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CS_Ch13_EnergyResources 3/1/2005 5:29 PM Page 804

Energy Resources

Activity 1 Exploring Energy Resource Concepts

Goals Think about It

In this activity you will:

• Investigate heat transfer by the

A car moving along a mountain road has energy. It has energy
processes of conduction, due to its motion (kinetic energy), energy due to its position
convection, and radiation. in a gravity field (potential energy), and energy stored as
fuel in its gas tank (chemical energy).
• Investigate the conversion of
mechanical energy into heat.
• Classify each item below as having kinetic energy, potential
• Learn about the Second Law of
energy, or chemical energy:
Thermodynamics and how it
relates to the generation of a) a rock balanced at the edge of a cliff
electricity. b) a piece of coal
c) a landslide
d) a roller-coaster car
e) a diver on a 10-m platform
f) a car battery
g) tides

What do you think? Record your ideas in your EarthComm

notebook. Be prepared to discuss your responses with your
small group and the class.

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Activity 1 Exploring Energy Resource Concepts

Energy can neither be created nor b) With the approval of your teacher,
destroyed (except in nuclear reactions), carry out your experiment, and
but it can be changed from one form record your observations.
into another. The following activities
3. Five minutes after you fill the cup,
will help you to explore basic concepts
place your hand around each of the
that govern the use of energy.
Part A: Heat Transfer a) Which one feels hotter? Why?
Station 1
1. Put your hand close to a 100-W light
bulb and notice the heating that Be sure your teacher approves your design before
occurs in your hand. This is similar you begin. The water should not be hot enough to scald.
to the heat generated from direct Wipe up spills immediately. Use alcohol thermometers only.
Station 3
a) Describe what happens to the 1. Set up two solar cookers as shown
temperature of your hand as you in the diagrams below. One is a
move it slowly toward and away standard solar cooker and the other
from the bulb. is an identical solar cooker inside an
b) Hold a piece of paper between insulated box.
your hand and the light bulb. a) What differences do you expect in
Describe and explain the change the temperature inside the two
in temperature of your hand. solar cookers over time? Write
c) Compare and explain the down your hypothesis in your
temperature difference of your notebook.
hand when you hold it above the insulated box
light bulb versus holding it near
the side of the bulb.

Be careful not to touch the hot bulb.

Station 2
1. Which cup will keep the water hot
for a longer amount of time, a metal 2. Design an investigation to test your
cup or a Styrofoam® cup? Why? hypothesis. Your design should include
a) Write down your hypothesis. a plan to measure the temperature in
each solar cooker and to record data
2. Design an experiment to test your every minute for at least 25 minutes.
a) Set up a table to record your data.
a) Record your experimental design
in your notebook.

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Energy Resources

3. Place a thermometer in each solar 2. Imagine that you had thrown the clay
cooker and close the lids. You will into the air so that it landed on a
want to be able to read the tabletop. In your group, discuss and
thermometer without blocking the record your ideas about the
path of solar energy and without following:
opening the boxes.
a) How does the kinetic energy of
a) Record and graph the data. the piece of clay change over time?
When is it highest? When is it
4. Use the evidence that you have
collected to answer the following
questions: b) How does the potential energy of
the lump of clay change over
a) How did your results compare
time? When is it highest? When is
with your hypothesis?
it lowest?
b) What heating mechanism causes
c) How was kinetic energy
the cookers to heat up in the first
transformed into potential energy?
When did this happen?
c) What are the different heat
d) How was kinetic energy
transfer mechanisms that are
transformed into heat? When
taking place in the cookers? Use
did this happen?
diagrams to record your ideas in
your notebook. e) Find a way to represent the
changes in these three forms of
d) What mechanism keeps the heat
energy over time. Record your
from escaping?
ideas on the sheet of graph paper
e) What improvements could be that shows the path of the
made to the cooker if you had modeling clay.
to do it over again?

Be careful when you touch items after they

have been in the solar cooker. They will be hot.

Part B: Kinetic Energy, Potential

Energy, and Heat
1. The following is a thought
experiment. The graph shows the
path of a small lump of modeling
clay that is thrown into the air.
a) Copy the graph onto a sheet
of graph paper.

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Activity 1 Exploring Energy Resource Concepts

Part C: Energy Units and Conversions a) Begin a concept map to show

1. Look at the conversion table. (In this how the units are interconnected.
activity you will record all your data Complete the concept map as
in metric units. The table gives both you work through this part of the
metric and English equivalents to all activity.
the units that you will be using in
this activity. Refer to this table
whenever necessary.)

Energy Conversion Table

1 kcal (kilocalorie) = the heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water
from 14.5°C to 15.5°C
1 Btu (British thermal unit) = the heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound
of water from 60°F to 61°F
1 kcal = 1000 cal = 3.968 Btu
Force, mass, and velocity
1 kg = 0.069 slug
acceleration of gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s2 = 32 ft/s2
1 N (newton) = 1 J/m (joule per meter) = 0.225 pounds
1 m/s = 3.28 fps (feet per second) = 2.24 mph (miles per hour)
Energy and work (the mechanical equivalent of heat)
1 kcal = 1000 cal = 4184 J (joules)
1 Btu = 252 cal = 777.9 ft-lb (foot-pounds) = 1055 J
1 kWh = 3,600,000 J = 3413 Btu
1 quad (Q) = 1015 Btu
Power (the rate at which work is done)
1 W (watt) = 1 J/s (joules per second)
1 hp (horsepower) = 550 ft-lb/s = 746 W

2. Do you think that you can produce 3. Work is defined as the product of a
power equal to that of a 100-W light force times the distance through which
bulb? Obtain and weigh a steel ball. the force acts. The work needed to lift
the steel ball a certain vertical distance
a) Record the weight of the ball in
is the force (weight of the ball, in
newtons. As shown by the
newtons) times the vertical distance, or
conversion tables, a newton is a
unit of force. The weight of the W = F • d,
ball is the same as the force where W is work in joules (J),
exerted on the ball by the pull of F is force in newtons (N), and
gravity. Show your work in your d is the height it is raised in
EarthComm notebook. meters (m).

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Energy Resources

a) In order for an object to obtain or climbing stairs (how fast?).

kinetic energy, work must be done Do this as a “thought experiment”,
on it. Calculate the work necessary one that you will describe (with
to lift the steel ball to a height calculations) but not conduct.
of 2 m.
a) Record your thought experiment.
4. Power is the rate at which work is Show your calculations.
done. The power you produce when
6. The energy it took to produce the
you lift the ball is equal to the work
power to the ball came from
divided by the time it took to lift the
chemical energy. In this case, the
ball. If you lift the ball a number of
chemical energy was energy stored
times in a certain time period, the
in the food you ate for breakfast.
average power you produce is equal to
Assume that your body was 100%
the work of each lift, times the number
efficient (all of the stored energy is
of lifts, divided by the total time it
converted into kinetic energy).
took to do all of the lifting. Remember
that the work is measured in joules a) Calculate the number of times
and the time is measured in seconds. you could lift the ball to equal a
200 Calorie candy bar (use the
P = W/t
table and remember that one
where P is power in watts (W), food calorie = 1 kilocalorie or
W is work in joules (J), and 1000 calories).
t is time in seconds (s).
b) In nature, no energy change is
a) Calculate the power produced by 100% efficient. Some energy is
lifting the ball 10 times in one lost to the environment. In the
minute. Note from the table that case of lifting the ball, what form
the unit for power is the watt. does the lost energy take?
One watt = one joule per second.
7. As a class discuss the question of
5. In your group, discuss what a person whether a person can produce as
would have to do to produce as much power as a 100-W light bulb.
much power as a 100-W bulb.
a) Record the results of your
Examples include running (how fast?)

Reflecting on the Activity and the Challenge

In Part A of this activity you looked at lift a ball can be equivalent to the power
different ways that heat transfer occurs. produced by a 100-W light bulb. These
Part B helped you to understand the activities will help you think about how
concepts of potential and kinetic energy. energy is transformed into a form that
In Part C you explored concepts of you can use. It will also help you think
work, power, and units of energy. You about ways to conserve energy resources
also completed calculations to determine so that your community can meet its
whether or not the exertion required to growing energy needs.

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Activity 1 Exploring Energy Resource Concepts

Digging Deeper
Heat Transfer heat: kinetic energy of
atoms or molecules
Heat is really the kinetic associated with the
temperature of a body of
energy of moving molecules. energy flow material.
Temperature is a measure of hot kinetic energy: a form
this motion.The term heat cold
of energy associated with
transfer refers to the motion of a body of
tendency for heat to move matter.
Radiation temperature: a measure
from hotter places to colder Conduction of the energy of
places. Many of the important vibrations of the atoms or
aspects of heat transfer (see molecules of a body of
Figure 1) that you observed matter.
with the solar cooker had to heat transfer: the
movement of heat from
do with heat conduction, rising
one region to another.
which is one of the processes air absolute zero: the
of heat transfer. All matter temperature at which all
consists of atoms. At cold air
vibrations of the atoms
temperatures above absolute and molecules of matter
cease; the lowest possible
zero (about –273°C, the temperature.
coldest anything can be!), the Convection conduction: a process of
atoms vibrate.You sense those heat transfer by which
Figure 1 Three types of heat transfer. the more vigorous
vibrations as the temperature
vibrations of relatively hot
of the material.The stronger the vibration, the hotter the material. matter are transferred to
When a hotter material is in contact with a colder material, collisions adjacent relatively cold
between adjacent vibrating atoms in the two materials cause the energy matter, thus tending to
of the vibrations to even out, cooling the hot material and warming the even out the difference in
temperature between the
cold material. two regions of matter.
Conduction is the type of heat transfer you experience when you take a thermal insulator: a
material that impedes or
hot bath, when you heat a piece of metal, or when the air cools a cup of hot slows heat transfer.
coffee left on top of a table. For instance, when you put a metal pot on the
stove, only the bottom of the pot is in contact with the burner, yet the heat
flows through the entire pot all the way to the handle. Materials differ
greatly in how well they conduct heat. In thermal insulators, like
Styrofoam, crumpled paper, or a down jacket, the heat flows slowly.Thermal
insulators like these contain a large amount of trapped air. Air is a poor
conductor because the air molecules are not in constant contact. Metals, on
the other hand, are very good conductors of heat. Heat conduction is very
important in your community. Keeping your home warm in the winter

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Energy Resources

would be very difficult (and expensive) without the insulating properties of

the walls and the roof. Improving the insulation of your home by using
Geo Words insulating materials like those shown in Figure 2 can greatly reduce the
convection: motion of a fluid amount of energy needed to heat or cool your home.
caused by density differences
from place to place in the Another form of heat transfer is
convection, which is important in
convection cell: a pattern of
motion in a fluid in which the
liquids and gases.When a liquid or a
fluid moves in a pattern of a gas is heated, its density decreases.
closed circulation. That causes it to rise above its denser
electromagnetic radiation: surroundings. In a room heated with a
the movement of energy, at wood stove or a steam or hot water
the speed of light, in the form
of electromagnetic waves. radiator, for instance, a natural
circulation pattern is developed.The
hot air from the stove rises towards
the ceiling and cooler air travels down
the walls and across the floor towards
the stove.That kind of circulation is
Figure 2 Thermal insulation helps to keep
called a convection cell. Heat
your home warm. It conserves energy
needed for space heating. convection is also very important to
your community. Many of the features
of weather, such as sea breezes and thunderstorms, are caused by
convection. Also, the way that you heat or cool your home depends strongly
on heat convection.
A third form of heat transfer is
electromagnetic radiation.
Everything emits
electromagnetic radiation.
Examples of electromagnetic
radiation are radio and
television waves, visible light,
ultraviolet light, and x-rays.
Hotter materials emit more
energy of electromagnetic
radiation than colder materials.
The warmth you feel from a
hot fire, the Sun, or a light bulb
is due to electromagnetic
radiation traveling (at the
Figure 3 The Sun emits electromagnetic radiation that
warms the surface of the Earth.
speed of light!) from the hot
object to you.

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Activity 1 Exploring Energy Resource Concepts

Radiation is important to the community for many reasons. Solar radiation Geo Words
causes things in the community to be heated. Solar radiation heated the potential energy:
solar cooker. It also heats someone standing in the sunshine on a cold mechanical energy
associated with position
winter day, or a parked car in the Sun in the summer with all its windows in a gravity field; matter
closed. If a building is designed appropriately, the heat from the Sun can farther away from the
substitute for heat from other energy resources for space heating and hot center of the Earth has
higher potential energy.
water. Using insulation or light-colored reflective materials reduces solar
chemical energy: energy
heating in warmer months when heat is not desired. stored in a chemical
Energy, Work, and Power compound, which can be
released during chemical
In the investigation, you dealt with four forms of energy: energy of motion, reactions, including
called kinetic energy; energy of position, called potential energy; energy
stored in the chemical bonds of a substance, called chemical energy, and mechanical energy:
the sum of the kinetic
heat. Kinetic energy and potential energy together are called mechanical energy and the potential
energy.You know that objects in motion have energy, because of what they energy of a body of
can do to you when they hit you.The energy of motion is called kinetic matter.
energy.The more mass the body has, and the faster it is moving, the more friction: the force exerted
by a body of matter when
kinetic energy it has.When you threw (or imagined throwing) the lump of it slides past another body
modeling clay up in the air, you gave it kinetic energy.The kinetic energy was of matter.
gradually converted to potential energy.When the lump reached its highest
point, its kinetic energy was at a minimum. On the way down, the lump
regained its kinetic energy.When it hit the table, all of its kinetic energy was
changed to heat.The change in
temperature was so small that
you would need a very sensitive
thermometer to measure it.
That’s an example of how kinetic
energy is changed to heat energy
by friction.When you rub your
hands together to keep them
warm, you are converting kinetic
energy to heat by friction. Of
course, you are always
resupplying your hands with
kinetic energy by the action of
your arm muscles.

Figure 4 A coal-powered train is an example of

how chemical energy stored in coal is converted
into heat energy that in turn is converted to
mechanical energy.

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Energy Resources

In physics, the term work has a very specific meaning.Work is equal to the
Geo Words force you exert on some object multiplied by the distance you move the
work: the product of the object in the direction of the force.The importance of work is that it causes
force exerted on a body and a change in the mechanical energy (kinetic and/or potential) of the object.
the distance the body moves
in the direction of that force; When you threw the lump of modeling clay up in the air, your hand did the
work is equivalent to a change work. It exerted an upward force on the clay for a certain distance to give it
in the mechanical energy of its kinetic energy.
the body.
force: a push or pull exerted Power is the term used for the rate at which work is done or at which
on a body of matter. energy is produced or used.Think once more about the now-famous lump
power: that time rate at of modeling clay.You could have given it its upward kinetic energy by
which work is done on a body swinging your arm upward slowly for a long distance, generating low power
or at which energy is
produced or consumed. but for a long time. Or, you could have swung your arm upward fast over
watt: a unit of power. only a short distance, generating high power but for only a short time.
horsepower: a unit of power.
Whenever your muscles move your own body or some other object, you
biomass: the total mass of
are generating power.The watt is the unit of power that is commonly used
living matter in the form of to describe the power of electrical devices. Horsepower is the unit of
one or more kinds of power that is often used to describe the power of other mechanical devices.
organisms present in a
particular habitat. Converting Heat into Mechanical Energy
You have explored the idea that mechanical
energy always tends to be converted into heat
by friction. Nothing on Earth is completely
frictionless, although some things, like air-hockey
pucks, involve very little friction. Only in the
emptiness of outer space can bodies move
without friction. But how about energy
conversion in the opposite direction: from heat
to mechanical energy?
The conversion of heat into mechanical energy is
central to most of the processes for producing
electricity from energy resources.These
resources include coal, natural gas, petroleum,
sunlight, biomass, and nuclear energy. In these
processes, water is heated to produce steam.
When water boils (at atmospheric pressure) it
undergoes about a thousand-fold increase in
volume.The pressure of the steam exerts a force
that does work to increase the kinetic energy of
Figure 5 Coal is fed by a
a turbine.The steam pressure is used to turn a
conveyor into a combustion turbine that generates electricity.
chamber, where it is burned.

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Activity 1 Exploring Energy Resource Concepts

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that you can never

completely convert heat into mechanical energy. In fact, in converting any
form of energy into another, there is always a decrease in the amount of Geo Words
“useful” energy. Stated in general terms, the efficiency of a machine or Second Law of
Thermodynamics: the law
process is the ratio of the desired output (work or energy) to the input: that heat cannot be
completely converted into a
useful energy or work out
% Efficiency = × 100 more useful form of energy.
energy or work in thermodynamics: a branch
of physics that deals with the
relationships and
Electrical power plants have efficiencies of about 30%. An efficiency of transformations of energy.
33% means that for every three trainloads of coal that are burned to efficiency: the ratio of the
produce electricity, the chemical heat energy from only one of those useful energy obtained from
trainloads is converted to electricity. a machine or device to the
energy supplied to it during
Some methods for generating electricity are not based on the conversion the same time period.
of heat to mechanical energy. Hydropower and wind power are examples.
In hydropower, the mechanical energy of the falling water is converted
directly to the mechanical energy of the rotating turbine.The efficiency of
hydropower is only about 80% rather than 100%, however, because of
friction and the incomplete use of available mechanical energy. Similarly, the
wind already has mechanical energy.The efficiency of wind power is no
greater than about 60%, mainly because some of the wind goes around the
turbine without adding to its rotation. Actual efficiencies of most wind
turbines range from 30% to 40% (The windmills shown in Figure 6 have an
efficiency of only 16%.) By comparison, the efficiency of a normal automobile
Check Your
engine is about 22%. Understanding
1. What are some of the
methods for
generating energy that
are based on the
conversion of heat to
mechanical energy?
2. Describe the three
processes of heat
3. In your own words
define mechanical
4. Why can’t the
efficiency of a device
be more than 100%?
Figure 6 The efficiency of these windmills is only about 16%. Modern wind 5. Why is the efficiency of
turbines have efficiencies between 30% and 40%. a device always less
than 100%?

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Energy Resources

Understanding and Applying What You Have Learned

1. a) Explain how all of the different c) The bottom of a pan is heated
parts of the solar cooker work when placed on an electric
in terms of different heat burner.
transfer processes. d) A cold room becomes warm
b) How would you adapt your after window drapes are opened
solar cooker to make it more on a sunny day.
effective and efficient?
4. If the energy input of a system is
2. Describe how a one-liter and two- 2500 cal and the energy output is
liter container of water in the same 500 cal, what is the efficiency of
oven differ in their heat and their the system?
5. A 300 hp engine is equivalent
3. Describe how you think heat is to how many foot pounds per
transferred in the following second? In your own words
situations: state what this means.
a) A cold room becomes warm 6. When you drive in a car, energy is
after turning on a hot-water not lost, even though gasoline is
radiator. being used up. Use what you have
b) Your hand is heated as you learned in this activity to explain
grasp the handle of a heated what happens to this energy.
pan on the stove.

Preparing for the Chapter Challenge

Your Chapter Challenge is to help people to understand how mechanical
community members think about how energy is converted to heat in the
they will meet their growing energy devices they use in their everyday
needs. Draft an introduction to your lives. You might also begin to think
report. Use what you have learned in about steps that community members
this activity to explain how energy might take to improve their energy
resources are used to do work. Help efficiency.

Inquiring Further
1. Perpetual-motion machines What is a perpetual-motion
machine, and why can no one get
The United States Patent Office
a patent for one?
receives many applications for
perpetual-motion machines. All the
applications are turned down.

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Activity 1 Exploring Energy Resource Concepts

2. Improving efficiencies of electricity 4. Solar cooking applications

In your investigation, you explored
Innovative methods for power a model of one kind of solar food
generation are now being cooker. Research:
developed to improve the
• How people are using solar
efficiency of generating electricity
cookers and reducing the
from energy resources. What are
consumption of wood and fossil
some new methods for generating
fuels for cooking food.
electricity from coal, natural gas,
or oil that have improved • Where are solar cookers most
efficiencies? Visit the EarthComm commonly used?
web site to help you find this • Are they a suitable energy
information. alternative for your community?
3. History of science • How does the use of a solar
Research the work of James cooker reduce the effect on the
Prescott Joule. A Scottish physicist, biosphere?
Joule conducted a famous
experiment to observe the
conversion of mechanical energy to
heat energy. How did the
experiments help Joule to conclude
that heat is a form of energy?

Coordinated Science for the 21st Century

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