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BALUYOT VS. BALUYOT May an adulterous child file an action for recognition?

In Special Proceedings No. 1835, entitled "Intestate Estate of Yes. It is now commonplace for an abandoned illegitimate
Deceased Enrique Baluyut,' filed before the Court of First offspring to sue his father for recognition and support. Since
Instance of Pampanga, herein petitioners filed on April 29, petitioner had a subsisting marriage to another at the time
1965 a petition for intervention. The petition alleged that Merceditas was conceived, she is a spurious child. In this
petitioners have a legal interest in the estate of the deceased regard, Article 287 of the Civil Code provides that illegitimate
Enrique M. Baluyut; that petitioners-minors are the illegitimate children other than natural in accordance with Article 269 and
other than natural children by legal fiction are entitled to
children of the deceased, begotten out of wedlock by said
support and such successional rights as are granted in the Civil
deceased and petitioners' mother and guardian ad litem Norma
Code. The Civil Code has given these rights to them because
Urbano; that petitioners were conceived and born at the time the transgressions of social conventions committed by the
when Norma Urbano cohabited with the deceased while the parents should not be visited upon them. However, before
latter was already married to Felicidad S. Baluyut; that they Article 287 can be availed of, there must first be a recognition
were in continuous possession and enjoyment of the status of of paternity either voluntarily or by court action. This arises
children of the deceased during his lifetime by direct overt acts from the legal principle that an unrecognized spurious child like
of said deceased having supported and maintained them. The a natural child has no rights from his parents or to their estate
petitioners also alleged that they were deliberately excluded because his rights spring not from the filiation or blood
from the estate of Enrique M. Baluyut (pp. 10-18, Record on relationship but from his acknowledgment by the parent. In
Appeal). other words, the rights of an illegitimate child arose not
because he was the true or real child of his parents but
Felicidad S. Baluyut, widow of Enrique and appointed because under the law, he had been recognized or
administratrix of his estate, opposed the petition for acknowledged as such a child. Private respondent’s evidence
intervention (p. 20, Record on Appeal). On May 8, 1965 (pp. to establish her filiation with and the paternity of petitioner is
18-19, Record on Appeal), the trial court issued an order too overwhelming to be ignored or brushed aside by the highly
allowing the petitioners to intervene. improbable and fatally flawed testimony of Melencio and the
inherently weak denials of petitioner.
Proof of filiation of the petitioners to the late Enrique M. Baluyut TRINIDAD VS. CA
is not sufficient to confer upon them any hereditary right in the FACTS:
estate of the deceased. What is necessary to be established by Patricio Trinidad and Anastacia Briones were the parents of
three (3) children, namely, Inocentes, Lourdes and Felix. When
an illegitimate not natural child in order that he may be entitled
Patricio died in 1940, survived by the above named children,
to successional rights under Article 887 of the New Civil Code,
he left four (4) parcels of land, all situated at Barrio Tigayon,
is not the fact of his bare filiation but a Kalibo Aklan.
filiation acknowledged  by the putative parent
Arturio Trinidad, born on July 21, 1943, claimed to be the
There is no evidence as required by Article 278 which proves
legitimate son of the late Inocentes Trinidad. Sometime after
that the petitioners were recognized by the deceased during the marriage, he demanded from the defendants to partition
his lifetime as his spurious children. The petitioners' records of the land into three equal shares and to give him the (1/3)
birth, although in the name of Enrique Baluyut, were not signed individual share of his late father, but the defendants refused.
by the latter. There was no authentic writing presented nor any
statement in a court of record which would prove that the Arturio Trinidad filed, an action for partition of four parcels of
petitioners were recognized by the deceased. land. Defendants denied that plaintiff was the son of the late
Inocentes Trinidad. Defendants contended that Inocentes was
ILANO VS. CA single when he died in 1941, before plaintiff’s birth. Defendants
FACTS: also denied that plaintiff had lived with them, and claimed that
Leoncia first met petitioner Artemio G. Ilano while she was the parcels of land described in the complaint had been in their
working as secretary to Atty. Mariano C. Virata. Petitioner was possession since the death of their father in 1940 and that they
one of the clients of Atty. Virata. Sometime in 1957, Leoncia, had not given plaintiff a share in the produce of the land.
then managing a business of her own as Namarco distributor,
met petitioner again who was engaged in the same business Arturio presented witnesses to prove his position. Jovita
and they renewed acquaintances. Since then, he would give Gerardo testified that Inocentes Trinidad and Felicidad Molato
her his unsold allocation of goods. Later, he courted her for are the parents of Arturio; that Felix and Lourdes as the uncle
more than four years. Their relationship became intimate and and aunt of Arturio; and also identified pictures where the
with his promise of marriage, they eloped to Guagua, respondents were with Arturio and his family.(At this stage of
Pampanga in April, 1962. the trial, Felix Trinidad [died] without issue and he was survived
by his only sister, Lourdes Trinidad.) Another witness, ISABEL
Private respondent Merceditas S. Ilano was born on December MEREN, 72 years old and a widow testified that she knows
30, 1963 also at the Manila Sanitarium. Her birth was recorded Inocentes Trinidad as the father of Arturio Trinidad; that she
as Merceditas de los Santos Ilano, child of Leoncia Aguinaldo knew Inocentes Trinidad and Felicidad Molato as the parents
de los Santos and Artemio Geluz Ilano. Leoncia submitted of Arturio and that she was present when they were married in
receipts issued by the Manila Sanitarium to show that she was New Washington, Aklan, by a protestant pastor by the name of
confined there from December 30, 1963 until January 2, 1964 Lauriano Lajaylajay. She further testified that upon the death of
under the name of Mrs. Leoncia Ilano. Inocentes, Lourdes took Arturio and cared for him. ARTURIO
TRINIDAD, himself, was presented as witness. As proof that
After weighing the contradictory testimonies and evidence of he is the son of Inocentes Trinidad and Felicidad Molato, he
the parties, the trial court was not fully satisfied that petitioner showed a certificate of baptism, and a certificate of loss issued
is the father of Merceditas, on the basis of the following: 1) by the LCR that his birth certificate was burned during World
petitioner and Leoncia were not in cohabitation during the War 2. He also testified that he lived with Felix and Lourdes
period of Merceditas’ conception; 2) testimony of Melencio that and provided for his needs.
he frequented the apartment where Leoncia was living, took
care of all the bills and shared the same bed with her; 3) the On the other hand, defendants presented Pedro Briones who
birth certificate of Merceditas was not signed by petitioner; 4) testified that Inocentes was not married when he died in 1940s.
Lourdes Trinidad also testified that she was not aware that his
petitioner denied his signature in the monthly report card of
brother married anybody and denied that Arturio lived with
Merceditas; and 5) there is no clear and sufficient showing that them. Beatriz Sayon also testified that Inocentes died in 1941,
support was given by petitioner to Merceditas. The Court of and that Felicidad Molato had never been married to
Appeals reversed the decision of the trial court. Inocentes. The trial court rendered a twenty-page decision in
favor of Arturio. The CA reversed the decision.

Whether or not the petitioner presented sufficient evidence of July 3, 1959 up to September 3, 1961, all of which were duly
his parent’s marriage and his filation. receipted for by Nieves Cruz and/or her children and in which
receipts it is expressly stated that said amounts were "bilang
SC RULING: karagdagan sa ipinagbili naming lupa sa kanila (additional
The partition of the late Patricios real properties requires payments for the land we sold to them)", Exhibits 12, 12-a to
preponderant proof that petitioner is a co-owner or co-heir of 12-z-1. These totalled P27,198.60 which with the P20,000.00
the decedent’s estate. His right as a co-owner would, in turn, previously paid amounted to P47,198.60.
depend on whether he was born during the existence of a valid
and subsisting marriage between his mother (Felicidad) and Pending the proceedings below, plaintiff Nieves Cruz died and
his putative father (Inocentes). was, accordingly, substituted as such by her surviving children,
to wit: Arsenio, Nelo, Jaime, Andres and Amanda, all
When the question of whether a marriage has been contracted surnamed Nery, and Carmen and Armenia both surnamed
arises in litigation, said marriage may be proven by relevant Mendoza.
evidence. To prove the fact of marriage, the following would
constitute competent evidence: the testimony of a witness to In due season, the trial court — finding for plaintiff Nieves Cruz
the matrimony, the couple’s public and open cohabitation as and her buyer, Barbara Lombos Rodriguez, and against
husband and wife after the alleged wedlock, the birth and the defendants.
baptismal certificates of children born during such union, and
the mention of such nuptial in subsequent documents. SC RULING:
Inasmuch as rescission of the contract between Nieves Cruz
In the case at bar, petitioner secured a certification from the and the petitioner herein was decreed by the respondent Court,
Office of the Civil Registrar of Aklan that all records of births, the latter should be entitled to restitution as a matter of law. It is
deaths and marriages were lost, burned or destroyed during of no moment that herein petitioner did not file any cross-claim
the Japanese occupation of said municipality. Although the for restitution against the plaintiff, for her answer was directed
marriage contract is considered the primary evidence of the to the defendants' claim which was in the nature of a third-party
marital union, petitioner’s failure to present it is not proof that complaint. She was neither a co-defendant nor a co-third-party
no marriage took place, as other forms of relevant evidence defendant with Nieves Cruz; nor were Nieves Cruz and the
may take its place. In place of a marriage contract, two herein petitioner opposing parties a quo, for they joined in
witnesses were presented by petitioner: Isabel Meren and maintaining the validity of their contract. Section 4 of Rule 9,
Jovita Gerardo. It further gives rise to the disputable therefore, has no application to the petitioner's right to
presumption that a man and a woman deporting themselves as restitution.
husband and wife have entered into a lawful contract of
marriage. Petitioner also presented his baptismal certificate in We declare, consequently, that the estate of Nieves Cruz is
which Inocentes and Felicidad were named as the child’s liable to Barbara Lombos Rodriguez for the return to the latter
father and mother, and family pictures. of the sum of P77,216, less the amount which Atanacio
Valenzuela, et al. had deposited with the trial court in
The totality of petitioner’s positive evidence clearly accordance with the decision of respondent Court. We cannot
preponderates over private respondent’s self- serving order the heirs of Nieves Cruz to make the refund. As we
negations. observed above, these heirs are liable for restitution only to the
extent of their individual inheritance from Nieves Cruz. Other
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the assailed actions or proceedings have to be commenced to determine
Decision and Resolution are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The the liability accruing to each of the heirs of Nieves Cruz.
trial courts decision is REINSTATED.
ACCORDINGLY, the present petition for mandamus and
certiorari is denied, at petitioner's cost.
On December 31, 1958, in Parañaque, Rizal, by virtue of a
document denominated "Kasunduan" written in the vernacular
and ratified before Notary Public Lazaro C. Ison of that locality,
Nieves Cruz, now deceased, authorized the spouses Atanacio
Valenzuela, and Maximina Victorio and Liberate Santos to sell
a certain parcel of land of about 44,634 square meters
belonging to her and situated in Sitio Matatdo, Barrio San
Dionisio, Parañaque, Rizal, the identity of which is not now in
dispute. Among, the anent conditions of this authority were that
the price payable to Nieves Cruz for the land would be P1.60
per square meter and any overprice would pertain to the
agents; that Nieves Cruz would receive from said agents, by
way of advance payment on account of the purchase price to
be paid by whomsoever may buy the land, the sum of
P10,000.00 upon the execution of the agreement aforesaid,
and another P10,000.00 on January 5, 1959; that the balance
on the total purchase price would be payable to Nieves Cruz
upon the issuance of the Torrens title over the property, the
obtention of which was undertaken by the agents who also
were bound to advance the expense therefor in the sum of
P4,000.00 which would be deductible from the last amount due
on the purchase price; and that should the agent find no buyer
by the time that Torrens title is issued, Nieves Cruz reserved
the right to look for a buyer herself although all sums already
received from the agents would be returned to them without

As confirmed by Nieves Cruz in a "recibo", Exhibit 2, bearing

the date "... ng Enero ng 1959," the stipulated "advance
payment (paunang bayad)" of P20,000.00 was duly made to
her. Contrary to the agreement that the balance on the
purchase price would be paid upon the issuance of the Torrens
title over the land (September 9, 1960), Nieves Cruz and her
children, however, collected from the agents, either thru
Maximina Victorio or thru Salud G. de Leon, daughter of
Liberate Santos, various sums of money during the period from

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