in the world. It was a whopping
US$40,000 with the weight of 550 pounds (almost 227kg). How on Earth did they move it?

What do Computers do?

  Well, it’s literally a machine that takes what you put into it, and then gives you some
information back. So you give it a command, just like you would your dog and it follows the command
to give you the result you want. Pretty awesome machines these are.

 Computers have something called a microprocessor that can make calculations super-fast.

 They also have a memory, or what is referred to as RAM. This stores all the information you
need when you’re not using it. It also keeps everything your computer needs to work nice and safe.
 Computers have fans to keep them cool; otherwise they’ll get too hot.

Interesting Facts about Computers

 Do you enjoy playing video games? Well there are two games that were the first ever made in
the US called Asteroids and Lunar Lander in 1980. Have you heard of them?

 Over 6,000 computer viruses are released each month.

 This is crazy! The first computer mouse ever made was made of wood.
 Did you know that you blink up to 20 times a minute? Well this is quite awesome…you only blink
7 times a minute when you’re using a computer! Must be all that concentration.
 This is pretty cool. If you open up the case of the original Macintosh, there are 47 signatures
there, which are from each member of the Apple’s Macintosh division in 1982.

 The first Apple computer ever made by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak was made from old parts
they collected for free from their staff!

 Facebook has over a billion users. If it was a country it would be the third largest in the world.

 HP, Google, Microsoft and Apple all started out of garages. Wow, and look how far they’ve come.

 Stewardesses’ is the longest word you can type with one hand. Go on, give it a try.

 When you’re all grown up and working and you use a computer each day, your hands would have
travelled 12.6 miles (about 20km) per day!

We hope you’ve enjoyed our super-cool computer facts and you can wow your friends about all your
brand new knowledge!

Words You Need to Know

Electro Mechanical Computer – a computer that runs on electricity.

Gigabyte – this is a unit of computer information

Microprocessor – a device in the computer that manages all that information and controls what the
computer does.

RAM – stands for Random Access Memory and this is the place on a computer where everything that’s
used all the time is stored and can be found quickly.

ILOVEYOU is considered to be the most dangerous virus ever created in the form of a
worm. It has the ability to replicate itself and crash the system. It arrived through e-mail
messages as a love letter from a secret admirer. When a user opens the email and clicks
on the attachment available, the virus starts its magic. ILOVEYOU, being potentially the
most dangerous virus, did not do much damage as compared to the one which was the
fastest spread virus program.

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