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Khéa Nit Phap co bin Nguyé Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang, VIDEO va LOI GIAI CHI TIET chi c6 tai website MOON.VN [Truy cap tab Tiéng Anh — Khéa: Ngir Phap Co Ban (Chuong trinh Tiéng Anh 10 - 2017)] T: iéu thém Ngir Phap co’ ban Bai 5: Gidi Tw What is a Preposition? + A preposition is a word which shows the relationship between one thing and another. + It links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in the sentence. + The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the sentence. + Kinds of Prepositions > Simple prepositions: Prepositions which consists only one word. e.g. in, on, at, with, against ete. > Compound prepositions: Prepositions which consists of two or more words. e.g. instead of, in the middle of, by the side of etc... There are three types in prepositions + Place of Prepositions + Time of Preposition: “Direction of Preposit Prepositions of Place * between —-* among © behind *ontopof *nextto/by/beside * opposite ein/inside on eat *@ above © under © around / round einfrontof © below © near * outside * against ° off © into © to / towards / in *down the direction of s over —* through past © along eup * onto * across * outof Moon.vni - Hoc dé khang dinh minh 1 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang under over —= © fete - RPE vee above —round/around through among “n@ behind in front of along across: up down @ 3 AF. ~ e 5 ‘out of 4 ~*~ © 4 a mae a = iin + cities /towns / streets / the suburbs / an armchair / danger / the middle of / the queue ‘at + house number (at 23 Oxford St) / home / school / university / work / the bus-stop ‘on + the floor / the outskirts / a chair / foot / holiday by + bus /taxi car / helicopter / plane / train / coach / ship / boat / air / sea BUT ona/the bus / plane / train / coach / ship / boat - ina taxi / car / helicopter Moon.vai - Hoe dé khing dinh minh Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa Nit Phap co bin GV: Nguyén Quinh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang, EEE cities (London), towns (York), the country, a street, the suburbs, the middle of, the centre of, a in | Queue, a lie, a row, a hospital, @ hotel, a book, a newspaper, an armchair, danger, the shy, the park Idioms with in: cash, pen, ink, pencil, wring, one’s opinion, one’s hand, a way, the end ‘house number fat 23 Oxford SY), home, work, school, university, the station, the bus stop, the airport, ‘at the crossroads, the seaside, the door, the match, the bottom of, the top of (but: on top of, @ hotel, @ table, a desk ’ the floor, the outskits,a platform, foot, the streets, the way, the pavement, a wall rivers (the River Seine), the border, a farm, the screen, an island, @ beach, the coast, the right, the lft, a on tp, the menu Idioms with on: holiday, business, a journey, a trip, TV, the radio, the phone, the market (= available to the public), purpose, the way (= as | was going) ] ‘bus, tax, car, helicopter, plane, train, coach, ship boat, air, sea BUT we say: on a / the bus, plane, train, coach, ship, boat in a taxi, car, helicopter, plane Idioms with by: mistake, accident, chance ‘Compare : Tom is siting in the café. (He's inside the place). He's atthe café. (He's drinking something). At in at + clock time (at 10:30, atin + part of day (in the moming, on + day (on Monday, on New ‘noon, at night, at midnight) in the evening, in the afternoon, Year's Day) at + meal time (at lunch, at in the night) ‘on + date (on July 30th) dinner, at breakfast) in + month / season /year on + season / day + part of Phrases: at that time, at the (in January, in (the) winter, in 2002, day ‘moment, at the weekend —_in the nineteenth century (on a summer afternoon, on BUT on the weekend: American Phrases: in two hours Friday night) English | ima week / few days | month / year We never use at, in or on before yesterday, tomorrow, tonight, next, this, last, every. He's leaving next Sunday. Time Words for: is used to express a period of time She has been here for two weeks. since: is used with Present Perfect to express a starting point He has been here since Monday. ‘ago: back in time from now She met Steve a week ago. (a week back in time from now) before: back in time from then She sent me a letter last week. | had written to her a month before. (a month before last week when she sent me her letter) yet: by this time Have you seen Ann yet? / haven't seen her yet. already: before now I've already posted the invitations to the party. Have you already finished your homework? I've cooked dinner already. stil: emphasises continuity He's still working on his essay. I still care about him, despite what he did. (on time: not late / at the right time The train let on time. (not earlier or later than the stated time) in time: early enough to do something or for something He was in time for the 5 o'clock train. (Some time before 5 o'clock) Moon.vni - Hoc dé khang dinh minh 3 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa Nit Phap co bin GV: Nguyén Quinh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang, \ during (prep) + noun: from the beginning to the end of a period of time During the summer he PS) worked as a waiter in a restaurant. while (conj) + clause: when, during the time that While she was on holiday, she sent me a postcard. ): any time before and not later than You must be back by 12:00. (not later than 12:00) by the time: before They had finished packing by the time the taxi came. (before the taxi came) until til (Con): up to the time when She was at work until / tll 3:30. (up to 3:30, not later than 3:30) Till | Until can be used in the negative with verbs that show a point in time (e.g. leave, finish, start.) Compare: He won't start working until Friday. (on Friday, not before that) He won't have started working by Friday. (He won't begin til after Friday.) at: exactly at a stated time She'll be back at 9:00. (9:00 sharp) within (prep): before the end of You must finish this project within a week. (in a week's time) after (prep/coni): following sth in time You can watch TV after you've tidied your room. afterwards (adv): then, after that He went for a walk afterwards. from ... to/ til / until: The restaurant serves customers from 12:00 to 8:00 pm. 7 at the beginning (of): at the point / time sth starts There's @ contents page at the beginning of the book. in the beginning: at first, originally / found computer programming difficult in the beginning. at the end (of): at the point / time sth finishes There is a revision section at the end of the book. in the end: eventually We were thinking about going to Germany but in the end we went to Austria. Prepositions with special uses Usage of OF 1B Our modules are full of real life examples. ww Late a plate of rice and a quarter of milk. Would you like a glass of lemon juice? Inced three pieces of paper. Most of the children in my class like Education, 1B There are several ways of cooking Upma Usage of “FOR” I made this bookmark for Mom. Is there room for me on this seat? I'd like a new computer for Christmas. We're going downtown for a meeting. I made this gift for my mother. Is there place for me on this seat? I'd like a new Laptop for Next year.. Usage of “WITH” eeeeee He pounds nails with a hammer. Mix the flour with water. She painted the picture with her new paints. Would you like to come with us to the cinema? can do difficult problems with help from Mom, Moon.vni - Hoc dé khang dinh minh 4 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa Nit Phap co bin GV: Nguyén Quinh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang, EEE Who is the man with the beard? Usage of “EXCEPT” AND “INSTEAD OF” ® [like all kinds of food except Upma. ® Everyone likes chocolate except Tom. ® We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. ® You should eat fruit instead of candy. ® Dad is coming to the theater with us instead of Mom. © We could watch TV instead of reading our books. Usage of “LIKE”, “AS” and “THEN” Y Kathleen looks like her dad. Y Andrew smiles like his mother. Peter sings like a professional singer. Y Are these shoes the same as those? Y Sue is nearly as tall as the teacher. My backpack is bigger shan John’s. Y Dad is taller shan all of us. Y This painting is more beautiful shan that one. Y The neighborhood streets are less busy than downtown streets. Prepositions with Adjectives Verbs . Prepositions are used with some adjectives. @ Dad was angry with us. @ We were afraid of the big dog She's not very interested in sports. Johnis very good at drawing. Mr. Lee is pleased with our work. > The teachers are always kind fo us. @ What’s wrong with the computer? Prepositions are used with some verbs. % I'm looking for my pencil. Have you seen it? % Can you think of another word for ‘pleased: % Does this book belong £0 you? % We're listening fo CDs. Moon.vni - Hoc dé khang dinh minh 5 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa Nit Phap co bin GV: Nguyén Quinh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang, EEE % Lagree with you. % Tell me about the show you saw. % Cut the cake info five pieces. X They borrowed money from the bank. Prepositions are used with some nouns. + What's the answer fo this question? > Is there a reason for this delay? > What's the matter with you? + Here’s an example of good behavior. ¥ Congratulations on winning the competition! > Traffic can cause damage fo the environment. Moon.vni - Hoc dé khang dinh minh 6 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

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